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The Approaching Storm
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Corey Smith Online
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-08-2019, 05:36 PM

Corey slumps down against the wall length mirror in the hotel exercise room, sweat pouring down his face and chest, swamping his tank top and causing it to cling to his frame. He tries to slow his breath to a more fixed pace, and shoots a glance up at the clock. A little after 11 PM. The exhaustion was certainly settling in, and he realized it was time to peel himself up off the floor and head to bed. With a grunt, he moves to get up, but his legs buckle and he's forced to sit back down again.

Maybe I overdid it a tad. He speaks aloud, to nobody in particular. Well, almost nobody, because the ubiquitous all-seeing eye of the XWF is trained on him. He runs a forearm over his brow to stop the march of sweat there, and looks at the camera. So are you allowed to help me up or do you guys have like a “nature photographer in the Savannah” policy where you can't interfere with local wildlife? The camera shakes back and forth “no”. Corey sighs. So you seriously wouldn't help a baby animal that was about to get mauled by a tiger or something? That's pretty cold. He puffs out his cheeks, letting out a deep breath. Though, I'm not exactly the baby animal in this situation, am I Griff? Regardless of what you may think of our respective positions.

So, just by means of an update, Lux and I had our chat about me fielding the match against you. The chat ended with us deciding a cooling down period for the rest of the evening was in both of our best interests. He winces. But I'm pretty sure she's gonna let me fight you.

He reaches off camera for a bottle of water on the floor and takes a swig. So here I am, training my ass off, as promised. Did some cardio. Did some weights. Did some “imagining what it would be like to push my thumbs deep into your eye sockets”. Yeah, did I mention that despite your attempts at genteel discussion I'm still not “over this”? I mean, don't get me wrong, you almost had me at first! And then you claimed that you didn't request that fight and that you were SOOOO loathe to fight a girl. Right, right. Poor Griff! Corey takes on the vocal affectation of a beleaguered Southern Bell and places the back of his hand on his forehead like he's got the vapors. “Ah do declare, I was buffeted about by winds of fate that were positively BEYOND my control! Caught up in the machinations of uncaring bookers who sidled me with a match that was in complete violation of my moral code! AH DO DECLARE!” He puts his hand down and drops the act. Too much? Well while you recover from that, take a gander at this.

Quote:Griffin smiles and winks at Steve, but says nothing. He turns slowly and stares down Vita, who bravely puffs herself up and sticks out her chin defiantly. Griffin takes a step towards her, neither superstar even blinking!

STEVE SAYORS: Whoa! Easy you two! Save whatever this animosity is for the ring… say, Griffin! Are you interested in participating at Leap of Faith?!

MacAllister side eyes Steve, as if to ask ‘what do you think this was about?’ before refocusing on Vita and taking a few steps back. He grins at Vita before turning and walking out of the shot, chuckling to himself. Steve watches as Griffin disappears and then returns his attention to Valenteen. 

July 13th, 2019. Ring a bell, Griff? Yeah go fuck yourself and this little innocent act of yours. Corey takes another gulp of water. So let me tell you what I think happened here. I think that you, eager to slide into a win to rejuvenate your fading relevance, saw Vita, who has been struggling lately, and leapt on her like Barney Green on a tranny thirst trap. You decided to try to build yourself back up at her expense. You TARGETED her. And you did so despite the fact that Lux and I are, in your own words, “unofficial members of the Elite”. So you knew the score between me and Vita, you just didn't give a shit. Now maybe I just have a different definition of being on the same team than you do, but generally people who are on the same team don't try to opportunistically intimidate their team mate's loved ones into a match, and then bloody and beat them unconscious during said match.

Now look, I get that that's “the business”. Dog eat dog and whatever other cliche's you wanna affix to it. But don't insult my fucking intelligence and try to play this off like you were some kind of naïve innocent caught up in forces beyond your control. You can get fucked for that, Griff.

