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CCPE 2022 Cannabis Cup: Day 2 Session 2
Author Message
Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-23-2022, 04:00 PM

Day Two Session Two officially takes the air live to the standing room only of over 5,000 fans as a shot of Pip Collins standing in the center of the ring before we fade to the ringside announce table to find Johnny Hitmaker and Damon Riggs prepared to call Day 2 Session 2. Johnny removes his headset, slaps his hands on the desk, and begins to rise out of his seat.

DAMON RIGGS: Hey, where do you think you're going? We just took the air!

Johnny reaches a full vertical base.

JOHNNY HITMAKER: Well, Riggaeton, it's been swell, but it's time to scope out some of the fine meals to be had here.

DAMON RIGGS: You're going to eat instead of commentating?

What? No! I put in a reservation weeks ago for the champagne room!

DAMON RIGGS: Of course.

JOHNNY HITMAKER: I guess I could order food there too. You know something? I'm going to do just that. You're in charge while I'm away!

Then Johnny giddily skedaddles away, and maybe Riggs says some passing thing leaving Damon sitting alone at the desk.

DAMON RIGGS: What can you say when it’s live, folks? It appears like Mr. Hitmaker has elected to seek out some of the finer things the Velvet Rabbit has to offer which leaves me to fly solo here on Day Two Session Two of the 2022 Cannabis Cup!

The standing room only crowd erupt with a thunderous ovation as attention hits the top of the ramp.

DAMON RIGGS: Or am I corrected?

The ovation grows louder as Chris Page emerges out to the top of the ramp in a three piece Prada suit, his hair pulled back in a ponytail as he starts to make the short walk toward the ring. Chris reaches ringside where he cuts around the ring and starts to make his way toward the announcers table! Damon stands up where he offers his hand to Chris.

The two shake hands as Chris picks up Johnny’s headset, he unhooks it and tosses it in the trash before having a new headset pulled in. Chris takes the new headset and puts it on as the music fades away leaving the crowd to sing the chorus to Judas as Chris states.

CHRIS PAGE: Damon, do ya mind if I crash the one man show?

Chris takes the seat at the announcers table.

DAMON RIGGS: By all means, I mean it is your show.

PIP: Your opening contest is Day Two Session Two is a Sweet Sixteen Match in the 2022 Cannabis Cup.

The hymn-like hum vibrates through the area before Lauren Hill soundfully brings in the chorus. Jason Cashe comes out from the back with Josslynn Spencer holding his hand. His eyes are covered by sunglasses. Looking around the arena at the live audience, his eyes stay hidden behind the shades. Taking a long drag off an air joint, Cashe howls up into the sky, a few fans howl with him. Josslynn gives him a 'good game' slap to the butt and they head down to the ring.

PIP: From Houston, Tejas by way of Decatur, Georgia.. A truly Troubled One they call DiOGee.. Jaaaassoooon! CAAAASHE!!

Stopping as the aisle turns to ringside, Cashe drags a foot creating an imaginary line. This is the line where when passed, the talking stops. Giving Josslynn a kiss, she heads around the ring as Cashe steps into a jog, leaping up on the apron onto his left knee. He stands, ducking under the top rope to enter the ring. Taking off the sunglasses as he enters, he rushes across the ring and launches them deep into the crowd. Growling a roar to the live audience, showing he was ready to scrap.

PIP: And his opponent…

PIP: Hailing from Miami, Florida… She is Jessica… Maria…. SAAAAAAAAAAALCOOOOOOOOOO!

The opening to "Blood Lightning" by Lutharo hits the speakers and the lights dim, once the music kicks into high gear strobe lights flash around the entrance ramp before a single spotlight stops on Jessie as she stands at the top of the ramp. She hops onto the apron before jumping over the ropes and into the ring. Cashe leans back against his corner’s turnbuckle, aloof. Jessi eyes him, grabbing onto the top rope and using them to aid a knee-bend stretch. Jessie stretches her arm across her chest, then twists her neck to the left, then right. Once the lyrics hit, Salco points out to the crowd, then rolls her way down to the ring.

[Image: 2JSvsJC.png]

Cashe and Salco lock up in the center of the ring… But Cashe immediately overpowers Salco, backing her up!

Salco shoves Cashe back with all her might… But that just sends him backward a couple of steps… After which, he immediately locks horns with Salco again… but now much closer to the corner…

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Salco is giving up a lot of size to Jason Cashe. She’d be smart to not try overpowering him.

CHRIS PAGE:: Fun fact, Jason Cashe is the only man to publicly denounce an invitation into CCPE.

Salco, still grappling with Cashe, locks her ankle around the bottom rope. The official, seeing Salco on the ropes, steps between the competitors to start a five-count. Cashe releases the grapple and puts his hands up in front of his chest. Once the official backs off, Cashe goes for a clothesline that would crush Salco against the turnbuckle. But Salco ducks and forward-rolls out of danger, back to the center of the ring!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Atta girl, utilize your speed advantage!

CHRIS PAGE: Damon you know just as well as I do you have to utlilze whatever can get your arm raised in victory.

Cashe spins and goes for another lock-up, but this time Salco ducks under the grapple! She runs, bouncing off the ropes, and delivers a dropkick to Cashe’s shin! Cashe drops to the mat, grabbing his leg in pain. Salco hits the ropes again and nails Cashe across the chin with a baseball slide dropkick! Cashe rolls under the bottom rope and out of the ring…Salco runs again for the ropes… Cashe has his back to the ring, seemingly dazed…Salco bounces… She runs across the mat! She dives through the ropes…



Damon HavoK Riggs and Page step out of Salco’s trajectory at the very last second. THWAP! Jessie lands flat backed against the steel railing and collapses into a heap. Cashe cranks his neck, raising his arms! He steps around the table, grabbing Salco by the scalp. He pulls her off the ground, wrapping her in a front-face lock… Rotating snap suplex to the table! Salco lands hard on the table and bounces off the front! Cashe grabs Salco by the neck and heaves her under the bottom rope. The official has been inside yelling for them to return to the ring, but never started a 10-count (possibly in the hopes of avoiding a double count-out giving a competitor a bye in the Cup).

Cashe follows Salco under the ropes, and crawls into a cover! The official counts!



THR- NO! Salco manages to scoop a shoulder off the mat!

Cashe snatches Salco by the scruff of her neck… Heaving her back to her feet.

Salco delivers a desperate stomp to Cashe’s foot.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: That’s it Jessie! Attack whenever you can!

CHRIS PAGE: I’m all for anything that hurts Jason Cashe! Get em’ Salco!

Cashe remains upright, and tosses Salco up and over the ropes!

…But, Salco clings onto the ropes, cat’s cradle style! She pulls herself back up and over! Cashe catches Salco coming back in and goes to catch her again…

But Salco catches her ankles around his head! She swings her body over the ropes and… HURRICANRANA! Cashe, disoriented, springs back to his feet woozily… Salco runs past Cashe, grabbing by the side of his head aaaaaaand BULLDOG! Cashe’s skull rebounds off the mat as Salco hooks the leg! The official counts…



TH-NO! Cashe’s shoulder springs off the mat.

Salco springs back to her feet before Cashe can get back up! She stomps Cashe in the back of the head! Followed by an elbow drop! Then, a second! Cashe’s efforts to get up, slowed by previous attacks to his ankle, are slower and slower until he stays on the mat…Salco, seeing her opponent grounded, laying on his face, goes to hit the ropes again…She bounces… JUST AS CASHE SPRINGS OFF THE MAT! SPEEEEEEEEEEAAAAR! Salco hits the mat hard, back-first, her head rebounding off the mat! Salco cradles her ribs agonized as Cashe lies on the mat, still sore from the ground strikes by Salco… Cashe finally gets the wherewithal to go for the cover… But Salco slips away and under the bottom rope!

Cashe pulls himself up by the turnbuckle, before crawling through the ropes in hot pursuit of Salco, who is creating distance, pulling herself around the outside of the ring by the apron.

Cashe builds up speed, running around the corner… Salco stops and starts to turn around by the apron…

Cashe goes for another diving spear! But Salco leaps up and over! Cashe eats the steel steps face-first, his head rebounding against the metal!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Jessie Salco is showing us exactly why she’s in this tournament!

CHRIS PAGE: Thus far all the competitors in the Cup have brought their shit, including Cashe… this is going to come down to who wants it more.

While Cashe is still tangled up in the steps, Salco grabs Cashe and hucks him under the bottom rope… Cashe scrambles dizzily, trying to regain his footing as Salco climbs up to the apron…

Cashe is up to one knee, Salco grabs the top rope…Cashe is back up, woozy… Salco springs onto the ropes! Cashe turns around as Salco leaps! She latches onto Cashe’s neck while spinning! AND DRIVES HIS SKULL INTO THE MAT! CIRCLE PIT! Cashe is down in the center of the ring as Salco dives into the cover!



THREEEEEENOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Cashe forces a shoulder off the ground!

Salco looks up in disbelief as the official holds up two fingers! The match continues! Salco exhales exhausted… Then points to the top turnbuckle! A WALL of DEATH might be imminent! Cashe cradles his ribs at the center of the ring… As Salco slips out to the apron, climbing the turnbuckle…

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Cashe may have sustained an injury to the ribs, judging by the way he’s clutching at them.

CHRIS PAGE: This is the moment Salco has needed! She has to capitalize.

Salco lifts herself atop the turnbuckle… Just as Cashe stirs up to one knee… Salco adjusts her stance wider on the turnbuckle, separating her feet! Cashe shakes off cobwebs… She goes for a diving crossbody! But as she rockets toward her opponent, Cashe swings his right elbow… And catches her square across the forehead! Mark of JASON! Salco crumples in a heap on her back, as Cashe rolls backward from Salco’s forward momentum…Cashe, still disoriented… Slowly crawls from one end of the ring, back to Salco, lying, seeing stars in the center of the ring…

He crawls… And hooks the leg!





CHRIS PAGE: Goddamn she’s showing a lot of heart and grit!

Cashe sits up like, what will this take… Salco lies on the mat devastated from this last strike…Cashe slowly scrambles back to his feet… Salco is still lying low in profound pain…Cashe stands and signals for his UTI (Under the Influence)… Cashe stomps the mat! The ring rocks as Salco slowly stirs…

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: It looks like Cashe going for the UTI here, let’s see if he can put Salco away!

Cashe raises his arms, slowly rotating to stay behind Salco… Salco’s legs jellify as she dips towards the ropes! Cashe leaps, grabbing Salco’s neck on the way up!

BUT SALCO GRIPS THE TOP ROPE! She clings on and Cashes loses his grip, landing back first on the mat! Cashe tries to scramble back up… But Salco… SALCO HITS CASHE WITH HIS OWN MOVE! UTI! Cashe’s skull rebounds against the mat! Salco… Salco doesn’t go for the cover! She goes for the apron! Aiming to hit that Wall of Death! She springs up to the top rope! Her feet together for technical precision! She calls for it… The crowd is on its feet! Cashe is lying on the mat, counting ceiling tiles! Salco leaps! Spinning in the air! 450 SPLASH!


…But Cashe rolls out of the way! Salco eats mat face-first!

She bounces off the mat, looking like she might have knocked her down lights out, just as Cashe shoves her head between his legs! He lifts her into the air aaaaaaaaand SCRAP ACTION DRIVER! Salco looks like roadkill in the center of the ring… An exhausted Jason Cashe collapses on top of her. The official counts…




PIP: The winner and advancing to the Elite 8, JASON CASHE!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Jessie Salco has been eliminated, but she went out fighting!

CHRIS PAGE: Nothing to hold your head down about if your Salco, but on this night it’s Jason Cashe stamping his ticket to the Elite 8 of the 2022 Cannabis Cup.

Jason Cashe has his arm raised in victory with a pop from the crowd. Josslyn joins him inside the ring for a celebratory kiss before the two depart.

[Image: qNVrWg2d_400x400.jpg]

@WGWF2k22 / @ChronicChrisP / @JamesRavenGOAT

PIP: The following contest is a Sweet Sixteen match in the 2022 Cannabis Cup tournament, introducing first, about to make his way to the ring… Representing CCPE, he is MARK FLYNN!

