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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Chasing Ghosts (Collaboration)
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-22-2016, 08:14 PM


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[Image: Kd641BT.png]


Chasing Ghosts

The Russians pick up speed and shorten the distance between them and the high speed train carrying former almost First Gentleman, Bill Clinton, and Bill Cosby. The Bill's scale the box cars like a couple of masters of parkour, going from one car to the next with ease. Three loaded up vehicles speed up beside the train and a couple of Russians hang out of both passenger side windows and starts firing at them. The Bill's manage to duck and dodge the gunfire and were able to hide behind certain parts of the roofs.

With this being 2016 and not the West in the 1800's, someone pulled the brake on the train and it came to a screeching, long, drawn-out halt. Bill Clinton tumbles forward and falls from the front of the car. He manages to catch himself on the edge and swings down and slams into the door. Bill Cosby managed to keep ahold of the small skyview box atop the roof of the car and not go flying anywhere. When the train finally comes to it's violent stop, the Russians all exit their vehicles and make their way towards the train.

"It's no use! Show yourselves! We swear we just want the Unknown Soldier! He must be destroyed!"

The Russian leader speaks out to the train and it's passengers.

Clinton crawls on his belly across the floor of the train while the few passengers on board cower in their booths. Cosby remains on the roof, he looks ahead and sees the train was heading straight over the bay and into New York City. They were so close. And so were the Russians.

"Just make this easy for everyone! Give yourselves up and help us! You would be fools not to!"

"Like HELL mother fuckers!"

Cosby then notices that the road turns up ahead and crosses the tracks. The train is a mile long so it's either back track to get to the other side or they'll be swimming. Cosby makes his move and jumps from the side of the train to the ground. He runs up towards the next block where the crossing is and finds the Doc standing, waving to him across the road.

"Hello, my friend! This way!"

Doc waves and stands over a manhole for sewer access. He grabs a large metal bar and removes the lid, flipping it over to the side of the hole. Cosby hobble-jogs across the street over to the doc.

"Where's Bill?"

"Back in that fuckin' train. He's pinned down by those Goddamn Commes. I'm not sure if he's going to get out of there."


Doc ponders for a moment then makes his way over to the train, which is still full of an unruly mob of panicked passengers.

"Come with me!"

He shouts back to Bill Cosby and he follows. Doc points and motions around the train and quickly explains his plan.

"You are one CRAZY mother fucker, you know that?"

Cosby looks at Doc with a straight face and begins to hop towards the front of the train. He climbs to into the empty engine, puts an engineer's hat on, and does his best to get the train moving again.

Doc makes his way to where Bill Clinton is still pinned down, which isn't too far back from the front of the train.

"Come out Former Mister President! We just want to talk of course!"

The Russian continues his attempts to convince Mister Clinton out of the train. Right in front of where Bill was lying on the floor in the train, a hatch opened up and the doctor popped his head out.

"Hello, my friend! Follow me, if you would!"

"Man you just pop up at the perfect times don't ya, bro?!"

Doc disappears back in the hole and Clinton follows him while the Russian outside continues to ramble on. Before Willy can make it down through the hole, Bill Cosby's voice can be heard over the loud speaker.

"Hey mother fuckers! Whoever pulled that E-Brake needs to fix that shit RIGHT now! Move! Move! MOVE!!"

Bill Clinton looks around, back and forth and no one moves. He notices the big red handle flipped back the exit at the front of the car. He turns around and quickly crawls to it, jumps up and resets the brake. Before we know it, the train jerks, clangs, and bangs and off it went! Clinton fell back to his knees and crawled across the floor and into the hatch to the lower level of the car! He shimmied through until he found where Doc came through which lead to a storage unit on the bottom side of the car. It still hangs open, waiting for him to make his escape while the train continues to slowly pick up speed again. Suitcases and other bags fall out of it's space and onto the ground with every couple of feet because of how packed they were and the mess that Doc already made when he went through there twice. Bill crawls through and manages to jump from the car before the train was going dangerously fast. He rolls into a cloud of dust and still takes a few bumps along the way, but is just fine. The train continues to roll away, across the bay, and into the city driven by Bill Cosby.

