X-treme Wrestling Federation
After the party it's the after party. - Printable Version

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After the party it's the after party. - Theo Pryce - 12-08-2013

The following events take part prior to Theo’s Appearance at Saturday Night Shove-It.

Theo Pryce, King of the XWF, CEO of Pryce Industries and now the newest member of the illustriaous “Billionaire Blow Club” and no, unlike Petey Gilmour’s wildest fantasies, that doesn’t mean that Theo Pryce, lover of vagina in all shapes, sizes and colors has pulled a John Madison and suddenly loves the cock. No, the “Billionare Blow Club” is a reference to the drug of choice for the powerful elite. And thanks to Theo’s membership in The Black Circle getting his hands on some primo blow is as easy as a phone call to everyone’s favorite obnoxious bad boy Luca Arzegotti.

Tonight is Theo’s last night in the states before embarking on a week long visit to America’s dental depraved cousins, the British and what better way to spend that last night but a massive party that for some reason ended back at Pryce Towers, in Theo’s office, which would be fantastic if that massive party took place on say a Friday, or a Saturday.But no, no this party took place on a Thursday which mean’s it’s now Friday. And what happens on Friday?

“Theo what the fuck?”

Erica Rayner as is her customary way of doing things, bursts into Theo’s office, completely ignorant of the fact that although they are related, he is in fact her boss.

“What now Erica?”

“What is that pile of white stuff on your desk?”

“It’s powdered sugar. I was…uh….going to bake some Christmas cookies. What’s your favorite? Snickerdoodle? Sugar Cookie? Name it and it’s yours.

“Fuck you, that’s not powdered sugar.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s baking soda.”

“Since when does baking soda make people all wired? Look at you. Your legs are shaking, you can barely hold that credit card in your hand. Obviously I know exactly what that is. What if one of the members of the board came into the office? What then?”

“Well Erica, unlike you, every other mother fucker in this place asks before just entering my office. But you knew that because we have this conversation seemingly every day.”

“Theo you have clearly gone off the deep end. Look at you, sitting, no, shaking at your desk because you are all doped up on cocaine and…”

Erica takes a glance around the room and notices the naked backside of a man passed out on the couch with a naked woman sprawled out on the floor wearing only a white pearl necklace and one black boot. She looks right back at Theo with a fury in here eyes.

“Who in the fuck is that?”

“That’s Lucy, she has a rusty clam, I mean, she works at the Rusty Clam.”

“No, I meant the naked ass on the couch. Who is that?”

“Oh that’s Luca. He’s uh….he’s my dealer.”

“You brought your drug dealer to the office?”

“Yeah didn’t you get the memo? Today is Bring Your Drug Dealer to Work Day.”

“Have you gone that far down that you are hanging out with Drug Dealers now?”

“Erica please. This isn’t Pineapple Express. Luca isn’t just my dealer, he’s one of the other members of The Black Circle. You know that group your boyfriend is in. Speaking of, he’s on his way over.”

Erica takes a step back, caught off guard by the mention of NAZI’s impending arrival. She runs her hands through her hair and readjusts her shirt.

“So this is the infamous Erica? The woman that somehow managed to get NAZI, our NAZI struck by the love bug.”

Erica snaps her head 90 degrees to see Luca standing up, straddling the stripper, junk exposed for all to see.

“Yes Luca, this is Erica, any desire to put on some clothes?”

“Not particularly but I will if it’s making you blush Theo.”

“You know Luca, I love a man with a giant…



“Spaceman, what the fuck are you doing here?”

Out of no where, literally no where Mr. Supernova just appears. Erica again takes a step back, this time grasping the chair behind her to keep her upright as the site of a man appearing out of thin air was clearly too much for her.

“I don’t believe it.”

“Don't believe what Ms. Rayner?”

“That…that…Theo was right. I thought he was just high again. I didn’t believe that you are what you say you are.”

“And now?”

“Well it’s a little hard to deny now.”

“Indeed it is.”

“Seriously Spaceman? What are you doing here?”

“I was getting a bid board with Zak’s family so I decided to stop in and see how things were going. And to mention to Theo that he might want to keep an eye on that Minxs’ character. She tried to change the terms of your agreement. Fortunately I caught it in time and corrected her “mistake”.

