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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Commission, Part 2: Press 1 for English
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Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-13-2020, 11:46 AM



"You had better accomplish this, Carnes. I am putting a lot of faith in you."

The men all turned, looking at the confident man who sat before them.

"If I fail, Don Hector, then you have every right to kill me."

He knew that the Don would send the assassins to find him at even the smallest slip up, and he was prepared for it. He expected it.

Hell, he even wanted it.

The Don nodded, lifting his hand and the men all stood up. They would disperse on this day and wait to hear word from him about the Carnes "situation".

As he walked out of the building, he lit a cigar. He knew he has his work cut out for him. He knew that this wasn't going to be easy. He knew he had a higher chance to fail than he did to succeed.

But he was a gambling man.

As the flame touched the leaf, he puffed a few times, sending the grey poofs into the air.

He pulls out a burner phone, flipping it open. He dials a few numbers.

"Tomás.....I just left the meeting.........Don Hector has put me in charge of handling his little......problem."

"What is the problem?"

"Two men. One long haired tourist who is back in the area after a lengthy hiatus. He's been in hiding for some time but has finally resurfaced. The other is some fat slob whose been talking about the Don, spreading all sorts of nonsense, and doing crazy shit. Making him look bad, ya know?"

He took another puff.

"I what are we gonna do?"

"We're gonna find them, and we're gonna hurt them. And hurt them bad."

There was a brief pause on the line, then he spoke.

"And what happens there some sort of commission for this? I don't do shit for free, Hanari."

Hanari looked around, making sure he was a safe distance away from anyone else. He opened his car door, got inside, and started up the engine.

"No, Tomás, when we are done with them we kill Don Hector."

There was another pregnant pause. The man on the other line spoke.

"And how do we plan on doing that?"

"He will let his guard down. We will get the job done and he will trust us. This island is going to be ours, Tomás, and if we have to beat the breaks off two puta's to do it, then so be it. I don't these guys from a hole in the wall, and I don't care. Our legacy, our crowning achievement, our all begins right now."

The man on the other line sighed, but agreed. Hanari told him where to meet and when, and he agreed to this too. They said their goodbyes, and Hanari broke the phone in half, crushing the sim card.

As he drove away, over the bridge leading out of downtown, he rolled down the window. Tossing the ruined phone out the window, it tumbled down until it was out of sight. It hit the water and sank.

Finishing his cigar, he flicked it before rolling up the window. The car dinged at him and the gas light came on.

Pulling out his real phone, he dialed a number as he pulled up to the petrol station outside of town. Pulling his credit card out of his wallet, he smiled. No longer would he need it after this week....he would have all the cash in the world. He was feeling right now like he was on top of the world. Nothing could hold him back from accomplishing his goal.



"Welcome to Bancamérica, please press one for English."



"These two cabrones, they just make it so easy. These two, polar opposites of each other, are expected to get a long, to co exist, to be successful.....but neither of these two seem to understand what a TAG match is. Both of these men are in it for themselves. Both of their ego's are the size of a small planet, and both of them feel like they have something to prove. Nickles? He has to prove he can hang with the top talent in this business and be more than just above average. Ned, well, Ned has to prove he can STILL hang with the best in this business, and that his mental strength is higher than its ever been. Both of these men have to prove to themselves that they aren't total and complete failures.

What do I mean?

