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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
I'm Bad At Love
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-21-2017, 11:51 PM


The tires skidded across the pavement. The guards were chasing behind, but the out of shape rent-a-cops in training were failing to catch up. All that Jenny could hear was her own cackling, the hysterical laughter at someone else's misery. All she cared about at that moment was getting away, then planning her next trip to the whack-job-farm. She had no emotion over the mental trauma she had caused the man.

As the men were left in the dust, she pulled over to the side of the road. Whipping out her cell phone, she flipped it open, pressing numbers frantically.


"Hey baby......I missed your voice."

"Yep." Her tone was uncaring.

"What's up?"

"I need your car. I'll text you the location, come pick us up."

All he was was a ride to her. An older guy with a car. The thought of a physical relationship with him repulsed her, but she needed something he had. She knew he loved her, but they were young. He didn't know what love was.

Before she knew it, his mid-2000's model Saturn Ion rolled up. She knew it was him because of the sound the muffler made. It wasn't a fancy car, but it was wheels she didn't have to do work to make go. She threw her bag in the trunk and the girls piled in. She jumped into the front seat.

"Hey babe! Where were you, you look like you've been sweating. Do you need a water?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Just drive, Chad."

He didn't say much else. The girls clambered on in the back as he struggled to keep his eyes on the road and off of her. He would go to the end of the world and back for her. She was beautiful, and he thought she was for sure the most beautiful girl in the world. Her smile, her eyes, her hair. The way she smelled. Her strong personality. She had it all. Total package. He couldn't wait until they dropped the other girls off. He had something important to ask her.

As the car pulled onto her block, she girls got out one by one as they reached their respective houses. Finally, it was just the two of them.


She already had her fingers on the door handle, ready to get out. She sat back with another eye roll.


"I bought us two prom tickets. I want to take you to my senior prom. I know you are younger, but there isn't another person on this planet I would want to go with. Also, I bet you will look beautiful in a dress."

She was taken aback. Prom? Really? She wasn't a prom type of chick. But hey, a free meal, attention and an afterparty. That was her language.


"You sound thrilled."

"It's just.....I don't know...."

This was the biggest moment in a high schoolers life. He was the star QB, he could go with any girl he wanted. But all he wanted was her.

"Please, Jen. I told a lot of girls no. I made special arrangements with the school to bring an underclassman. I went through a lot."

She rolled her eyes again. "Ugh....fine."


The limo rolled up to her house. A limo in this neighborhood stuck out like a green hat with an orange brim. He didn't care. This was his last hoorah. He took finals next week, and this was the biggest moment of his life to date. Bigger than the Nevada state championship football game. He stepped out, fully in his tux, and opened the back door. He told her what time to expect him but he never got a response.

Inside, Jenny sat in the dark, eating ice cream and watching TV. Her phone vibrated on the desk next to her.

She decided to ignore it. It rang endlessly.

Outside, he sighed and hung up. Maybe she was in the bathroom finishing her makeup.

When the commercial came on, she checked her phone.

Missed Call: Chad
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Missed Call: Chad.
Text: Jordan

Party? Booze? Boys? Weed?

She threw a shirt on and snuck out the back.

By the time she arrived at the party, it was already dark.

Only one text message had come through her phone.


"I loved you."

She looked at her phone. She passed the bowl to Jordan and coughed a bit to herself.

She wrote back.

"I'm bad at love."


"Sometimes, when you have the mind of a child, you have the stubborness of one, also. It isn't your fault, Engy. Like the Gaga song that sludged over our radio stations, bringing the nations IQ's down a half a point every time we were forced to listen to it, you were Born This Way. You're just different, and that is okay. Who am I to judge? We are both different in our own special way. That is why I think we would be such a good pair together. We are so much different, but both really the same. Don't take what I am about to say as being mean, or being derogitory in any way. You know what they say, right? The best couples have the worst fights.