Comes out in a dazzling blue robe. Across the back, it says "King of the Midcarders". He has no expression and makes no eye contact with his opponent. When the bell rings, he shifts gear and a snarl comes across his face.

PIP: And his opponent…

PIP: About to make his way to the ring, he IS… CHOLO!

The intro to "Mi Gente", the Re-Mix begins to play, getting the crowd to jump to their feet. Once the beat drops, out steps "Cholo" Giovanni Santana looking as good as ever and flashing that million dollar smile. He makes his way to the ring, having a few exchanges with the fans, all in good fun. He jumps up on the apron and after wiping his boots, respecting the ring, he gets inside. He walks towards the middle nodding his head to the beat of the catchy song, making his afro wave back and forth. Some of the fans get into it, specially the ladies and Cholo points and winks to some. He goes to chill in one corner, awaiting the match to start.

[Image: 2-MFvs-Cholo.png]

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Flynn and Cholo, who goes on and who goes home?

CHRIS PAGE: Cholo looked good in the opening round knocking of Thunder Knuckles but now he’s in there with CCPE’s own Mark Flynn.

Cholo and Flynn are in the ring circling each other trying to get a feel for each other. The crowd is chanting ‘let’s go Cholo’ and he hyped the crowd by raising his arms up and down. Flynn reacts by flipping the middle finger to Cholo and that kicks off the action. Three right hands right away from Cholo has Flynn feeling and the crowd right into this thing. Cholo hits the ropes and with the rebound swings for a clothesline that’s ducked by Flynn who then grabs the arm of Cholo and reels it as hard as he can sending Cholo to the mat writhing in pain.Flynn stomps on the arm of Cholo while continuously circling him with a grin on his face. The crowd boos Flynn while he continues to stomp the arm of Cholo. Flynn takes a moment and leans against the ropes to humour the crowd and get them riled up and when he turns around Cholo is back to his feet and runs with a heavy clothesline sending Flynn over the top rope crashing down to the floor below.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Cholo sends Flynn to the outside!

CHRIS PAGE: It didn’t take long for this one to spill out to the floor. Let’s just hope this time around they keep there distance.

The crowd pops heavily and Cholo runs around the ring hyping them up while also shaking his arm trying to get some feeling in it. Cholo hits the ropes and takes a running dive through the middle rope and is met with a high knee strike from Flynn that sends him crashing down to the floor in a heap. Flynn picks up Cholo and grabs him by the back of the neck and tights, spins and slams him into the guardrail making a sickening thud. Flynn, proud of his work, holds his arms directly in the air and takes in the booing crowd.

Flynn grabs Cholo and sends him rolling back into the ring before entering shortly behind him. Flynn stomps the arms of Cholo a few more times before picking him and and Irish whipping him into the corner. Flynn runs at Cholo looking to crush him into the corner but he sidesteps and hits a drop toe hold sending Flynn face first into the middle turnbuckle. Cholo grabs Flynn and throws him into the turnbuckles with a belly to belly overhead suplex and the crowd is going nuts!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: The fans are firmly behind Cholo!

CHRIS PAGE: The kid’s got something, there’s no denying it.

Cholo yanks Flynn out to the center of the ring where he makes the cover.



THRE…Flynn escapes with a kick out!

Cholo locks in a chin lock as he cranks on the head and neck while driving a knee into the lower back. The referee slides into position where he starts asking Flynn to surrender. Mark waves it off as he starts to work his way back up to his feet. Flynn turns into the chinlock where he looks for a side suplex!

Cholo flips over the back of Flynn landing on his feet! Mark spins around where Cholo drives him back into a set of buckles with a shoulder block! Cholo hits a few shoulder thrusts into the midsection followed up by a few stiff right hands. Cholo sets Flynn up on the top rope and begins his ascent to setup a vertical suplex from the top rope. Without the referee seeing, Flynn rakes the eyes of Cholo and shoved him off the top rope crashing to the canvas.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Flynn assumes

CHRIS PAGE: Flynn’s setting up for perhaps that top rope knee drop!

Flynn dives off of the top rope with a knee drop and Cholo has already moved. Cholo is trying to get the referee to acknowledge the eye poke to which he says he didn’t see. Cholo in frustration runs over to the recovering Flynn and puts him in the ‘El Matador’ (Full Nelson Submission) and Flynn is screaming in pain. The crowd is hyped up because they can feel an impending tap from Flynn. Flynn quickly takes a run across the ring whilst still in the full Nelson and falls to the mat sending Cholo head first into the middle turnbuckle. Flynn hits a dropkick sending Cholo from his knees right into a resting position on the middle rope and exits onto the apron and drives Cholo in the skull with a running knee strike. Cholo falls back into the canvas and Flynn enters the ring once more and goes for a cover.




The crowd is chanting ‘let’s go Cholo’ again trying to get him back into the match. Cholo is slapping his arms on the canvas to the beat of the crowd chanting while Flynn is protesting a slow count from the referee. Flynn walks back over to the Cholo and goes to pick him up but is met with a quick headbutt shocking Flynn and sending him stumbling back. Cholo quickly arises to his feet and kicks Flynn in the gut and takes him up with a standing vertical suplex and drives him down onto the canvas. Cholo doesn’t let go and swings around picking Flynn up for a second vertical suplex which connects, he does the same thing for a thing much to the crowds delight and then goes for a quick cover.




DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: An incredible back and forth exchange by both men!!

CHRIS PAGE: Listen to this crowd brother! Flynn and Cholo have the Venue at the Velvet Rabbit on fire!

Cholo follows up with a quick leg drop and signals to the crowd for one more, he hits the ropes and is met suddenly by a standing Mark Flynn who grabs the arm of Cholo and takes him to the ground in a Fujiwara Armbar. Cholo is screaming in pain while the crowd is trying to will him on and Flynn has a huge grin on his face knowing that thing whole thing is over. Cholo makes one last strong ditch effort and makes it to the ropes and the referee has to make it to a count of 4 before Flynn breaks the hold. Flynn stands and pushes the referee and gets a stern warning. He picks up Cholo off the mat and sends him into the ropes and Cholo attempts a clothesline with his remaining good arm on the rebound which is ducked by Flynn who then catches Cholo on the rescind rebound with a powerslam! Flynn walks around the ring and once again flips off the booing crowd before turning his attention back to Cholo.Flynn picks Cholo up off of the mat once again and sets him in position for ‘The End’ (Vertical suplex into a cutter) and signifies the end of the match. He lifts Cholo off of the mat and walks around with him held high above his head before attempting to drop him to the canvas but he is reversed by Cholo into a inverted DDT! The crowd pops and both men are down. The referee begins his count.The referee reaches a count of 5 before Cholo manages to drap an arm over the chest of Flynn!



THRE… Flynn throws a shoulder off the mat breaking the count to a huge gasp from the crowd.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Cholo needs to push the offensive, he’s giving Flynn too much time to recover.

CHRIS PAGE: Can Cholo put it all together or is Flynn going to rise to the occasion?

The crowd is solidly behind Cholo as he starts working his way back to his feet. He reaches down, picking Flynn up off the mat where he takes Flynn back into the ropes. Flynn is shot across the ring where he bounces off the ropes ducking a clothesline from hell! Flynn bounces off the farside full speed and drilling him with a knee strike sending Cholo backward down into the canvas. The referee slides down anticipating having to make a count but Flynn does not make a cover instead he picks Cholo up and drives him back to the mat with a DDT. Flynn walks around Cholo stomping on his arm every time he circles him once again. The crowd is booing Mark Flynn while he is brutalizing a fan favourite.The referee is staring at Flynn wondering when he is going to stop playing around. Flynn picks the battered Cholo off of the canvas and sets him up once more for ‘The End’!

Flynn sets up Cholo and hoists him up in the air!

Cholo flips over Flynn landing on his feet behind him where he counters with a backstabber! The crowd erupts as Cholo manages to make the cover hooking the near leg.



THRE… Flynn escapes with a kick out to a massive gasp from the crowd!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: The fans let out a collective sigh, this match has been a roller coaster of emotions for them, no doubt about it.

CHRIS PAGE: Both men are pulling out all the stops! This is incredible!

“LET’S GO CHOLO!” echoes throughout the Venue as he gets to both knees. He clutches his right arm to his body while stepping up to his feet. He starts sizing up Flynn who rolls over and starts to push himself up off the mat.

As Mark reaches his feet Cholo comes up from behind locking in the Full Nelson!

Suddenly Flynn jerks hard on the right side causing the break and an immediate transition into the Fujiwara armbar!!

The referee slides into position as he starts asking Cholo to surrender! The crowd is so loud you can hardly hear yourself think with a massive “CHO-LO” chant in unison. Cholo waves off the referee but Flynn has him locked down in the middle of the ring as he cranks back harder and harder on the damaged arm and shoulder!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Flynn is pulling out all the stops to secure a victory here!

The referee continues to ask Cholo to surrender and he waves him off. The crowd responds louder as Cholo starts to slowly inch his way toward the ropes which only see’s Flynn digg his feet down and bridge up ever more on the right arm and shoulder! The referee continues to ask Cholo to surrender!

Cholo is halfway to the ropes when he starts to slow down before dropping the to the mat!

Flynn cranks harder and harder on the hold! The referee asks Cholo repeatedly to if he gives up but after getting no responses he is forced to call for the bell.

PIP: The winner of this contest via referee stoppage and advancing in the Cannabis Cup Tournament, MARK FLYNN!

Flynn releases the hold and gets to his knees as his arm is raised in victory.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I’m going to keep an eye on Cholo, he was incredble inside that ring!


Chris Page stands up applauding.

Flynn rolls out to the floor and starts making his way back up the ramp. The referee checks on Cholo who starts to come back around from passing out. He’s informed of the result before he comes fully around. He gets to one knee looking up at the top of the ramp where Flynn gives him a tip of the cap out of respect before walking back through the curtain.

The crowd applauds loudly as Cholo steps up to his feet, clutching at his right arm and shoulder.

“CHO-LO! CHO-LO! CHO-LO” echoes throughout the Venue at the Velvet Rabbit. Page removes his headset and walks over to the ring where he yells at Cholo getting his attention. He calls Cholo over. Chris can be seen saying several things to Cholo who appears to be shocked by what’s being said.

[Image: 5ZRs7Yq__400x400.jpg] / @MWEfed

PIP: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is an Elite 8 Match in the 2022 Cannabis Cup Tournament…

PIP: About to make his way to the ring, representing CCPE, he is RICKY RODRIGUEZ!

The NYC crowd pops big for Ricky as he emerges out to the top of the ramp. He starts to make the walk to the ring. Ricky reaches the ringside area and slides into the ring. He pulls himself to his feet where he is ready for this first Elite 8 contest.

PIP: And introducing his opponent…

PIP: Making his way to the ring… he is MR. ADULT SHIT™ DANE PRESTON!

Once again the lights in The Venue go out, plunging the Velvet Rabbit crowd into darkness. A lit fuze sizzles across the video screen, leading to an explosion of pyro around the entrance stage. Then came the sound of a gunshot and a car peeling out, then the opening guitar riff for No Resolve’s “UNKILLABLE” shred across the PA speakers.

Dane Preston's silhouette can be seen slowly coming through the curtains as he steps out onto the stage. Nodding his masked head to the beat of the music, he extends an arm in front of him, the other behind him as he struts down the ramp. A single spotlight shines down on the six-foot, three inches, two-hundred and fifty-five-pound fighter as he slowly stalks his way to the ring, clad in black and purple with a matching leather vest.

After scaling the ring steps, Preston slowly snaps his head from side to side before climbing into the ring and shrugging off his duster. He makes his way to his corner and climbs to the second rope where he points finger guns at the fans before snatching his mask off his head and throwing it out to them. Hopping down, Dane squats in the corner, arms outstretched as he grips the second rope with both hands awaiting the bell.

[Image: 2RRvsDP.png]

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: You know, I just realized this event marks the third match between these two men. They’re both currently 1 and 1, with Dane winning most recently in Level Up.

CHRIS PAGE: It’s down to nut cutting time as the Elite 8 are assembled; let’s go CCPE! Let’s go Ricky!

