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You're fucking weak and lemme tell you it shows right through.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-08-2015, 11:19 PM

"First, I want to point out, Sane is on me because I said the word cases instead of titles. I made a mistake. I admit to it, it happens, I'm human. But, the point is valid. He bought the titles, he didn't win them. He didn't earn the money, he was handed it and made a bet. Yeah, he got lucky with the bet, but that still is not the same as winning a title. He should know better, but he won't, because not only has he ever failed to win a title, he has also failed to beat me. Twice. I know. He said it's in the past, and doesn't count, though, right? Well, here's the issue. The past still happened, and one of them happened a week ago. So, tomorrow will make twice in two weeks. That's a one a week loss to me, Sane. How's that feel? You like winning so much that you became allergic to it? Or, is it that you're just not able to beat me? And what about the rumble, bruh? How'd that work out for you? I mean, you did go out pretty quick right? I know. I was the first one eliminated from the rumble. But, there's a difference. How did I leave, and how did you leave? I walked out. On my own. And got Nachos. You? You got forced out like a bitch.

How does it feel to be a perpetual bitch? You make me sick to my face. How dare you suck so bad in the presence of me? But, please, don't give up yet. Give up after I take your case from you. After it's 3 for Frodo, none for Sane. Justin, a band once said something. They said to Declare your fucking war. You did that. You declared War on the Asylum, and by extension me. The problem, bro, I haven't. I've barely put any stock into that shit. I'ma knock the living shit out of you a third time. Yeah, a third time, and I'm going to knock the shit out of CorVus, but it's not because your stable. Fuck that. I'd do it if you weren't connected. I'd do it all day every day, because it's fucking funny. I'ma do it because it puts asses in seats, and that's what I get paid to do. I'ma do it because I'm better than you are. Plain and fucking simple. No ifs ands or butts about it. I am currently now, will be in the future, and was in the past, your better. This week has done nothing but prove it. And will continue to prove it. In the mean time, I'm going to actually bother to see if you've taken aim yet. Or, is the fastest gun in the west still loading? While I've dropped two clips, and got bodies laying around me? Stupid metaphor, bitch,

Ok, let me jump into random shit. I'm sure I'm not the only one who mentioned the name, and I even mentioned that I may have asked before. Also, please note, never once said I was the best at spitting trash. I don't claim to be the best at anything. There's tons of people I'd say are better than I am at trash talk. This is just silly garbage. Sorry, mate. You fucked up. Secondly, it's a legit question. Why did you pick the stupid ass name? We done there? Yes, I justify me mentioning your shitty stablemates. And why? Because Gator sees fit to put himself in our business, and not just ours. I called our corVus, and who answered first? Gator. Called you out. He got involved. You want to act like he's not all up on that shit trying to stay relevant? Ok, we can play make believe for a few minutes.
Ok, that's long enough. I got bored. It's so easy when people say some stupid shit like, 'I lost because I didn't care. I was drunk', or some other shit. Do you realize that I wrestle all, again all, of my matches under the influence of something? I have never once wrestled sober. And I don't understand why you'd lie and say you don't care about going to a voluntary event? Not once have you been forced into a Shove it. So, please, stop lying about not caring. You're just trying to justify your losses to me. Because your mind is elsewhere. Or some stupid shit. Don't worry though, babe, I'ma be 100% focused on you Monday, and I will fucking own that shit. I will take home your case and name it. I will name it Amelia Bedelia. Or Scout Finch. Who the fuck knows right now. But, I will fucking name it. And it will be mine. Deal with that shit, bitch. And please, plan out how you're going to tell people why you lost to me a third time. Or, will you only say it doesn't count because it's the past? Figure the lies out now. Then prepare to find ways to hide the sounds of you crying yourself to sleep.

Oh, yeah, clipping sentences. But, again, context buddy. I didn't say it was like a title all the time, and I even apologized if you were too stupid to understand the sentiment of context. I'm sorry, again. Sorry that you're a fucking moron. I really think you missed my sarcasm in the risk question as well. I honestly didn't hide it well. Ok, I can handle this. I'm fucking with you. Hence this question.

Quote:But, if you're so good why is it even a danger to you?

I mean, I didn't think I could hide it any worse if I tried. I spent the entire promo making fun of you, and talking about you needing help to get the slightest win, and then drop that? And you think I'm being sincere and shit? Jesus. Can I please ask you what you've been drinking? Is it grade-A Radiator drippings? And when does the fastest gun in the west get here? Is he still loading? Because, I gotta tell ya, you've missed every shot you think you've taken. Hell, I'm not even sure you fired yet. Fuck. I feel like Owen Wilson in Shanghai Noon. I'ma go make some shitty movie with Jennifer Anniston, make kids cry about dogs or something.