"We must hurry!"

Doc grabs Bill by the back collar of his fancy jacket and basically drags him towards the manhole he uncovered before.

"We have to get out of here before this train goes by. Your friends know we needed into the city and this train would have been our best bet. Now, our arrival may be a bit delayed, but we're heading underground. We'll find our way."

The two descend into the manhole and head underground while the Statue of Liberty stands tall with the blazing sun blasting down behind it. Quite a sight.

M E A N W H I L E . . .

A small candle illuminates a small enclosed area of black and grey bricks that continue downward in a spiral stair case beyond the depths of infinite nothingness. A pair of enlarged feet is all that's visible as the camera pans downward into the black abyss that lingers on and on and on down further and further into the black. These feet can be seen, lumbering down the stairs in a very haphazard stupefied Quasimodo type fashion as they hustle more and more quickly downward, sloppily banging and slamming the toes as each step progresses one in front of the other. This spiral stair case is nothing but brick steps coupled with brick walls that slowly entrench closer and closer, moving inwards and crowding the the individual with the large feet. Bringing the most claustrophobic individuals to what can only be their ultimate fear, being trapped inside some medieval castle like structure by a wall of damp bricks and cold air. As the pair of feet scurry further and further down this enclosing spiral stair case, they gain in both speed and significance as a loud scream is heard in the background. This must have alerted our lone candle carrier and source of light, by bringing his feet to their utmost top speed, now skipping three to four steps at a time.

Finally, he has reached the bottom, after hours and hours of continuous steps moving down deep into possibly the center of the earth. When he reaches the bottom, he holds the lone candle that is now lowering itself in the flame with the lack of oxygen that is brought upon by the long travel to the dark bottom of this wicked spiral stair case. The small candle, barely illuminated by the small flicker of it's dying flame, he now holds before a door to which reads floor number -666. The screaming again persists, but it is not of the total shrieking or scared value to which a normal person would assume to be that of a frightening scale. For it is not just a loud frightful screech that is wrapped around the bellowing of the voice, but it is also a chuckle of immense pleasure that too strangely can be detected hiding behind the ghastly wails that seem to be coming from directly behind the door. A nasty looking hand with chewed fingernails and dirt and grime pushes open the door and the scene that bestow itself upon us is even more horrendous then one can imagine or dream about.

Inside the room deep in the basement of floor -666 is a sight of pure unspeakable horror that would send a chill down the spine of even the most deadliest of twisted serial killers. Clearly we have stumbled into some sort of torture chamber, one of the likes that is even worse then any imaginable in the 17th century. The walls and ceiling are still made of a continuous pattern of black and grey bricks that enveloped the spiral stair case, but the rest of the torture chamber is a slew of devices that goes on for miles and miles beyond belief in this deep and dark hell hole. The Judas Cradle, Chair of Torture, The Rack, Brazen Bull, Chinese Iron Maiden, Pear of Anguish, Dunking, and Boiling. A chair where someone was being forced to watch endless hours of Thaddeus Duke promos on repeat. All the big ones, all the hits, every means of torture that can be inflicted upon the sanctity of mankind and Guantanamo Bay is in this deep dark dungeon.

The saddest and most depressing part of this whole story is that each torture device has some poor lonely soul either attached to it and crying out in immense pain, or someone already dead and rotting away. It's as if the dead body clean up crew for this torture chamber had all gone on vacation. Most of them are still wearing their H> pins as it is most apparent that this sea of tortured souls are all members of Hillary Clinton's campaign trail. That is once again when the shrieking can be heard far off in the distance in another corner of this gigantic torture basement. The Shrek like creature carrying the candle and illuminating this DEPLORABLE scene, makes it's way off towards the howling voice. Running fast, but with some type of severe hobble in his step.

