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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Germans Make Me Nervous
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Michael James Offline
The Personification of Perfection


XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

01-17-2013, 02:09 PM

Fade In

* We open outside of the exquisite Westin Grand hotel in Berlin, Germany. We hear sounds of random traffic and conversation coming from various people on the street speaking their native tongue. The cameras move towards the entrance of the building and we cut to the lobby of the hotel. We follow an attractive woman in her early twenties towards the hotel elevators. The doors to the elevator open and we move inside. The doors close as we cross fade to the third floor of the hotel. We move down the hallway until stopping in front of a door that has a “do not disturb” sign hanging on the knob. The cameras cut to the interior of the room where Michael James is found inside the bathroom. He wipes away some shaving cream from his neck. He wipes his face with a towel. Michael James moves out of the bathroom and enters the main room. He takes a seat behind an antique desk and opens one of the drawers. He removes a tray covered in marijuana from the drawer and places it on the desk. James breaks the seal on a blunt wrap. Suddenly, a commercial on the television strikes his attention when his name in mentioned as a participant in a match against Nathaniel Idenhaus and Angelus. He begins breaking up the marijuana with an unimpressed smirk on his face *

Michael James: Sometimes in life, people can surprise you when you least expect them to. It doesn’t matter if you’re a trained psychic or just another douche bag like Angelus or Nathan Idenhaus, no one has the true ability to predict the future. Take Shane as a perfect example. Just a few weeks back the guy was a fucking train wreck. So what does he do to in an attempt to assure the survival of his company? He brings in a fucking nazi to try and save the day. Don’t get me wrong, Shane. I’m a man of business just like you so I can understand doing what you have to do to keep everything moving at a consistent pace. But what I don’t understand is what possible point you could be trying to prove by throwing a piece of shit like Nathaniel Idenhaus into the mix. I knew you were always a little off balance but if I knew you had ties with a bunch of cousin fucking douche bags I would take taken action a long time ago. You have to look at it from a realist point of view, Shane. The only ones who are supporting this bullshit are you and Nate. There are only two of you against what could be the ENTIRE fucking company. I don’t know if you can count but that pretty much places the Black Circle in the shallow end of the talent pool. Angelus has already told the world how he feels about your team and it doesn’t sound like he’s going to be doing you any favors in this match on Saturday. You know what that means? It’s going to be up to Nate to secure the victory by himself and I think we both know that’s not going to happen, Shane. Let’s get real. Nathaniel can’t carry the match on his own against three of the XWF’s heavy hitters so what exactly were you expecting to see?

* He places some of the marijuana into the wrap and begins to roll a blunt. He glares at the television screen where he gains sight of footage featuring Michael James refusing to team with the Black Circle. He seals the blunt and places it between his lips. He lights it and inhales the smoke into his lungs *

Michael James: Just stop and think about it for a minute. You have a pathetic nazi with no accomplishments to speak of and a guy who wants nothing to do with the Black Circle; trying to work together as a team? I’m sorry, Shane. I know you want them to mesh as the best team ever but this isn’t Disneyland. This is real fucking life. After this is massacre is over you should just collect your losses and move on. Otherwise, things aren’t going to get any easier for you or the Black Circle. But that’s just how life goes. You make plans and sometimes they work exactly the way you imagine them in your head. But most of the time, especially for people like Shane ; things always go in the opposite direction. He wants to create some kind of pathetic takeover of his own company using senseless racism and back wood beliefs. But like all his prior attempts it isn’t going to work. I proved that on Madness when I sent that piece of shit Cyren to the hospital for a second time, pissing blood all the way to the emergency room. And you know something, Shane? It was easy. If can do something like that to a so called legend of the company, what makes you think that Nate will be any different? Just like Cyren, he doesn’t impress me. Just like Cyren, he doesn’t bring anything to the table. And just like Cyren, he’s going to be losing a lot more than his remaining dignity at the hands of the Personification of Perfection. People who know me know that I can’t be happy with a simple victory. I don’t just beat people. I humiliate them. That’s what I do and I’m fucking good at it. Anyone in the company will tell you the same thing when you mention my name in front of them. So please, excuse the fuck out of me for not taking your team seriously. Excuse me for putting them in the same class I would people like Jaymz Dante, AJ Powell or Crimson Dong.

