X-treme Wrestling Federation
Searching for secrets - Printable Version

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Searching for secrets - Mastermind - 07-05-2023


Once upon a time, in the capital city, New Zealand, lived a curious young man named 'M'. 'M' was no ordinary fellow; he was consumed by an insatiable desire to uncover the world's secrets. His thirst for knowledge was so compelling that he decided to embark on a global quest, seeking truths hidden in the far corners of the world.

'M' began his journey in the ancient city of Cairo, Egypt. He wandered through the labyrinthine alleys, deciphered hieroglyphics on the walls of the Pyramids, and listened to the whispers of the Sphinx under the star-studded desert night. He learned of pharaohs and gods, of curses and miracles, but the secrets he sought seemed to elude him.

Undeterred, 'M' set course for Greece, the birthplace of philosophy. He climbed the steps of the Acropolis in Athens, delved into the texts of Socrates and Aristotle, and contemplated the mysteries of life and existence. Yet, the secrets he yearned for remained just out of his grasp.

'M''s journey then took him to the mysterious lands of Asia. In the bustling streets of India, he found a cacophony of cultures, religions, and philosophies intertwined like colourful threads in a vast tapestry. He meditated with monks in the tranquillity of the Himalayas, seeking enlightenment. But the secrets he sought were like wisps of cloud, tantalisingly close yet always out of reach.

To be continued


The camera is turned on to find Mastermind looking outside the window of his hotel room, as rain splashed down outside.  He is aware that the camera is on him.

"Rain is like a wrestling match, it's spotty and confusing, and things can get so messed up quick.    I see I am facing an old opponent of mine this coming Thursday.  He calls himself Mr. Oz now, but he was known as Oswald Autem Sephtis.    I've beaten him before, and come Thursday Night, I'll beat him again,"

Mastermind continues to look out of the window.

"You may be back under a different personality, but you are still the same old Oswald who I beat a few years ago.  When was the last time we saw you wrestled?  I don't really care if you have already wrestled, but come Thursday I will show you the light.

"You have to believe Mr. Oz, that there is a storm coming.  That storm is me.  It'll be quite calm right up until the bell rings, and then all hell is going to break loose, and you won't know about it until it is too late,"

Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk, and stands up, and opens the window, and smells the air.  He turns back towards the camera.

"I know Mr. Oz that deep down inside you, you are trembling in your pants.  Your loss has been coming for some time. So don't blame me when it's over, you should have put up more of a fight.  I'll be looking down on you like the sun clearing the way for a bright shining day ahead, and the rain that once was, will have gone, and trust me when I say it, I will be standing tall."

Mastermind clears his throat, and continues to watch the rain pouring down.

"Here's what I want to know from you, Mr Oz.  Have you ever felt the fall force of the rain that is coming at you, have you ever seen the full force of the rain that can wash cities out instantly.    Because that is me.  Today.    With the weather happening all over the world, I am the new rain, clearing the way for a bright shining down.  Clearing the way, and getting rid of people, of garbage just like you.

"Just think about yesterday and the days and months before, where you had it all your own way.  You were able to fight back, get the wins, but come Thursday that'll all be wiped away, washed away.  It's too late now to do what's right.  You are in the way, and you must be dealt with like the deluge that I am, and the muck that you are."

Mastermind closes the window, and walks off camera, the camera fades out.