X-treme Wrestling Federation
Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Printable Version

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Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Egyptian Snow Pharaoh - 10-11-2013

How does it feel to see your names on the list of the defeated so soon? Here we are entering the very first round of the Lethal Lottery and you've fallen victim to a curse that will not only see you stricken down this coming Wednesday, but will extend beyond that and plague your entire career to follow. You won't fully understand... until it's already far too late.

I want every one of you to tell me how it feels. What's it feel like to look into my eyes, hating the fact with a burning passion that I am about to bury you all?

How's it feel, Tony? To know that you're about to discover first hand how much I've adored your sarcastic remarks.

How does it feel... Sebastian Duke? To know that you no longer have a choice of how soon you'll enter the ring with me again. I want more of you, Sebastian... and I'm going to take it. Everything within you; all of that physical power you possess but your mind is too delicate to deliver forcefully; I will rip it from you against your will. King John will be in tears as he watches what I do to his brother. How's that feel, Sebastian?

What about you, Andrew Morrison? As if you're worth the words...

Last and least? Yes... Salman Van Dam. I ask you how it feels to know I'm about to not only walk over you, but backtrack and stomp you so far down into oblivion that not even the gods in their infinite wisdom will remember S...V...D.


Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Sebastian Duke - 10-11-2013

Can you just take out Morrison and STD before we get there? Because I really don't want to have to carry that much dead weight.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Egyptian Snow Pharaoh - 10-11-2013

I can see your point about Morrison and SVD. It's going to be hard enough for you to cross that finish line to lossville without collapsing first; you definitely don't need to be dragging those sows with you. Just let them stay home so you can take full credit for the loss.

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Egyptian Snow Pharaoh - 10-11-2013

(10-11-2013, 05:44 AM)Michael McBride Said: "Gettin' a little cocky don't ye' think? I'm pretty sure ye' pissed off Duke for shootin' him in the leg with tha' arrow. Good luck lass. I'm sure it's goin' ta' be a great fight."

I have the right to be cocky. Have you not seen who the final member of my team ended up being?

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Andrew Morrison - 10-12-2013

Do you really think pissing me off would be wise, Duke? Judging by what this Egyptian bitch tried to do to you on Madness, you may need the help. I will pretend like I didn't hear you refer to me as dead weight, because I am far from it. Your Brotherhood member, Tony Santos, obviously doesn't view me as such or why would he want us to team together. So do you wish to disrespect your followers of the Brotherhood? The ones that protect and keep your ass from getting completely destroyed by those such as Pharaoh and Madison? I would start watching your mouth, Duke, or you will be setting yourself up for an even bigger fall than you took on Madness.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Sebastian Duke - 10-12-2013

Andrew, I consider it lack of options as to why you were drafted onto this team.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Andrew Morrison - 10-12-2013

"Well, Sebastian, you have your views and I have mine, you have your opinions and I have mine, but the fact is that we are on the same team and that I plan on going out there and doing my job and that is destroy people. Whether you like it, whether Santos likes it, or our opponents like it, I am going out there to destroy. And I plan on helping this team of ours become victorious. If you think badmouthing myself and Salman is beneficial to our team's success, that is your opinion. But then again, perhaps, that is what you want me to think, is it sir? It seems I am falling right into the hand that you are dealing. Ah, of course, Duke, proving yourself to be quite the "leader" after all. Perhaps badmouthing these two will light a fire under them. If that is what you wish to do, you have succeeded. If it is merely because you do not respect myself or Salman, then I will prove to you on Warfare why that is a mistake and that we belong on the same playing field. The only "dead weight" that will be shouldered on Warfare will be the team of Lang, Pharaoh, Pryce, and this Dr. Zero being thrown off our shoulders and straight into the pits of hell! So, Duke, believe what you believe and say what you want to say. But come Warfare, I will show you I am MORE than worthy of being in the same ring with you, and that I deserve this opportunity."

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Jessie-ica Diaz - 10-12-2013

(10-12-2013, 10:04 AM)Sebastian Duke Said: Andrew, I consider it lack of options as to why you were drafted onto this team.

"Fuck, I'm agreeing with Sebastian Duke here. I mean, you did get the shit kicked out of you by Gilmour. That's cause for embarrassment if there ever was one. Congrats though, you were picked before Salman Van Dam. You probably should've just offed yourself if you didn't.

