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Star vs. Tomoko Hanahara vs. Heather Halliwell
Author Message
James Raven Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-17-2019, 10:36 PM

Star, Tomoko Hanahara and Heather Halliwell, please post your roleplays as replys to this thread. Everybody else, please do not comment in this thread.

1 RP Match
No Word Count Limit

RP PERIOD STARTS: August 17th, 2019 (11:59:59 PM Eastern time)
DEADLINE IS: August 31st, 2019 (11:59:59 PM Eastern time)

The People’s G.O.A.T.

3x Universal Champion, 3x World Champion, 9x Xtreme Champion, 1x Hart Champion, 2x Phoenix Champion, 1x Women’s Champion (lol), 1x Federweight Champion, 1x Heavymetalweight Champion, 5x Tag Team Champion
(w/ Aidan Collins, Roxy Nova, Mia Sanchez, Big Shank, Drew Archyle/Robert Main)

XWF Hall of Legends
#4 on XWFs “Top 50” List
2009 Rookie of the Year
2009 Face of the Year
2010 Heel of the Year
8x Star of the Month
2x Star of the Year (2009/‘10)
2x Feud of the Year (2010/‘11 w/ Big Shank)
2017 High Stakes Winner
Former Owner
Lots of other random shit
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XWF FanBase:
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08-31-2019, 07:37 PM

I stepped into the wrestling business at the tender age of 19 years old. Bright eyed, arrogant, and thinking I owned the fucking world. But that was just the business we existed in back then. A good 99% of us weren’t shit but you couldn’t tell us that. Every last one of us just knew there was no one better, because that was the only way you survived the ruthlessness of it all. This business would truly chew you up and spit you right back out. How else did you make it without believing you were the elite? But it was only true for a small few of us.

I was a part of that 1%.

I understand this sounds like absolute conceit, but it’s nothing but cold hard facts. And I’ve earned the right to say so. The announcement of my induction into the XWF Hall of Legends has caused me to take a long look back at the career I’ve had. From putting on show stopping matches, to winning multiple titles all across the globe, to running one of the most successful companies this world has ever seen that employed other XWF legends, I have done it all. And with unmatched style and grace at that. Hell, this was absolutely inevitable.

You know, when I’d first heard that I’d be named an “XWF Legend”, I was a little stunned. I’ll admit, the fact that only one woman had been given this honor had never sat well with me, especially since I’ve never had an ounce of respect for said woman because she was a piece of shit. So I’d been under the impression that we as women just weren’t as valued in the XWF, because there have been plenty of us who could go toe to toe with the best of them. Plenty of us who have. And yet...where was our due? Why weren’t we as revered of the likes of Lee Stone? James Raven? Steve Jason? What the fuck did we have to do to get the respect we actually deserved?

I’m embarrassed to say that once upon a time, I was guilty of looking down on other female wrestlers. When I came into wrestling as that bright eyed 19 year, I wasn’t actually respected all because I had a vagina. It poisoned my thinking. I was convinced that, because I hardly ever saw them, other great women just didn’t exist in the wrestling world. A match like the one I’ve been graced with would have disgusted me. I would have seen it as beneath me.

Obviously, I’ve changed that tune. That 1% I mentioned earlier? Well, I’m in good company when it comes to Tomoko and Heather. I’ve had a very storied history with both of these women. And I can say with absolute pride that I’ve grown to respect both talents. And we’re about to put on a fucking clinic.

* * *

Burning lungs.

The familiar, unappetizing taste of metal at the back of my throat.

Debilitating muscle spasms.
The brink of death.

After three straight hours, my body desperately wanted to shut down. But my stubbornness just wouldn’t let it happen. I was gasping for air, trying to suck in any bit of energy I could to keep myself going, knowing full well that pushing myself to this extent wouldn’t do me any favors. I just didn’t want to stop. Couldn’t stop. Something severe was going on inside of me. I just couldn’t put a finger on what it was.

It had been a few weeks since I’d agreed to the match against Heather and Tomoko. Those weeks had been filled with backbreaking training and the rising of a familiar feeling that I was too afraid to analyze. And as the days went on, I was getting no closer to relaxing and enjoying my accomplishment. I hadn’t even celebrated. All I could focus on was being prepared. But even I knew this was overkill.

Didn’t change a thing, though. I was in that zone. The one where nothing mattered but showing out to the fullest extent.