The bell sounds as we are set for the first Elite 8 match between two men who are far from strangers. Dane and Ricky emerge out from their corners circling each other inside the ring. They lock up with Preston latching on to a side headlock. He cranks on his head and neck of Ricky as the referee checks the hold. Ricky takes Preston back into the ropes shooting him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Preston bounces off the ropes taking Ricky down with a shoulder block takedown! Preston looks down at Ricky before running toward the opposite ropes, he bounces off the ropes, Ricky rolls over to his chest, and Preston leaps over Ricky bouncing off the far side, Ricky pops back up to his feet leapfrogging over Preston sending Dane bouncing off the nearside where Ricky delivers a picture-perfect dropkick.

Ricky forces the cover.



TH… Dane escapes with a kick-out.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: That’s it kid, you’ve got more in the tank.

CHRIS PAGE: Oh Damon, you forgot your Preston palm-palms.

Ricky locks in an armbar as we see Dane starting to work his way back up to his feet, he counters the armbar with a back wrist lock. Preston cranks on the pressure before Ricky counters with a reverse elbow rocking Preston back into the ropes, Ricky rushes toward Preston who elevates Rodriguez over the top rope with a backdrop.

Ricky lands on the ring apron!

Dane spins around where Ricky lands a jumping enziguri from the ring apron to the temple of Preston! Dane is staggered back toward the center of the ring. Ricky springboards off the top rope looking for a Flying cross-body block crashing down on top of Preston!



THR…Dane escapes with a kick-out!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: C’mon kid, you gotta mount the offensive. Let’s go!

CHRIS PAGE: I’ve been telling people for months just how fucking good Ricky is, and he’s proven it over the course of the weekend.

Ricky is the first to his feet where he helps Dane up before rocking him with a forearm smash, followed by a second before attempting an Irish Whip, Preston counters sending Ricky into the ropes, and Rodriguez bounces off the near side into a front waist lock from Preston who then sends Ricky sailing overhead with a Release Overhead Belly-to-Belly suplex! Preston is the first to his feet where he stomps down on Ricky before picking him up to a vertical base where he pulls him into a second front waist lock where he peels off a second overhead release belly-to-belly suplex!

Dane makes the cover by hooking the near leg.




Ricky escapes with a kick-out. Dane gets to one knee before stepping up to his feet. Dane picks Ricky up before snatching a side headlock. Preston cranks on the head and neck before taking Ricky over with a Judo Throw while maintaining the side headlock!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Dane showing what brought him to the dance. Such a proficient grappler and technician.

CHRIS PAGE: Dane is skilled, no doubt…

Dane squeezes Ricky’s head as the referee is in position asking for Ricky to surrender. Ricky refuses before we see Rodriguez counter with head scissors!! Ricky squeezes the head and neck of Preston who quickly gets to both knees, he then flips over Ricky stacking Ricky’s shoulders to the mat.




Ricky bridges up from the pin attempt before countering into a backslide attempt!

Dane and Ricky jockey for who will get the backslide, it’s Preston who uses his leverage to take Ricky down and over into the backslide only to see Ricky roll all the way through and back to his feet where he Superkicks Preston in the face!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Gimmick infringement!! Though, I had to admit he has beautiful form.

CHRIS PAGE: I think Dane lost a tooth with that one!

Ricky makes the cover by hooking the near leg.




Preston escapes with a kick-out! Ricky transitions into a rear chin lock before transitioning into a dragon sleeper! The referee quickly gets into position asking Dane to surrender. We see Preston shaking off the referee as Ricky continues to apply more pressure. The crowd is on fire as once again the referee asks Dane to surrender and again he refuses. Preston manages to get back to his feet where he turns into the Dragon Sleeper while wrapping his arms around the waist of Rodriguez where he snaps off a Northern Light Suplex with a Bridge!




Ricky escapes with a kick-out to a huge ovation from the crowd!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Man, these fans absolutely LOVE Ricky Rodriguez, and why not? For a year he was once of their own.

CHRIS PAGE: New York has been home to both of these men for the last year or so with FIGHT NYC. To say they both don’t have a spot in the NYC market would be foolish.

Dane shakes off the effects of the last minute or two as he gets back to his feet followed by Ricky who swings with a right hand! Dane blocks, and counters with a forearm across the nose followed by a discus lariat that turns Ricky inside out! Preston forces the cover with a lateral press.




Rodriguez kicks out to another pop from the crowd! Dane cuts his eyes toward the referee who shows him two fingers as he steps back up to his feet. He reaches down and grabs Ricky where he picks him back up and sets him up before delivering a Fallaway Slam! Preston rolls out to the ring apron where he uses the ropes to pull himself back to his feet.

Dane makes his way toward the nearest set of turnbuckles where he starts climbing up to the top rope!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Dane’s about to take flight. I never was one to go to the top rope, this is something he picked up from my brother.

CHRIS PAGE: Wait, what?

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Yes Page, we are a family of carnies. Me, my brother, my sister, our cousin, my wife, my daughter and obviously her husband… Hopefully my sons when they’re ready… You want our family tree too?

CHRIS PAGE: I heard rumors it doesn’t fork.

Dane stands up on the top turnbuckle where he gazes down at a prone Ricky as he sets sail with a Diving Elbow Drop! Ricky rolls out of the way at the last second sending Preston crashing and burning! Ricky hurries to his feet where he catches Preston with an Oklahoma Roll!




Dane escapes with a kick-out! Both Dane and Ricky are back to their feet with Preston looking for a clothesline, Ricky ducks sending Dane bouncing off the ropes and into a spinning heel kick from Rodriguez sending Preston crashing down to the mat. Dane rolls out to the floor under the bottom rope trying to create some space as Ricky gets back to his feet inside the ring.

Ricky bounces off the farside gaining a full head of steam as he sets sail with rolling senton over the top rope crashing down on top of Dane Preston!

Ricky pops back up to his feet where the crowd pops. He reaches down picking up Preston up off the floor where he hurls him back into the ring! Ricky climbs up on the ring apron where he starts climbing up to the top rope! Preston is laid out on the mat as Ricky stands up top leaping off with a 630 Splash crashing down on top of Preston!

Ricky makes the cover by hooking the near leg!




Preston kicks out! The crowd breaks out into a “THIS IS AWESOME” chant directed toward Ricky and Preston as Ricky starts working his way back up to his feet.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Damn right it is! That 630 was nothing short of incredible!


Ricky seizes the opportunity as he picks up Preston and drives him back into a neutral corner. Rickey looks to send Dane across the ring with an Irish Whip, Preston reverses and it’s Ricky that crashes into the buckles! Rodriguez bounces off the buckles and into a boot to the midsection doubling him over for Preston to bounce off the ropes with a Damon Riggs’ running high knee to the face! Preston follows up as he shoots Ricky into the ropes where Preston looks for the Superkick!

Ricky ducks under the kick!

Preston spins around into a ¾ Neckbreaker attempt from Rodriguez!

Preston shoves Rodriguez into the ropes where he bounces off and walks into a Redline (Rock Bottom) by Preston! But instead of going for the pin, Dane yanks Ricky groggily back to his feet.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: My boy isn’t done with Ricky just yet.

Preston whips Rodriguez into the far ropes, bouncing off the nearside ropes catapulting him toward the center of the ring with a DEVASTATING One Shot Kill superkick, sending Ricky rubberlegged, crashing to the mat with Dane falling on top of him, hooking both legs and pressing his entire body weight down on to Ricky’s upper body. The official slides into position to check Ricky’s shoulders and makes his count.




PIP: The winner of this contest, and advancing to the Final Four, he is MR. ADULT SHIT™ DANE PRESTON!

CHRIS PAGE: While I’m not a fan of any of my CCPE guys taking a loss there’s no denying that Dane Preston earned this one tonight. Well done, and a huge shoutout to Ricky for showing up and showing out.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Atta boy! Dane has once again found himself advancing to the Final Four. Let’s see if he can win it all this time!

Dane reaches a vertical base where his arm is raised in victory, but instead of hopping out of the ring, he reaches down and helps Ricky Rodriguez back to his feet. Propping Rodriguez up in the corner, Preston extends a closed fist. Rubbing his jaw with one hand, Ricky nods and bumps Dane’s fist with his free hand. Dane claps both hands and gestures to Ricky in the corner, before dropping to the mat and rolling out of the ring. The fans chant “Thank you Ricky!”, no stranger to NYC, and certainly no stranger to The Velvet Rabbit.

[Image: APFNK_Vo_400x400.jpg] / @H0Wrestling

PIP: The following Elite Eight match is scheduled for one fall…

PIP: Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring… PAUL MONTUORI!

The crowd pops big as Paul makes his way out to the top of the ramp and starts making his way to the ring. He tags some hands of the New York crowd. He reaches ringside and slides into the ring getting back to his feet.

PIP: And introducing his opponent…

PIP: About to make his way to the ring… COREY SMITH!

The arena is pitch black and the melancholy opening tunes to “Identity” begin. But as the song starts to pick up in intensity, down in the entryway, you see a Jericho-esque light up jacket glow brilliantly. Then, twin explosions emit from either side of the ramp and the lights turn on in a swirling red and blue pattern that throb in sync with the beats of the song. Corey comes down the ramp, the jacket now flashing intermittent heart and lightning bolt patterns. On the 'Tron you see images of Corey/Lux pulling off fantastic moves, intercut with blur effects on Corey's face that obscure his features in an eerie way.

Corey gets on the ring apron, throwing his arms over the top rope as the jacket keeps flashing. He looks pumped as hell, and starts pointing out at the fans before rushing to the top rope, surveying the crowd from on high, before dropping down to the canvas and handing off his jacket. He paces the ring now, waiting for the match to begin as the music and lighting effects wind down.

[Image: 2PMvsCS.png]

The bell sounds as we are underway to a huge ovation from the crowd. Corey Smith and Paul Montuori gaze across the ring from each other as the crowd gets louder and louder.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Both men hungry, looking to advance to the Final Four. Let’s see which one of them has what it takes to move on to the next round.

CHRIS PAGE: Let me tell you something off rip, I’m very familiar with Corey Smith, and I know how impressive he is. Paul has shown up with some vengeance in the Cannabis Cup. I said a while back it was a shame he never got an Empire Title shot back in Fight but tonight he is in the ring with a next level competitor. This is going to be freaking nuts! LET’S GO!

Corey and Paul reach the center ring where they begin talking some trash back and forth before they each start to circle one another before locking up. They jockey for position until they shove off each other with a stalemate! Paul and Corey immediately lock up a second time, and once again they shove off each other with a stalemate for a second time. They go nose to nose talking trash back and forth before Corey shoves Paul!

Paul comes back shoving Corey!

The crowd roars as the two start trading right hands!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I’ve been in the ring with PMont countless times in our careers, trading fists with him isn’t a smart course of action!

CHRIS PAGE: Corey knows what he’s doing. You don’t think he hasn’t done some homework since knowing he would be in the ring with PMont?

Corey lands a right, Paul comes back with a right, Corey fires back, Paul fires back, Corey takes Paul down with a double leg takedown transitioning into a mount position where he hammers down with right hands! Paul counters the positioning and rolls over with Corey now on the mat and Paul hammering down with his right hand! The referee lays the count to Paul who pops off Corey’s chest at the four-count and is back to his feet.

Corey isn’t far behind but as Smith reaches his feet Paul takes him down with a back leg sweep that he follows up with a Shining Wizard! Paul makes the cover.



THR… Corey escapes the near fall.

Paul doesn’t waste any time as he gets back to his feet picking Corey up off the mat where he laces him across the chest with a knife-edge chop. He backs Corey up into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring, Corey bounces off the near side ducking under a Superkick attempt by Montuori, and Paul spins around walking into a spinning back fist from Smith rocking the Level Up star.

Corey lands a second and more vicious spinning back fist dropping Paul to one knee.

Corey takes a wrist lock before transitioning into a ripcord knee strike taking PMont to the mat! Smith lands a standing moonsault where he makes the cover!



THR… Paul escapes with a kick-out!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: It’s way too early to count Paul out.

CHRIS PAGE: Both Paul and Corey belong in this spotlight, and each are going to be looking for that win wherever they can find it.

