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Samuel's making an impact in XWF in his debut.
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Samuel McPherson Offline
"The Animal"

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-07-2019, 04:39 PM

[Image: brbqGQ2.png]

A family death news. Las Vegas, Nevada. Tuesday 9th April.

After returning from facing against Alex Richards in a match in Billings, Montana in Wrestling Championship Federation, Samuel went straight into his apartment to see Markus spending time with their son, Callum. They've been together for three years now and already have plans to adopt a seven-year-old boy named Maverick who will be in the family in a few weeks.

So far, things are fine, especially Callum spots Samuel sitting by them as he goes to hug his dad and he asks him a question.

Callum Raab: "How did it go, daddy Sam?"

Samuel places his thumbs up, even though he lost the match against Alex, it was still good for him to get back inside of a wrestling ring again. Samuel kisses his son and a small peck on the cheek for Markus other known as Lord Raab in the wrestling world. It was in the afternoon and Samuel's playing Ben 10 figures with Callum. Callum's a big fan of Ben 10 with his bedroom filled with Ben 10 posters, pictures, bed set and even with a lot of DVDs and books of Ben 10.

Although Callum also likes playing Lego and watching Paw Patrol as of late as well, still none of them takes over Callum's love for Ben 10. While they were playing with action figures with Callum in Callum's bedroom, Samuel heard talking downstairs, assuming it's Markus talking to Henry about something. Samuel and Callum play together and pretending to blast aliens together, until all of a sudden, there was a knock on Callum's bedroom door and Callum says this.

Callum Raab: "Come in, Daddy Mark."

Only this time around, it wasn't Markus at the door, it was Henry and Callum places his hand on his mouth with Henry speaking to Callum after he made the mistake it was Markus at the door while holding the phone

Henry Losak: "It's alright Callum."

At least Henry reassured Callum, but he flicks his hand to Samuel to get him out of Callum's room, while Markus comes upstairs and Henry whispers in his ear on what's happening and signals to not tell Samuel until he knows. Markus goes in the bedroom of Callum and closes the door. While they walk to the bedroom of Samuel and Markus, Henry sighs and places his head down as he still holds the phone and says this.

Henry Losak: "You need to speak to your mother right away Samuel. It's something severe."

It's very unusual for Samuel to talk on the phone as he wasn't able to speak due to his autism. Henry passes the phone to Samuel, and he places it on his ear as he hears tears from his mother as Samuel says one of the two words he can say in his form of language.

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

Amiela McPherson (Samuel's mother): "It's tough to tell you this news because of your autism, but I have to tell you directly on the phone. It's your father; he's at this time in a hospital because of a stroke he had a few hours ago. He's going to die at any point now. There's too much blood in his brain, and there's nothing the doctors can do. You must come here immediately."

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

He then passes the phone back to Henry as Samuel drops to his knees, looking at the floor, covering his eyes to tears as Henry nodded and did everything to reassure Samuel. Henry talks on the phone to his mother, while waters drop down on the floor with how much it hit Samuel on his heart.

Henry Losak: "Don't worry, I will make sure Samuel and Markus will get the first plane to Yankton, South Dakota right away."

Amiela McPherson: "Thank you."

Henry Losak: "Is it OK if his brother in law, his brother in law's wife and Markus's cousin come over as well?"

Amiela McPherson: "Of course they can, after all, they are just as much family as Samuel and Markus are. Thank you for passing the phone to Samuel. I will text him to let him know when it happens."

Henry Losak: "I'm sorry about your husband. Samuel and Markus will see you tomorrow."

Henry puts the phone down as he still looks over his shoulder and sees Samuel still in tears, more water hitting the wooden floor and he places his arm around Samuel as Henry says this.

Henry Losak: "Things are going to be hard the next few months, but you'll be able to handle it. Heck, when I had to deal with Markus's dad's death, he was just as heartbroken as you are. I understand if you want to be left alone tonight. I'm going to arrange you and Markus first plane to Yankton, South Dakota right away."

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

Henry leaves the room as he closes it, to give Samuel a lot of space as Samuel felt something buzzing in his pocket. He pulls out his phone and notices a text from his mother and to state his dad has tragically passed away. Samuel's on the floor, screaming in tears more than before. He isn't able to text back because he's very heartbroken. There's a knock on the door, and Samuel stands up from the floor and opens it as he shows Markus his phone text from his mother.