But you really must be dense. We have been going back and forth like a metronome all week, and we are still at this stalemate that we can't seem to break. You just can't get it through your weirdly shaped head.......I AM NOT PULLING ANY PUNCHES. This is not a trick, a game, a ruse, a hoax. I am legitemately trying to show you that there is a real spark here. That the chemistry may be real. I have always found you funny. I have always laughed at you. Not like, make fun of you after a wedgy from a bully in the park laugh but laugh like one would laugh at Meatwad from AquaTeen Hunger Force. You're my meatwad, Engy! That loveable weirdo. But unlike the hot cheerleaders in school who gives nerds hopes to see boob outside of a computer screen as a dare or a senior prank, I genuinely feel like this is something that could work out. You see, I have motive in this, too. You really think I would expect you to just hand over this belt to me? Oh no, no no no Engy. I didn't expect that, pookie. I just wanted to see if you would. I wanted to test the waters, get my feet wet, see just who I was dealing with here. What kind of mind state you truly were in. I found out. A selfish one. You see, you don't love me the way you claim because you won't go out of your way to make sure I am happy. Some would call me 'high matinence', Engy, but you are the one who drools like a dog on a summers day anyway. You are a naughty boy. But before I accuse you of not actually loving me, because I don't want to listen to another mindless cliche filled promo of hopeless romantic fanfiction from you to be honest, I will instead change my argument to say that you just may not know, understand, comprehend, what love truly is. That is fine. You will learn. But the motive for me in this match isn't just your shiny belt. It isn't just the love of someone who finally picks up what I am putting down. Oh, no. The motive for me is revenge.

Yes, you heard me right, revenge.

But before you hyperventilate over there, let me tell you that you have done nothing wrong. This revenge isn't about you. If I am 'using' you at all, it is to get what I want. You want the gods honest truth about what I really want? I want you to slap Madison in her whore face. I want you to plant a kiss on my lips in front of her, then throw up a middle finger to her and that female Frankenstein. I no longer want it to be "Maddy and Engy". I want it to be "Engy and Jenny." Doesn't that come off the tongue so much better? I think it flows. It's not as clunky. You see..........Madison has hurt you by hurting me. How so? Well, Madison has turned her back on the wrong bitch. I was down and out, but there was a still a possibility to pull me out of the quicksand. But what did Madison do? She extended her hand, and just as I was about it grasp it she laughed and pushed my head deeper. I crawled out of this hole on my own, and I plan to stay out of it. She turned her back on me when I needed a friend more than ever before. She only cared about herself, and what made her look good. Her image, her reputation. It was all Madison, all the time. It still is. She is a leather faced fembot incapable of human emotion. But not me, Engy. Not me. I am deep behind this skin. I have sobbed in the dark into a carton of Häagen-Dazs with Lifetime on max volume enough to know what love really is. Or at least, to claim I do.

When I see you now, Engy, the 'new and improved' Engy, I see some of Madison left in you. Like a creampie in a porn video, Madison is oozing out of you without even a simple "thank you". You are so consumed in the world that was that you fail to see the world that IS. You only care about yourself, as well. You care about being a champion, about being validated, about being looked up to. You care about the fact you are about to set a record. You care about material possessions. You care more about IT than about US. It is okay, really, because I expected that. You think I am better than a job out. I appreciate that. What you fail to realize is that sometimes love makes us think differently than the other. That is the beauty of it. I think I deserve both belts, you think you deserve me. It is a push and pull. There must be a compromise somewhere, no? I have never really been good at this whole "love" thing.

Some would say I'm bad at it. Some would say that I ruined their lives. Some would say that they couldn't keep up with my needs. Some would say that catching feels for me was the worst thing that has ever happened to them. Truth is, I am a girl of simple desires, Engy. I just want to be pampered and coddled. I want to be treated like the Queen that I am. Like I said, simple needs. But what I DON'T want is another Chris. Right now, Engy, you are being just like him. Trying to teach me a lesson. "You're better than this, fighting me will show that." Everything was a lesson with him. An example. Why can't someone just do what I want when I want it?

Oh well.

