X-treme Wrestling Federation
is that all you need to know? - Printable Version

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is that all you need to know? - Andrew Aldway - 07-28-2013

The screen is totally black, nothing can be seen but a rustling noise can be heard for a few moments before Andrew's voice could clearly be heard.

"Well once again I'm sitting here actually watching a whole Crimson Dong promo for the first time in my life, and I find out the homophobic twit has decided to follow the majority of the flock and talk shit about none other than yours truly."

He pulls a black towel from the camera revealing himself to be sitting in a large, comfortable looking, dark red chair with his arms out and a lamp next to him, casting a dim light on half his face.

"Well Dong as I stated earlier I've never actually sat through one of you're promos before because your lack of clothes usually makes me have to go puke thirty seconds into it, but you did me a favor this time by breaking the camera because I could listen without wanted to stab my eyes out with a pencil. So when you decided to say I stole your line I was slightly confused, and I quite honestly believed it was about me mentioning that mister Steele could prevent you from getting an erection, then you played that wonderful exert from a promo I've never seen and I realized you were right, even though my term was much more straightforward than the overblown bull shit you said, so I'm apologizing."

He stops and taps on his chin.

"But before I move on to other idiots in the tournament, just how exactly did you see this apparent ad on a gay website, unless of course you have your own account there or something it doesn't seem very believable, more like another sad attempt at coming up with something fake, just to be entertaining."

He shakes his head as if disgusted.

"Speaking of fake and gimmicks, mister Evertrust, so sorry to keep you waiting, I know you have been. Because you know unlike one nameless twit who is afraid to poke the bear, I enjoy watching the bear squirm and I'm always up for an intelligent conversation. So I will openly admit it took me some time to formulate a proper answer in my ignorant mind, but I think I came up with something sufficient enough."

He pauses as if thinking, and continues rather slowly as if still trying to gather his thoughts.

"Let me start by saying I don't have a faux life, I don't go home to a family, the only thing I have is me, myself and I, the three most important things in the world. I have no money in a bank, I have no gold, I live in hotels and carry my entire world on my back, tell me what's so faux about that?"

He raises his eyebrows.

"When I step into that ring I'm the same person, I'm that same person who woke up rolled out of bed, took a shower and got dressed. I'm not a very sophisticated man Evertrust, I enjoy wine and women, an occasional cigar here and there, ultimately there's nothing special about me either. Although others around here would probably say my gimmick is being a snob British bastard."

He laughs lightly at the idea.

"But what those people obviously don't understand is that being British isn't my fault, and quite honestly neither is me being a bastard. I'm fairly sure if I were a yank, or a bloody door mat Canadian like Matt Lennox I'd be the exact same way just without the accent and only using four words to express my displeasure at others."

He claps his hands together with finality.

"So mister Evertrust, I hope that suffices your irrelevant appetite for even more irrelevant answers for now, and if not well I'll apologize ahead of time."

He places his hand over his heart and slightly bows his head.

"So onto the red neck, probably one of the dumbest people I've ever seen in my life, you should realize when you act like an animal you're bound to get treated like one, and after I beat you to a pulp, maybe The CONNECTION and I will give you the English lesson you so desperately need. Beyond that I honestly can't think of anything to say about you that mister Arzegotti already hasn't."

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Now I realize it may be scary, but there's something else I actually agree with Luca about, Shawn Steele and how his vendetta is going to cause him more harm than good."

He smiles and begins slowly clapping.

"Truer words have never been spoken mister Arzegotti, and I hope mister Steele somehow understands in his unevolved brain exactly what that means."

The smile fades and he looks seriously into the camera.

"It means very simply, stay out of The Connection's way or you are going to end up in worse condition than you did last Wednesday."

The seriousness in his tone melts away.

"So everyone pull up your knickers because tomorrow night is going to be a hell of a fight, and whether it's Shawn Steele, Luca Arzegotti, Johnny Rebel or Satan himself I am walking in as the target, and I'm leaving with a smile and the bullet between my teeth."

He laughs his high pitched laugh as he smiles at the camera and the screen goes black.