It's simple. If Nickles ended his career today, what is he most known for? Losing when it counts. Sure, he won a battle royal on Savage but that's just the thing about Charlie........he wins just enough for you to give a shit about him, just enough for you to take another booking chance, then falls flat on his face while smearing egg on yours. Charlie wins just enough to keep himself feeling important (remember when he marked out super hard for a fly by night belt that even our trolls don't want?), but loses just enough to give you all hope that maybe he will win the next one. That's his game. Win, win, win, lose a big match, win win win, lose a big match. That's all he will ever be. You see Charlie, you opened your chapped lips to throw shade on Peter and I being members of Chaotic Inc. You have alienated yourself from everyone else around you, you have no backup, no respect and certainly no friends. You want to poke fun at us being in Chaotic Inc, go right ahead, but the bottom line is, we are successful. Nobody is perfect Charlie and we never claim to be. You're the only one who seems to think you're perfect. We run like a well oiled machine. Lackeys? No, no sir. We are associates. Any one of us is good enough to be thrown into the Universal Title picture at any time and give it a run for the money. You, Charlie, were nothing but the sacrificial lamb. This was Chris's shot from jump street, but there was some small hope that perhaps you wouldn't totally shit your pants on the biggest stage.......bunny turds was the goal..........but no, Charlie, you shit several Pringles can sized logs and left a smelling, fly ridden reminder of your career right in the center of then ring.


Do you think you are special because you got a Universal Title shot in your first ten matches here? Do you think that makes you somebody? It would have........but you blew it. Plus, I mean....nobody is exactly lining up to face Lacklan. They needed a warm body to foot the bill. Someone they could feed to their system and encourage along the way, giving him honors and gassing his head up, then tell him at the end that he did a good job but Lacklan was just better...........

You sucked, and suck. They sugarcoat it, I won't. They used you like the pawn you are and you played right into their hands. Checkmate, establishment. They STILL have you thinking that you're somehow better than you are because you Main Evented Relentless. They have you thinking that because you won a match against two men with a combined 1-30 record that you belong on the next level. I mean hey, you were a champion after all, right?

Oh, the simple minded and the feeble.

You want to take shots at Chris Chaos, Charles, but don't realize that he has done something you have never and will never do. He was the Universal Champion in his first 4 months of this company. Both things you won't ever accomplish. You had your shot, and you dropped the ball like a on the playground.

You can rub in my face the loss to Powers at Relentless, go right ahead. It doesn't get under my skin, because it was a hell of a match and brought in ridiculous ratings. Nobody watched your first match and already knew the outcome of the second match, so really both of your matches were pointless.

I just find it funny how you ramble on like the town drunk about our stable. Chaotic this and Inc that. Charlie, I hate to be the one to break this to ya, but I were successful BEFORE I joined. Tv Champ, Tag Champ, X-Treme Champ (though, that one was on the fringe), Charlie I didn't join Chaotic Inc to become successful, I joined it because I AM. We all are. Chaos, myself, Mandii, Gilly. We all have title history, we all have been in big matches, WON big matches, and had a name here. We came together to form a storm that would wreak havoc on this company. The more you talk, the more you sound jealous that you aren't a part of it.

You aren't good enough to be.

"Carnes couldn't even defend his belt against Reggie fucking Estrada! That's right, Carnes dropped his X-treme championship belt to the man that I PUT OUT of this business."

Oh, and by the way chico, it was a sneak attck from behind. A loop hole exploited by the bullshit 12/7 rule. A cowardly attack from behind while I was on vacation. Stop trying to amp yourself up by retiring a man whose most cowardly moment still made his career statistically better than yours. Okay so you retired Reggie, I retired Felix Jones, who really cares?

"Yeah, yeah, and he lost the belt in a sneak attack from the THUG's third best act. I'm not impressed."

So you acknowledge it was a sneak attack there, but claim I couldn't defend my belt against him above. Man those brain cells have gotta be scrambled eggs by now, Charles. Did you forget who was in the Triple Threat for the X-Title? Arguably the best in this business, maybe ever, Robert Main. And what did you do against Robert Main? Shall we remind everyone?

Thought so. Sit down, shut up, and take this loss like a man. It'll be the only thing worthwhile you've done so far.

