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Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-20-2018, 01:18 PM

p[[Image: J8GfBFG.jpg]

Through the stars and swerving around the asteroid clusters. Past the nebula clouds and avoiding the black holes. After the vast assortment of planets and beyond the orbiting satellites. Sat the mighty green, brown and blue ball, called Earth. A planet that was occupied by a wide variety of species but the one in particular that will be focused on at this time, shall be the creatures known as homo sapiens. More commonly referred to as humans. Or rather, at this precise moment, the focus will be directed upon one specific member of the human race. A young adolescent male, fourteen years of age to be exact, by the name of Bradley Thomas. Now young Bradley, was nothing of importance or special. Just a young nondescript youth floating through a sea of humanity. Adrift in the grand ocean of earthlings, like a teenage voyager who was lost out on the waters. Drifting with no certain destination, yet still with the aspiration to find the proper course that would set him in the right direction needed in order to discover, truly amazing things. However, those things would remain out of reach, presently. So the attention will be placed on what could be ascertained.

Bradley, was an only child, born to a young couple who conceived him after a night of consuming far too much tequila. Cindy and Frank, were a career driven duo, living the dream until the dream included a baby. From that frightening instant, it was a dream drastically halted on pause for them, until Bradley escaped the womb and then it was right back on track but sadly, where did this leave poor little Bradley. Basically, this meant growing up alone and raising himself, with all the toys and video games a lad could ever want. With his parents being extremely well off, money was of no limits, so he received everything and anything he wanted, all except the parents that he desperately desired and needed. It was altogether depressing really but things were about to turnabout for Bradley. No, he wasn't going to find a fairy doctor working in an asylum who would then lobotomize his parents into actually being real parents. This is the real world after all, not some fantasy fiction story written within an online story gaming community. Still, on this day as he sat on his bed watching his favorite wrestling program, things would change for Bradley and the world... forever.

For as he sat upon his blue plaid blanketed bed, within a bedroom plastered in the posters of his favorite wrestlers of the XWF. Men and women of the past and present fame. Tv blaring the most recently aired episode of the XWF, the only wrestling series that would ever receive an NC-17 rating and probably one that shouldn't be viewed by someone as young as Bradley but hey... his parents didn't give a shit about their kid, so there really isn't any restrictions in his life. In fact, it's a wonder he hadn't stumbled into something far, far worse than the XWF. Anyway, moving on to what Bradley is actually doing while his favorite televised wrestling series is being aired. Why it seems Bradley is playing the XWF video game. A game you can only find in the darkest, most desolate parts of the city. Sitting on the shelves of stores where you might find a number of illicit products or within the shops where one could perchance purchase a mugwai. Interestingly enough though, it would appear he was indulging in the game play of a specific edition of the XWF gaming franchise. An older edition from 2013 or 2014, it really wasn't clear, though it was certainly odd because he owned every game issued for the XWF, what with his parents idea of parenting and all. No, what stood out rather blatantly, is that time after time again, over and over, Bradley kept choosing the same character.

A former wrestler, gone tragically missing one day. Disappearing as suddenly and starkly as he arrived. A curiously strange, unusual sort of fellow, who was beyond that of this planet called earth. Someone who fell from the stars, lived among the mortals, then found himself below them, only to climb up from the sewers and emerge a wrestler. A spaceman whose journeys would put him in all sorts of tales of wonder and misadventures of the weird and most wild as he wrestled under varying names. His life altering and changing until he finally came unto calling himself by his true title - Azrael Erebus. The outré man from a planet afar named Ozuul, who now only sat as a tearful memory on the screen of the tv belonging to young Bradley. It was a rather dreadful fate but it was what it was and that's what it would always be. For Azrael was gone, parted from the XWF, seemingly vanished into the vast nothingness of an abyss and things would never change... or would they?


Most likely not.

Or could they...

Nope. They couldn't but keep paying attention anyway cause... well, there's been a commitment level thus far so things should be stuck out to the end, right? Right. So it's agreed then. Anyhow, Bradley was about to beat some random with Azrael's trademark wrestling move - Darkest Light, when he heard something from the other side of his room. There was a type of scratching. Or clawing, perhaps? A sound that started out faint and gradually grew in volume, until Bradley had to pause his game and investigate. By this time though, there was a tiny hole; near the base of the wall, that appeared to be being scraped from the other side. This sight was both interesting and frightening to behold as it was very clear that this act was not being performed by an ordinary critter, such as a mouse or even a rat. No, this was happening far too quickly for that to be the case, which was very alarming, to say the least. Yet, before Bradley could decide upon the course placement of fleeing or staying put, the choice was made for him as a creature emerged.

