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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
No pressure, no diamonds.
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Active in XWF


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-09-2019, 09:01 PM

”I’ve punched people every way imaginable.

Ensnared in an excruciating moment, Robert leers downward at his hands covered in gore.

[Image: VIAbOZx.png]

” Now look at me, my hands drenched in vermilion. That blood, that’s mine. What’s that hammering pain radiating from my mouth and jaw, this is something I haven’t felt before”.

The violent red stained his hands. The color permanently etched in his mind. As a newfound sickness unexpectedly began crawling its way inside of him. Growing with every second that passed, like cancer. His left eye was ten shades of purple and now swollen completely shut. As he glanced forward he unexpectedly winced for slight a moment as the discomfort burned each direction he looked. Robert leisurely reaches behind himself placing the Universal Championship in his lap leering at the superb illumination radiating off his face from the lights above. He then tenderly runs his fingers over the ice-cold nameplate, he positions each of his elbows in his knees, with both hands on the sides of his head bracing himself now focusing on the Championship. The blood drips silently from Robert’s mouth forming a pool on the grandest prize in the business, an eternal reminder of the act that was just committed.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Robert couldn’t recollect how long the bludgeoning had gone on for, only the final thump and the sound of a sledgehammer hitting concrete, swiftly followed by a gleaming flash of white. Just above his thrashed eye, he notices a gash in his eyebrow line, the ruby-red blood flowing like a stream into his undamaged eye. It was his body that was devastated almost beyond the point where rejuvenation was possible. Robert could taste the blood pooling in his mouth, a distinctive copper taste comes to mind as he ran his tongue across his teeth halting at a loose tooth. He can feel his life force leaking around his teeth and over his lips, retreating as if it never knew it was welcome to stay. It has an aroma, an odor to is as the hemorrhage continues. Robert raises up off his knees giving the tooth a push with his tongue. A funny look crosses his face as he spits, hearing the distinct sound of his tooth hitting the tile, leaving a trail of splattered bloodshed on the floor beneath him.

” With every match, each blow seems stronger than the last, it’s becoming terrifying. What’s worse is how quickly I’m getting used to it. Each card that passes APEX PROPHECY tears each city apart one block at a time. Each battle is becoming something more than the last. Every fight is becoming unlike any I have ever had in the past. And I’ve had my fair share over the years. The target on my back grows each week, the price on my head bigger than ever before, my shoulders heavy, the climb continues.”

As always, it ends the same way. Even though the battle is won, the war continues onward.

Robert remains calm, cool and collected as the camera pans out revealing Robert sitting on a hospital bed. Suddenly a nurse enters the room in bright pink scrubs, her face serious as dick cancer as she washed her hands in the sink. As she turned around her face softened into a snicker as she introduced herself. She took Robert’s pulse, occasionally asking a pointed question but other than that the chatter stayed at a minimum. She then took a step back opening a folder with all Robert’s medical results and began rambling.

Nurse: Okay, Mr. Main I have some good news for you. X-rays came back negative you have no broken bones. CT scan is also negative, there were no glaring anomalies. MRI also perfect…

The nurse pauses

Why the pause?

Nurse: Well Mr. Main you need several stitches above your eye and a few staples in your head.

Robert sighs

Listen, I don’t mean to be an ass hole here… But I kind of knew all this coming in. Lady, I’m literally leaking everywhere. Let’s just get me patched up so I can go and check on my brothers huh.

Robert lays back on the hospital bed placing a cigar between his teeth motioning for the nurse to go ahead and start stitching him up.

Nurse: Mr. Main…. You….. Can’t smoke in here.

Robert snarls pulling a flask from his jeans.

FINE! Plan B.

Nurse: You really should stop smoking altogether. Do you know this risk of smoking cigars? It can cause cancer of the mouth and throat. If you inhale it can cause lung cancer or heart disease.

I’m aware. I’ll drink this bourbon mom.[/pink]

Nurse: Alright but I really shouldn’t be letting you do that either while under my care. Do you want us to numb you up? Stitches around the eyes are pretty painful, and staples in the head are worse.

Robert takes a swig of bourbon from his flask.

[orange]Go ahead… I want to remember every single second of pain because the time will come in the very near future where I dish it out tenfold. And I’m talking to you CHRIS PAGE!

Robert motions for the XWF camera crew to move in closer and keep filming while the nurse begins preparing her tools.

Now Little D, Blackwater…

Camera Man: You are going to cut a promo now? After everything that happened at Warfare?

Damn Right!

……… Okay….

