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From The Mouthz Of Bitchez (Calm Before The Storm //WeatherReport)
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-20-2014, 07:35 PM Rainbow  From The Mouthz Of Bitchez (Calm Before The Storm //WeatherReport) -->


[Image: sarahxwf_zps863776e5.png]

OOC\\ -- Ladies All-Star, where it truly began for 'Snowball' as Mack called her. Aka, Mandy, one of the people that helped reignite my passion for writing.



The following is a.... $lightly... edited version, but it def. serves a purpose and I'm hoping it's okay to post this link, if not, I'll take it out, along w/this note. They don't have autoplay over there.........bJealous >< //OO¢[$//]

EDIT: .....okay. i edited this after finishing it. along w/its follow-up. this is a long post, but if ya want? skip to the ending. i said it's the best part. ...i'm ready. nuff fukkin' said.


"In addition to this, by likening a woman to a dog you could also be insinuating that she is loud... aggressive... and violent. This refers to a female dog protecting her puppies. When faced with a potential threat to her young, female dogs often growl, bear their teeth, snap and bark."

{ally. lolyup. and trust me, chachi. she was a bitch... but when someone messed w/her boys? that gal bit back. believe it}

- + -

"The range of meanings has expanded in modern usage. In a feminist context, it can indicate a strong or assertive woman, one who might make men feel threatened."

- + -

Babe In Total Control of Herself

Beautiful Intelligent Talented Creative Honest

Beautiful Individual That Causes Hardons

R: quoth_the_howser\\W.4.I._

- + -

"A Bitch takes shit from no one. You may not like her, but you cannot ignore her....they have loud voices and often use them. Bitches are not pretty....Bitches seek their identity strictly through themselves and what they do. They are subjects, not objects...Often they do dominate other people when roles are not available to them which more creatively sublimate their energies and utilize their capabilities. More often they are accused of domineering when doing what would be considered natural by a man."

~ "The Bitch Manifesto", Jo Freeman. 1968

||hold the phone, 'natural by a man'. now, really think about that for a moment, babe. i know this place is flooded w/testosterone, and i dont wanna go off on a rant here, but a guy does what miss 'baskerville' does, i'll tell ya. guys high-five him, gals think he's a trophy. gurls, on the other hand? ....quoth the word. yea. nuff said//miller_Time||

- + -

"Underneath, the song is speaking about an independent woman, who knows who she is and what she wants. All too often, 'independent' has negative connotations but what does it mean, really? Here's a woman who will nourish and care and love, and yet she's ready to fight and argue and Breakdown. It's speaking against this stereotypical notion of what a woman should be like (innocent, full of humility, one who suppresses her anger, etc.) opposed to what a woman really is.

"It takes a real woman to be strong and independent."

~ "The Bitch Bio: Who I Am", Meredith Brooks. 2001

{First off?}

{R: remember these2songs, expect to hear them soon [if u choose, dont wunna get any MORE hate >< ....or DO I? BWAHAHAH!!] because they both play a vital role in the history of the person that put the preceding quotes together, and the following message. me? lolnope. my mom? negatory. my kid sis? "Close, But No Cigar"....though, she did prove to be the key to my only concert pre-resurrection...n'aw. none of Us....... t'was my cousin. a gal by the name of sarah. a bitch. a mean, loud, obnoxious bitch ...who accomplished more in 2 months, than iHave in 10 years...nuff said. let's send it 'gordon's log'. word4word, no edits, but a few annotations w/my thoughts.}

r: as i'd tell another certain 'Weird' gAl...just the facts, ma'am, badah-BAM!!!! XP


--okie, now no more edits :3 --

snOw's Blog.
5-16-14: 5:55pm

So, I'm finally startin' tah learn a few things. The computer. The DVR. Twitter, Tumblr... An' I'm also startin' tah learn more 'bout Aphrodite. As well as Makayla. Or is that Violet? Or 'The Third'? Or The Pilsbury Fuckin' Dough Girl? Mack... lemme speak on you real quick. I didn't justify anything. I chose a name. I chose it for a reason. And I'm stickin' with it. I am who I am. If you gotta problem with it? Too bad.

And that is WHY I am who I am. I been on Twitter. I know the names that guy Drake calls ya. Trust me, hun... if you lived like I live? With yer head held up high, and I don't mean Vi's head, I don't mean 'The Other's head, I mean YOUR head. If ya held that chin up? It wouldn't matter what name he tossed your way. Cuz it'd slide off like water off a duck's back...

{quoth my godmother. another loud, obnoxious of the only people that've stuck by me till my End Of Days. and always will. Unconditionally...even if I went to Jail. Book of Perry x2. Chapter, Brink}

You are perfect in yer imperfections. I know yer familiar with that phrase, but it ain't just a bundle ah words. It's truth, just like the word 'bitch' is my truth. I am a bitch, and we are ALL perfect in our own imperfections. It's what makes us unique. It's what makes See, I gotta big mouth. Yer damn right. And I'm DAMN proud of it. When I got somethin' tah say, somethin' I BELIEVE in, as my cuz raYne would put it... I don't hold back. I dont bite my tongue. I say what I believe to be true, and if somebody's got an issue with that? They can take it to the complaints office. Right in the middle of the ring.