* He releases a slight cough after taking another drag from the blunt *

Michael James: Truthfully, the only one who could oppose any possible threat in this match would be Angelus. Unfortunately, he has made it clear that he could care less about the Black Circle or anything to do with the alliance because of his delirious fixation with yours truly. Personally, I don’t know about this “unfinished” business he’s talking about. As far as I’m concerned I have already moved on to bigger and better things that have nothing to do with him. I know it’s sad that he has to rely on me to keep him on his toes but that’s how some people are in this business. They have no ability to stand on their own two feet and need someone else to do it for them. Well, sorry Angelus, but I’m not your fucking fall guy. I told a week ago that I’m nobody’s bitch and as you saw on Madness I wasn’t joking around. I don’t give a shit what you have left to prove to me or anyone else. That time has come and gone so do me a favor and get the fuck out of my face because I have better things to do. I have moved on towards a higher class of competition while you are practically begging me to bring you along. Fuck that. Find another set of coat tails to ride because you don’t have the chops to keep up with the things I have planned. Things that are a LOT more important than anything you have in your severely limited arsenal. I mean, think about who you’re teaming with for a second. Are you really going to sit there with a straight face and try to tell me you’re going to rely on someone like Nathaniel Idenhaus to confidently take on Feder, Duke and myself? Seriously? If that’s the case, I guess that’s where you belong now. I guess that’s who you are and always will be. I thought you were smarter than that but I suppose I was wrong, Angelus. As always, none of it makes any difference to me. You’re on one side and I’m on another. I have plans to win this match with the best the company has to offer. What possible plans do you have?

* He ashes the blunt in a tray on the table. James takes another drag from the blunt and removes his reading glasses. He glares directly into the camera lens *

Michael James: I know what you should do. Run away. Go into hiding and come back when you have found a way to remove your head from your ass. From where I’m sitting right now that’s how I see you, Angelus. You’re on the wrong side. You’re backing the wrong horse and the worst part is you completely agree with everything I’ve said to this point. You don’t want to be a part of the douche nozzle family circus. You want to be you and I can respect that. But here you are spouting off at the mouth about using this team as a way to achieve victory over me. Do you know how stupid that sounds? Yes, I’m sure you do. So why make an ass out of yourself when you know you can do better? I’ll tell you why. It’s because you can’t do any better. Just like Cyren you are a lost fucking cause, Angelus. You are an embarrassment to people like myself, Sid Feder and Sebastian Duke who are busy becoming the new flagship players of the XWF. If this is the road you want to use to pave your career I’m not going to stop you. You have to let people learn from their mistakes. But that doesn’t seem to be working with you, Angelus. No matter how many times I drive this knowledge into your fucking brain, none of it seems to have any effect. It might not be your fault but that’s really none of my concern. All I know is you are putting yourself into a position where you don’t want to be. You can run your mouth and try to convince the fucking world otherwise but none of it will mean a fucking thing. I know who you are and I know you are only capable of doing two things. Jack and shit. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes when we have faced off in the past so please give the walking tall cliché a fucking rest. If you truly want to stand tall you need to be surrounded by people that admire and respect you. But you don’t have that. All you have is a nazi. You might as well have nothing, Angelus. And that’s exactly what you have proven to become.

* He leans back in the chair and ashes the blunt once again. He is distracted by the television as it begins to beep like some kind of alarm. James picks up the remote and switches to the television’s main menu. He moves the cursor down to a recorded program titled “Iron Fist Promo”. He allows the program to run as he leans back in his chair. He begins watching the most recent Angelus promo with pure skepticism *

“I'm not with them.

I don't associate with them

And I sure as hell don't need them.”

Michael James: I hate to break to this you Angelus but yea, you are with them. You may not have a choice in the matter and you might not like it but that’s just things are. Association has nothing to do with this type of hectic situation, my delusional friend. What are you going to do? Convince to give Nate the night off so you can take on all three of us by yourself? Bitch, please. You can’t even be that stupid. Then again, maybe you are that ignorant and truly believe you can win this by yourself. I know better. The entire company knows better despite the inaccurate claims you try to put out there. You’re the type of person in high school that would begin a rumor about yourself hoping that people will eventually start to believe the lies. Well guess what, asshole? I don’t believe in your bullshit and neither does Sid Feder or Sebastian Duke. Unlike your lackluster team we are all on the same fucking page. Unlike the clueless assholes you have backing you up we have to ability to put our differences aside in order to assure the defeat and humiliation of a common enemy. That enemy is what I like to call “team douche nozzle”.