Eventually, this strange candle bearer makes his way closer and closer to the screams and laughs as they become louder and louder, hobbling through the torture basement with seas of tortured souls crying behind him. The candle bearer makes no mention of their existence or attempts to respond to their plea of freedom as he skips past them. He arrives at the source of this voice that he had been chasing since the top of the spiral stair case. It is indeed, Mrs. Hillary Clinton surrounded by a sea of goons looking like a pack of orcs commanded by Sauron. They all stand around a circle, where in the center, is none other than her boyfriend and XWF superstar, Unknown Soldier. He lays flat on a table with a wash cloth over his face. A pair of Hillary Clinton's goons are dumping water on his face sporadically. Water boarding the fucking shit out of him. Hillary turns to the candle bearer, now aware of his prescience, looking very pissed off like some super mega bitch on her period X 666 to the 666th power.

Hillary Clinton: "Well, it's about fucking time Tim!"

The camera now pans to our candle bearer to reveal that it is in fact Hillary Clinton's top henchmen and vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine. So when we made the Quasimodo and Shrek look a like comparisons and similarities in his movements and actions earlier, it appears we weren't far off.

Tim Kaine: "What the fuck Hill, you can't waterboard the guy into getting back together with you!"

Hillary Clinton: "Oh yes I can, didn't you see, Donald Trump won the presidency! Water boarding is totally legal now!"

Tim Kaine: "No, I mean, that's not going to work. It's a proven fact that people will say anything just to stop being tortured."

Hillary Clinton: "Well whatever, it's not really working anyways as he seems to just be enjoying himself. I've never heard someone scream out in pure joy so much when receiving the kind of punishment I've been dishing out to him today."

Unknown Soldier pops up and slips his hands out of the straps that kept him bound to the table like a sly little snake. The wash cloth comes flying off his face and smacks Hillary right in the face. She flings the wet cloth angrily off in the distance where some tortured individual was hooked up to a Torture rack. Dying of thirst he wrings the rag over his face and suckles the small amount of water that drips off the edge down his throat. Soldier now stands up at attention, looking directly at Hillary but speaking to the circle of everyone that was 'attempting' to torture him.

Unknown Soldier: "Hey dudes, let's have some real fun and try this with some fire! Come on now, baby! Fire board the ever living SATAN! piss out of me!"

Unknown Soldier then re straps himself back into the chair, sliding his wrists and ankles back into their straps and tying himself back up. Before the rest of the room can react or possibly oblige his request, a loud banging sound is heard off in the distance from where Tim Kaine brought us into this dungeon in the first place. Someone was entering the dungeon, and they were most definitely uninvited from the look on Hillary Clinton's bewildered looking face.

Doc and Bill Clinton make their way as quickly as they can through the sewer that is basically directly under New York City. It's wet, dark, smelly... A sewer, ya know? It doesn't seem to bother Doc, as he trots along and puffs on a cigar as he normally would do on his journeys.

"You remember how I mentioned before about being unsure who exactly I'm listening to at times?"


Bill stops and looks at the doc with a confused look before realizing Doc wasn't talking to him at all.

"How it's easy to forget that I'm speaking with some little girl? Especially, HA-HA, since I was just having some flashbacks of Gator back there. Seriously, are you sure Morbid Angel was your idol? Speaking of which, really, Morbid Angel? Ugh."

"In all honesty though, Dolly, you're still adorable. Together, Soldier and I have had a combined of over eighty matches in this FINE federation. He has about ten more than I do, in fact, so, we're pretty even. What's adorable and what's funny is, just like SO many, you grasp onto anything you can. I've been beaten six times, Dolly. You think that hurts me? You think I'm discouraged? You think that every time it happens I run away scared? Come on now. What kind of star attraction comes in week in and week out trying to prove something? Why on Earth would I put myself through that again? I don't NEED to, Dolly. People like your partner Luca, my partner Soldier, and myself don't NEED to come out every single week and kill ourselves to scrape and claw to that next level. We've already breached that level a while ago. That fear and respect that the ENTIRE roster has for guys like us? That shits real, my dear. So, maybe you ARE just too young, dumb, and naive to get that. The thing about being a legend is that your legacy lives on no matter what. You're really going to attack just the last couple of matches I've had since returning? A draw, a loss, and somewhere around five wins through a tag team tournament. Regardless whether the teams exist today or not, that tournament was filled with it's own collection of some of the best talents in this organization today. Funny, you weren't around for that... Waiting for an opportunity or what?"