We are running out of time for me to argue with you, Engy. Now, you've backed me into a corner. I am going to be forced to kick your ass, to push you to the brink, to make you question why you ever stepped into a wrestling ring. I didn't want it to come to this, but sometimes you have to spank a child in order to get him to learn. I can and will push you harder than you've ever been pushed to date. I will take out all of the frustration I have toward Madison and Chris and bring it out. You see, by you taking your little stand, you've forced me to beat the stubborn out of you. The best loves are tough loves, right?

You still haven't taken me to dinner. You offered, now where did that opportunity go? Backing down so soon? You're already off to a bad start, not keeping promises and such. Tisk Tisk. But that's not the main concern right now.

This is:"

If it comes down to you or the title, I pick you. A championship is temporary.

Well, well, well. Contradicting ourselves now, are we? Maybe you haven't fully broken out of that shell either, have you? You clearly chose the title over love, just go back and re-watch a promo of yours from this week. You had a chance to choose me. You chose that piece of metal. I know where your priorities lie.

I acknowledge that someday somebody will catch me on a bad day and take it. It could even be you.

Like N'Sync said back in 2ooo, "Its gonna be me!"

"That one statement just unwound everything you had said prior like a cat playing with a yarn ball. It's all over now, and I know what I have to do. You see, Engy, I was willing to give this a shot. You hated what you were, as did I, but the difference is I am no longer that person whereas you are just a diet version of the old Engy. You've made subtle changes, but haven't passed the threshold into 'new'. Shame. I really thought maybe we were making progress here. I didn't even have to change my name. You are busy trying to be Dexter whatever, I am still Jenny fucking Myst. You have made your choice, and you chose wrong.

If you want me now, you're going to have to prove it. Talk is cheap when you lie, Engy. Thing is about me is that once you do me wrong, I'm gone for good. When I take your title tomorrow night, you will have nothing left. No title, no recognition, no Jenny. You had a chance, you blew it. Could it be rekindled? Who knows, but it all comes down to your actions tomorrow night. It all comes down to whether or not Engy and Jenny can be Tarzan and Jane or if they will end up like Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Chris is gone. This is MY company now. "

The room was dimly lit still. There was a mannequin in the corner, dressed in a prom dress that was torn and tattered. It looked as though it had been slashed with a knife. There was a dark liquid on it.


She stood up, the chair pushing back and scraping across the floor with a screech.

She began to walk, slowly, across the dark room. Her face only visible when she passed a candle.

"This is my company now, Engy. Whether you are going to be with me in ruling it or not, that is up to you. I have battled back from some of the worst situations imaginable, and I have come out on top. You have yet to accept that you have a long way to go. I have accepted that I am now perfect. I am exactly where I want to be. I am on the up and up. I am the epitome of success. You've done a lot of good things, but you haven't figured out the most important thing of all......who you are."

She walks to the corner of the room, pulling a cape off a large dark object.

"I do think that I could love you, and I know you think you love me. I wanted this to be smooth, Engy, I did. I wanted this to be flawless. Our love could have been as pure as South American cocaine, but you've gone and cut it with something else. So now, I am going to do what I always do.....I am going to take your heart and crush it in my hands. I am going to take your heart, your title, and your pride. When I do, you will truly have nothing left in this miserable cog you call a life, and you will have no choice but to start over. The best love is tough love, Engy....."

She sits down at a piano, and begins to play it slowly. The melody eerily droans through the concrete room. She laughs to herself as she strokes each key.

"Love is a strong word. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel. Maybe that is one thing I am still yet to learn."

The candles illuminate the figure wearing the dress. It is a model of Engy, wearing the dress she was supposed to wear all thoe years ago. It was definently blood on the dress.

"Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly. That is one thing you've taught me.......something perhaps I still need to master. When I leave Warfare as a double champion, however, there will be no question who the master really is.....I have come a long way. I will be double champion and you will still love me, even with your title around my waist. You will love me because I finally have found the strength to love me.........."

She continued to stroke the keys.

"But then again, I've never really been good at this whole love thing."

[Image: f4LqUvY.gif]
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