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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Strange Times Are Comin' Pt4 - Attack Of The Diff!
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Dillinger Offline
I am total chaos. Strange and abstruse.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-22-2016, 04:38 PM

(Continued from

August 16, 2016

The sky was green. Like pea soup or your piss if you consumed a truck load of asparagus. It was disconcerting to look at but the fact that the clouds matched the sky, in their fluffy varying virescent shades, made the whole thing kinda pretty. In a deeply foreboding, end of the world kinda way. I couldn't take my eyes off 'em since I... well, since I appeared in the middle of town. That's right. I materialized smack dab in the dead, center of this quaint, little town and no one seemed to notice. Everyone was too engrossed in the sky to care and that made me look at the sky and now, here we are. The whole thing seemed insane. I was talking to Queen Valeska. Which that statement alone, in and of itself, was fairly nuts. Anyhow, I was talkin' to Queen Valeska, who took it upon herself to drop the bomb that we were related, only after she stuck her tongue down my throat. Disturbing much? Hells yeah. Though, I guess I shouldn't complain cause she did stop me from blowing up, before all that went down. Not that any of that matters. None of it means shit cause there's no proof, one way or another. It's all corrosive nonsense eating at my brain. Unless you count the souvenir she passed along to me. Yeah, she tossed a glass sphere at me and then, that was it. One minute I was there, trying to wrap my mind around all of that and the next minute, I showed up here and now I'm trying to wrap my mind around all of this. Everything switched like I was passing from one tv channel to the next. Except, it wasn't tv stations, it was my life. Obviously this was madness. It had to be. Everything. All of it. Pointed to the stark, inevitable conclusion, that I lost my mind. Cause if that wasn't the case, if this was really reality and everything I witnessed thus far, was honest to god, true facts.... I... I think I need to sit down.

Dillinger allowed his eyes to drift away from the sky and noticed that his clothes were still altered. Sleek, black suit. Spiked boots. Cape. Skull clasp. All of it remained the same, from his brief stay at Castle Bloodthorn. He even still wielded the glass sphere that Valeska tossed to him before he vanished. He didn't drop it, nor did it simply vanish into the realms of insanity. The glass orb still existed, intact. Dillinger stared at it and sighed. This was all too much to take in. Seriously, what was next?

And that's when the rain came.

It started as a slight drizzle. Then, little by little, the severity of the rain progressed. Til it was a full on downpour. Bright green rain, fell from the heavens in buckets as people scattered in every direction. There was panic. A need to flee. People wanted to escape the rain or rather, whatever might be in the rain but it was too late. Most had already been in direct contact with the rain and a great majority of them were soaked to the bone. For a moment though, it seemed like the alarm was for nothing. Sure, there was bright green rain falling from puffy emerald clouds and the sky looked like pea soup. Yeah, the whole thing seemed unusual and might even be toxic but there didn't seem to be any tragic or adverse events taking place because of it. Everyone seemed fine. There was even a pleasant aroma of chocolate in the air. Rich, savory and mouthwatering, like a decadent dessert, ready to be devoured. The scent lingered and hung, heavy in the air, transporting people's thoughts to their favorite bake shops as they envisioned delicious delights served in large, heaping portions. The smell was so strong and enchanting, they could practically taste whatever chocolate treat they desired but that wasn't all. No, it didn't end there. Anyone who could catch a whiff of the tantalizing aroma became quickly seduced by it and were drawn out into the rain. Even individuals who were safely tucked away and hadn't been outside all day, were effected by the smell. People left their homes, exited stores and climbed out of their motor vehicles, in order to better experience the wondrous odor. Everyone wanted to indulge in the fragrance. Everyone... but Dillinger.