Oh, and stop staring, Duke."

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Sebastian Duke - 10-12-2013

Jessie? You were saying something?

Jacob walks over to Duke. Looks at Jess, looks back at Duke, then back at Jess, and back to Duke again.

She said stop staring.

I wasn't staring I was....................... yeah, I was staring.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Jessie-ica Diaz - 10-12-2013

"Aww, I'm so flattered!"

"Wow. Can you please not?"

"No sorry, can't stop this feeling."


"I fuckin' hate you."

"You aren't exactly peachy yourself."

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Sebastian Duke - 10-12-2013

I'm just not sure which of you I was staring at.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Andrew Morrison - 10-12-2013

"Ah, Jessie, it seems as always, you forget the facts. I beat Peter Gilmour in that deathmatch tournament or do you ignore history, the results of that tournament state that Andrew Morrison beat Peter Gilmour and John Black. That was a nice try at kissing Duke's ass and trying to bury me, Jessica. Real cute. Have you taken too many blows to your skull lately. Ah, yes, sure he beat me down, and helped his underling Cam Lang win the next rounds' match, the match that I had originally had won by the way. But hey, you are the one who wishes to bring up the past, I am just correcting you. I have moved on from that, and am moving on to bigger and better things, which start with our team emerging victorious this week. Why, I never took you as the type to go around and kissing peoples' asses Jessie, why now you are kissing Duke's ass, and your currently kissing this Pharaoh's ass. I use to have a lot more respect for you, Jessie, what the fuck happened? Oh well, alls well that ends well perhaps. You and Duke can agree to your opinions of me all you want, but I fully intend on proving both of you wrong come Warfare, and then after that, I don't want to hear a fucking word from either one of you about me not belonging in the same ring as you. Your precious Pharaoh and her team will fall, whether Duke wants to be a positive factor or not, and whether you like it or not, I believe you have your own match to worry about, Diaz, am I wrong about that too? Because it seems you sure have facts mixed up a lot lately.

I am done with this discussion, as I have told Duke privately, and have stated here publicly, I will prove you both wrong come Warfare and then you both can sit here and eat shit. I know what I am capable of, and if you don't believe in it, that is your opinion, but I will take great pleasure in making all of you shut your mouths."

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Jessie-ica Diaz - 10-12-2013

(10-12-2013, 10:42 AM)Andrew Morrison Said: "Why, I never took you as the type to go around and kissing peoples' asses Jessie, why now you are kissing Duke's ass, and your currently kissing this Pharaoh's ass. I use to have a lot more respect for you, Jessie, what the fuck happened?

"Enlighten me, Andrew. Please listen back to the first words I said here. Oh wait, that makes you look bad, so you won't. Allow me to repeat myself. 'Fuck, I'm agreeing with Sebastian Duke here.' Doesn't sound like I'm too eager about that, am I? Just because Jess is a whore for compliments, doesn't really mean shit. So please, tell me, enlighten me as to where I was kissing Duke's ass. I'm fucking waiting.

As for the Gilmour incident. You're right, you did beat him. However, look who had the last laugh that night. Peter fuckin' GIlmour. Ugh, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little because of saying that. Jessica's a control freak, and that costed you the match, that you won based on fluke luck. Wow, what a victory.

Lastly, your claims of me kissing Pharaoh's ass? Have you seen it? Obviously not, or you wouldn't be calling me out on it..."

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Tony Santos - 10-12-2013

I just wanted to interject for a second. I love seeing my name on display on xwf99.com, and it's all thanks to you fine folks!

Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony

Keep it coming! Don't stop the conversation! More Santos! More motherfucking Santos!

Oh, and Morrison, go fuck yourself. You were chosen because I had no one better to take. I chose SVD so I can follow through on my promise to tie him up in the corner and beat his sweet, Pakistani ass for talking smack and phoning it in. Shit, his English might improve after I rattle his brain for a good 15 minutes.

Consider yourself only slightly above SVD on the Lethal Lotto draft ladder, Morrison. You two were chosen for one, big reason: To ensure that, even if we don't win, I have some asshole teammates to blame the loss on and subsequently humiliate in the middle of the ring.