My legs were like jello, but I fought my way through it with each burpee, each sing of the kettle bell, each torturous drill that I imposed on myself as my baffled cousin watched on.

Until it stopped.

Right in the center of my home gym, I collapsed. Finally, there was nothing left. In no time,
Shara was by my side, staring down at me as I lie on my back with nothing but fumes in the tank. She fanned me with her hand for what felt like an eternity. I sucked in large gulps of air until I could at least squeak out a single word.


Shara was on it immediately. As I struggled to an upright position, she went for my nearby water bottle,opened it, and handed it to me. I took one shaky sip. Then another.

“I...don’t...get it,” I gasped between sips of water. “I...workout all the time. The fuck is this so hard for?”

Shara shook her head and plopped down next to me. “Not like this. This ain’t your lane no more, woman. Hasn’t been in a long ass time. I know you want a good showing but damn, Star. Ease up a bit. The world ain’t gon’ end if you lose.”

I shot her the nastiest, most “How dare you disrespect me this way?” looks I could muster up.

“You right,” Shara laughed. “My bad. I know the rules. Don’t talk about you and losing in the same sentence. But for real, I’ve barely seen you even smile about this. You were a part of the XWF when it was at its peak. Shit was no joke and yet you walked up in there and went undefeated for who knows how long. You worked ya ass off for this shit. Enjoy it and stop acting crazy.”

Stop acting crazy.

I didn’t like hearing her say that. “I am enjoying it.”

“Really? ‘Cause it don’t look like it to me. In fact, it looks like--”

“Don’t.” I cut her off quickly, knowing exactly where that sentence was going. It was going to that place I hadn’t wanted to think about. It was going to that side of me that wrestling brings out. “It doesn’t look like anything but me getting ready for a fucking match. Don’t make it out to be any more than that. Don’t talk to me like I don’t understand this accomplishment. I do. It’s big. I’m honored. And in all honesty, being in the XWF during that time was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire career. Not everyone can say they’ve been a champion in that place and I got the chance to do it multiple times. So yes, Shara. I understand exactly what this means. I’m just...still taking it in. So do me a favor and just back the fuck off. Let me do what I do. Cool?”

I didn’t look at her, but I could feel Shara’s gaze burning right through me. I knew she wanted to call bullshit, but I was grateful that she didn’t. I heard her let out a sigh just before my smart phone rang out. I looked down at it and saw the text message from my sister Angelique flash across the screen.

I’m here. I hope you’re ready.

“The fuck?” I let out. Ready for what? I climbed to my feet on shaky legs. With sweat pouring from every part of me, I began to make my way to the foyer. Shara opted to stay behind. Immediately, a petite vision of blonde curls and the 1000 watt smile of my sister Angel met me.

“Everything is set!” an excited Angel exclaimed. “Car is out front. We are taking the plane, right? Will Kerry meet us? When will he be back from his trip? I know he’s going to make it. He wouldn’t miss such an important night for you!”

On and on and on she went. All I could do was stare at her. There was something adorable about how thrilled she was over all of this. Hell, if it wasn’t for her, I probably would’ve missed the news of my induction and match entirely. Between a husband, millions of kids and businesses, and whatever the fuck else went on in my hectic ass life, some days I could barely even remember to eat. But just like she’d always been, Angel was my star player. She was always on point. That’s why I trusted her with my life. Nowadays, I only surrounded myself with the people I knew always had my best interest at heart. I’d spent way too much time wrapped up in other people’s arrogance to live life any differently. But that was neither here nor there.

“You’re early.” I looked Angel over from head to toe as I let her know that. She really did look adorable. There was a glow about her. Did she really miss this wrestling shit this much?


“Angel, you’re legit like days early.” I couldn’t help but laugh. It was damn near midnight and she’d actually rushed over here for this? “We’re not going to Canada yet.”

Angel froze, looking genuinely baffled. I laughed once again and turned away from her, headed for the kitchen and the Godsend ice packs I just knew I’d need. I could hear Angel’s 5’1” frame scrambling up behind me.

“Are you serious?” she asked.

“About you being early as hell? Yes.” I winced, lifting a pack out of the freezer and raising it to one shoulder. “ Ain’t nobody going anywhere tonight. That includes you. So you might as well take your shit upstairs and get comfy for a few days.”

I looked at my sister to see a deep look of confusion on her face. I really couldn’t believe that Angel, of all people, was this off. Was something distracting her? I took a slow, steady walk over to a stool situated at the island in the center of the room and took a seat.