No, he finally found a bench to sit on to collect his thoughts. He couldn't smell a thing and genuinely seemed unaffected by whatever it was, that was currently overtaking the masses as he swiped an umbrella from a passerby's purse and popped it open. He didn't give a toss about the weirdness going on around him, he had enough to deal with and unless one of the freaks sniffing the air decided to do something even more stupid in order to provoke a reaction from him, he was going to sit there and sort out his thoughts. Green rain or no green rain. That's where he was at for the moment and he had no intention of altering that plan. When suddenly, there came a deep rumble. Low and long, it permeated the air and echoed from every corner of the town as hordes of people held their stomachs and bent over. Moaning and groaning in unison, it was clear there was something terribly wrong. Some claimed that they felt nauseous, while others complained that they seemed bloated as further voiced how dehydrated they were. It was almost as if they all caught a similar bug or illness and it was effecting everyone at the same time.

Then all at once, it was like every single person had the same exact thought race through their brain, at the same time and while remaining hunched over, they all made a beeline to the closest toilet available. Tragically, sometimes the shortest journey, is the longest expedition you'll ever take. Especially, given the scenario. Sometimes. When nature calls, there's no use in putting that phone on silent and you can forget about even trying to hit the ignore button cause it's totally useless now. That call is getting answered. No matter what. Whether you're prepared for it or not. It's happening. Which is precisely what happened to everyone, at literally the same instant. Simultaneously and on a massive, group scale... bowels were released.

Only ever so slightly at first. Which, given the grand scheme of things, seemed like a lot but individually, it wasn't so much. In fact, unless you were reading minds right when the incident occurred, you would have never known that everyone in the entire town soiled themselves at precisely the same moment. Although, chances are you'd be far too concerned with what was going on within your own trousers, to care. Still, it was universally uncomfortable as people grunted and shifted in place. Then there came another gurgle. Someone farted in the distance. And then... it happened. Oh, it really happened. In the most violent and horrific way imaginable too. If you ever spent some real quality time on the porcelain throne; for whatever reason, you still wouldn't understand the magnitude of this incredibly hostile and truly frightening situation.

Projectile feces shot from asses like water from freshly cracked open fire hydrants. The shit was produced with such a force, it tore through people's clothes and knocked others off their feet. Some were even lifted off the ground, like they were crapping out rocket fuel. It was intense and extremely messy and Dillinger was trapped in the middle of it. Completely unaffected by the plague that ripped through the town, all he could do was look on in terror and hide behind his stolen umbrella. Sure, he'd seen things in the past that could make most people's stomachs turn and barely flinched, but this was well beyond the barrier of that threshold. This was truly the stuff outta nightmares but it was real. Oh boy, was it real and it did not stop. No, the shit was on a continuous flow, blasting right out of asses all over town, it started an actual flood. Dillinger had to stand on the bench he was formally sitting on. That's how much shit there was. There was a literal lake of feces forming.

Though, it didn't end there. Oh no, things were about to get even worse as the shit started to take shape. Moving on its own accord, it quickly rose upwards and combined together until it formed a towering mass. A huge mountain of crap, sitting in the middle of town, it was nearly fifty feet tall. By this point people stopped shitting their brains out but they were far too weak to move because they shit so damn much. All they could do was lay on the ground and moan, while looking on in horror at this mighty mound of poop. In the green haze brought on by the rain, it appeared even more foul than... okay, a giant, mountain of shit would always look foul. No matter what. It's always going to be a revolting sight to behold. Still, it seemed a tad more menacing through the mist of the dying green rain and the stench was incredible.Seriously, it was beyond the expectations of what defines atrocious. Any good smell that once existed was completely overpowered by the noxious odor that wafted off the huge pile of crap. The miasma alone was enough to incapacitate, yet this was far from over.

Soon, the mountain began to grumble as it violently shook and wobbled all over the place. Lumps of feces flew in every direction! One of these globs in particular, landed on a guy and it crushed him! It was like a mushy boulder collided with his body and not only did it overlap his entire form, but it also crunched him like a can meant for recycling, at the same time. It was unbelievable and horrifying but compared to what would happen next, it was nothing. Two arms lifted upwards from the mound while a pair of legs quickly formed. Legs that swiftly pushed up into a standing position, enabling a huge body to be erect as a head took shape. Eyes manifested and then came a wide, gaping mouth with a tremendous roar, that sent shivers down spines as the huddled, groaning masses gazed up in fear at the towering shit monster.