That brings me to the nice guy, the pretty boy, the virginal Ned Kaye. Jesus this guy makes Charlie look even more like Sloth from the Goonies than he already does. Talk about a perfect specimine for the pussification of the American male. Ladies and Gentleman, the Tim Tebow of the XWF. I am actually pissed at Chris for forcing you back into the business and subjecting us to more of your monotone monologues about your life. Like Mr. Rodgers on Xanax. I can't take it, Ned. We are just the muscle, huh? I guess we will see what happens tomorrow nght when this muscle breaks you in half. You're rusty, Ned. You've been out of the game too long. Mentally and phsyically. This business is different now than when you left. You and Charlie are NOT cut from the same cloth, Ned, because Charlie is a jobber on steroids and your a would have been legend who lost a bet and was too proud to admit he fucked up. You two are on different paths. You both have massive egos, but at least you have a bit of crumbs left to show for yours. Charlie has licked his plate clean and is begging for more.

Ned I've been in the ring with you. I know what you can do, what you're capable of. Yes, I have never scored a 1-2-3 over you, but I think your bangs may be covering your eyes aren't seeing the bigger picture. This isn't about wins and losses. This isn't about whose the better wrestler in the ring. This isn't about the past and what we've done. This is about leaving a legacy. We have forced you out of hiding. You claimed you had a "word to keep", and would never come back because of principles. We took the White Knight and broke him down to his very core. We forced you to break your word, have a match with Ares, and now be catapolted into the vortex of Chaotic Inc. We aren't going to allow you to come back and be what you want to be, Ned. You are back on OUR terms, and you're back BECAUSE of us. We own you. You and you're madre.

Ned, I see what you are right now. I see you're a shell of your former self. You seem to think that what I am now is not what I was, or not who I truly am? You know nothing about me, chico, and you know nothing about what I have done in my life to get here. To even be standing in a wrestling ring at all is a pure blessing. Some may call it good luck, I call it a sheer act of survival. So while you may think we're dying, I say we're living. We're surving, we are opening our eyes every day and stretching, ready to take on a new challenge. That is what this is about, Ned. A challenge. I've always been the bad guy, but I was such a good bad guy that I had you fooled. I broke Mastermind's arm in my second ever match to take his Television Title, and to be honest....I enjoyed it. I didn't have to go that far, but I did. I did because where I am from, its dog eat dog. It's the strong that survive. He had a 129 TV title reign, and I took it from him. He hasn't been the same since his encounter with me. I am more than just muscle, Ned....I surgically disect opponents in that ring. Every match has a strategy because every opponent has a weakness. Your weakness, Ned? Your own damn morals.

"Men like you, Hanari, Peter… your world is made of limits. Excuses."

You mean like the months of ducking our attempts to bring you back? You making the excuse that you are a "man of your word" when the same people you made said promise to couldn't give a shit if you live or die? You put a limit on yourself, you made a bet you couldn't fufill, and while men like me were taking the XWF by the reigns, you were sitting on your couch watching what could have been yours slip more and more out of reach every day. You made an excuse because you were scared. Scared you don't have it anymore. Scared that maybe Ned Kaye won't be as revered as he wants to be. Your world is shrouded in excuses, Ned, and when you lose this week I am sure you'll have another one. Chris has your mother, the pressure is too high for any mortal man, the ring rust, what will it be this time? You pat yourself on the back because you beat the newest member of the group with a blank track record and nothing to prove. You are too dense to see that we have you right where we want you. We wanted you to win that match, Ned. We wanted the triumphant return, we wanted you to build up your fragile self we could shatter it like an emo girls mirror. You're riding high right now, you feel like you can actually come back and do this.......but you can only do what we allow you to do.

Oh, and Ned.....we haven't "broken" you yet. We're just a cat toying with the ball of yarn.....but eventually that yarn will become unraveled. When it does, you will have a choice to make. For now, I'll keep the choice simple. Tap out or suffer a devastating injury, go back on the shelf to collect dust, and make up yet another excuse as to why Ned Kaye would rather be in the shadows than the spotlight.

The choice is yours. I suggest you choose wisely.

Viva la Republic!
Viva la Dominicano!
Viva la Hanari Carnes!

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