Corey takes an armbar on Paul as the referee slides into position asking him to surrender which is refused. Corey steps back up to his feet maintaining control of the armbar only to have Paul drive him back into a neutral corner where the referee lays the count to both men eventually getting the clean break as Paul backs out toward the center of the ring.

Both competitors lock eyes on each other as a game of one-upmanship hasn’t gone anywhere, yet.

Corey comes out from the corner where they circle each other once more before looking to lock up. Corey drops down taking a back waist lock that’s thwarted by Paul and a back elbow to the side of the head breaking Corey’s grip. Paul spins around ducking under a lariat from Corey, we see Corey spin around walking into a Spinning Heel Kick by Paul! Corey hits the mat, Paul runs toward the ropes with a Springboard Moonsault crashing down on top of Corey!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Paul’s showing some impressive offense right now!

CHRIS PAGE: That’s what he’s going to have to do to keep ahead of Corey Smith. A picture perfect Springboard Moonsault!

Paul makes the lateral press hooking the outside leg.



THR… Corey kicks out

Paul gets back to a vertical base where he picks up Corey and fires him across the ring and into a neutral corner! Montuori rushes across the ring looking for a Stinger Splash! Corey evades as he steps out of the way at the last possible second, sending Paul crashing into the buckles! Corey runs across the ring into the opposite corner where he runs full speed ahead with a Helluva Kick to the Montuori! Paul throws his head out of the way and counters with a Running Powerbomb out of the corner driving Smith down into the mat to a massive ovation from the crowd! Paul makes another cover on Smith!



THRE…Corey shoots a shoulder up off the mat to a massive gasp from the crowd!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: This crowd is very PMont friendly, but Corey Smith is wowing them.

CHRIS PAGE: I think it’s safe to say when you’re as talented as both Corey and Paul that the crowd is going to respect what you bring to the table. Thus far throughout this tournament both men have shown the audience they’ve got the chops.

Paul gets back to a vertical base where he calls for the Flip Piledriver! He reaches down to pick up Corey as the crowd is on fire. He sets him up to deliver but before he can we see Corey counter with a back body drop! Paul scurries back up to his feet where Corey lands a drop salt sending Paul back into a neutral corner!

Corey explodes toward the corner delivering the Helluva Kick!

Paul walks out from the corner crumbling down to the mat. Corey latches on to an ankle lock! The referee slides into position asking Paul to surrender as Corey cranks on the ankle lock!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Come on Paul, don’t you give in yet!

CHRIS PAGE: He’s got Paul locked in the center of the ring!

Paul shakes off the referee as Corey drops down to the mat locking his legs around Paul’s right leg trapping it while continuing to crank on the ankle! The referee asks Paul to surrender once again and again he refuses. Corey continues to crank on the ankle as Paul’s right hand comes up off the mat! He’s fighting the urge to tap out and as he starts to he stops and instead starts pulling himself toward the bottom rope where Paul is able to reach out and grab ahold of the bottom rope forcing the referee to call for the break!

Corey releases the hold at the referee’s request which allows Paul to slide out to the floor where he tries to walk off the effects of the ankle lock but it’s Corey with a baseball slide dropkick sending Paul back into the barricade! Corey slides out to the floor. Smith lands a series of kicks to the quads of Paul before a spinning kick to the midsection. Corey brings Paul off the barricade where he delivers a twisting neckbreaker on the floor!

Corey is the first back to his feet as he picks Paul up off the floor and hurls him back into the ring.

Corey climbs back up on the ring apron. He lands a slingshot leg drop across the throat of Montuori! Smith makes the cover by hooking the near leg.



THRE…Paul escapes to a pop from the crowd.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: These folks love them some PMont!

CHRIS PAGE: Paul is digging down deep!

Corey gets to both knees as he cuts his eyes toward the referee before stepping up to his feet. The crowd is split for Corey over the New York known P Mont. Corey calls for the Pain De-Lux to an ovation from the crowd. Paul is seen starting to push himself up off the mat and back to his feet. Corey has his sights set on Montuori and as Paul stands to his feet Corey looks for the Black Mass!

Paul ducks the kick at the last second to a gasp from the crowd!

Corey spins around where he drives a boot to the midsection! Paul locks a front-face lock where he hoists Corey up in the air and drives him down into the mat with a Falcon Arrow!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Come on Paul! This is your momentI COVER HIM!

CHRIS PAGE: Too much time! Too much time!

Both men lay on the mat for several seconds before Paul can crawl over and make a cover.



THRE…Corey kicks out to a pop from the crowd!

Paul holds out three fingers which are mirrored by the referee’s two fingers with a motion of a kick-out. We see Paul getting back to one knee before stepping up to his feet. He reaches down to pick Corey up, he hammers him with a European Uppercut rocking Smith back into the ropes. Paul comes forward and fires Corey across the ring with an Irish Whip, Corey bounces off the near side where Paul lands a drop toe hold!

Paul gets back to his feet where he bounces off the ropes and lands a Curb Stomp!

Corey is down and out! Paul picks him up off the mat and tosses him into the ropes. Montuori scales up the turnbuckles from inside the ring! He calls for the Cartwheel DDT! Paul does the cartwheel on the top rope and as he comes down with the DDT Corey latches his arms on to the top rope sending Paul crashing and burning into the canvas!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Nonononono, come on Paul, this is not where you want to be, not right now!!

CHRIS PAGE: This could be it!

Corey backs up into a neutral corner where he catches Paul with PAIN DE-LUX as he gets back to his feet! Corey drops down into the cover hooking the near leg.





PIP: The winner of this contest, and advancing to the Final Four, COREY SMITH!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Damn it, damn it, damn it! I was hoping to see Dane and Paul lock up at some point in the tournament.

CHRIS PAGE: Goddamn, you talk about an incredilble contest but on this night it’s Corey Smith advancing to the Final Four where he will do battle with your precious Dane Preston.

Corey’s arm is raised in victory to a pop from the crowd.

[Image: kJwPqL1G_400x400.jpg] / @TOPFLIGHTENT

PIP: The Following Contest is Scheduled for ONE FALL!

The lights in the arena go completely dark as 'One for the Money’ by Escape the Fate hits the speakers.

Only a spotlight hits the very top of the stage as you see a man and his wife standing with his back turned, the back of the shirt reads 'Casino Kid'.

PIP: On his way to the ring! From Toronto, Ontario, Canada! He is the ‘Casino Kid’! Justiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin YOOOOOOOOOOOOOORK!

Pyro goes up into the air from both sides of the stage as all lights then come on and Justin York and his wife turn and begin down the ramp, Taunting fans as they go. Once entering the ringside area, he takes a walk around the ring rudely gesturing the crowd and taunting some more before holding the ropes for his wife to enter and getting into the ring and giving his signature middle finger to the camera with a cocky smirk while boos reign down from the arena.

PIP: And his opponent!

The lights in the arena dip to black in time with the sirens and beat to the opening of Sweatpants (BattleTapes Remix) by Childish Gambino, the lights then beginning to flash, alternating left and right onto the ramp. In time, the letters "S", "E", "B", and then "Empire" flash one at a time on the big screen until the lights stop flashing as the lyrics hit.

"She askin' “Why you say that?!”

The beat drops and the lights flash on the rampway again. As they do, the screen illuminates with "SEB" and then "EMPIRE" flashing on the sceen.

"Rich kid asshole, paint me as a villain"

Sebastian Everett-Bryce flings his arms wide, staring up with his head covered by the hood of his jacket. He stands in the middle of the ramp, the lights beating down on him, before looking out at the crowd. He wears a long jacket with the hood pulled up over his head, zipped to the waist. The jacket, which is cut away at the bottom and only runs down the back of his legs, is patterned with an elongated Union Flag, but it’s in black and white and appears to be cracked and broken. His tights are short, with the initials SEB emblazoned upon the front.

PIP: He is ‘Star of Stage and Screen’, ‘The Sophisticated Suplex Machine’ and ‘The Mauler of Markham Square’! Sebastiiiiiiiiiiiiian Evereeeeeeeeeeeeeeett BRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYCE!

The lights lift, and SEB makes his way to the ring, stretching his neck from side to side as he walks, his eyes focused on the ring. He climbs up the steps and steps through the ropes before standing in the middle of the ring.

"I'm winnin', yeah, yeah, I'm winnin' (What?)
Rich kid, asshole, paint me as a villain"

He extends his arms once more before pulling back his hood and removing his jacket to reveal the back of his tights which read “S.E.B”

"Don't be mad cause I'm doing me better than you doing you
Better than you doing you, fuck it, what you gon' do? (What?!)"

He flashes his arms out to a side, a satisfied and somewhat sneery grin upon his face, he holds the position for a moment, to allow the crowd to take pictures, before moving towards his corner.

The official indicates towards York, clearly chomping at the bit to get on the offensive and Bryce, who is comparatively much more collected and placid.

The official calls for the bell!

[Image: 2JYvsSEB.png]

CHRIS PAGE: Alright man, here we go with the next Elite 8 Match as CCPE’s Sebastian Everett-Bryce is taking on the Cinderella Story of Justin York. York has burst onto the scene and really used this tournament to make a name for himself.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: SEB is no slouch in the ring either, clearly you know that. I’m looking forward to this!

Everett-Bryce exits his corner looking to lock up.

But York catches him with a forearm to the jaw that surprises the Mauler of Markham Square!

Everett-Bryce stutter-steps backwards to the ropes… York follows up the forearm with a dropkick! Everett-Bryce takes it on the chin, backing up to the corner, but using the top rope to stay upright.

CHRIS PAGE: York starting off with some quickness.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: He’s going to need to be quick, if SEB catches him, things could change even quicker.

York, clearly trying to pummel Everett-Bryce in the opening salvo, corners his opponent and delivers a high kick to the chest… Everett-Bryce sucks air, in a lot of pain from this onslaught…

York winds up for another kick… but Everett-Bryce grabs the Casino Kid by the face and shoves him backwards. York backward-rolls from the shove and runs to close the distance before his opponent can escape the corner… but Sebastian catches him and… belly-to-belly suplex over Everett-Bryce’s head and into the turnbuckle. York’s spine collides against the top turnbuckle as he collides to the mat.

CHRIS PAGE: I’m so torn because I do business with both of these men, but SEB is my hand selected Captain for Team CCPE coming up at Tara’s Charity Cruise.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Having you out here is definitely a change of pace, Page. Hitmaker has no love for CCPE talent…

CHRIS PAGE: He has no love for talent, period…

Everett-Bryce, clearly put-off by York’s offensive flurry, stands over his opponent in the corner and STOMP! STOMP! Right to the chest and face of the Casino Kid!

After the third stomp, York grabs hold off the bottom rope and tugs himself outside the ring. He stands on the outside catching his breath… But Everett-Bryce is climbing through the ropes in a menacing pursuit.

Everett-Bryce lands behind York, looking for a waistlock, possibly seeking to German Suplex outside the ring… but York ducks down out of Everett-Bryce’s grip, slips between his legs, and delivers a double-leg takedown that plants Everett-Bryce flat on his face!

CHRIS PAGE: York is pulling out some slick offense.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Damn right he is, I’m waiting to see SEB maul this kid.

Everett-Bryce starts back up to his feet, but not before York delivers a running stomp to the back of his head! Everett-Bryce cradles his head and neck as York climbs to the second steel step… And jumps! Dropping the heel on the back of Everett-Bryce's skull!

York’s attention is drawn to the official, currently in the middle of a ten count… York slips under the ropes, rolling inside to break the count, then right back outside.

York delivers a clubbing forearm to a rising Everett-Bryce. And a second! And a th- Suddenly, Everett-Bryce launches into a standing switch and catches York’s back! He grabs a tiger suplex grip aaaaaaaaaaannd STAMFORD BRIDGE TO THE OUTSIDE!

CHRIS PAGE: Goddamn! It only takes one shot to change the complexion of the match and I’ll be damned if we didn’t just see it!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Can’t agree more, let’s see if SEB can capitalize.

Everett-Bryce looks angry but collected… Irritated by York’s resistance, but firmly in control. He reaches back behind the fallen Casino Kid and grabs him by the back of his tights, muscling him up off the padded concrete and under the bottom ropes inside the ring. Everett-Bryce quickly follows York inside, rolling him onto his back and putting two palms across the chest. The official counts…



THR-No! York kicks up and out!