“You must reeeeaaaaallllly be looking forward to this!” I joked. “Can’t be because of me, though. I’m disappointed. You probably wanna see that old ass SJ’s match more than mine, hmmm?”

It was a joke, but when Angel’s entire face went slack, I wished I hadn’t said it. The room fell silent in that awkward moment, until a smile broke out on Angel’s face.


Steve Jason. I called him a friend and so did Angelique, but her friendship with him had been much different than mine. Our PDW days had been eventful as hell. They’d both went through some of the most insane shit. At times, they’d had one another to go through it with. He’d probably been one of the first real friends my sister was able to make in wrestling. I’d never told him, but I was grateful for how he’d looked out for her back then. But I always wondered if there could have been anything...else. Something more.

Sometimes, it made me a little sad for her that things never fully came to fruition between them. I’d always had a strong feeling that he would’ve been good for her. And there’s no question that she would have been great for him. Love had never really seemed to be on my little sister’s radar much throughout the years, but when it came to Steve Jason, I always thought...maybe. Just maybe. But I was careful about mentioning that to her. Her feelings for him had never been a secret to me despite her barely ever talking about it, but I didn’t know just how sensitive the subject may have been, so I left it alone. I regretted that, though. I’d watched as Angel poured herself into work and family with little regard for her own happiness. I wanted her to have everything. She deserved it. I’d just never given her the nudge she needed.

“Question.” I put down my ice pack and turned to Angel.

“What’s that?”

“How exactly did you feel about Steve all those years ago?”

Angel raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by my question. After a lingering moment of silence, she took a seat next to me and shrugged. “You already know the answer to that, Etoile. ‘La vie est un sommeil, l’amour en est le rêve.’ As they say.”

My heart sank, but I did the best I could not to show it. “You should’ve said something to him.”

For a moment, Angel was quiet again, but she soon gave me a luminous smile.

“And then what?” she asked. “We surf off into the sunset and live happily ever after like you and Kerry? I don’t think that was meant to be my life. And that’s OK. And who knows if that was ever even on his mind?”

I balked at that. “It was, girl. Don’t be obtuse. It definitely was.”

“Well, in any event, I’m happy for the whole show. And yes, that includes his match as well as yours. It’s been such a long time since you’ve done this, Star. You aren’t excited?”

“Of course I am.”

“But you don’t seem like it. Is it because Kerry’s been away for a little while?”

“No. It’s nothing like that. I obviously miss my husband but I’m just focused. That’s it.”

“Really?” I could tell she didn’t believe me, and that made me want to be honest with her so badly. But I wasn’t.

“Really. It’ll be a good night. And it’ll be different, you know? Because I’m different. I’ve been in the ring with both of these women numerous times before but I’m pretty sure we’re all in very different places in our lives now. I assume Tommy is. I know Heather is.”

Angel sighed a little at that. The truth was, her history with Heather was shaky at best. We both remember a time when Heather was at her shitiest. I’d been much more equipped to handle it than Angel. And not to mention the fact that Heather’s past love Steve Jason was the perfect fuel for a fire Angel didn’t even know existed. It still burned me up a little to think of Heather’s heinous attack on my little sister, but I’d come to accept that we’d all done fucked up things in the past. I don’t know that Angel had ever fully gotten over it, though. And I didn’t blame her.

“I guess so,” was all Angel offered before falling silent again.

This was an interesting predicament. In my very last promotion, I’d tussled with both Tomoko and Heather. When it came to Tommy, the professional rivalry was undeniable. We were both competitive women who were the very best the company had to offer. I remembered wanting to beat her so badly. I remembered needing to beat her. Because if I didn’t, I couldn’t really call myself the best.

With Heather, things were much more personal. I’d watched her spiral and was at times at the epicenter of it. The things we’d been through, I didn’t even want to mention. Some of them were literally too fucked up to think about. One would never think that our relationship could ever be repaired. Shit, a few years ago, I’d been in the woman’s wedding. Talk about a complete 180.

I didn’t even feel all that pissed when I’d found out that, once upon a time, she’d slept with my goddamn husband. In another lifetime, it wouldn’t have even mattered to me that it happened years before he and I were together.

So yeah, history. A lot of it. This was bound to be explosive. And I couldn’t wait.

“Just get some rest, okay?” I said to my sister. “I’m gonna do the same.”