Now before I was interrupted.. D, Blackwater…..

Nurse: Does little D stand for what I think?

Glad you understand the reference there. Is there any other questions about anything or can I do what I do best?

The camera shakes no as the nurse begins placing a white cloth with a hole cut in it over Robert’s eyebrow.

Warfare I face D and Blackwater for the Universal Championship assaulted by a pack of wolves tonight on Warfare, I thought I ended all this at Wargames. But that right there is for another time and place. I will arrive drubbed, burned-out and exhausted and still put on a damn clinic. Have the nightmares started yet boys? Can you feel the anxiety growing with every breath? Is dread beginning to seeping in? That trepidation each of you are feeling in the pit of your stomachs is the tipping point that guarantees my victory. I’ll start with you D. Now I don’t want you to presume for a second, that I won’t help you through this agonizing journey. These apprehension of yours are personal demons you keep locked inside their little cages, how fitting seeing how you’ll be locked inside one with me. I can see through all the smoke blowing and chest beating. I bet you are asking yourself what’s Main rambling on about. Well…


This Championship I carry over my shoulder is all about intention. Even though you’ll never admit to yourself, your tired and unnerved at what’s next, and what’s next is the best in the business. The buzz saw, cream of the crop. I can see the desperation in those beady eyes, you have become as pathetic as those mewling curtain jerkers you’ve been running rough shot over. I see the truth behind all the bull shit. Yeah, you’ve been on a tear, a nice mid-card winning streak. That streak will come to a dead stop at Warfare. I’ll derail the D train just like..

Robert snaps

Your looking at a dynasty junior. I’m the Universal Champion for a reason, I take guys like you and make them look like they don’t know what they are doing inside that ring. This entire match is going to be a one-sided pounding and I am the one swinging the damn hammer. Sure, I’ll be roughed up. I’ll have stitches in my eyebrow and staples in my head. Most likely I’ll bleed out like a stuck piggy. 10%, 50% whatever percent, I demolish you like an old depilated building. I know this might sound cliché and I honestly despise saying this because we hear it every single week. In this case, though, I’m going to make an exception, what I am about to say is the cold hard truth. I’m not like the rest of these bums you’ve been facing. I a man who will run you over, and not even look in the rearview merroir. I dismantle I pulverize I decimate until there isn’t anything left. I leave fragments of guys like you behind. Everyone comes after the crown and I understand why, the subject most forget is who’s wearing it. I’m candy-coated poison and I’ll kill you slowly.

I’ve heard all the ramblings, presumably, you are the next big thing around here. The one who is going to take me down a few notches. Hell, even hand me my 5th loss in three years.
(Robert chuckles) I’m here to tell you, and heed my warning… It’s not going to happen. I refuse to let an overgrown meathead, filled to the brim with juice stop my reign as Champion. Listen up you Neanderthal looking shmuck, I’m not the longest reigning Hart Champion in modern history because I’m some slouch. Or in the number two spot of longest reigning Universal Champion taking over Uncle Vinnies spot for any reason. The proof is in the pudding pal. I devastate putting the kibosh on underachievers like yourself. I am a different breed of person a thoroughbred, my pedigree is unmatched. I was born a pure-blooded ass whipping machine ready to stomp anyone who steps in my lane with all ten toes. If the XWF TOP 50 list was ever updated, I’d be in the top ten. I simply do not lose. Point blank, period.

When the chips are down I find a way and will continue doing so way after this triple threat match. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve just got bigger fish to fry and that fish is Chris Page. D I’ll admit it right here and now, I’m looking way past you and Blackwater. I’ve got reprisal on the mind and we all know that when pushed to the edge vengeance can make a man do some crazy things. Retribution puts a certain flavor on things, where I come from its eye for an eye. I’m out for blood and believe me when I say this, I’m going to take it out on both your asses. There is a glaring difference between us D. You think you can beat anyone. Me on the other hand, I’ve proven I can drop anyone surgically, within a blink of an eye it's light out. When it’s for all the marbles, I rise to the top. Warfare I’ll nail your coffin shut just like the long list of bastards before you, and everyone that comes after you. That’s just how it’s going to be whether you like it or not you will be sent packing without the grandest prize in the business.