Markus closes the door behind him, and he carries Samuel to his bed, and they sat together with Samuel crying on Markus's shoulder, and he says this.

Markus Raab: "I'm so sorry Sam. I completely understand what you're going through. I'm sure Henry's told you he's getting plane tickets for us. I'll do packing for the pair of us. Forget about wrestling for a bit, well apart from when I'll talk to Konrad about his wrestling issues as of late."

Markus leaves the bedroom and goes to the bathroom to get some tissues for Samuel, and he gives them to him to wipe tears off his eyes.

Markus Raab: "Henry also said he'd take care of Callum while we're away. It'll be nice for us to be away from him for a bit, even in a tragic case like this. He can take care of the headquarters and Kieran who won't know anything about your loss of your dad. Do you want something to eat?"

Samuel McPherson: "Naarrp."

Samuel signals however for a drink as Markus pats him on his back and says this.

Markus Raab: "No problem. I will get you a glass of water."

Markus leaves the bedroom to go downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass from the cabinet and turns the tap on to place the glass under the sink to fill with water. He then turns the tap off and takes it upstairs to give to Samuel. Samuel thanks Markus and takes a sip from the glass and he says this.

Markus Raab: "I have to let Callum know about why we have to leave him here with Henry again. I'm always here for you, and I'll take care of the packing and stuff, you do nothing, alright?"

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

Markus leaves the bedroom once again, but this time to tell Callum in the best way he can about his grandfather losing his life. He's too young to understand the details of why Callum's grandfather passed away, but he realized people going to another place when they passed away. Markus goes downstairs and cooks dinner for him and Callum since Samuel didn't want anything to eat.

Markus got Callum to watch TV for a while before Markus comes upstairs and sits with Samuel, even crying along with him on his loss of Samuel's dad. He says this.

Markus Raab: "He's in a better place now Sam. At least he didn't have to suffer in sickness or pain, unlike my dad. He was a good man to you and was accepting of us in a relationship. You will always have those memories with your dad. He's always going to be with you, up there."

Markus points to the sky as Samuel hugs Markus tightly, hearing every single word Markus said about his dad. He stands up and takes all Samuel's clothes out of the case and places his and Markus's tuxedo's in their suitcases, along with their regular clothes they'll be wearing with Samuel picking clothes for Markus to pack. Half an hour later, they got everything together as Samuel got a tiger from under his bed and said this.

Markus Raab: "Did your dad get you that tiger?"

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

Markus Raab: "Treasure that for the rest of your life if it means that much to you. We can pack it tomorrow if you want along with other essentials you need. I love you."

Markus hugs Samuel and spends an hour in the bedroom with him before he leaves him be as he goes downstairs to tell Callum to get into bed as it was eight at night as he waits outside the bedroom for Callum to get changed and go to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Markus then tucks Callum into bed and reads him a Ben 10 story for the night before he says goodnight and kisses him on the head.

As much as Samuel's been in tears, he manages to come to Callum's bedroom to hug and kiss him goodnight before he heads back to his and Markus's bedroom. Samuel gets himself changed for bed and falls asleep on the bed, along with Markus alongside him before they start their trip to Yankton, South Dakota early in the morning to be with Samuel's mother and his brother for two weeks.


News about WCF closing down/wrestling in X-treme Wrestling Federation. Las Vegas, Nevada. Wednesday 1st May.

Two days ago, Samuel and Markus returned home from Yankton, South Dakota after a tough few weeks for Samuel after his father passed away from a stroke. He hadn't been interacting much at all as it strikes hard on him, although he had a lot more money now after his dad placed some cash on him and his brother Sebastian when he passed away. The entire day of yesterday had been spending time with their son, Callum again, apart from times when he went to school, the whole day was spent on Callum.

Although they have to go back to the orphanage place sooner than later to see Maverick and seeing if they got the doctors note about his health, they weren't going just yet as even Markus scratches his head and says this.

Markus Raab: "Wonder why we aren't going to see Maverick next week?"

Samuel shrugs his shoulders as he had no clue as he would've written down about WCF or even Carnage Wrestling appearances, but they were Monday shows so they wouldn't be affected on them going there. Samuel wrote down about WCF going on tour aboard again, and Markus forgot about it which he says this.