That's what makes me who I am. That is my WHOLE agenda, I wouldnt be me if I didnt have a big mouth.....and you wouldn't be you without that lil glimmer of Makayla that I can see in your eyes from time tah time. Each day she's buried deepr an' deeper, first Vi, now this 'Third'... but I see the cracks showin'. I see those rough edges.... And I see they're tired ah gettin' shoved to the wayside.

Ya gotta match comin' up. Crystal Fuckin' Hilton, that skinny lil Latina that pulled a win outta thin air. Mack... you got this. I didn't. I wasn't prepared, I wasn't focused. But you are. I can see it in yer eyes, and I can see it in the way ya carry yerself. I don't care what you think ah me, I'm tellin' you what I know. Come Validation? That title stays home....keep it warm.

{fact? Mack kept that strap. psychics run in the family, just like psychos. i'd show that pic of petey and the belt again, but then he'd start to put P&P together, nad I don't want ArtieGilmo tah get the wrong impression ;}

R: #Mustache_P // #A_TheStrongestM.I.T.W. //


Now... I gotta match comin' up. My first big-time pay-per-view, and best believe...this ain't nothin' more than a try-out. Aphrodite, you were right. That's exactly what this is. And after I cripple yer Gucci-wearin', hoochie-mama ass? I'll have passed with flyin' colors. My losin' streak ends at ONE, one loss. Just like Martha told me. One loss ain't gonna cut me off at the legs, and it damned sure ain't gonna slow me down. N'aw. On the contrary. It's gonna fuel me, it's gonna give me the motivation I need tah make sure that mistake don't happen again. And're where it all begins. You are a startin' point. Nothin' more, nothin' less.

Validation will be my proving ground. Aptly named, if ya think about it.

{thing is....even psychica slip yp fru-- ......buffrng\\ .... //buffering ....even psychics slip up Time After Time. ...sarah lost. that was the point where she met her 'guillotine'...a story for another time}

You complain about facin' a 'sweaty, no class, and broke piece of white trash'...hun, d'ya think I'm THRILLED about makin' my PPV debut against some some stuck-up, no-talent, softcore porn reject?...yer damn right I am. {Note2Shelby? #FlipTheSwitch // #MoreThanMeetsTheEye // #BitchesInDisguise // #OHMYGAWDTRANZFORMERZ GET IT CUZ 'TRANS'!! XD} ...Why, ya might ask? Cuz I know what you bring to the table. I saw you face Kayley Hale, and it reminded me ah me, an' my first match against purdy lil Danny-cah Jones. I steamrolled her. Just like you did 'Miss BubblyBoop'. You brought in the Fab Four, reminded me of the night the bWo hit the scene. One difference...

You're good.
I'm better.

The Fab Four is 'good'... the bWo is the best fuckin' thing that ever happened tah this place. An' you can bet yer sweet lil Greek ass it ain't goin' nowhere fer quite some time. {yup...another 'miscalculation'} ...Yer little gaggle ah silicone parts on the other hand? Only time will tell. {...i won't divulge this info quite yet. let's just say.....i hate barbie dolls...} There's one gal in your group I gotta admit seems tah have at least one brain cell tah share between the four ah yuz...... And that'd be Faith. Aphrodite, my advice tah you? Do somethin' ya don't often do. And that's listen tah someone besides yerself fer once.

My cousin raYne could stand tah take that piece ah wisdom tah heart himself...


...But don't get me wrong, confidence is a great thing tah have. But just like ya say, ya gotta back it up once that bell rings. You SAY you will, while I? I just know. Everyone wants tah be a 'Goddess' nowadays. You, Crys, Tifa... I ain't no Goddess. I may have my heart set in the right place. I might do what I think is right. But once I step through the ropes, that bell rings, and it's showtime? I am the devil in the flesh. An' it's high time I start remindin' people of that fact.

I remember what you said about how wrestlin' was CREATED in yer home country, but lemme tell you somethin' darlin'. You think ANY of those women back then, the women that really put in work, the women that crafted the MEANING of what it is tah be a real think even for one minute they looked like you?