So, Justin, I don't think you understand how fucked you are when you get into the ring with me. You're beyond fucked, homie. You're fucked bad. But, hey, thanks for playing. And thanks for making me look good."

Justin Competent

Frodo and Crack are sitting around playing Classic Nintendo when Lorraine knocks on the door. They ignore the knocking while trying to play some two player Battle Toads, because Frodo got a wave of nostalgia for that shit when it was the hottest thing on 4Chan. Nigga used to love 4Chan. Katie gets pissed off at the noise, so she gets up from her book, fifty shades of gray for the lose, and goes to open the door. She lets Lorraine in, and the women stand in front of the TV until Frodo gets mad and throws his controller at Katie. It hits her in the head, she just scowls at him.

”Why did you do that?”

”Because, you're blocking the TV. I want to game, I pay the bills get out of here. I am bonding with my brother.”

Crack and Frodo fist bump.

”You've lived with Crack for years. You've known him for years. You're his best friend. You guys bonded plenty,”

”Not as brothers. Now, move out the way, yo.”

”You guys are ]

[b]”Katie, your best friend is fucking your brother, you're half black, and your boyfriend is black and was more obsessed with some random long hair than you. If we were , we'd still be better than you.”

She stamps her foot, scoffs, and goes back to reading her porn.

"Nice. Now, Lorraine, you wanna move out the way?"

"Why don't you call me mom? And no. I want to talk to you."

"I want to game. We'll talk later. Now, be a mother and make me some noodles. Please?"

She also scoffs and goes to the kitchen to make some food. Katie looks up from her book.

[pink]"Are you serious? Having her make you food?"

"Oh shit. You're right. MA! MAKE SHEPHERD'S PIE! Crack, you hungry?"

"Nah, I'm good. Shepherd's Pie, though? You've never had it before."

"When they made it at that stupid shove it, I wanted to try it."

Lorraine popped her head out of the kitchen.

Frodo and Crack are sitting around playing Classic Nintendo when Lorraine knocks on the door. They ignore the knocking while trying to play some two player Battle Toads, because Frodo got a wave of nostalgia for that shit when it was the hottest thing on 4Chan. Nigga used to love 4Chan. Katie gets pissed off at the noise, so she gets up from her book, fifty shades of gray for the lose, and goes to open the door. She lets Lorraine in, and the women stand in front of the TV until Frodo gets mad and throws his controller at Katie. It hits her in the head, she just scowls at him.

”Why did you do that?”

”Because, you're blocking the TV. I want to game, I pay the bills get out of here. I am bonding with my brother.”

Crack and Frodo fist bump.

”You've lived with Crack for years. You've known him for years. You're his best friend. You guys bonded plenty,”

”Not as brothers. Now, move out the way, yo.”

”You guys are ]

[b]”Katie, your best friend is fucking your brother, you're half black, and your boyfriend is black and was more obsessed with some random long hair than you. If we were , we'd still be better than you.”

She stamps her foot, scoffs, and goes back to reading her porn.

"Katie, sweetie, do you want something?"

[pink]"Nah, I'm good. Thanks, Gran."

"Oh, pumpkin, call me Mimi. I always wanted to be mimi."

"That sounds like Mimi Siku."

"Katie, dear, Jugle 2 Jungle was a horrible movie."

"I liked it."

"You're young, and stupid. It's ok."

"Hahaha! Lorraine, you're awesome. Katie, Tim Allen sucks. Even if he is from here."

"Egad! A Detroit celeb you don't like?!"

"Yeah, dude. Home Improvement was shit."

"I liked it."

"We've already established that you have bad taste. Put your porn down, girl. It's not becoming of a lady to read porn in front of her family."

"Yeah, Katie. Why not help your grandmother in the kitchen?"

"Why not go get ready to fight Justin?"

"Fred, honey, don't fight people."

"I have to. It's my job. I'm a wrestler."

"Really? I didn't know that."

"Yeah, I'm a pro-wrestler for the XWF. You don't know me at all, ma!"

"No, I do not. Tell me about you."

"So, I do a ton of drugs, and I fight in the XWF. I'm pretty decent, I think. I have a match with some major pussy that I've beat every time we've faced off with each other. He's a joke."

"Watch your mouth, sweetie."

"Sorry, ma."

"Isn't wrestling fake, though?"

"Nah, not the XWF. WWE is supposedly fake. Never checked them out. But the XWF is not fake. Not at all."

"Oh, food should be ready in a bit."

The food cooked, and Frodo and Crack continued to game. Sarah came home right as the food was finished, and the family had their first private family dinner together. Frodo decided he did not like Shepherd's pie, after all.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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