X-treme Wrestling Federation
Offer Accepted - Printable Version

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Offer Accepted - Andrew Aldway - 07-25-2013

The camera turns on, and we see Andrew rush from behind the camera, it's clearly night as the stars are out as he stands at the edge of a boardwalk over some unknown body of water. In the dim light a large island can be seen in the distance across the water and boats are moving back and forth behind him. Andrew himself looks as if he hasn't slept, the bags under his eyes make him look much older than usual and his usually clean suit is wrinkled and the bottom of his pants and shoes are plastered in what looks like mud. He stares off into the water as he begins speaking.

"You know as a child I used to go to the local harbour, Folkestone harbour to be exact, and I used to stare up at the sky and think of all kinds of things, like if we really were alone in this universe, if we were just a giant rock spinning in space, just waiting for the moment when it all would end in an instant. I contemplated if there really was a God, I did a great many things at that harbour, I even found my first penny there, buried in the sand and forgotten, so I thought it appropriate to come here to give my rebuttal to Mr. Evertrust."

He lifts his head up to the camera.

"OK Mr. Entrust, I'm not above admitting I'm wrong, I'll admit I jumped to a few conclusions about you but honestly you have to forgive me, we have quite the group of oddballs around here and you clearly stand out as one too. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing in this business, but it can definitely cause ignorant people such as myself to have preconceived notions, and I honestly don't feel I can be blamed for them. The smart money, or gold or pop can tabs, whatever frame of bargaining tool you want to speak of, would bet that by the way you speak you feel you're transcendent of humans which in my mind could only mean one of two things, you either are sixes and sevens in the head, or you're clearly something other than us humanoids. Or maybe that's just the way someone like myself sees it, because as we all now I'm a little messed in the head myself, hence the monicker 'barmy'."

He twirls his hand around his head and let's out a high pitched laugh.

"But ultimately, it doesn't matter if you're another nut who believes in rubbish conspiracy theories like Y two K, or the Mayan's apparent predictions of the world's end in twenty twelve, or if you truly are some sort of transcendent being, because in the grander scheme of things you're as irrelevant within this universe as I am, you too are just a pebble, nothing makes you special, you're not the supreme being that created everything, you're a tiny dot within an infinite amount of dots just like myself."

He stops and stares up into the night sky as if in a trance for a few moments before snapping himself back into reality.

"Now I'd like to take you up on that offer you so graciously made, there's one person I'd really be interested in you going after, just to see the outcome."

He stops again as if thinking about who it was.

"No not who most would think or expect I presume but someone who I feel it may be a great displeasure for you."

He taps his chin.

"Lu..... No, not him...... Crim..... No, too easy..... Johnny Reb...... No too easy again."

He stops again, and seems to have a little conversation with himself, but his words are too low for the camera to hear, suddenly he puts puts a finger in the air.

"I got, I want you to go after Andrew, yes I said Andrew."

He shakes his head with finality, walking to the camera and reaches behind it as if to turn it off, but stops for a moment.

"Oh I'm sorry that name may confuse you, I hope you don't think I'm throwing my Connection brother Andrew Morrison into your path, no, no, no."

He shakes his head slowly as a grin crosses his face.

"I really want you to come after the other Andrew, me. Until then cheers chap."

The camera feed cuts out.