* He turns off the Angelus promo and drops the remote control *

Michael James: Angelus, do us all a favor and spare everyone by riding into the sunset like you said before. You should follow your own advice and take a hike because as you can tell no one is begging you to stick around. I can’t say the same for myself. My presence is obviously wanted otherwise I wouldn’t keep getting booked in high profile matches week in and week out. This Saturday I’m in the six man tag. On Madness, I have a shot at the European Championship against Mark Flynn and Neonero. You know, the title shot that you claimed was taken from me? Well, it looks like you were wrong again, dipshit.

* The chirping sound of an alarm is heard coming from his laptop. James reaches down and unplugs the charger from his laptop and brings it up to the desk. He opens it and powers up the system. A few seconds later he opens a webcam program that quickly begins to run a video feed inside of an abandoned warehouse. He uses his keyboard to move the camera around. The camera slowly turns around and we gain sight of what appears to be a privately disclosed meeting for the National Socialist German Workers' Party judging from the various flags found decorating the building. Several men with shaved heads and swastika tattoos are found standing in front of a makeshift stage. The camera pans towards the stage to reveal a large object covered with a large tarp *

Michael James: Okay, good.

* A few seconds later a very short German man wearing an original nazi uniform enters the frame and begins to shout orders to the crowd. They eventually sit down in a collection of chair placed a few feet away from the stage. The short German man takes center stage and begins to speak *

Speaker: Guten tag, bra-zers. Today as all are aware, we are here to announce ze latest nominee for ze the next chosen Fuhrer. As you know, a lot of research has gone into zis choice so we hope it settles with everyone here. Without further ado, I present to you, the pride of Germany and next Fuhrer to lead us into global domination over the obnoxious Juden…

* The speaker walks towards the large covered object. He grabs the tarp and quickly removes it revealing a large scaled image of… *


* The crowd of Nazis begins to loudly cheer upon sight of David Hasselhoff. Back in his hotel room Michael James is found laughing at the video feed. He opens one of the desk drawers and reaches inside. He pulls out what appears to be a detonator of some kind. He presses the button in the center and looks back to the video feed. Suddenly, the image of Hasselhoff goes up in flames to the surprise of the nazi supporters *

Random Nazi: NEIN! Gefällig sein!

* The burning image of David Hasselhoff falls down on top of a few of the Nazis causing them to scatter. They start rolling on the ground in an effort to extinguish their clothing while screaming in agony *

Random Nazi: Bitte rette uns, Mein Hasselhoff!

* Michael James places the detonator back inside the drawer and closes it. He powers down the laptop and takes another drag from the blunt. He exhales the smoke and turns towards the camera. Before he can make out a word we hear the alarm from his television informing him of yet another recent promo cut by one of his opponents in the six man tag, Nathaniel Idenhaus. He uses the remote control to run the promo while he watches with an unimpressed expression on his face *

“I believe Angelus will play the good little soldier. He will help the Black Circle achieve dominance over all who appose it. I have little doubt in my mind he will do anything less”

Michael James: If that’s truly what you have to tell yourself in order to sleep at night; more power to you, Nate. Because no matter what kind of capitalist crock of shit you have to offer him to be a “good little soldier”, Angelus doesn’t take orders from anyone. As much as I despise the guy there are a lot of things I have respect about his character. He doesn’t take shit from anyone, he doesn’t rely on ridiculous fabrications to get through matches and unlike you Nate, Angelus doesn’t have his mouth attached to Shane ’s testicles like some kind of suction device. He isn’t a “soldier” for your pointless cause. He isn’t a soldier at all. Angelus is in this match for one reason only. He wants to get one more crack at me for old times sake and you know what? I don’t blame him. I’ve been kicking his ass for weeks so it’s only natural for him to want some kind of payback. You just need to understand something that isn’t my personal opinion; it’s a fucking fact of life. Angelus isn’t going to be there to back you up or show any support for the Black Circle, Nate. I know it’s hard to see with your head so far up your ass so allow me to break this down for you. Angelus isn’t going to help you win this match. No one is. If you end up with the same gruesome fate as Cyren it’s because you didn’t have the ability to stop it from happening. Think about something for a second, asshole. You’re already outnumbered. What possible plan of attack are you going to bring to the game at the last minute? Are you going to pull a miracle out of your ass with help from a guy who wants nothing to do with you? No, you aren’t. You’re going to do exactly what Cyren did and end up pissing blood by the end of the night. And that’s fine with us. If you want to do things the hard way we have no reason to stop you. Cyren wanted to do things the hard way and everyone saw what happened to him. Is that what you really want?