N'aw. Those women had muscle. They could kick as much ass as any man alive, and what's more? They were respected. Hell, back in that day, the bigger they were? The better they were adored. I'mma post somethin' right here on this blog, cuz as I said, I'm learnin' this computer thing. Takin' a while... but things change. I learn, I evolve. And I ain't done quite yet. Lookit this right'chere --

[Image: bigISbeautiful_zps419320f1.png]

Ya see that picture? {HAHAHA, HOW COULD YA NAWT, I MADE IT AS BIG AS YOUR FUKKIN' SCREEN, I GOT THE POW-AH!! Snap! ^^} Big has ALWAYS been beautiful. // well as me just pointin' out the fact that iLuvv gigantic pix. y? fukk 'less is more', that's y!! >:^O .... :X shaddapRayne.hjq\\ ....But in those days? Someone thin, someone skinny as a post, they were seen as 'without class'. Now, I don't judge. 'Least, I try not to, and I'll be honest, there's a lotta gals that are skinny that're more woman than you could ever hope tah be. Martha an' Tifa come tah mind, along with Mack, Danica, a lotta gals on this roster.

But you? You DEFINE 'classless'. Not by the way you look, but by the way you act. Hell, you don't even treat yer 'bestie' with an ounce of respect. Yet you DEMAND respect. Hun, you don't demand respect. You don't BUY respect, you EARN it. Through hardwork, through labor, through bustin' yer ass tah get what you deserve. Not with money, an' damned sure not with complainin' and throwin' a bitch-fit.

{.....iAlso hate redneck$.....}

You think Vi's gonna walk intah Validation and DEMAND she keep her belt then walk right out the door actin' all high and mighty? HELL no. She is gonna walk intah Chicago, step up tah that sawed-off bitch Crystal Hilton, flatten her like a pancake, and walk out the same way she came in. With that belt wrapped snuggly 'round her waist.

{only thing better than a kodak or a-ha moment? I.T.Y.S.}

And Aphrodite...that's the kinda scene yer gonna witness, up close and personal. Yer buddy Faith wants tah know what this is all about, well tell her this. It's about pride. It's about me, showin' the world what Martha, what my brother Billy-Jo Jim-Bob--

{...i do, however, LUV sterotypes, lyke, fer sureeee XD //FadeFromGay//2MuncherOfPus-say...}

... and despite her sayin' I ain't nothin' more than a 'curtain-jerker''s provin' what Mack knows. That I got fire. That I got passion, I got heart, an' I will be DAMNED if I let you get in my way of provin' it to the world. You say I'm jealous of you? You say I wanna look like you, you say I wanna BE with you. don't know Jack. {'JH:' i wouldn't mind gettin' tah know her though, BUH-BAM!! R:...and, yeah. no readin' into that needed. quoth the tanner, new testament edition--}

[Image: marykategrownup-affirmativedude_zps512d6c63.png]

I'm proud ah who I am. Just as I'm proud ah who I'm with. An' I don't see neither ah those two things ¢hangin' any time $oon. {okay, so i lied about the edits, SO iLIED, fu¢kYou} You have yer haters, I have mine, an' every time I show up with my game face on and ready fer war, I prove every last one of 'em wrong. And that is exactly what's gonna go down come Sund'y. I will have my pride. I will have my respect. //truth | And I will have you fall before my feet. Before I pin you. Get the one, two, three. And the victory. //lolnope ... And that will be the beginning. ....//affirmative....w.4.i ...08.14....


You got 1 win, Aphrodite. Try tah go for 3. I'll be the one tah make sure you don't even make it tah two. I was undefeated. but iTook my eye off the ball, iGot distracted... {okay, two simple edits, sue me, check this} ...But hun? ....I Ain't distracted anymore. {3, point made, no more edits, conclusion imminent} ...I'm back in the game, and I got my eyes set squarely where they need tah be. Ahead. There's another thing I learned... Tifa's got a match. It's against your pal, Angel Cash. And that'd be Danny-cah's cousin.... -- the end of mr. xwf as you once knew him | 6.9.14

At Validation? I bring the Goddess Aphrodite to her knees. Tifa brings the psychotic fury tah Miss Jones, crushin' her just as I did in my debut. And then? The bWo is comin' fer the rest ah yuz. The Fab Four will fall, and it will fall hard. And there will be no gettin' back up. And after Validation? ...There will be no mistakin' me for a man. { whYduz thAt soUnd familiar?} ...Believe me when I tell you -- This ain't business. This right here?

It's personal.


~ Sarah

\\imma_lil_bit_of_everYthing_all_rolled//n21 ;)


And Now...Consider this 'The Ending'. Quantum Leap Of Faith. Starring The bWo. And...special thanks to Mistah X/Doctah V. Let's do this, brutha.

? : ....sciuto, engage the date.....8.14? check...what if we moved it back a bit....

r: that's my angel!! that's my ANGEL$, i'm ¢harlie, and those are my angels, and I don't mean Brown!! XD

HTC: Okay... fuck the frills. Let's pick this up in a half hour.

r: ....who're you?

HTC: You'll find out soon enough, and BUBBY!! It doesn't matter if there's music playing on that 'list'. Just get this shit over with in READABLE we can get to the 4th. Sooooo much better than the 3rd. ^_^

TMB: You're right....let's cut the bull$hit.


--to be continued\\the_$eason_is_about2change--

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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