"It is truly a shame that you don't have the same respect that you had for guys like us anymore. I didn't know you tuned into us on the tube, Dolly. When was that? A year ago? Two years ago? It was around that time you stopped wetting the bed too right? You have no room in this place to even talk down to the likes of us. Sitting there thinking that YOU are competition is nearly as absurd Ghost Tank ever being in contention for something. The only reason we're squaring off against you is because you managed to hit up Mister Lane FIRST because you're absolutely right, there is virtually NO tag team division. Isn't that the point of doing it then? To make it great again as my dear partner, Unknown Soldier, likes to say. So what has drawn you to it since you really have no desire to hold them? To prove you can kick around a couple of old washed up ex-icons? Please, Dolly, just be honest with yourself here... You're trying to suckle from anywhere you can for a little bit of recognition. Deep down, you still believe and know exactly what we're capable of and you're just jealous of those like Luca who managed to get one over Soldier apparently back before MY time even. You're jealous of Miss Riot and Mister Chaos because THEY managed to pull a fast one on good ol' Doc. If there's one thing I've grown to learn in this place, my dear, it's any given day. Miss Riot had her day and Mister Chaos had his. Now he has a short at the Universal Title after being rewarded a Wild Card after our match. Almost like destiny for him, isn't it?"

"Any given day, Miss Dolly. Just because you look back at statistics and 'WHO BEAT WHO', doesn't put the odds in your favor. Out of the nine matches you've had, Kitt Kennedy has been in a third of them. Does that make you that much better, too? Kicking around the same idiot for weeks at a time in your little Television Title and Hart divisions? Give me a break. I admit, I've had some reruns myself, but over the course of a couple of years. I want to know what you think of your statistics after you walk away Wednesday with your first true digit in your loss column. Getting beat by the old fart that got beat by some punk you beat. And I'll be glad to do it again, if you'd like, on a bigger brighter stage someday as well, my dear. If you haven't noticed, which... I think you have........"



"That I've had my eye on you for quite some time."

Doc laughs to himself, Bill chimes in with some laughter, as well.

"I think you've had your eye on old Doc, too, am I right? You can't lie that it's been a dream of yours to square off against at least one of the two of us... Talk tough all you want, sweetheart, but you know exactly what is going to happen at Warfare. These frauds? These two fizzled out 'NOT-ANMORE'S' are going to walk out with their titles INTACT, our images UNSCATHED, and our UNIVERSE laughing as the little girl and her drug addict little buddy-daddy lie in a pool of their own bodily fluids right, square in the middle of Ground Zero. Everything you've ever worked for is on the line right here, Dolly. All the shit you've babbled. EVERYTHING you look forward to is lying RIGHT here in front of you. The flame burns and burns fiercly, does it not? Are you going to pick up that torch and carry it onward to even higher heights? Or..... Are Soldier and I going to share a couple of drinks and piss that fucker out?"

Speaking of fire, the sewers are pitch dark and Bill is starting to really struggle to keep up with the doc.

"And if you're going to go back to my days of playing around in the Federweight Title division, you're just being overly optimistic here. Really, Miss Dolly? Honestly, I'd be embarrassed if I was you to even mention that as something to help your case here. You've overcome that little division now, haven't you? You're bigger and better than ANYONE silly enough to play around down there. You're ridiculous."