But I didn’t. I watched Angel nod and saunter off to her favorite guest room in my brownstone. And then, I just wandered. The house was dead silent. My children were fast asleep. Had been for hours. My husband was off on a business trip. The dogs? They weren’t concerned with me. I explored every nook of the home I’d now lived in for more than four years as if I’d never been there before.

That familiar feeling was coming back.

My chest felt tight. My breath came in short, quick spurts. Now, it was truly hitting me.

I was stepping back into the ring again.

Wrestling was the thing that took as much as it gave. The thing that had once left me mutilated and scared, obsessive and self-loathing, consumed with nothing but success. I’d hated it just as much as I’d loved it. My relationship with professional wrestling was the most contentious thing I’d ever experienced. And yet I wouldn’t have even a fraction of the things I had without it. When it came to this event, so much had come flooding back. I was overwhelmed by it all. Nervous. Distracted. I don’t think I had ever been happier. Surely one night in the ring wouldn’t put any sort of dent in that? None of those things wrestling had put me through mattered anymore…

...did they?

As I made my way back to the front of the house,I stopped and leaned against the wall. Arms crossed across my chest, I let that question bounce around in my head, cursing the anxiety I was feeling over something I’d done so many times before. And then I heard the distinct footsteps I’d been waiting to hear all night. Just like that, I could feel the tension begin to drain away from me as soon as I heard my husband’s silky smooth voice.

“Hey Blue…”

And in that moment, I had my answer.

* * *


What can you possibly say to two women you’ve beaten repeatedly? Good luck with this brand new L? Haha, I kid! (Or do I?)

Back in the day, this would be where the tirade would begin.. I’m talking verbal napalm, every shot fired, just all out WAR! But we’ve been there already, haven’t we? We’ve done the tearing each other down thing. We’ve taken all the shots we can take. There is literally nothing that the three of us haven’t done. We’ve all been World Champion at some point in our careers, me obviously more than the two of you. We’ve headlined all the shows. We’ve made one another bleed. But I will say one thing....

Tomoko Hanahara.

You stole WGWF wrestler of the year from me. I owe you, bitch.




That’s a joke. I don’t give a fuck about that. If it had been anyone else, I’d call bullshit. But the fact is, I’ve always respected you. Even when I was trying to tear your throat out. You are one person I can say made me want to reach my very limits. A potential win over you meant something to me, and there are very few people I would ever say something like that about. And it always feels much greater to face someone you respect than someone you can’t fucking stand. I’ve had some of my best showings with you. You gave me a chance to just cut the bullshit and focus on what I was best. No vendettas. No personal bullshit. Just pure, unadulterated competition. I always felt you were somewhat underrated. Like a few other women who rolled through the XWF back then, you could have probably had that Universal strap had you been given the property opportunity for it. Hell, I know I could have. Now, don’t take me singing your praises as taking this match lightly, because you definitely know what’s about to come your way. But honesty is due here. Everyone probably believes that their match is the match to see, but they made this event by putting this match on the card.

And while Tomoko certainly knows me in the ring, there’s only a small few who knows me both in and out of the ring the way Heather does. What can I say, really? We’ve been through it all. While I thrived on the lack of personal vendettas between Tomoko and I, the opposite can be said for you and I. Once upon a time, for us it was all personal. I have hated the very ground you walked on. I saw you as a sad, broken woman who didn’t realize just how lost she actually was. Back then, I didn’t want to admit that there were some similarities between us. Perhaps that’s why the clash was so legendary. It still amazes me that, after all these years, you’ve remained a part of my life in some way. And there’s probably a reason for that. I couldn’t tell you what it was. But I do know that we’ve both had a lasting impact on one another. We’ve experienced a rivalry that few will ever seen again. I take a certain pride in making my mark on my opponents, but I’ve never cared for them making one in me in return. That’s why I rarely ever let that shit happen. But you? I don’t know, Heather. I guess we were just destined, whether I liked it or not.

Don’t get me wrong. That competitive spirit is still alive and well in me, but I understand that this night is night all about winning. The honor that is being bestowed upon the three of us is monumental and long overdue. And while I’ll be bringing my A-game to this match, I do want to take the time out of extend my congratulations to the both of you. It’s more than well deserved.

And more importantly...

We’re all better than Kitten’s bitch ass.
[-] The following 4 users Like Star's post:
Barney Green (08-31-2019), Shawn Warstein (09-01-2019), Steve Jason (08-31-2019), Theo Pryce (09-01-2019)

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