No hesitation, Everett-Bryce peels York off the mat so he’s on his hands and knees… Everett-Bryce sets his foot under York’s face and kicks up! York hangs in the air, face to the ceiling… As Everett-Bryce’s educated feet rotate, rise up into chest and…

WHAM! Catches York right across the face! York flops back into the bottom turnbuckle…

CHRIS PAGE: The educated feet of SEB on firm display.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: York looks to be on Dream Street right now…

Everett-Bryce, not allowing a moment to pass outside of his offensive control, steps forward, cornering York. York quickly climbs back to his feet, knowing that the match might be a foregone conclusion if he lets Sebastian stomp him into paste in the corner…

Everett-Bryce presses a hand against York’s throat, stretching him against the corner… Then in a flash, cross kick to the chest! York cradles his ribs, but quickly Everett-Bryce forces him back again! ANOTHER KICK ACROSS THE CHEST!

York, with the wind clearly knocked out of him, stumbles forward out of the corner… Everett-Bryce latches around his waist… Bends at the knee, looking for another belly-to-belly…

Everett-Bryce heaves…

York flies over his head!

AND TWISTS THROUGH THE AIR LANDING ON HIS FEET! York breaks into a sprint for the opposite corner, bouncing off. Everett-Bryce works his way back upright after the toss… Just in time to eat a cannonball dropkick!

CHRIS PAGE: The athleticism of York is off the charts.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: You could say that again, just don’t…

Everett-Bryce buckles into the corner… Just as York sprints back for the corner… He runs again! Left-Cross Corner dropkick across the chin! Everett-Bryce is knocked right, up-and-over the top rope and down to the floor, landing just beside the steel steps!

The official stretches outside the ropes, commanding Everett-Bryce to re-enter the ring… But he’s clearly taking a moment to refind his bearings outside…

The official remains there counting… One… Two… Thr-

York hits the corner again and runs… He… HE springboards off the official’s back, up and over the ropes! As Everett-Bryce turns to address the official…


Everett-Bryce is down… York grabs Everett-Bryce, struggling to maneuver the larger wrestler…

He eventually rolls him under the ropes… York slides in after him, hooking the leg!





CHRIS PAGE: Great ring presence being shown by SEB right there. Why exert the energy if the ropes are right there to be your friend?

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I can see why you signed him to CCPE, SEB really is the total package.

Everett-Bryce, clearly dazed, grabs the bottom rope, working his way back to his feet… Just as York springs back up… Backing into the corner and… He runs…

WHAM! Running knee catches Everett-Bryce square-in-the-nose!
Everett-Bryce is driven back to the corner… York sprints toward him, looking for a clothesline… But Everett-Bryce ducks! He spins… into a kick to the ribs from York! York wriggles up to the second rope, and latches his arms around Everett-Bryce’s head…

York swings his body…


Everett-Bryce is laying low center of the ring… York quickly scrambles into a cover! The official counts…



THRE-NO! Everett-Bryce forces the shoulder up!

And York is thrust back up to his feet by the force of Everett-Bryce’s kickout!

York scrambles back to his feet as Everett-Bryce sits up, shaking off that attack to his head.

York bounds towards the ropes… Hits ‘em… And comes back, delivering a clubbing dropkick to Everett-Bryce… Everett-Bryce’s face contorts in pain as he tumbles forward to the corner again.

The Mauler from Markham Square is quickly back to a vertical base, seething angry through the pain… But York looks to keep the pressure on… He leaps to the second rope, possibly looking for a Monkey Flip…

But Everett-Bryce grabs York’s leg and pushes it back, up and over his head! York backflips agilely, landing on his feet… Just in time to catch a Superkick to the jaw!


DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: But will he STAY down this time?

That superkick might have knocked York out on his feet… But that doesn’t stop Everett-Bryce from locking him in a front-facelock aaaaaaaaaaaand DDT! York’s skull hits the canvas with AUTHORITY!

And from the mat, Everett- Bryce kips up! The crowd is on their feet here!

York scrambles back up, fighting more out of warrior’s instinct… As Everett-Bryce catches him under the throat aaaaaand T-BONE SUPLEX! York gets launched up and over, landing square on his back…

York scoops himself up woozily off the mat and… Everett-Bryce slips behind him! SLEEPER SUPLEX! York lands on the top of his head…

CHRIS PAGE: SEB could be moments away from putting this one away.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: York’s resilience is uncanny, don’t count him out just yet.

York looks like he’s seeing stars. Everett-Bryce signals for another STAMFORD BRIDGE… Everett-Bryce slowly pulls York off the mat… He wraps his arms around York’s waist aaaaand… York goes up…

BUT BACKFLIPS MID-AIR AND LANDS ON HIS FEET! The Casino Kid shoots off a desperation dropkick to the back of Everett-Bryce’s knee… Everett-Bryce’s stance is felled, cradling his leg.

And in a flash, York zips across the ring, bounds off the ropes and SPRINGBOARDS ONTO Everett-Bryce’s face! York locks his legs against his opponent’s chest and… HURRICANRANA! Everett-Bryce’s shoots into the mat rapid fire… And facedown, he’s not stirring!

York, while the adrenaline still pumps through his veins, dives on top! The official counts…



THRE-NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Somehow, Someway, Everett-Bryce finds the will to kick out! Justin York wills himself back up to a vertical base where he reaches down picking up SEB who counters into an inside cradle!



THRE…York counters the positioning by shifting his head and it’s SEB’s shoulders now down!




PIP: Ladies and gentlemen the winner and advancing to the Final Four, JUSTIN YORK!

York quickly escapes the ring celebrating his victory as a shocked SEB can’t believe it.

CHRIS PAGE: Holy shit! Did that just happen?! Justin York has just made the final four!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Like I said, the Casino Kid has amazing resilience. Good on him.

[Image: 8mM9YlWY_400x400.jpg] / @wrestleversefed

PIP: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is an Elite 8 Match in the 2022 Cannabis Cup!

PIP: Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring… JASON CASHE!

The hymn-like hum vibrates through the area before Lauren Hill soundfully brings in the chorus. Jason Cashe comes out from the back with Josslynn Spencer holding his hand. His eyes are covered by sunglasses. Looking around the arena at the live audience, his eyes stay hidden behind the shades. Taking a long drag off an air joint, Cashe howls up into the sky, a few fans howl with him. Josslynn gives him a 'good game' slap to the butt and they head down to the ring.

Stopping as the aisle turns to ringside, Cashe drags a foot creating an imaginary line. This is the line where when passed, the talking stops. Giving Josslynn a kiss, she heads around the ring as Cashe steps into a jog, leaping up on the apron onto his left knee. He stands, ducking under the top rope to enter the ring. Taking off the sunglasses as he enters, he rushes across the ring and launches them deep into the crowd. Growling a roar to the live audience, showing he was ready to scrap.

PIP: And his opponent…

PIP: About to make his way to the ring, representing CCPE, MARK FLYNN!

Comes out in a dazzling blue robe. Across the back, it says "King of the Midcarders". He has no expression and makes no eye contact with his opponent. When the bell rings, he shifts gear and a snarl comes across his face.

[Image: 2JCvsMF.png]

The opening bell sounds as Flynn and Cashe gaze across the ring from each other. They walk out to the center of the ring where the shit talking between both men engage for several seconds before this immediately breaks down into a fist fight! Cashe and Flynn trade right hands in the center of the ring before Flynn takes the short cut with a thumb to the eye! Mark takes advantage as he takes Cashe back into a neutral corner where he starts throwing stiff kicks to the midsection. Flynn takes Cashe and shoots him across the ring into the opposite buckles with authority as crashes into the buckles bouncing off them while we see Flynn charging in after him with a single leg shotgun dropkick driving Cashe back into the buckles!

CHRIS PAGE: Already starting off with a pace quickened! I can’t say I’m shocked with how both Cashe and Flynn have performed.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I’ll say. I’ve been blown away by both of these guys throughout the Cup.

Flynn scurries back to his feet where he climbs up on the middle rope and starts hammering down with a series of right hands to Cashe’s head! The crowd counts a long with each shot while the referee lays the count to Flynn who steps down off the middle rope at the referee’s four-count. Mark rakes Cashe across the eyes before biting Cashe across the forehead! The referee lays the count to Flynn who breaks at the four-count a second time. Flynn takes Cashe back into the ropes where shoots him across the ring with Irish Whip, Cashe reverses and it’s Flynn that is sent bouncing off the ropes and into a one-man flap jack!

Cashe is quick to make the cover.



THR… Flynn kicks out of the near fall as we see Cashe getting back to his feet.

He picks Flynn up off the mat. He rocks him with a forearm smash followed with an open-handed chop across the chest that echoes throughout the Venue as he backs Flynn up against the ropes, he shoots him across the ring with a Irish Whip, Flynn bounces off the ropes where Cashe turns him inside out with left arm lariat!

CHRIS PAGE: Flynn was almost decapitated!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I was sure he would spin a couple more times too!

Flynn escapes out to the floor where he’s booed intently from the crowd. The boos turn into cheers as Cashe drop down to the mat and rolls out to the floor where he comes up behind Flynn and spins him around decking him in the jaw with a left jab that sends Flynn to the floor! Cashe starts stomping away at Flynn before picking him up and hurling him back into the ring.

Jason slides into the ring where he gets to his feet.

Flynn pushes himself up to a vertical base where he’s met with a boot to the midsection from Cashe. Jason locks a front face lock and delivers a snap suplex where Cashe floats over into the cover.



THR…Flynn kicks out of the pin attempt.

CHRIS PAGE: Come on Cashe, surely you didn’t think that would get the job done?

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I wonder if he heard you, Page. He’s got a fire in his eyes now.

Cashe doesn’t waste any time in getting back to his feet where he picks Flynn up off the mat where he drives him back into a set of buckles. Cashe drives repeated shoulders into the midsection of Flynn! He lands four shoulder blocks before lacing Flynn across the chest with an open-handed chop echoing throughout the Venue. Cashe pulls Flynn out from the corner and into a T-Bone Exploder Suplex!

Cashe hurries into the cover hooking the near leg.



THRE… Flynn escapes with another kick-out.

Jason quickly locks in a rear chin lock. The referee slides into position asking Flynn to surrender, he refuses and makes his way back up to his feet where he turns into the chinlock, Flynn fires several shots to the ribs before backing Cashe up into the ropes where he fires him across the ring, Cashe bounces off the nearside where he runs over Flynn with a running shoulder block.

Cashe runs towards the far side, Flynn rolls over to his chest, Cashe leaps over Flynn where he bounces off the near side while Flynn pops back up to his feet, he side steps Cashe sending him bouncing off the farside ropes and into a boot to the midsection doubling Cashe over where Flynn executes a knee lift!

Flynn quickly latches onto a back waist lock where he snaps off a German Suplex with a bridge!



THRE… Cashe kicks out to a pop from the crowd.

CHRIS PAGE: Flynn is going to have to press the offense and stop playing with Cashe.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I don’t know Page, he has played with his food in all of his matches and he’s gotten this far. Maybe it’s all part of his repertoire?

Flynn gets back to a vertical base where he shakes off the onslaught from Cashe. We see Jason pushing himself up off the mat where Flynn comes up from behind stomping him in the spine that drives him down into the mat. Mark takes advantage as he locks in and executes a Surfboard stretch to Cashe!

The referee gets in position and starts asking Cashe to surrender!

CHRIS PAGE: Well timed by Flynn! Stretch him! Make him pay for ever embarrassing me on national television!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: You don’t need any help there you know…

CHRIS PAGE: Hey, watch it pal!

Jason refuses to give it up as Flynn continues to apply pressure as the referee asks once again, and again Cashe refuses to give up. Flynn refuses to exert more energy than necessary as he releases the hold and gets back to his feet. The crowd boo Mark as he shrugs his shoulders before picking Jason up off the mat. He locks in a front waist lock and snaps off a Northern Light Suplex with a bridge!



THRE… Cashe kicks out to a pop from the crowd.