[Image: qdYHAwL.jpg]

Standing at nearly fifty feet tall, the thing was an overwhelming, monstrosity. The embodiment of horror films come to life. And it was hungry. Yeah, who knew a gigantic, beast made entirely out of shit would need to eat? The creature was clearly starving though and it emphasized this, by using one of its mammoth sized hands to grab a bunch of people off the ground, before it tossed them; like pieces of screaming candy, into its gloppy, cave mouth. The whole act was highly disturbing and it inspired trepidation amongst the remaining human herd. Too weak to run away, all they could do was slowly crawl and whimper as the leviathan loomed, hungry to devour more.

Watching this all play out in front of him, Dillinger furrowed his brows and sighed. Could this be what Queen Valeska was referring to, when she gave him the glass sphere? How would a small ball made of glass help in this situation? What was he supposed to do with it? This whole scenario seemed like some outlandish, otherworldly obstacle that wasn't meant for a guy like Dillinger to tackle. He wasn't a savior or some sort of champion of the people. Hell, he wasn't even a nice man. He killed people for fun. Yet, here he was. The only one left standing. What the fuck was he supposed to do? All he had on him was an umbrella and a glass sphere. How did this become his life? Dillinger growled in frustration and stepped off the bench.

By this point, the creature was busy, stuffing its gooey maw with people, so it didn't notice Dillinger stride over, until he was standing right next to its foot. Mostly because by then, Dillinger had stabbed the umbrella into its foot. Being the only one healthy enough to be standing; of his own will, he was hard to miss after that. As luck would have it, this also presented him in the light of being a delectable rarity and the beast immediately reached down, plucked Dillinger off the ground and swallowed him. Whole. Yep, Dillinger was consumed by a shit monster. Holy fuck. This was too sickening to be anything but reality. The experience was that messed up. It couldn't have been fake because no one in their right mind or even in their highly delusional mind, could have ever manifested this as a fictional concept. Though, that would have been the most desired option at this current moment as Dillinger felt himself slide down the behemoth's gullet. It was sort of like being pushed through an enormous Gogurt but instead of being surrounded by yogurt, he was encompassed by shit. What a way to go, huh? Smothered by feces or worse, deteriorated and broken down in the digestion process of a crap demon. Fuck. Would he stay alive through most of that? God dammit, this entire event was forcing questions into his mind, that he would have never fathomed before, not even in some of his most craziest moments. What else could he do though? Dillinger was doomed and he knew it. He was trapped inside a shit monster, for fuck's sakes! This was the place where all hope would die for anyone!

However, in this moment, when faith perished and tragedy seemed eminent, something amazing happened instead. Through the shit that circumscribed him, Dillinger observed a brilliant light, gleaming from the glass sphere, still clutched tightly in his hand. The light was so bright, it burned right through the filth and before the monster realized what was happening, it disintegrated. Shattering into millions of tiny particles, the creature ceased to exist and Dillinger was left plummeting to the ground. Fortunately, there was a soft, pile of poop to catch his fall. Dillinger landed with a quiet thud and blinked. He had the power to rise but he just couldn't do it. Not yet anyway. The ordeal was too much for him and he needed to gather his bearings. From where he lay though, he heard something that would change that. People. Survivors. Were cheering. For him. That couldn't be right. Dillinger pushed himself up to a standing position and nearly lost his footing again, when he discovered that it was true. People were gingerly getting to their feet, all around him as they shouted praises towards Dillinger. It was overwhelming. There he stood, coated in a thick layer of shit and they rejoiced his name. Like he was some kind of hero. What the fuck was happening?

[Image: rTQMvmN.jpg]
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