But hey, let's talk about that failing career you were trying to rekindle off my girlfriend's back.
Corey, feeling a little better, pulls himself to his feet. And incidentally, Steve asking you during that segment if you even worked here was funny as hell. Talk about saying what everyone's thinking. He shakes his head and chuckles. Thanks for the history lesson though, chief. Boy you sure used to be kind of a big deal before some vague personal matter redirected your attention elsewhere. I mean, it must have been a hell of a thing to cause you two years worth of total inconsistency. Didn't Engy kick your ass like twice last year? Maybe you just took a break from your interpersonal issues to get your shit pushed in those times.

You wanna know what else I think? I think you're just a graduate of the Tiberius School of Half Assing a Wrestling Career. Remember when Lux first made her mark here by telling Cadryn that you can't be a part-time legend? No? Well of course you don't, you weren't around. But she did. She lit his ass up and made him look like a complete moron and he hasn't been heard from since. She told him that if you want to be taken seriously, you have to give this your all and that dipping in and out of the ranks while putting in a minimum of effort does not a credible threat make. The same thing applies to you. You haven't been a credible threat in AGES. But you already know that, don't you? Which is why you targeted a teenage girl on a losing streak instead of throwing down against a more formidable challenge. Punk.

Oh, but now you're gonna stick around this time? How much do you wanna bet that we're going to see you have another mystery bout of “personal issues” after I feed you your own ass on Savage? I'd take that bet and double down on it.

Corey walks over to the treadmill and leans on, taking a breather as he polishes off the rest of his water. He chucks the bottle into a nearby trash can and keeps on rolling.

And let me say this....Vita doesn't NEED a white knight. She's a strong girl who's hit on some hard times. Part of me feels like me sticking up for her is a bit misguided, a bit misogynistic. And Vita, if you're watching this....I'm sorry. But... Corey struggles to formulate the words, before finally settling on what he needs to say. I've let a lot of people down in my life. Too many. And I wasn't there for you. So this is less about me feeling like you need a protector, and more about me being tired of fucking up and letting people down. Lux and I were too tied up in Chris Page and his bullshit to support you. I can't wind back the clock to be there when you needed me, but I can set this right now. And I'm gonna set it right by dealing with the guy who made your life just a bit harder than it had to be.

Griffin, I don't think I can “send you packing”....I KNOW I can. And Lux can be pissed at me, or Donovan can be pissed at me, I don't care. You're done. You're done for what you did to Vita. And I know what you must be thinking: how in God's name can I be so confident? Lux is the one with the skills and the talent. Corey's just the mouth. But again, you gave up the ghost Griffin. You said it all!

Who does Griffin fight for? Himself.

Corey laughs mirthlessly and shakes his head.

I'm fighting for something more. I'm fighting for somebody I care about! He stabs a finger at the camera. And let's not pretend that taking you back out of the game again is gonna be some huge undertaking. Hell, you've taken YOURSELF out of the game for years. You don't care about this like Lux and I do! Your motivation is for yourself. And that motivation is FOR SHIT! He spits the words bitterly. So take your white trash Henry Rollins wannabe ass and fuck off to some other career you can take a haphazard interest in. I'm sure there's plenty of auto body work out there for spineless dickheads who puff up their chests around teenage girls, but can't seem to be arsed to put in the sweat equity against anyone who's not on a losing streak they can capitalize on.

I admit, this isn't exactly going to be a smark's wet dream of a match. It's gonna be ugly. I'm not gonna be doing any fancy flippy shit or be putting on any clinics. I'm just gonna be working out a whole lotta anger and frustration on you in that ring, Griff. One last ugly, knock down drag out before you realize you've got something better to do than half ass a wrestling career. Tell Cadryn “hi” for me when you see him.

Corey's attention is drawn to the gym door being opened, and the raven haired woman we last saw back in England is standing there in a t-shirt and shorts, with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

[Image: tumblr_myztlcJ1mo1tnx6uno1_1280.jpg]

Oh shit....

Corey waves a hand at the camera. It's fine, we're done. He scoops up his towel and puts it around his neck. The woman drops her duffel down next to a treadmill as Corey starts heading for the door.

You're Lux, right? She calls out.