Markus Raab: "Yeah, maybe that's the reason like Australia or somewhere like that."

They were sitting in the dining room, wondering what they could do since Callum was at school at this moment in time, although Markus fancied doing some gym work. Suddenly, while Markus was getting ready to the headquarters gym, there was a bell noise, coming from the front door. Seeing Samuel was in the living room, he got up and walked towards the front door and opens it to see Henry at the door as he opens it and lets Henry in before Samuel closes the door behind him.

Henry gives Samuel a big hug before they came to sit down on the sofa as Samuel had his notepad and pen ready and he writes down what he's thinking right now, and Henry nods and says this to Samuel.

Henry Losak: "I can't say why, until Markus is here."

At that moment in time, Markus while getting things ready for the gym came down after hearing his name, sounding like something big was going down, and he decides to come and sit down on the sofa, stating this to Henry.

Markus Raab: "Got any reason why we aren't seeing Maverick next Thursday?"

Henry Losak: "Actually, a pretty big reason. You see, I was a busy guy while you boys were in South Dakota, mostly dealing with Samuel's business of work as well as taking care of Callum of course."

Markus Raab: "Anything I should know about?"

Henry Losak: "I hate to give you another bearer of bad news Samuel, considering the tough times you've had as of late, WCF has announced to me a couple of weeks ago they are closing down."

Markus Raab: "Bad news? No, that's the best news ever. Fuck that company. They deserved to go out of business after how poorly they treated Samuel. After Alex Richards bragging about his fucking win over Samuel, two days after his father died was the last fucking straw of me giving a fuck about them. Fuck him and his fluke wins he's had over you."

Samuel was shocked as he writes down his thoughts on it and Markus pats him on the back, signalling the disrespect Alex showed with the tweet as Henry showed Samuel and nods in agreement with Markus.

Henry Losak: "Yeah, that was disgusting, especially it was two days after the world knew about Samuel's family emergency like he didn't give a fuck at all. Best to be over and done with anybody associated with him and WCF wrestlers. Samuel had an offer from Action Wrestling, but I rejected that because it's mostly full of WCF rejects."

Markus Raab: "Good choice. Never will Samuel interact with douchebags like Noble Savage and Alex Richards who are fucking joke wrestlers who got lucky with their title wins ever again."

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

Samuel also wrote down his thoughts about WCF closing down as he wasn't sad at all, especially after hearing that from a disrespectful champion. He never respected Alex Richards anyway; he had no reason to after everything he's said and done. Samuel also wrote a question down to Henry which was essential for him to ask as Henry smiles and says this.

Henry Losak: "I'm glad you asked because going through all companies I had on my list, I've chosen a company who've been around since ninety-nine, a company I thought was completely different to the rest I saw. A company called X-treme Championship Federation."

Markus Raab: "That sounds like my cup of tea."

Henry Losak: "I've worked my ass off all of that week to get Samuel signed somewhere, and that company is it. He's signed to Wednesday Warfare brand, a show that's on every other week and has a match against Fuzz next Wednesday."

Markus Raab: "Ah, that explains a bit as to why we can't see Maverick next Thursday."

Henry Losak: "I've also changed those visits to Fridays now."

Samuel pats Henry on the back as he writes what he thinks of what Henry's done to save Samuel's wrestling career as Henry does say this.

Henry Losak: "I've done everything I could to get you signed up, even with me telling them of the circumstances of your dad as to why you couldn't sign the contract, but I said to them, when Samuel arrives on Warfare next Wednesday, he'll have no issues signing the contract with your own hands."

Markus Raab: "I even think unlike WCF, they'll have a decent tag team division, but we'll be in that division in the future as it's more important right now to get Samuel's name out there to XWF."

Henry Losak: "I will ask you to help Samuel in the next few weeks. I've also signed him up to take part in a PPV match that you've had plenty of experience with, War Games match. He's selected to be apart of Team Deacon."

Markus Raab: "Oh man, how I'd love to be a part of this company already. So brutal the name and so suits my wrestling style. They already sound better than WCF. I have no problems, getting Samuel prepared for that. It's great they have full trust in Samuel to have his second match at a PPV event. Most companies wouldn't allow that."