“My hero.”

“Spaceman come over here, tickle my junk.”

“No thank you.”

“Come on, I know you want to.”

“Only in your dreams Luca.”

The doors to Theo’s office open again and in walks Jimmy Durance. He takes one look around and see’s Erica barely able to stand, a naked woman on the floor, a naked man standing over top of her, a man he does not recognize and his boss sitting at his desk, his head buried in a mountain of white powder.

“Jimmy my boy, how the hell are you? How’s that girlfriend of yours?”

“We broke up sir. I told you that, a few weeks ago.”

“You did? Where the fuck was I?”

“Right here in your office sir.”

“Well fuck me and no Luca that wasn’t an invite.”

“Oh come on Theo, everyone else is getting a chance? Why not me? You let a vampire with God knows what diseases all up on you, and that super tramp Sin and I am pretty sure you nailed Jenna Silver at Shane’s party but not me? Am I now special enough?”

“Wait Jenna Silver? I did?”

“Yes Theo you did.”

The whole of the room turns around to see NAZI standing at the door way of Theo’s office. His face is stone cold as it always is. Even seeing his female companion does nothing to change the look in his eyes.

“And there’s the man of the hour. Quick everyone but my sister and NAZI clear out the room. Erica, you might want to take some purrell to that couch before you and Nathaniel do the deed. I have no idea what Luca did over there. Also Luca can you do me a favor and see if Lucy is still alive she hasn’t moved in a while.”


Instead of bending down to check for a pulse Luca does what any logical human being would do, he decides to urinate all over the woman. It only takes a few seconds for the woman to come out of her mild comatose state and start squirming around trying to figure out exactly what is going on.

“Yep, she’s alive.”

“Perfect. Jimmy can you get security to escort Lucy out of here?”

“Sure thing Mr.Pryce but before I do that I wanted to show you this. It’s the Prototype for the XWF app.”

“About fucking time. Bring it here Jimmy.”

“The XWF App? What is that?”

“Funny you should ask Nova. Come over here and I’ll demonstrate.”

Nova make his way over to Theo’s desk and arrives just as Jimmy does. Jimmy hands Theo a tablet, A Google Nexus 7 to be specific. On the screen are a few small logo’s for various applications. One of the logo’s is that of the XWF. Theo presses the button and a browser opens up on the tablet’s screen. At the top of the screen is a magnifying glass icon. Theo clicks on the icon and types his name in and then clicks Submit. The browser takes a second to process and then on the screen is a list of recent promos by XWF stars.

“You see Nova this app allows me to do a search by whatever criteria I desire, in this case my name. The search will then yield a list of all promos that recently went live that mention yours truly. This allows me to not waste my time listening to rants of bumbling baboon’s like Peter Gilmour or the Straight Edge Agenda pushers like Hunter Payne but rather to focus my time on those worthy of it.”


“That it is. Well folks, it appears to be that time. We all have a plane to catch.”

“Where are you going?”

“London Erica, we are going to London, some of us have work to do.”

“You have some balls.”

“It’s true I do. But don’t worry Erica, I am going to stop in at our London Branch and see how those folks are doing. Maybe give them a scare just for giggles. Maybe bring these fine folks with me.”

“Please stay away from the London Branch. It’s bad enough you are walking the halls of this place in the state you are in, I’d rather our other offices not know that their boss has fallen on hard times.”

“What hard times?”

“Yeah Erica, what hard times?”

Erica glances over at Luca again who is still standing there naked.

“Seriously Erica, my life has never been better. I’m the King of the XWF, I get to hang out with a NAZI, a spaceman and a crazy mother fucker on the regular. What more could I possibly want?”


NAZI’s cold demeanor feigns a smile, clearly impressed with Erica’s quick wit.

“Touche Erica. But no. Sobriety is for people who don’t like fun.Come fellas, we have some work to do. And Luca, for Chris sakes, put some pants on.”

“Hey yo Tay-Oh why you gotta be such a party pooper?”

Theo gets up from his seat, walks over to a random pair of jeans on the floor and throws them at Luca. Theo then grabs his sport coat off the back of his chair and puts it on and then waits for the rest of the group to gather their things so they can depart the office.