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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap of Faith (July 13th) PPV RP Archive
Preacher Payne: The Judge is GOD
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07-10-2013, 02:32 AM

-We open up to the scene of a packed Christian church, and the Pastor is talking-

Pastor: Now we have a testimony from a man by the name of Hunter Payne. Hunter will you come up here and testify to us.

-Hunter Payne walks up the stage to the podium and begins to speak-

Payne: Hello everybody, I am Hunter Payne and please bear with me, this might run a little long for a testimony, Let me just start by saying it feels incredible and just awe inspiring to be here in church, where we show GOD our love and admiration.

Church: Amen!

Payne: A little back story first. When I was a teenager I, like a lot of people, believed in GOD, but wasn't willing to go to church. I wasn't the church kind of guy. Then one cold December morning a close family member of mine had a rare type of stroke. So close to me that the situation gave me a case of severe depression! So I went to see her in the hospital and on the car ride over there as well as the waiting room, I did what we've all done in a time of crisis, I prayed to GOD! Just protect my family member, I need more of you Lord, so please help this family member and take me instead... So wake up, the next day I walked down to a a famous liquor store, To drown my sorrows in whatever they had. But once I walked in there, I saw my cousins there, who I've only seen one other time before this in... Oh say... about 5 years. And it just so happens, they had just decided to stop at this famous liquor store right before church. Now I knew from our last encounter that they were 'church people', But I did not know they were on their way to church. And I swear I felt like I didn't even say the next sentence to come out of my mouth. "Hey, do you guys think I could go to church with you sometime?" And they said "You know what, we are actually on the way to church right now." And the rest is history and the reason I stand before this congregation today.

-Church claps-

Payne: Just WOW! That is an example of God moving in my life! This was what I needed! We're recording this right now, so for any non-believer's watching let me tell you. When you experience something like that, there is no doubt in your mind as to GOD... I was crying, begging, and pleading to GOD and just a short time after that, he shows me a way... Not just a way... THE WAY!

Church: Amen!

Payne: "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" -John 14:6

Church: Amen!

Payne: I'm happy to report that this close family member made it out of something we all thought was going to kill her. She is alive today... Amen! Not only is she alive today, but the doctors say she has memory loss.... Yeah right! Whenever I see her, she's always like; "Remember when we went here?", "Remember when we did that?" And I'm thinking 'She remembers more after she had the stroke than she ever did before!'

-Church laughs-

Payne: But that is GOD! Whether it's a life threatening illness or you're training till your heart wants to give out on you. Any athletes in here? When you hit that wall, and you can't go anymore... But in order to be the best you have to keep going... then what happens? You hit that wall hard! And your heart is going faster than it ever has before, and your body wants to just fall. What do you do? You pray to GOD. GOD please help me to do a little bit more!.. I've done it, I know other athletes have done it. You know why so many pro athletes thank GOD when they win. Either they were raised that way, or they hit that wall I talked about, and they prayed for GOD to keep pushing them. And that's how they became as great as they are.

-Payne is quiet as he recollects his thoughts-

Payne: For those of you in the church that don't know, I am a Professional Wrestler. And I have this wrestling match. Against someone who worships satan, and at first I was very angry at this fact. But then I realized that's what this guy wants. He wants me to forget my teachings and lose it. And it almost happened, but I didn't let consume me. He has actually helped me in some ways. In finding ways to save him I have been to church more, worshiped more, and studied GOD's word more.

Church: Amen!

Payne: I mean at first this guy, Dante Kyllen is his name. At first Dante got in my head big time, I lost sleep, I was just so frustrated. But then I remembered a scene from the movie 'The Great Debaters, The scene who is the Judge..."Who is the Judge?.... The Judge is GOD... Why is he GOD?... Because he decides whether I win or lose, not my opponent... Who is your opponent?... He doesn't exist... Why does he not exist?... Because he is just a mere dissenting voice to the truth I speak!" Amen!

Church: Amen!

Payne: Amen! That is incredible! Because it describes the very situation I am in! Like no kidding, the exact situation I am in... So I ask, People of the church, "Who is the Judge?"

Church: "The Judge is GOD!"

Payne: "Why is he GOD?!"