It was a small, fat, ugly thing, that seemed to be generated from somebody's cruel joke. With arms and legs of disproportionate size, a bloated, round, obese gut and a head that was no bigger than a pea. Bearing patches of matted up, oily fur in random misplaced spots on its body and clothed in nothing more than tatters and rags and a little red, felt hat, that came to a point atop the foul thing's head. It belched and scratched itself. Then turned its attention to Bradley, who was still standing there for some reason. Stuck in shock maybe? Or just really dumb? Who's to say? There he stood though, frozen in place, with eyes wide and mouth agape. He couldn't move or even speak, he simply existed there, watching onward as the disgusting critter began to move closer. Walking with a kind of limping wobble, where it would tip to the side almost to the point where it looked like the thing might fall over but then at the last second, right before the expected impact with the floor, it would astonishingly continue forward instead. Until the rotten thing was right at Bradley's feet. The stench was unbearable! Like a small pile of living garbage. Yet, still there Bradley stood. Blinking, silent and stupid. Till the stomach-churning varmint finally spoke.

"Are you the earthling child? The one called, Bradley?"

Even its voice was gross. It came out in a rasping, gasping choke, like the sickening thing needed to hack up a lump or something. Bradley on the other hand still hadn't acquired the ability to speak, so he merely nodded an affirmative response.

"Good! I've got something for you!"

Geeze! That voice! It was utterly awful. Completely matching the repellent beast's odor and looks perfectly though. However, it was at this precise instant, Bradley "woke up" and realized the situation at hand. Yeah... took him long enough, right?

"You have something for me?"

Bradley shambled back.

"Yeah. I do. Hang on, I've got it here, right in my pocket."

Tottering back as the hideous thing fished about within the pocket of its trousers, Bradley would then find himself at one with the floor. Frantically popping up into a sitting position, he would then stare on in fear as the creature pulled out a rock and dropped it on the floor. The quality of the rock was glassy textured and shimmering. Sparkly, shining gold and about the size of an average human's foot. Sparkly, shining gold and about the size of an average human's foot.

"Who wanted you to give this to me?"

Bradley asked in confusion.

"No one gave it to me. I found it. When I was rummaging about the sewers, looking for my dinner. It caught my attention, seemed to call to me in fact, so I picked it up and when I did that, I felt the over-powering urge to find you. So I did. Now that I've done that and you've got your rock, I'll be off. I'm still very hungry, you see and I don't envision a point in me sticking around. Which means, I'll be on my way then."

"But what am I supposed to do with it."

"Don't know, don't care."

And with that, the revolting creature staggered off. Off to the hole from which it came and disappeared. Good riddance! Thank the stars that Bradley didn't convince it to stay! He did crawl over to the rock and pick it up though. It was heavier than it looked! About the weight of a normal bowling ball. Which raised the question... how did the weird thing that brought it there, manage to carry the rock within its pocket, let alone pick it up? At any rate, Bradley held onto it as he rose from the floor. Turning it about in his hand, his grip on the rock suddenly gave out. What a surprise. He couldn't even keep himself standing upright as he attempted to back away from that disgusting critter. Is it really a wonder that this happened? Didn't think so.

Anyway, this event was followed by the rock hitting the floor, where it smashed straight on through and plummeted to the next level. Bradley raced as fast as he could, out of his bedroom door, through the hallway and down the stairs. Bringing him to the next level of his home, where he would discover that the rock had created yet another hole in the floor. Was this thing gaining weight capacity? Bradley pondered this as he hurried to the last level, this was the basement and the floor was made of concrete. Surely, that would stop the rock's trajectory, Bradley thought as he made his way down the basement stairs. There thankfully, he would find the rock stuck, sitting embedded within the concrete.

From there, the rock began to glow as a thousand cracks formed within it. Then there was a blinding flash of light, brilliant enough to engulf the entire basement. An illumination so glaringly vivid, Bradley had to cover his eyes. Warm and incandescent, the radiant glow lasted but a few moments and then it stopped, just as quickly as it took place. Cautiously, Bradley lowered his hand and gasped as he saw that now, sitting in the rock's place was the missing marvel, Azrael Erebus. Wide eyed and looking about in bewilderment. The spaceman's gaze eventually fell upon Bradley and when it did land there in astonishment, it stopped. There it would remain though as Azrael picked himself off the floor. Towering over the boy who was no more than the size of a small pet, compared to Azrael's seven foot stature, the man from the stars raised a brow in inquiry and asked. "Who are you and where exactly am I?!?!"

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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