Now see yourself out of this conversation.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Andrew Morrison - 10-12-2013

"Well, add Tony Santos to the list of motherfuckers who I will be enjoy proving wrong come Thursday, and then I will look back on this conversation and laugh while you all can do go and fuck yourselves. In the words of Mick Foley, have a nice day."

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-12-2013

its just a shame that I beat the shit out of Andrew and didnt put John Black's body over him.. but i proved my point that you dont fuck with the King of Xtreme!

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Andrew Morrison - 10-12-2013

"Funny you continue to run your mouth about that and yet history will always show that this so-called "dead weight" pinned the "King of Xtreme" and despite what Jessie or Jessica may say, the ..I swear, do you ever think before you speak, Gilmour, or are you really that fucking stupid...perhaps instead of worrying about a guy that has already beaten you, you should be worrying about regaining your championship that you lost and worry about your upcoming match in the Lottery. That is, unless you enjoy the rest of us continuing to remind you just how much of a pathetic past-his-prime piece of shit you are. Myself and Jessie Diaz may have our disagreements, but I will agree that anything involving you these days is a cause for embarrassment and making people sick. For this, I guess I do not blame Jessie for her ridicule of me in the case of my encounter, why I should have known better, that you will bitch and moan for attention and you will cry when you have failed to do what you said you would do, and that was to beat me. You didn't. And of course, being the crybaby bitch you are, it seems I am now guilty of some unpopular opinions because of association somehow for it. Oh well. Like I've said, it's time to move forward and I intend to come Warfare. You sit here and bitch and whine about shit that happened a while ago and bitch and whine and attempt to agree with a woman that took your title from you. Some fucking man you are. Hm, now I see why everyone considers Rose Smith a man, you do seem to act like the biggest bitch in the company, don't you. Ah, yes, I "don't fuck with the King of Xtreme", apparently I fucked with the "Queen". No wonder Im feeling sick. You enjoy your place as a washed up, no pride, crybaby piece of shit. I fully intend to go through with what I say I am going to do, and that is prove you all wrong come Warfare. You can all continue on with your opinions, and you can try to dissect every little thing I just said and point out my flaws and berate me for them. But come Warfare, I won't be there to bitch and moan and cry, I will be there to fight and to beat the hell out of the four motherfuckers that are placed in front of me, rather my own team likes it, whether you all like it or not. I am coming to fight. Period. Later. "

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-12-2013

wow can I have my 5 minutes of my life back hearing that boring as fuck drivel from your mouth? God Andrew, do you need a tampon because you must be on your period. So you beat me, SO WHAT! I had an off night. SO WHAT I lost the Trios Tag Titles. That was due to Rebel showing his true colors. But all this anger coming from you is not needed. What I did to you at the deathmatch tournament was a wake up call to you and everybody else. I told everyone this was my event and I delivered. I destroyed you and damn near broke your neck with the Deathstrike. And if you keep fucking with me, I'll do it again but this time I'll keep hitting it until I feel your life leave your body or until I snap your neck in two. And believe me I will do it. Go ask DS about that. We haven't heard from "BRYCE" in months since I almost killed him in that cage match we had.

so do me a favor Andrew.. focus on your Lottery match rather than try to debate me. I got to basically carry a former XWF champ and two rookies against Team Callaway. But you better hope we don't get teamed up in round 2 because if we do, i'm just going to watch you get your ass kicked! And if we face off in the finals, best believe I'm coming to end your life.

you and everybody else will rue the day you ever called me fat, stupid or anything else. the humankiller is back and he's out for BLOOD!

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Juan Madison - 10-12-2013

Peter , you forgot to add: he cant kill you cause he didnt create you and he can't kill whats already dead!!!

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-12-2013

he will pay dearly esse

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - JosephKain - 10-12-2013

You guys are still on this? Far be it for me to inform you yanks that team Kain will be making headlines on Warfare not any of you jackasses.

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Jessie-ica Diaz - 10-12-2013

(10-12-2013, 06:21 PM)JosephKain Said: You guys are still on this? Far be it for me to inform you yanks that team Kain will be making headlines on Warfare not any of you jackasses.

"As your first draft pick, I'd advise against insulting Espie and myself. Myself for obvious reasons, and Espie because she'll fucking murder you. Unless you want to get your esophagus shoved up your ass. I'm sure there's someone out there who masturbates to that possibility."