* James opens a bottom drawer and reaches inside. He pulls out a beer and removes the cap with the corner of the desk. He takes a swig from his beer and wipes his mouth *

Michael James: Don’t get me wrong. We can make that happen. Personally, I think between the three of us your head would end up impaled on a fence somewhere outside of the arena. I know Cyren was your hero and everything so why wouldn’t want the same fate as him? It only makes sense. You just need to ask yourself one thing, Nate. How exactly do you want to lose this match? At this point in time that’s the only real choice you have left. I’m going to be busy with Angelus and we both know that you can’t handle Feder and Duke on your own. And if you’re going to try and convince me that you’re going to win this match using the same shabby material from your last promo, save your fucking breath. Go make empty promises to someone else because I don’t have time to listen to your bullshit. My time is reserved for people who deserve it and you aren’t one of those people, Nate. You’re just another piece of shit taking advantage of an opportunity that you haven’t earned. You know how I feel about that? It pisses me off. You haven’t done a fucking thing worth mentioning so you shouldn’t be placed in the same class as people like Sid Feder, Sebastian Duke and the Personification of Perfection. We’re the face of this company. Not you. You’re just an unwelcome guest on his way out. We’re going to be the ones earning championships and headlining pay per views while you’re left at the back of the line with your thumb stuck in your ass. That’s exactly where you’re headed, Nate. You may not agree with me but if you ask anyone they will tell you that I’m a man of my word. I’ve seen it all and I’ve done it all. What have you done? Nothing. That’s what.

* He takes another swig of his beer and slams it down on the table. He leans forward so the lens is directed towards his pupils *

Michael James: Just in case you don’t know who I am by now, allow me to give you a proper introduction. My name is Michael James and I don’t take shit from anyone. I signed with the XWF to set a new standard of competition and that’s why people recognize me as the future of this company. If I say I’m going to do something it fucking happens. When I say that defeat is not an option for me it isn’t a fucking joke. I don’t care who you are or where you come from because I’ve seen it all before. I wasn’t impressed then just like I’m not impressed when I look at you, Nate. I’m the reason you can’t win this match. I’m the reason you’re one member short. I’m the reason you’re going to tuck tail and run after everything is said and done. Just come out and admit it because we all know it’s the truth. When people look at me they see a man who is destined to do great things. When they see you all they do is laugh at your expense. How long are you going to allow people to mock you, Nate? Do you enjoy the abuse or are you just a glutton for punishment? Wait. Before you answer that question, don’t. I really have no desire to learn anything about you. No one does. We just want you to go away and hopefully that’s what will happen after you lose on Saturday. You can walk in with as much confidence as you want. Common sense tells us you’ll be leaving stuffed inside of a body bag. But then again, any idiot can tell that you aren’t a sensible or intelligent man. And just like Cyren, you’re going to learn how to lose with style. You’re going to learn your exact role in the pecking order assigned to you but men who are clearly better than you ever will be. If I were you, I’d call ahead make sure they have a hospital bed available in Fresno because you’re gonna need it, bitch.

* James downs the rest of his beer and tosses it into a waste basket. He picks up the blunt and brings it to his mouth. He leans back in his chair and props his feet up on the desk *

Fade Out

[Image: 2wmif76.jpg]

XWF Accomplishments
Defeated Cyren on Madness via knockout (01/14/13)
Defeated Cyren at Nero's Games via submission & pinfall (12/03/12)
Defeated Jaymz Dante via pinfall at Chaos in Korakuen Hall (12/24/12)
Defeated Kristofer Kain via pinfall to become XWF Heavy Metal Champion (12/10/12)
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