Henry nods, no other company in the world would even consider placing Samuel in a match he's never been in before. Markus, on the other hand, had plenty of experience in them, won all, but two of the War Games matches. Samuel writes down his question about it, and Henry says this.

Henry Losak: "I rather you focus on Fuzz in your debut for XWF Wednesday Warfare first. There's not a lot of information about him. However, to get you started, I printed out his profile from XWF website so at least you got some idea what he can do in the ring and a bit about him as a wrestler too."

Henry gives the information about Fuzz to Samuel so he can at least know a bit about his opponent before the match and Samuel writes down a question which was also a good question since Henry hadn't mentioned it and he smiles at Samuel and says this.

Henry Losak: "They are pretty much like how SinCW and EHWF used to do things, travelling around the world, but the match you have against Fuzz, from what I've been told, they are currently on a world tour, and the location is in Samoa."

Samuel has his thumbs up, liking everything about his new company with new goals in place. He sighs a bit on not officially being signed to the XWF company as of yet due to waiting for him to sign the contract, but at the same time, Henry had to find somewhere and sign Samuel up early without telling him. He knew it's the right decision for him.

Henry gets up and leaves their apartment, leaving Samuel time to study on Fuzz, and he goes to the gym with Markus for four hours before they leave their headquarters to pick up Callum from school. They spend the rest of the day and week before Samuel and Henry go to Samoa for Samuel's XWF Wednesday Warfare debut match against Fuzz.


My debut and making a mark before War Games notes.

It's been a while since the last time I've made a debut to a company. Seems a long time anyway, especially it's been longer that nobody knows me. Well, I know Sarah Lacklan from my brother in law, mentioning and wrestling her a few times in UGWC, but I don't know anybody else, much less my first victim of the week, Fuzz.

As of right now, I can only go by what I've been given as much like Fuzz doesn't know anything about me; I don't know much about him either. From what I'm going by, he has more stamina than me which is already striking me as a bit of weakness, to say the least along with his likely ability to talk as writing these blogs will be the only way I communicate to all of you.

He also seems to be a powerhouse wrestler which is the kind of competition I crave for, especially in this day and age, one of my tag partners you'll see in the future, Kieran Overton says there are more flip flop wrestlers then powerhouse wrestlers. I believe he's right with that and that makes this match exciting to me. However, I've had tough times recently with the death of my dad, passing from a stroke, unexpectedly so I'm going to come to this match pissed off and Fuzz I feel very sorry for, despite him not done or said anything to me as of late, he's going to be treated like a doll in the ring.

Considering the size and strength Fuzz may have, he doesn't outweigh me, and he has to combine his speed to beat me. Even that won't be enough for him because I'm a lot more ready and determined to move away from WCF who've treated me like a piece of garbage. They had a champion who bragged about a win, two days after news broke out about a family emergency is another part of a reason why I'm pissed off too.

I'm a hardcore, brawling, powerhouse wrestler who will do anything it takes to win a match, even if it's to break most of the rules. I don't care because at the end of the day. The Animal always comes in with a killer instinct of destroying and hurting my opponents in my way. Deacon made an excellent decision to pick me for his team, despite him knowing nothing about me, but Deacon, you won't regret choosing the powerhouse, hardcore, brawling wrestler to put some hurting on other opponents in the War Games match.

However, the hurting will be put on Fuzz first because I know I'll be a lot better than him and none of you XWF management will regret having me on your roster and being apart of this company that will hopefully treat me better than WCF ever did. I will prove to the entire world of Samoa what The Animal can truly do in the ring by beating the living shit out of Fuzz, making my mark on the XWF roster.

Although I still haven't put pen to paper due to the death of my dad, Henry who's my manager has worked hard while I was with my family to get me signed up somewhere. When I walk to Warfare tomorrow night, not only they'll officially have my signature on the contract, but they'll have a wrestler who'll win his first match in XWF too. I will batter the shit out of Fuzz by using my finisher and either pin or make the fucker choke out in the ring.

The Animal is coming, and you're going to get beaten badly. I will have my hands raised in the ring because I'm the better wrestler in the match and you'll know it tomorrow night. Enjoy watching me destructing Fuzz in the ring tomorrow night cos I know all of you will enjoy me doing so. That's all I have to say.

[Image: sb5kD4m.png]
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