Flynn rolls out to the ring apron where he gets back to his feet pulling himself up by the ropes. He starts to scale the turnbuckles heading up to the top rope.

CHRIS PAGE: Flynn is headed to the top! High risk for high rewards!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: He’s wasting too much time up there!

Flynn stands up top as he looks down at Cashe! Flynn leaps off the top rope looking for a flying knee drop only to see Cashe roll out of the way sending Flynn crashing right knee first into the mat! The crowd rallies behind Jason as he starts to work his way back up to his feet. He see’s Flynn clutching at his right knee!

Jason snatches the right leg and locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock!

The crowd is on fire as the referee slides into position as he starts to ask Flynn to surrender!



Cashe cranks on the Figure Four as Flynn refuses to give it up. The referee maintains his positioning asking Flynn to surrender, and again he refuses! Flynn starts to shift his weight where he reverses the Figure Four! The referee reverses his positioning but before he can ask Cashe to surrender Jason releases the hold!

Cashe is the first to his feet where he limps over to Flynn.

He reaches down to pick him up where Flynn counters the pickup attempt with an inside cradle!



THRE..Cashe kicks out! He beats Flynn back to his feet where he picks him up and delivers an Olympic Slam! Cashe makes another cover hooking the near leg.



THRE… Flynn kicks out again!

CHRIS PAGE: Back and forth they go! Who is going to catch the break that matters and stamp their ticket to the final four?!?!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: It’s anyone’s ballgame at this point!

Cashe gets back to a vertical base where he holds up his right arm calling for the Mark of Jason! Mark Flynn rolls toward the ropes where he starts to pull himself back up to his feet, he staggers with a limp to the right knee as he starts to turn around we see Jason looking for the bull hammer elbow! Flynn ducks out of the way!

Flynn chop blocks the right knee out from under Cashe dropping him to the mat!

Flynn works his way back to his feet where he follows up with a running curb stomp! Flynn collapses down on top of Cashe before rolling him over making a back press hooking the near leg!



THRE.. Cashe escapes to a huge pop from the crowd!

Flynn cuts his eyes toward the referee who shows him two fingers as he steps back up to a vertical base. He still limps heavy on the right side as he makes his way over to Cashe. He picks him up off the mat where he laces him with a knife-edge chop!

He takes Cashe back into the ropes where he sends him across the ring with an Irish Whip.

Cashe bounces off the near side and into a Belly to Belly Suplex from Flynn! Mark slowly starts to get back to his feet with a look of intensity in his eyes as he cuts them down at Jason Cashe. Mark reaches down picking Cashe up off the mat where he locks a front face lock but before he can go further Cashe counters out into a back wrist lock before shoving Flynn into the ropes, Mark bounces off the ropes and into the Bull Hammer Elbow from Cashe!

Flynn crumbles down to the mat with Cashe dropping down on top of Mark with the cover!



THRE…Flynn kicks out!

CHRIS PAGE: We’re talking inches away from a Cashe win! COME ON FLYNN!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I’m partial to Cashe, he’s pulled out all stops and looks primed for victory…

Jason Cashe can’t believe it! He gets back to his feet where he calls for the SAD! The crowd roars loudly as Jason picks Mark up off the mat setting him up for a Pedigree! Flynn counters by twisting out from the move where he drives a boot into the midsection of Cashe! He locks in the front face lock where he hoists him up vertically in the air before bringing him down with the Cutter!

Flynn makes the cover!




PIP: The winner of this contest and advancing to the Final Four, MARK FLYNN!

CHRIS PAGE: Mark Flynn advances to take on Justin York! What a hell of a contest!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: The crowd shares my sentiments. I thought for sure Cash was going to advance!

Flynn has his arm raised in victory to the boos from the crowd inside the Venue at the Velvet Rabbit.

As the Second Round Match comes to an end. There was a layer of smoke that clouded the arena as Jason Cashe rolls out of the ring. He starts to leave ringside but stops and waves towards the Ring Announcer to hand him a microphone. After receiving a talk stick, Cashe rolls back into the ring and steps to the center.

Jason Cashe: "I can smell it!"

The crowd pops as circles and huge exhales appear around the seating of the live audience inside the Velvet Rabbit.

Jason Cashe: "Love this environment! The atmosphere is amazing tonight! You see Willie Nelson? That shit was dope!"

More pops of shouting and cheers as Cashe paces a step to the left before cutting back to the right.

Jason Cashe: "Now, I am not one to grab a stick and start monologuing inside the ring, I'm NOT here to rant. I am here to ask a favor from the audience…"

Their cheers fade as the intrigue of what Cashe could ask settles into their high as fuck minds.

Jason Cashe: "See, I'm in the back and I'm not what you'd call an overly social person. Twitter, sure. Who doesn't like a good shit posting from time to time right? I keep to myself at these events unless I am finding a fight outside the ring. The best drug, the most enjoyable high at these shows has always been when you people provide to us wrestlers who come out here and put on a show!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" The crowd begins to chant. Cashe said he wasn't going to rant but here he was doing just that. He smiles and waves off the boos that started up.

Jason Cashe: "Let me cut to the chase then.. I ran out of weed, anyone got a joint I can borrow?"

A few laughs are heard. It was obvious that Cashe could find some weed. This event was damn near giving it away in any direction you looked but that didn't matter. He was out here, in the ring, asking the people. The people responded.

Jason Cashe: "Just a joint.. Blunt if you can part with it? Por Favor? That's Spanish for–"

What happened next could only be compared to what Leonidas and the 300 Spartans must have witnessed as the arrows blotted out the skies. As Cashe's arms fell to his sides and the microphone slipped out of his hand, his eyes almost looked like he had tears forming. It started raining joints and blunts. Bouncing on the canvas, hitting ringside, they were falling everywhere as people were throwing one after another. Cashe falls onto his back and begins making a Snow Angel as it continues to pour down all around him. A seemingly never ending supply that would cause Cheech & Chong to have envy.

Feeling the microphone, Cashe grabs it and while still on his back, he brings the mic to his mouth.

Jason Cashe: "I'd ask for a lighter but–"

Before he could make it into a joke, lighters started flying. Bics, a few Zippos and those cheapo lighters nobody really wants to use. Cashe scrambled and slid out of the ring because lighters had some sting to them as they get thrown.

Jason Cashe: "No lighters!"

An orange Bic catches him to the eyebrow.

Jason Cashe: "Oooowww! Who threw that?!"

Another lighter zips past his face before he throws down the mic and hurries to pile up as many joints and blunts.. And lighters as he can gather as more continue to fly and layer the area. A fan in the front row offers him a small backpack, Cashe snatches it and begins filling it. Waving as he leaves ringside, thanking the fans for a nice little supply as he finally heads backstage.

[Image: tgp7iak8_400x400.jpg] / @pwEXCELLENCE

Returning to ringside we see Damon and Page.

CHRIS PAGE: Are you ready for what has brought us to the dance for this session of action? Of course I am talking about War Games and Team Centurion taking on Team Father Cheney.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Are you kidding me? If I was cleared for action, you’d be doing commentary with a crash test dummy, and I’d be in there to help shut that pious bastard’s mouth.

CHRIS PAGE: The match starts with one person from each team. Every five minutes a new member will enter until all team’s have entered, and then it’s pinfall or submission. One of these teams is going to lose a lot more than respect when this one is over.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Well, let’s hope the deviants rock the bible thumpers’ world.

CHRIS PAGE: In advance folks I can’t say that I will be unbiased, my wife is involved in this and I think I speak for Damon when I say I hope Team Centurion mops the floor with Father Cheney.

The crowd instantly turns to boo’s as out from the back steps the man formally known as Krusher, Donald Barnette. The crowd nearest the rampway all give middle fingers to the big man, who just shrugs it off and walks towards the ring. He angerly steps into the cage and through the ropes before raising his arms to the crowd, once again getting showered in boos. He turns to the entrance and gestures for the first member of the opposing team to step out.

The crowd explodes as casually out from the back steps the team captain, Centurion. He slowly walks down the aisle, cigarette in his mouth and a golf club over his left shoulder. He stops at the front of the cage, where Barnette is standing, snarling at him from the inside. Centurion snickers before walking to the door and stepping into the cage and the ring. The referees close the door to the cell and ring the bell. The match begins!

[Image: wargames.png]

Centurion tosses his golf club onto the ground before stepping slowly to Barnette. Barnette screams at Centurion, and Centurion responds by taking his cigarette out of his mouth and tossing it at Barnette. Barnette flinches, and Centurion capitalizes by tackling him to the mat and delivering a set of right hands. Barnette tries to cover up and drags himself into the corner, which only causes Centurion to stand and start stomping on the big man. The crowd cheers as Centurion repeatedly stomps Barnette in the corner, before finally stopping and backing up. Barnette reaches to pull himself up off the bat, but is immediately met with a running knee, knocking Barnette dizzy and causing him to fall forward into the ring.

CHRIS PAGE: This is Centurion’s return to the ring in some months. I know leadership by example but was it the smartest move to start things off?

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: If I was in Centurion’s shoes, I’d be the first one in as well.

Centurion picks Barnette up from the ring and goes for a Saito suplex, but Barnette elbows Centurion in the head. He does it three more times before Centurion is forced to release the hold, and Barnette quickly spins and closelines Centurion to the ground. Barnette grabs Centurion by the head and lifts him off the ground before tossing him over the top rope in the space between the two rings. Centurion crawls under the bottom rope into the second ring as Barnette steps over the top of the first ring. Centurion kicks the bottom rope as Barnette is stepping, causing the ring rope to smack into the crotch of the big man. Centurion steps back in between the two rings and smiles as Barnette is caught on the top rope. He then grabs the rope and begins to bounce it up and down, causing a lot of pain to Barnette, much to the delight of the crowd.

CHRIS PAGE: THERE YA GO CENT! Use that ring to your advantage!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I’m inclined to agree with you, Page. The Church has cheated everyday people for over 2000 years. Time to return the favor.

Barnette topples over the rope and lands on the metal grate separating the two rings. Centurion looks down at him, then jumps over the top rope and lands a double stomp onto Barnette’s chest before casually stepping into the first ring. Barnette reaches up to the top rope and tries to pull himself up, but Centurion grabs his head from the front and begins to hold Barnette down, choking him on the top rope. Barnette flails his arms around, trying to break free of the hold as the timer begins to count down with the fans counting out loud!







The hall fills with boos once again as 5BW’s resident “Prick”, Drew Rogers, comes running out from the back.

CHRIS PAGE: Team Father Cheney won the coin toss! Centurion is about to be in a two on one!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: If anyone can handle it, Centurion can.

He gets into the ring and Centurion releases the hold on Barnette, but is met quickly with a roundhouse kick by Rogers, knocking him to the ground. He quickly grabs Centurion by the hair and pulls him off the mat before tossing him into the ropes. Centurion comes back, but Rogers nails him with a thrust kick, causing Centurion to once again fall to the mat. Rogers takes advantage of the break in the action to lean between the two rings and help Barnette get to his feet. Centurion gets to his feet, but he is facing down two foes. Centurion begins to deliver punches – one to Drew, one to Barnette, and repeat – but is stopped with a double knee to the gut by both Rogers and Barnette. They grab Centurion and deliver a double suplex. Centurion bounces off the mat and clutches his lower back as Barnette and Rogers get back to their feet.

CHRIS PAGE: Centurion is going to have to weather the storm, that’s all he can do.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I hate this prick, pun intended. I’d love to wipe that smug ass look off his face. HANG IN THERE CENTURION!

Rogers picks Centurion up and tosses him into Barnette, who clobbers him with a hard lariat. The crowd begins to heavily boo, and Rogers takes the time to turn to the crowd and hold his arms out to the side, relishing in the boos. Barnette picks Centurion back up, and Centurion tries to fight back by firing some punches into Barnette’s stomach, but Barnette clubs Centurion in the back of the head before lifting him up and nailing him with a fall away slam. Rogers places his boot on Centurion’s head and twists in a disrespectful manner, causing the crowd to boo even louder and for Centurion to grab his face. Centurion tries to pull himself back up using the ropes, but Barnette easily lifts him off the mat and tosses him into the steel fence. Centurion falls in between the ropes and the cage, causing him to be stuck there and allowing Barnette and Rogers to continuously stomp on him as the fans begin counting down again.