Your issue is one of the deadliest sins, jealousy, it’s a hell of a thing. I’ve never sidestepped anyone, I’ll never back down from a soul, and most importantly, I refuse to pick on a guy who is weaker than me. The stark reality is simple, there’s going to come a moment in this match where not only you D but Blackwater will find a time where you want out. Where you’ve had enough, and in that nanosecond, you will recognize defeat. That specific instant in time is approaching rapidly for each of you. It will rear its ugly little head and I’ll make sure of it when I’m pressing my foot down on your throats. You’ll crumble underneath the pressure in what is supposed to be your defining moment. I’ll break you down in a fashion you’ve never seen before. Once the two of you break you’ll never be the same.

You’ll be done for the night. You’ll walk to the back shower up, fly home and reassess. Guys like you always have the tendency to run their mouths or even become envious of others opportunity. Take Ned for example, in my eyes he earned an opportunity. He’s been knocked down a few times sure, but the kid always gets back up. I want to be loud and clear when I say this D. Ned’s time to shine is coming, it’s just over the horizon. Mark my words, write it down, circle it on a calendar, the man is a diamond in the rough, all he needs is a bit of polish. Once that happens all bets are off. See neither one of you have the intentional fortitude to walk out to the plate point to the roaring crowd and tell them where you’re going to hit the ball. I call my shots. Your fucking with a hornet’s nest gentlemen, don’t be surprised when you are stung.

Robert pats the Universal Championship

Take Wargames, for example, I told the entire world that APEX PROPHECY would be triumphant. When the fate of the company is on the line who do they call on? “The Omega” and his brothers. They don’t call on gigantic pumped up jackasses that have an eighth-grade education. They call on men that are not afraid to get down in the thick of it and get their hands dirty. Men who will get the job done.

Nurse: Okay, Mr. Main are you ready?

Robert nods as the needle pierces through his skin right near the edge of the laceration from the bare-knuckle punch. He remains still as the burning sensation resonates throughout his face, the thread pulls through the skin slowly as his sorrow is extended for a few more seconds. With each moment that passes the wound get pulled tightly slowly stopping the bleeding. The nurse takes a final look before letting Robert sit up.

[Image: 50orqKR.png]

Okay, good as new. Now onto the hard part. We’ve got to staple that head shut. I’ll be back in a moment I’ve got to go get a staple gun.

Robert grins

I’ll be right here. That son of a bitch Page is going to pay for this.

Robert takes another swig of bourbon from his flask.

Now onto Blackwater, a man who is as useful as tits on a boar, or a cock flavored lollipop. This guy is a very specific brand of fucking lame. You’re a colorful character I’ll give you that. It’s fun watching management turn over rocks every now and then to see what miserable insects come scurrying out. Blackwater when push came to shove where were you at Wargames? You crumbled underneath the pressure of inferior men. When it came to the heavy lifting you were nowhere to be found as usual. Lux picked up the ball and ran with it. Hell, you shouldn’t even be in this match. This opportunity was gifted to you. What should have happened is you manning up and giving Lux the opportunity deserved, instead of riding coattails. When it comes to the Universal Championship you are as undeserving as they come. I’ll smoke you faster than a Newport, and I’m not trying to be blunt here, I’m being honest.

Knock, knock Bob.

Robert leers in the direction of the familiar voice

Shouldn’t you be getting looked at?

Oh, I did Bobby. They hooked me up to this machine checking my brain. Weird thing though, they said that they couldn’t find any activity. I told them that their machine was either broke or not working correctly because I am one o the smartest people I know.

Robert laughs as Drew wheels in an entire cart of flowers.

That’s a lot of flowers there Drew. Did you by them for me?

A strange look crosses Drew’s face

[Image: giphy.gif]

No Robert I didn’t buy them for you….. You bought them for you! I’d never buy something for someone that is dying .. That’s like giving someone geriatric as a gift. Why would I do that?

I’m not dying dick.

Bob, I read the charts… Not good..

Drew begins waving a chart around in the air then quickly opens it.

Hey Doogie Howser the chart is upside down.

Oh, it’s worse than I thought. It says here your pregnant.

There’s a long awkward silence as Drew grins

I’m kidding. But you are dying

Drew tosses the chart over his shoulder pushing the cart of flowers closer to Robert

I’m not. I thought I took all my credit cards from you after you bought that water bed off Amazon?

Oh, you did but the credit card company keeps sending new letters asking you to sign up for new cards and well…… You do. Or I do.. Either way, I have a hand full of credit cards I cycle through.

Robert eyeballs Drew for a moment shaking his head sighing

Nurse: Okay Mr. Main time for those staples..

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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Atticus Gold (06-10-2019), Corey Smith (06-10-2019), Ned Kaye (06-10-2019), The Brothers Blackwater (06-11-2019)

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