Corey stops and turns back towards her. Yeah. I mean, sometimes. Heh. He tries to tamp down on the lingering edge to his tone. I'm sorry, I don't have anything to do an autograph with.

The woman's expression takes on a strange countenance, hanging somewhere between annoyance and cheek. Actually... She strains to put emphasis on the word. ….I was going to ask you if I could get James Raven's autograph.

Corey looks befuddled. ….huh?

The woman smirks. I wasn't gonna ask for your autograph ya goober. I'm an XWF employee.

Corey's mouth rounds into an “oh”, and then he looks at her quizzically. Wait, you are?

Yeah, I know us grease monkeys are usually beneath the notice of the high and mighty on air talent, but I'm on the ring crew.

Corey takes half a step back. Hey, look, I'm not....

Finally, the woman chuckles a bit. Relax! I'm just screwing with you. I just got hired before Leap of Faith. I didn't actually expect you to know me. She extends a hand to him. I'm Rox.

Corey looks at her hand, and then down at his own sweat stained self. I'm..... really sweaty and gross.

Well, so long as you wash up after you use the commode I'm not all that worried. She leaves her hand out. Finally, Corey takes it.

I'm Corey. Lux is....

Yeah, I know the whole story. I'm kinda glad I ran into you. I like it. The story I mean.

Corey scratches the back of his head. It's not a story. It's the truth.

You don't gotta kayfabe me, Corey. However, Rox speaks the words in such a way that it's clear she's taking the piss.

Corey smiles a bit. Jesus, you sound like Sarah Lacklan.

I'm pretty sure I'd have to be on a “huffing five keyboard air duster canisters a day” diet to get that bad. Rox leans up against the treadmill. Is she really on like that all the goddamn time?

Corey shakes his head. You got no idea. But, thanks for the compliments.

No problem. But hey, I don't wanna hold you up.

No, it's cool. I don't turn into a pumpkin for another hour or so.

Rox sizes him up and crinkles her nose. But you do smell awful.

Corey lifts up an arm and smells himself. He makes a face and replaces his arm. Yeah, that's foul. I feel like I should apologize for what I'm doing to this room right now.

Probably. Go sanitize yourself. But if you ever wanna hang out sometime it's not like I'll be hard to find. Rox turns towards the treadmill and hops on.

Corey looks down at the floor, expression pulled tight into an aura of discomfort. I'm kinda seein' somebody right now....

Suddenly, Rox sputters out a laugh. Corey looks up in response. Damn, you are presumptuous! I meant like, “hey you wanna play cards and have a beer with me and the rest of the guys” hang out, not “slap and tickle” hang out.

Corey goes beet red. Oh God, I'm an idiot. I'm sorry! He pulls a hand down his face in consternation.

It's cool. Although, maybe ixnay on the beer part. You're like 17 right?

Corey recovers deftly. If you average me and Lux's ages I'm like 24 though. But... I think I'll pass on it anyway. Rox nods casually, and then suddenly it's her turn to blanche.

Oh shit, now I'm the asshole! She glances up at Corey. I forgot, you're....she trails off at the implication. and inebriation are poor bedfellows.

I'm sorry. I just forgot. Rox replies, tone laden with regret.

Don't worry about it. But yeah, sure, I'm down for some poker and grape juice sometime. He looks towards the door, and then back at Rox. I'm gonna go make myself less revolting. Catch you around.

Sure thing. Good night, Corey.

Corey heads out the door, but not before shooting Rox one final, and very brief, curious look. Rox catches his look and her own gaze immediately tics down towards the console on the treadmill. When she looks back up, the door is just closing behind Corey. Her eyes linger on the door for a moment, and slowly the camera's image closes in on her face and melts into the dark well of her eye, where another piece of the future breaks off and shatters forever.

In 24 hours, Lux would wake up again from a dream she thought was, but somehow never was. A ghost whispered through decades, a phantom cry bleating out and immediately silenced. She would shiver then, unable to shake the feeling that something was desperately wrong and getting more wrong by the day. Things being rewritten, erased, and rewritten again like tales written in smoke.....

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[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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