CHRIS PAGE: Help is on the way!

The crowd roars back to life as Erin Blue comes sprinting out from the back! She runs to the ring and makes a bee line for Drew Rogers! The two rivals begin to exchange right hands before Erin is able to get the upper hand and back Rogers into the corner. Rogers quickly reverses and places Erin in the corner, but Erin comes running out with a running uppercut, sending Rogers to the mat. Erin quickly grabs Rogers from behind and lifts him before driving him down with a German suplex. Barnette grabs Erin by the back of the hair before spinning her around and setting her up for a powerbomb; however, he is caught with a superkick to the back of the head from Centurion. Barnette stumbles forward, and Centurion and Erin jump and hit him with a double dropkick, sending him back onto the mat. Rogers looks to scramble to his feet, but he’s cut off by Centurion, who tosses him to Erin, who delivers a devastating tilt a whirl backbreaker to Rogers.

CHRIS PAGE: LET’S GO! That’s what I’m talking about!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Beautiful teamwork on display by Team Centurion!

Centurion picks up Barnette and Erin picks up Rogers, and the two hit stereo Saito suplexes, as the crowd cheers them on. Centurion fist bumps Erin before the two of them climb to the top rope. In an act of desperation, Barnette rushes over and pulls down the rope, causing both Erin and Centurion to fall crotch first onto the turnbuckle. Rogers crawls into the second ring as Barnette gets to his feet. Barnette grabs Centurion off the top rope and holds him in a torture rack position, but Centurion drives his elbows into the top of Barnette’s head. Barnette looks to drop Centurion, but Centurion wraps his legs around Barnette’s head and begins to choke him. Centurion reaches out and grabs the top rope for more leverage, causing Barnette to buckle to his knees.

CHRIS PAGE: The sheep have shifted the momentum!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: They’d better do something quick, because Team Cheney is about to have the number advantage again!

In the other ring, Rogers has Erin shoved up against the metal grating of the cage, and is rubbing her head back and forth over the steel. Rogers goes to slam Erin’s face into the cage with one big slam, but Erin gets her hands up and blocks it. She elbows Rogers in the stomach and slams Rogers into the cage. Rogers stumbles backwards and Erin wraps her arms around his waist. She nails Rogers with one german suplex, then holds on and lifts him before delivering another. Rogers crawls into the corner and turns to face the center of the ring, but Erin takes that opportunity to run at him and nail him with a hip attack. She grabs Rogers by the legs and looks to go for a big swing, but that is when the next countdown begins.







CHRIS PAGE: Team Cheney is about to have that important advantage. Once again Centurion, and now Erin have to survive.

A chorus of boos echoes throughout the arena as the lumbering Clyde Cheney slowly walks out from the back. He stumbles his way down to the ring and stops as he gets to the cage. Centurion and Erin both turn their attention to the large Clyde, and Clyde adjusts the straps on his overalls. He gets to the door of the cage, but before it opens, Rogers and Barnette hit Erin and Centurion from behind, allowing Clyde to safely step into the ring.

CHRIS PAGE: You have to have your head on a swivel.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Or you might have it swivel involuntarily!

Barnette slams Centurion down with a sidewalk slam, which is followed up by a vicious splash by Clyde. Rogers, meanwhile, sets up Erin and delivers a vertical suplex. Clyde gets back to his feet and nails Erin with a running splash, causing both members of Team Centurion to roll around, clutching their chests.

Rogers spots the golf club that Centurion brought to the ring and smiles. He picks it up and does a few golf swings before pointing at Erin. Barnette and Clyde pick up Erin and hold her as Rogers stares at the golf club. He runs at Erin and swings…but Erin ducks to the mat, and Rogers nails Barnette with the club! Erin immediately begins to try and take down the large Clyde with several kicks to his tree trunk legs, but Rogers is able to hit her from behind with the golf club. Erin clutches her back and Clyde grabs her neck with both hands.

CHRIS PAGE: They’re going to make me take my headset off!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: You can’t get involved Page.

Clyde lifts Erin, looking for a double handed chokeslam, but Clyde’s knees are taken out from behind by Centurion. Clyde drops Erin and falls to his knees as Centurion gets to his feet. Rogers runs at Centurion with the club, but Centurion kicks it out of Rogers’ hands. The club goes flying into the second ring, and the only two competitors remaining standing are Rogers and Centurion. Centurion smiles at Rogers, who nods in his direction.

CHRIS PAGE: Who’s bad now?!?!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Let’s see if the prick can handle himself without a weapon…

The two tie up, but Rogers immediately gets a knee into Centurion’s sternum. Rogers bounces off the ropes, but Centurion hits him with a shoulder block. Rogers bounces off the mat and back up, and he and Centurion exchange some right hands. Rogers goes for a rip cord lariat, but Centurion ducks, grabs Rogers by the waist, and nails him with a Saito suplex. The crowd goes nuts, but this is short lived as Centurion is nailed from behind by Clyde. Clyde begins to lay hammer fists into the top of Centurion’s head before tossing him against the ropes. Centurion runs back, and Clyde uses his momentum to toss Centurion into the cage. Centurion, once again, falls between the ring ropes and the cage.

Centurion gets to his feet, but is instantly squashed by Clyde, who drives his full weight into Centurion’s body. Clyde turns around, and is met with a missile dropkick by Erin. Clyde stumbles backwards and falls into the ropes, but Erin is unable to get any momentum going as she is grabbed from behind by Barnette, who drives Erin to the mat with a reverse DDT. Rogers gets back to his feet and begins directing traffic, pointing to Clyde and then to Centurion. Clyde lifts Centurion up and holds him against the cage, allowing Rogers to deliver a vicious thrust kick to Centurion, his head bouncing off the steel. Barnette, meanwhile, drags Erin over to the turnbuckle and props her up. Drew walks over to her and begins to choke her out with his boot as the next countdown begins.

CHRIS PAGE: Help is coming!







The crowd roars back to life as the Nightmare Angel, Chelsea Skye, sprints out from the back. She runs into the ring and immediately sets her sights for Rogers. She leaps and brings Rogers down with a head scissors. She gets back to her feet and hits a dropkick onto Clyde’s legs, causing him to fall back onto his knees. She runs at Clyde and nails him with a Shining Wizard. Barnette, who has Erin in the second ring, finally turns his attention towards Chelsea. It’s slightly too late, however, as Chelsea runs to the ropes, leaps onto the top rope in Ring #1, before delivering a hurricanrana to Barnette in Ring #2. Chelsea does a kip up and yells into the crowd, causing the fans to go wild.

CHRIS PAGE: Forever my internet champion has entered the fray and shifted the complexion! Listen to this crowd!!!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Chelsea Skye is a literal ball of fire right now!

Barnette crawls to the ropes and grabs on to the middle rope, but Chelsea grabs him and gets him to his feet. She whips Barnette against the opposite ropes, and as Barnette goes back first into the ropes, Erin pulls down the top rope, causing Barnette to topple over the top rope and onto the metal grate separating the two rings. Erin steps back over to Ring #1, and nods over to Chelsea. The two crouch to the mat and place their boots on the side of Barnette’s head, essentially crushing his head between the two of them. Erin uses the ropes in Ring #1, as Chelsea uses the ropes in Ring #2 as leverage. Barnette yells out in pain and kicks his heels into the metal. Finally, after a few seconds, Rogers runs over and hits Erin, causing Erin to break her hold.

Rogers whips Erin against the ropes, and as she comes back, Rogers ducks to the mat, causing Erin to jump over him. When she does, she lands right in the hands of Clyde, who looks to go for some sort of powerslam. As he turns, however, he is met with a drop kick from the top rope by Centurion, causing Erin to land on top of Clyde. Erin immediately puts Clyde in a triangle choke, which Rogers attempts to break up, but Centurion grabs him from behind and nails him with another Saito Suplex. Erin looks as if she is going to get Clyde to pass out, but the hold is broken up by Chelsea Skye, who is thrown from one ring to the other by Barnette. Barnette leans against the ropes to try and catch his breath, but he is met with a suicide dive from Centurion, who flies between the ropes of both rings to spear Barnette to the mat. All six competitor lay on the ground, stirring, as the next count down begins.







CHRIS PAGE: The rings are filling up with a lot of mass.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Who in the hell is THAT?

XWF star Bartholomew “Boots” Lichter steps out from the back with a huge smile on his face, confidently strolling down to the ring as he sees the situation in front of him. He climbs into the ring and immediately grabs Centurion’s golf club before climbing into the second ring. Centurion gets to his feet, but Lichter immediately nails him with the club before hitting him repeatedly with it as he’s on the ground. Lichter helps Barnette to his feet and points to Centurion. Barnette gets Centurion to his feet, but Lichter nails him with the This Is Not A Superkick, causing Centurion to stumble back into the arms of Barnette, who slams him to the mat with a belly to back suplex. Lichter grabs one of Centurion’s legs and does a taunt mocking Centurion’s mentor Ric Fleihr before locking in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Lichter yells at Barnette to go to the other ring, and Barnette obliges.

CHRIS PAGE: Cent’s in serious trouble here!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Things don’t look good for Team Centurion at the moment!

In Ring #1, Erin and Rogers are exchanging right hands until Barnette grabs Erin from behind and tosses her like a rag doll across the ring. Erin slowly climbs to her feet, and Barnette grabs her from the back of the head. Erin elbows Barnette’s hand away, then nails him with a spinning back fist, causing Barnette to stumble backwards. Erin runs at Barnette, but she is cut off by Clyde, who hits her with a pounce and causes her to go flying across the ring.

Chelsea gets to her feet and notices the situation she is in – Clyde, Barnette, and Rogers all on their feet, staring her down. Quickly, she runs for the second ring. She gets through the first set of ropes, but is grabbed by the waist by Clyde before she can get through the second set of ropes. Centurion, still in the figure four, reaches out and grabs Chelsea’s hands, causing Lichter to break his hold and for Chelsea and Centurion to both slide into the first ring. Clyde lifts Chelsea, but Chelsea reverses into a hurricanrana. Clyde falls to the mat into the seated position, and is instantly met with a desperation V Trigger by Centurion, knocking Clyde out, but using the rest of his energy in the process.

CHRIS PAGE: Tandem offense by Skye and Cent!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: That’s what they’ve got to do!

Rogers grabs Chelsea’s legs, but Chelsea is able to kick him off, causing Rogers to stumble into Barnette. Chelsea leaps to her feet and goes for a spinning heel kick. Rogers ducks, but Chelsea is able to catch Barnette square in the temple. Chelsea spins and sees Rogers, who desperately looks around the ring for an escape. He scrambles into the second ring, and Chelsea chases after him. She jumps over the first set of ropes, but as she jumps over the second, she’s met with a vicious uppercut by Boots Lichter. Chelsea falls onto the steel mesh and Rogers walks up to Lichter, patting him on the back, before the two climb in between the two rings. Rogers grabs Chelsea by the waist and Lichter nails her with a superkick before Rogers slams Chelsea down onto the steel with a German suplex. The crowd begins a loud “VOODOO! VOODOO!” chant.

CHRIS PAGE: Goddamn right! Bring out the Femme Fatale! Bring out the best thing that’s ever happened to me! Let’s get wicked!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: That woman is one of the baddest fighters in the business. If you’re not familiar with her inring exploits, you’re in for a treat!

Centurion gets to his feet, but he is grabbed from behind by Rogers, who hangs him up in the ropes. Lichter grabs the golf club once again and smiles as he steps into the first ring. He slams the head of the club into Centurion’s stomach, who is able to defend himself from the onslaught. Barnette and Clyde both get to their feet and watch as Lichter delivers shot after shot to Centurion’s sternum. Barnette begins to laugh, but that laugh is cut off by the last countdown.









The crowd inside the Velvet Rabbit come absolutely unglued as the owner, Candice “VooDoo” Wolf-Page comes out from the back. She runs down the aisle and gets to the ring, but stops before she gets into the cage itself, noticing all four members of team Cheney still standing, waiting for her. She yells something into the crowd and makes a gesture, and suddenly one of the fans tosses a chair from the crowd! VooDoo grabs it and steps into the ring, equalizer in hand.