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - JosephKain - 10-12-2013

Naw. I'm not a fan of any of that weird shit. This was directed towards the fat man and the dude with eyeliner.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-12-2013

how dare you talk to Barney Green like that!

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - JosephKain - 10-12-2013

Clever, Petey. Real stand-up reply. You should be ashamed of yourself throwin' Rose's brother under the bus like that.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-12-2013

real funny coming from a jobber like yourself ;)

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Jessie-ica Diaz - 10-12-2013

(10-12-2013, 07:00 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: real funny coming from a ****** like yourself ;)

"At least he isn't a fat, talentless fuck like yourself. How's Narnia, you repressed cunt?"

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Rebel - 10-12-2013

Why did you censor yourself Peter? You have no problem using every curse word from a-z and yet you hold back against a never-has-been like Joseph Kain?

Or could you not thing of a good comeback? I guess the constant thinking of what you are going to eat next got in the way.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Egyptian Snow Pharaoh - 10-12-2013

Everywhere I turn, I see the members of Tony Santos' team bickering with one another. I've even heard that on the XWF website, there are arguments between Tony, Sebastian and Andrew on their personal feeds... meaning that in addition to clawing and scratching at each other in front of the world, they're also doing it in private. If I logged on to Twitter I suspect I'd find them Tweeting about each other.

I love the fact that from their locker room comes arguing and "threatening" sounding promises to prove things (to each other)... yet from my team's locker room comes confidence and success. We already know we walk in victory this week; you are already divided and conquered. Isn't this all comforting to know, SVD? Look at what you got yourself into with these foolish street thugs.

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 10-12-2013

(10-12-2013, 07:05 PM)Rebel Said: Why did you censor yourself Peter? You have no problem using every curse word from a-z and yet you hold back against a never-has-been like Joseph Kain?

Or could you not thing of a good comeback? I guess the constant thinking of what you are going to eat next got in the way.

certain words get censored, including j_bber

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Ann Thraxx - 10-12-2013

(10-12-2013, 09:00 PM)John Madison Said:
(10-12-2013, 07:05 PM)Rebel Said: Why did you censor yourself Peter? You have no problem using every curse word from a-z and yet you hold back against a never-has-been like Joseph Kain?

Or could you not thing of a good comeback? I guess the constant thinking of what you are going to eat next got in the way.

certain words get censored, including j_bber

Hey Madison. Go jobber yourself.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Rebel - 10-13-2013

OOC: Gotcha John Madison. That is the whole 4th wall thing. IC i would never use that term.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - JosephKain - 10-13-2013

I am right now Gilmour and Rebel.. But shit is about to change.

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Cam Lang - 10-13-2013

(10-12-2013, 07:42 PM)Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Said: Everywhere I turn, I see the members of Tony Santos' team bickering with one another. I've even heard that on the XWF website, there are arguments between Tony, Sebastian and Andrew on their personal feeds... meaning that in addition to clawing and scratching at each other in front of the world, they're also doing it in private. If I logged on to Twitter I suspect I'd find them Tweeting about each other.

I love the fact that from their locker room comes arguing and "threatening" sounding promises to prove things (to each other)... yet from my team's locker room comes confidence and success. We already know we walk in victory this week; you are already divided and conquered. Isn't this all comforting to know, SVD? Look at what you got yourself into with these foolish street thugs.

Normally in situations such as this I'd come in and stick up for my team or whoever I'm aligned with... but I think you've got yourself taken care of. Don't really think my help is needed, but I'm going to give it whether you like it or not.

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-13-2013

rebel, jessie... you can both SUCK.. MY.. DICK!

Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 10-13-2013

you cant suck my dick if its already sucked

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Jessie-ica Diaz - 10-13-2013

(10-13-2013, 10:19 AM)John Madison Said: you cant suck my dick if its already sucked

"You cannot suck what you did not create."

RE: Tony Santos, Sebastian Duke, Andrew Morrison & Salman Van Dam - Peter Fn Gilmour - 10-14-2013

(10-13-2013, 10:19 AM)John Madison Said: you cant suck my dick if its already sucked

u would know all about that right john boy? the entire black circle is sucking ur tiny dick