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The Enigma Offline
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04-29-2014, 06:57 AM

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat.

Trash talking is not my thing.

Some are excellent at it, some are better at talking than they are at wrestling.

I am not one of those people.

I prefer to let my actions speak for me.

And so far that is exactly what I have done.

Sure, I am not above getting a shot in here or there but when it comes right down to it, what matters most is not how funny I can be or how much my words sting but how quickly I can get you the ref to count 1…2…3!

I won the X-treme Title and the US Title in back to back matches. Defeating then champions Morbid Angel and Cheat Lucena in convincing fashion.

And for a moment, however fleeting it may have been, I was a double champion.

And then I lost the X-treme Title to Mandii Rider. We might as well get that out of the way now. I was pinned by Mandii, and while some may see that as a mark against me I see it as a combination of luck and timing.

My goal was to win the X-treme title and bring it back to prominence, to a place where the title was no longer seen as a running punch line only slightly above the Ark. I failed in that regard as Mandii is now the champ.

Hopefully she can do more with it than I did.

But losing that title will not deter me because as one door closes another opens.

Where one title was taken from me, another took its place.

The United States Championship.

The top title on Wednesday Warfare, and now in my first defense of that title I get to face Romulus Heinrich Winters, the “Beast of Berlin” and Azrael Erubus “The Man Who Came From the Stars”.

Not only do I get to defend my title against a guy who believes himself to be an up and comer, I get to defend my title against a guy who was once a member of the very group I belong to now, The Black Circle.

I would love to make things up as so many others do and claim that The Black Circle is why Azrael formerly Mr. Satellite formerly Mr. Supernova and probably formerly Azrael at some point in the not too distant future is a household name today. But that wouldn’t be true.

And honestly, in this day and age who lies in promos anymore?

Well, Azrael Erubus for one.

What did Azrael lie about you ask?

Here, let me show you.

Enigma reaches for a remote control, picks it up and points it to the screen behind him which plays a clip from one of Azrael’s recent promos.

Quote: I will promise there is one thing, I won't do. Enigma's mask, won't be removed. No, I already know what he has hidden under there and it's boring.

Oh do you know?

You know who is under this mask Azrael?

Well why don’t you be a good boy and share that pearl of wisdom with the rest of the class?

I am sure everyone else in the federation, perhaps in the world, both this one and the one you come from would love to know what is hidden underneath this mask.

A slight laugh can be heard from underneath the mask as Enigma can't help but chuckle at the notion that Azrael in all his infinite wisdom has made the mistake of going down this path.

No seriously. Please, I am begging you.

I want you to tell everyone.

Can you scream if from the rooftops?

End the mystery of who exactly is Enigma?

Tell everyone who is the bad man behind the mask.

Really, I can’t wait to see how you try and spin out of this one.

You do see the irony here do you not?

A man who wore a mask for so long would dare try and lecture me on the merits of doing so.

Seriously Azrael, nice corner you’ve backed yourself into.

Soon you will be forced to follow up one lie with another.

How can you, the man who came from the stars, a man that has been alive longer than any of us mere mortals be this stupid?

Or did you pull a Gilmour and not think before you spoke?

Lucky for you though I am not Gilmour, evil or otherwise, I will actually put up a fight here and not just go off on some oddly annunciated rant about sucking dicks and ending you.

Everyone knows you can’t kill what you didn’t create? Isn’t that right Azzy?

Another chuckle.

You don’t mind if I call you that do you? You seem to enjoy when other people come up with names for you. Or is that right reserved just for your bestest buddy Luca? The guy who fucked your shit up repeatedly over the last few weeks.

But let’s get back on topic here because this isn’t about Peter Gilmour or Luca Arzegotti, another untrustworthy fuck who abandoned The Black Circle, just like your other buddy and current pacifier for your daughter the man formerly known as King, Theo Pryce.

But back to you Azrael, earlier I said you wore a mask, and while that is not literally true there is truth to the sentiment.

But please allow me the chance to clarify so that there is no misunderstanding or twisting of my words.

While the man formerly known as a million different things never wore an actual mask he did however do a fantastic job of hiding his face.

That is until very recently.

Until he felt the need to share his “true” form with the rest of us.

And we should all be so grateful isn’t that it Azrael?

Should we all bow at your feet and thank you because you believe we are now worthy to see you as you were intended to be seen?

That is until you change your look again because that is what you do right?

You change your look more than Nicki Minaj, at least she has the built in excuse of being a woman.

What is your excuse?

Or are you just that shallow and concerned with your looks that unlike your personality you like to keep them evolving?

Tell you what Azzy, I actually have a few protypes of this mask here that I wear, if you would like I can send one to you, consider it my gift to you, put it on and you won’t have to worry about the spending all your hard earned wrestling checks at the hair dressers getting your hair frosted.

Or don’t, truth be told your flavor of the week look is actually a source of entertainment for me so just keep doing what you do. It’s served you well so far right?

Don’t forget about my little challenge though, I was serious earlier when I said that I wanted you to share with everyone what you claim to know about exactly who I am.

It’s not a secret, so why you chose to pretend like it is, is beyond me but do spilt he beans, I’m dying to know where you are going with this.

Now, onto my other opponent for this match, I certainly don’t want you to feel left out Romulus Heinrich Winters, or Heiny for short.

Seriously, shorten your name, just saying it is a mouthful.

You know what I’m talking about right Azzy?

Now as for you Heiny, do not consider my lack of interest in you and what you have said so far as a slight on your abilities as a wrestler. Believe me, I have taken notice of how you have dominated the federations bottom feeders. You have made quite a name for yourself picking off the best of the worst haven’t you?

And now you find yourself in a match that you have absolutely no chance of winning.

How very unfortunate for you.

I could go on a rant much like Azzy did about who I am and what I’ve done, where I was forged and all the dick’s I’ve had in and around my mouth over the years but what’s the fun in that?

You are welcomed to watch my previous promos to get a better sense of who I am and what you are dealing with.

It’s all there.

I am an open book. My name aside there is very little mystery to me, regardless of what our other opponent might try and lead you to believe.

Enjoy your shot at the US Title, it might be the last title shot you are gifted for some time.

And then with a snap of his fingers nothing happens because he’s not E.T or David Blaine.

So instead Enigma goes to plan B and with a double clap of his hands the lights turn off, clouding the room in total darkness.

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco

[Image: LoylT4w.jpg]
[Image: TKO12Eu.jpg]

Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2

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