Barnette charges at VooDoo, but is instantly nailed with a chair shot. Clyde lumbers his way over, but gets met with the same fate. VooDoo turns her attention towards Lichter and Rogers, who let go of Centurion and scramble into the second ring. Lichter raises the golf club and Rogers gestures for VooDoo to join them into the ring. She walks over to the ropes and looks to step through them, but stops and opens the chair up. Lichter and Rogers both look confused at the action, but seemingly out of nowhere Erin Blue comes running from behind VooDoo. She jumps onto the chair and flies over the ropes, delivering a crossbody to both Lichter and Rogers. Chelsea crawls into the second ring as Centurion slowly gets to his feet, and the crowd explodes as all four members of Team Centurion are standing for the first time.

CHRIS PAGE: This is a picture that’s worth 1,000 words! Listen to the crowd! They are eating this up!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Your wife is a ring general, Page. She ain’t just a businesswoman!!

As Erin and Chelsea go to work on Lichter and Rogers, Centurion and VooDoo get Clyde to his knees. The two stand on either side of the big man, and begin delivering buzzsaw kicks back and forth into Clyde’s chest and back. Clyde bobbles back and forth between the shots. They stop, and the dazed Clyde looks up at Centurion. Centurion and VooDoo nod at each other, then back up and deliver double knees to each side of Clyde’s head.

In Ring 2, Erin and Chelsea have Lichter set up for a double suplex. They lift him, but Rogers grabs Lichter’s feet and pulls him down. Lichter fights off Erin and Chelsea and goes for a closeline, but Chelsea and Erin duck underneath both Lichter and Rogers before hitting stereo snap suplexes onto Lichter and Rogers. Erin gets onto her knees and holds her arms out, gesturing something at Chelsea. Chelsea bounces up and down before stepping back and running toward Erin. Like a base in cheerleading, Erin uses Chelsea’s momentum and tosses her into the air. Chelsea flies up and lands onto Lichter with a flying elbow drop.

CHRIS PAGE: Action is all over the place! Chelsea and Erin are working collectively!

Back in Ring 1, Centurion props Barnette up into the corner. He hits Barnette with a knife edge chop, which causes VooDoo to put her hand up and stop him. She then delivers her own knife edge chop. Centurion shakes his head before rubbing his hands. He steps back and hits another powerful chop before smiling over at VooDoo. She doesn’t look impressed as she rubs her hand on the side of her pants. She shushes the crowd before stepping forward and chopping Barnette. Centurion goes “ok, ok” as he shakes his hand out next to his body. He raises his hand over his head and slams an overhead chop into Barnette. VooDoo nods and takes several steps into the center of the ring. She does a flip and a springboard before hitting a massive chop onto Barnette’s chest. Barnette’s chest is so red it’s almost purple as he screams in pain.

CHRIS PAGE: God I love that woman.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: I certainly hope so, or you and I are gonna have some problems down the line.

Chelsea and Erin finally hit Lichter with a double suplex in Ring 2 before turning their attention toward Rogers. Rogers crawls toward the ropes and pulls himself up, but is immediately hit with a running closeline by Chelsea. Erin then grabs Rogers’ head and begins slamming it into the side of the steel cell. Drew stumbles forward and falls to his knees, and is met with two running knees by both Chelsea and Erin. All four members of Team Centurion pose to the crowd and a huge thundering roar is released from the crowd, until all of a sudden…


The four members of Team Centurion all look at each other, and the crowd looks around, confused, as all of the competitors for the match are in the ring. Everyone looks to the entrance, waiting for someone to arrive, until a massive, earth shattering boo is released from the crowd, and out steps…

Father Jefferson Cheney

CHRIS PAGE: And then this turd showed up.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: His mama should have done the world a favor and swallowed him!

Cheney has a Bible in his right hand, and is wearing a black t-shirt and khaki pants. The crowd begins to throw garbage at him, but Cheney just smiles through it as he appears to be preaching his way down the aisle. He gets to the ring, but all four members of Team Centurion are standing, waiting for him to walk through the door. Cheney backs up and says something to the referees before pointing into the ring. Team Centurion all gestures towards him, telling him to get into the ring, but he continues to stall as he tells the referees to push the wrestlers back from the cage door. Centurion puts his hands up and backs up from the door, directing his team mates to do the same, and the referee opens the door. Cheney goes to take a step into the cage…

And all four members of Team Cheney attack Team Centurion from behind.

Cheney quickly climbs into the ring as the two teams begins to brawl in the middle of the ring. Erin knocks Rogers to the mat and turns around, but is met with a Bible to the head from Cheney. Erin immediately collapses to the ground, unconscious. Cheney then hits Centurion in the back of the head with the Bible before swinging and knocking down Chelsea with it, as well. The other four members have turned their attention toward VooDoo and overwhelm her, before Cheney is able to drive his Bible into the top of VooDoo’s head, as well. The crowd heavily boos as Cheney raises the Bible in the air before gesturing something toward the referees. The referees look confused, so Cheney yells at them, and they scramble. Meanwhile, Clyde hits Erin with a standing splash while Barnette lifts Chelsea and tosses her over his head with a fall away slam. Rogers and Lichter both stomp on Centurion before all four walk over to VooDoo and prop her up onto her knees. Lichter gets VooDoo into a chokehold as one of the referees tosses a microphone into the ring to Father Cheney.

CHRIS PAGE: Oh for fucks sake.

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Page, I’m of the mind that one of us should get in there…

Cheney: All of you consumers of filth will now be witness to the ultimate victory of morality!

The crowd tries to drown Cheney out with boos, but he pushes through it.

Cheney: All four of these immoral leftists were chosen to fight for YOU, and all four have failed before you, before God, and before America! You were never going to win this war! In the end, the right hand of justice and patriotism STANDS STRONG against the worms that crawl in the muck of society!

Cheney kneels down in front of VooDoo, who is slowly losing consciousness, but still has enough strength to stare a hole into Cheney.

Cheney: You may have created this den of sin, but I will be the one who destroys it! Your hold on this society has been released. You, and the rest of your WHORES, can stand by and watch the ashes as we BURN THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND! Normally, I would tell you to beg for forgiveness, but there is no forgiving you. THERE’S NO FORGIVENESS FOR ANY OF YOU! You are ALL lost causes, and TONIGHT…


The buzzer sounds again, cutting Cheney off. He drops the mic and looks angrily up the rampway. The crowd all look around confused once again, murmuring about what is happening, when…




The WGWF Hall Of Famer steps out from the back to a monstrous roar from the crowd, pointing at Cheney as she storms her way down the aisle.

CHRIS PAGE: THE FIRST FEMALE WGWF World Heavyweight Champion in history is BACK! SHE’S LIVE! AND.. SHE… LOOKS… PISSED!

She gets to the cage and begins to shake as all five members of Team Cheney kick at her. Camden takes a step back and gives two middle fingers to Cheney before walking over to the door. She opens the door, and Barnette reaches for her. Camden immediately slams the door in Barnette’s face before sliding into the ring. Lichter sprints at her, but she takes him down with a closeline. Rogers then goes for a swing…


The stunner move from Camden sends Rogers to the mat. Jefferson Cheney goes to take a swing at Camden with the Bible, but Camden grabs it and pulls it away from Cheney. Cheney falls onto his backside and begins to crawl backwards as Camden takes the Bible and smashes it, as hard as she can, into Clyde’s skull. Clyde instantly collapses to the mat, with a trickle of blood pouring down the front of his head. Camden opens up the Bible and reveals that the whole thing has been hollowed out, and in its place is a brick, which has now been smashed due to the impact onto Clyde’s head. Lichter and Barnette both attack Camden from behind and knock her to the mat, but the rest of Team Centurion have since gotten to their feet, and jump onto Barnette and Lichter. VooDoo delivers a massive elbow into Lichter, which spins him around into the waiting arms of Erin, who nails him with a massive spinning spinebuster.

CHRIS PAGE: No wonder the book of the lord was so strong!


Jefferson Cheney, meanwhile, has crawled out of the cage door and looks to flee from the situation at hand. Jefferson Cheney first looks to jump into the crowd, but an entire angry mob stands, waiting for him to do so. He thinks the better of it, and instead starts to run up the aisle and toward the back. He almost gets backstage when he’s stopped…

…by Kieran Quinn and Judge Meagan!

The two 5BW authority figures stand at the end of the aisle with their arms crossed, forcing Cheney to quickly stop his momentum and back up. He starts begging the two of them off as he slowly backs up. Meagan and Kieran slowly step towards him, as Cheney gets closer and closer back to the ring. He backs up until he gets to what he thinks is the ring, and a look of terror crosses his face. He turns around and sees that he hasn’t backed into the ring, but rather into Erin Blue, and stands smiling at him. Cheney swallows with nervousness before he tries to make a break for the aisleway, but is met with a right hand from Kieran Quinn! Cheney flops to the ground as Kieran and begins to lay shots into him.


DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: That slippery snake thought he was going to run away from the war he started?!?

Back in the ring, Lichter crawls under the ropes and into the second ring, but is not able to get far as Chelsea springboards over the top rope and delivers a leg drop. VooDoo joins Chelsea in the second ring and the two pick Lichter up. They both point to the sky before wrapping their hands around Lichter’s neck and delivering a double chokeslam! Camden and Centurion applaud in the first ring as Chelsea and VooDoo high five their efforts.

Back outside, Erin has a hold of the back of Father Cheney’s neck and begins to drag him towards the announce tables. Cheney continues to shake his head and try to beg off the attack, but instead, Erin clears off the top of one of the tables. Kieran and Meagan pick Cheney up and place him on Erin’s shoulders, and Cheney lets out one last scream before Erin drives Cheney through the announce table with a powerbomb! The crowd explodes as the table collapses and Cheney falls into a broken heap.

CHRIS PAGE: Doesn’t look good for ole Donny.

Back in the ring, only one member of Team Cheney remains standing – Donald Barnette. His knees shake as he turns towards the center of the ring, before being kicked in the stomach by Camden.


Barnette stumbles backwards into the waiting arms of Centurion…

1000 Mile Slam!

Centurion slams Barnette onto the mat as Camden and VooDoo point to the top rope. Chelsea Skye hops up onto the turnbuckle and jumps off…


Skye covers Barnette.





DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: Sent those self-righteous bastards back to the hole they crawled out of.

The crowd goes crazy as the bell rings! Erin steps into the cage and looks at the downed bodies of her opponents before being acknowledged by her teammates for taking out Cheney. The five team mates all get together for a group hug before turning to face the crowd and raising their arms victoriously.

An angry Drew Rogers, holding his neck, is halfway up the aisle as EMTs tend to Father Cheney. Centurion gestures to the microphone that Cheney was holding earlier, and Camden walks over to it. She tosses it over to Centurion, and lifts the microphone to his mouth. He is clearly out of breath, and he takes a few seconds to try and recover, before lifting his head up and yelling into the crowd.

Centurion: DRINKS ON ME!

CHRIS PAGE: You heard the man!

DAMON HAVOK RIGGS: We get free drinks though, Page…

Chris and Damon get up from the broadcast table as the Cage begins to rise. Both Damon and Page remove headsets and exit the table where Damon climbs up on the ring apron stepping through the ropes followed by Page. Damon steps through the ropes followed by Page whom immediately hugs and kisses Candice Wolf-Page while Damon and Cent exchange a handshake.

Chris and Damon take a step back and applaud all members of Team Centurion as the crowd roars loudly. Damon and Voo hug it out while Page shakes hands and embraces Centurion. We see Damon and Page raise the arms of Candice and Centurion who in turn raise the arms of Team Centurion to a massive ovation from the crowd.

Page walks over picking up the microphone that Centurion had discarded.

CHRIS PAGE: Before we enjoy free drink Saturday, I think the only way we are going to top what we just saw… is with SNOOP DOG!

Match Credits:
Chris Page
Mark Flynn
Justin York

Segment: Jason Cashe

Commentary Credits: Damon Riggs, Johnny Hitmaker, and Chris Page

Graphics: Kat Jones

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
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[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
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