Church: "Because he decides whether I win or lose, not my opponent!"

Payne: "Who is your opponent?!"

Church: "He doesn't exist!"

Payne: "Why does he not exist?!"


Payne: Dante Kyllen I am trying my hardest to save you before it's too late! But you insist on being lost spiritually. In Matthew it says "When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the with a word and healed all the sick" -Matthew 8:16. That's what we need, we need Christ to heal Dante Kyllen. Dante Kyllen or Unknown Soldier may The Word Of GOD get through to you. Dante I asked you last time, If you would accept Jesus Christ in your heart as your Lord and Savior? It wasn't rhetorical. Now I don't know if you thought it was, or just felt like not answering. But I want to ask you again. Unknown Soldier Dante Kyllen will you accept Jesus Christ in your heart as your Lord and Savior?... I got another scripture for you...

Payne: "Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down -- that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." -Revelations 12:7-9.

[Image: angel.jpg]

Payne: Archangel Michael and his angels will defeat Satan and his. Period. Can I get an Amen?

Church: Amen!

Payne: See I've been so involved with this spiritual warfare with Dante. That it's easy to forget we still have to actually wrestle. So I have to apolgize to my partners, this isn't going to be the comedic Hunter Payne teaming with you guys as we planned. No this has to be that truely good vs truely evil match. Once this match is done with Dante Kyllen, I can return back to the Joyous Hunter Payne. But not right now... right now RIGHTOUS Hunter Payne is here. And will be in Pittsburgh for Leap Of FAITH! And Dante Kyllen if you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior by that time, then I will just have to do to you what Archangel Michael did to the Satan.

[Image: angel.jpg]

Payne: So Dante Kyllen, Unknown Soldier, Wallace Witasick, or whatever you want to call yourself nowadays, Let me tell you I have met so many of your 'types' your 'makes' in life. Let me guess you went through a few bad things, usually in your childhood, and it spins you into thinking 'If they was a GOD, he wouldn't have let this happen to me, and therefore he is not real". Or the exact opposite, you haven't had to suffer and you haven't been in a struggle, Therefore you've never had to just drop to your knees and just pray to GOD because you don't know what else you can do. You can give me every sob orphan story for why you are the way you are, and I can top it with my past... But your past doesn't matter because GOD gave us free will and you made the choices that made you who you are, and I made mine. And at Leap Of FAITH those opposing choices will collide!

-Hunter Payne in silence for about 10 seconds, before he speaks again-

Payne: I don't like to talk about my past, my childhood namely. But it's about time I let everybody in on my life story. My parents divorced when I was 2. Imagine at 4 going to an abusive father that would hit me for anything. Then go to a neglecting mother who would leave me and my sister alone in her nearly empty apartment to go with her boyfriend for the weekend. How about my life at 9. Sleeping in cars, parks, and shelters. Do you understand what it is like to see kids playing at the park and being jealous because you're the only one that didn't have a home to go back to?! Do you understand what that does to a 9 year old kid?! Did I blame the Lord through all this? NO! No I prayed! I prayed for things to get better... Eventually they did... But it left me with scars believe me. Then I worked hard and was able to escape my horrible start, you heard of the saying "Worked his way up from the bottom'? I was below the bottom! And managed to work my way out of impossible odds to stand before you guys today. I tell you that because you honestly think you going to take me to hell Dante? My childhood was hell. You're an small ember compared to the flaming hell I've already been through in this life!!!

-Hunter Payne calms down-

Payne: And through all of it, I kept my Faith. And I hope my story inspired you Dante, And I hope you finally want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I wait to hear from you... But before I go can we pray?

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvJHh3USK7IRnsVOtSV8f...7kaXZKI3Yw]

Church: Yes! Amen!

-All eyes are closed and all heads bow down-

Payne: Lord Father in Heaven please guide us through these troubled times we call life. Please watch over us as we battle with your word as our sword and our Faith in you as our shield. Be our light in these dark times. As we as a civilization need you now more than ever. Be our Judge Father, In Jesus name, AMEN!

Church: AMEN!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREnP_3ECTHz0IqojPciWP...SbbhDQN91k]

-Hunter Payne walks off the the stage to round of applause from the church-

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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