"There's a few things I'm really looking forward to at Warfare, my dear, other than strangling the life out of your frail little body.... Who's going to cry more after it's all said and done? You've, of course, got a little girl who talks a big game and pretends to be an adult but still most likely believes in Santa Clause. You've got her depressed, suicidal, homosexual tag team partner who's on the brink of tears any second, anyway. Or, your beloved manager and promoter, Paul Heyman. We know he's more than capable of shedding a few tears when things go his way. Like I said before, my sweet dear, just don't take this encounter to Hart. You still have A LOT to compete for around here, just remember where it is you belong. Just like those rollercoasters at the theme park, my dear, you're just not big enough for the ride. You want to pull the little girl card on us now? Making us appear weak if we don't just completely mop the floor with you? Challenge accepted. Luca will be handled easily enough so, I promise, I'll be sure to show the world how a little girl stands up next to a destructable force like how you remember your beloved KING."

Echoes throughout the dark sewer become louder and louder as they travel through the tunnels, where they are surely under the city by now.

"Did you hear that?'

Bill says with a shaky voice.

"I did, Mister President. Do you believe in the alligators under New York City?"


The doctor laughs to himself and pulls the cigar from his mouth and holds it high into the air. The cherry of the cigar begins to glow very brightly and illuminates the path for the two gentlemen to travel.

Through the tunnels, they see a shadowy figure galloping in the shadows. A pair of green eyes glow back and float through the air. The two gentlemen are unable to make out what they see.

"Who goes there?!"

Bill shouts out.

"Show yourself!"

Bill does again. The creature in the distance purrs and slowly begins to hop closer to the duo. Bill cowers behind the Doc who just smiles at the new company in the sewer.


The creature barely manages the words from it's mouth as it gargles and chews the words like a piece of tar.

"Chelsea? Is that you baby?"

The creature steps out into the light provided from the doc's cigar. It was a small, frail, weak looking being... It crawled on all fours like an animal, but took the form of what used to be a human being. It approached Bill, but remained a safe distance away.

"Chels... Where's your mother. We have to find your mother."

It gurgled something else then ran hobbled away, signalling the two of them to follow. They chase her down several different tunnels until they reach a sewer grating that looks out to the bay. She signals out the opening and grunts towards... The Statue of Liberty.

"Is that where she is, baby?"

It grunts and nods.

"In Lady Liberty? How the...."

It motions towards it's nether regions, which of all things, almost weirded out the good doctor. Bill continued trying to translate the primitive language that his apparent daughter is trying to express.

"I think I got it. We have to get to Stanton Island, man. What's the best way baby?"

The creature obliges and leads Doc and Bill Clinton down several other tunnels until they reach an opening fenced off that lead right to the island. The creature chewed through the wire and let the two heroes pass. It barely said a goodbye and was off into the deep bowels under the city once again.

After Doc and Bill rent a ferry to cross the bay over to the island, they exit the boat along with several other touristy types. They approach the statue and gaze up at it's amazing height.

"She said there's a secret passage to gain access to Hilary's dungeon, where.. I dunno, we can do our best to find our your buddy, right?! We need to get those two back together..."

Doc just thinks back to when Bill was having the strange conversation with the creature in the sewer and how Bill got any of that... But, hey, family is family.

The two of them begin to investigate where the secret opening could be.

"Man, I gotta take a piss... There a bathroom around here?"

The doctor ignores his friends question and continues to search around. Bill takes matters into his own hands and finds a small group of children statues places around the base, or feet, of Lady Liberty.

"Man, I love pissing on kids."

Bill pulls out his pecker and begins giving a gold shower to all of the little statues looking up at him. He chuckles a bit to him self as the ground begins to shake!

The entire island rumbles as the all of the people begin to panic and scurry back on to the ferry to escape a most worst fate! Suddenly! Lady Liberty begins swaying back and forth and her abdomen begins to slide down to the ground! The stone rubbing together makes the most ery sound as she moans as she takes the position! The top of the statue leans back as her knees buckle back as well and a large door opens right where her vagina would be!


Bill Clinton throws Slick Willy back in his cage and does a little celebration dance to commemorate his find. The doctor even finds a bit of humor in all of this and laughs to himself as they both enter Lady Liberty's "vagina".

Deep in the bowels after entering this secret entrance... Hilary Clinton continues... TRYING to torture her boyfriend... EX boyfriend, Unknown Soldier.

[Image: 8Ltvfdk.jpg?1]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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