X-treme Wrestling Federation

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+--- Thread: THE WORLD, ACCORDING TO SID (/showthread.php?tid=46540)


[Image: Hwa5ovF.gif]
Sidney Grey glanced down at her watch as she tapped her foot impatiently, waiting to be called in for her first mandated session with the behavioral therapist.  In typical fashion, Sid had come in late but had expected to be seen immediately.  This hadn’t gone to plan in the least for the television reality star.  Sid grumbled as she got up and marched to the receptionist’s desk.
“Look, I know that I have to be seen today in order to be cleared to compete tomorrow night, but it’s pretty obvious that the doctor is not going to be able to see me.”  Sid pulled out her progress sheet and handed it to the woman.  “Maybe you can just sign me off for today, and we can make it up next week?”
[Image: giphy.gif]

The receptionist pulled down her horned rimmed glasses as she glanced at the papers and turned her gaze back to Sid.  “You can wait to see the doctor, or we can inform your employer that you’ve missed a mandated session.”
Sid’s cheeks instantly flushed with anger and she pounded her fist on the woman’s desk.  “YOU DO REALIZE THAT I HAVE A CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH TOMORROW NIGHT?!”
The woman seemed unaffected as she handed the paper back to Sid.  “You can wait and be seen or you can cancel…your choice.”
Sid stood there for a moment, contemplating both sides of the issue.  On one hand, a match against the XWF X-Treme Champion would certainly get her name back on the lips of everyone in the company…but The Hard Rock Café would stop serving up endless margaritas in an hour.  If she could get there in the next fifteen minutes, she would be able to make up for lost time.  The dilemma shouldn’t have been a difficult one, but Sid eventually made her choice, snatching the form from the woman’s hand and flipping her off before heading for the door.  Her mouth watered at the thought of downing glass after glass and losing herself in sweet oblivion.
“Sidney Grey…?”
Sid stopped, whirling around with a look of anger on her face.  “I SAID I’D BE BACK NEXT…week.” Sid’s voice trailed off as her eyes fell on the dashing man that stood at the door holding her chart.
“No need to wait, I can see you now.”  He paused.  “Unless you have to go?”
Suddenly all thoughts of Endless Margarita Wednesday were forgotten and Sid was a willing volunteer for therapy.
[To Be Continued]

[Image: m7SKVeZ.gif]

Well now!  After being dragged into the depths of the fucking mid-card by LeClair and Centurion, the cream rose to the top in just one show and The Lady King is already right back in position as Anarchy main eventer!  I was away making history as Universal King…making Anarchy relevant, and in my absence the place goes to Hell in a handbasket.  I’m certain that the brass saw what everyone else saw last show…a dramatic spike in viewership when I was on the screen…and a ratings drop of epic proportions after my hand was raised in inevitable victory.  Why stay for Edward versus Lacklan, when you’ve already seen the Face of Anarchy?
Don’t worry, I’ll rundown Chelsea and Centurion for having the unmitigated gall to believe they could beat me soon enough, but all of that will have to wait! 
Not only am I in the main event…
Not only am I getting a chance to become X-Treme Champion…
But I am playing host to a man I have admired since my debut here!  I said it at War Games and I’ll say it again, the man is a machine inside the ring and if I hadn’t had a bee in my bonnet by the name of Centurion, he would have been the best get in the draft.  I don’t think that anyone will dispute that after watching that show,
That being said, I guess I have to address the elephant in the room…the closing moments of the match when Flynn was about to rip off Centurion’s arm and beat him with him.  Yes…I still COULD have made the save…but why?  I had a point to make that night with a ‘legend’ and after Centurion got sent home, I was seconds away from making Flynn tap out when Ned Kaye cut me off. 
I came back to Anarchy looking to take back my place at the top of the brand, and I was immediately gifted with the opportunity to put Centurion on his back myself…nudging him closer and closer to retirement.  I assumed that was more than enough to get me a shot at the title I never should have lost…but instead, I get to play host to the man I should have beaten at War Games!
I know! Everyone thinks that I should be salivating at a chance for more XWF gold, but people have to realize the significance of this beyond championships.  Even before I was Lady King, Anarchy was where wrestling went to be killed off by stupid gimmicks and buffoons who are ‘short on promotional content’ to quote some of my ‘friends’ from Prime Time.  So, having Mark Flynn come down to the ‘bush leagues’ to roll around in the ring with someone on Anarchy is quite special!
Mark, allow me to welcome you to the A-Show!  Welcome to Anarchy, the ancestral home of YOUR Lady King! Feel free to make yourself at home…and don’t worry about that X-Treme Title, it will be in very good hands after you leave…regardless of whatever non-ladder match stipulation you choose, of that you can be sure!
Tomorrow night I get to put my ambitions on pause and continue what we started at War Games. Without question, you are great…I’ve never said different, but I was seconds from proving that I could be greater.  On Thursday night in Chicago…I get one more chance to prove it!