X-treme Wrestling Federation
Battle Royal (RP 2) - Printable Version

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Battle Royal (RP 2) - Andrew Morrison - 06-20-2013

(camera feed on)

(we see Morrison standing in front of the Olympic Stadium in Montreal)

[Image: Le_Stade_Olympique_3_zps9934c937.jpg]

4 days remain..4 days until my path collides with 9 others at the Bell Centre.
I told you all this past promo I would be focusing on others, but there was something someone said recently that has really caught my attention and I feel could use another mention..

Johnathan Cross...you tell me how "oh, my children are having nightmares because of you..my wife feels unprotected..you crossed a line in wrestling..im taking you down" blah blah blah...


It amazes me Johnathan, here I thought you had a little sense in your head but apprently I piledrove it out of you. You sit here in the same interview and say how you were foolish to leave them unguarded. That was what made sense hehe...you say I broke a golden rule in wrestling...Johnny, a force of nature knows no rules, it is controlled by fate...it was you that left your family out in the open and vunerable...I saw them in my path and did what I was sent to do and that was send a message to you... I told you Johnny, so many times, that you should hold your family tight, that you should be paying attention to them...and yet you continue to whore them out and put them on tv..bring them with you on the road..leave them unaware and unprotected...and worse, you are bringing your sister to Montreal and putting her in the front row??? Honestly, Johnny, it seems to me you dont give a damn what happens to your family as long as you TRY to stop me from doing what I said I was going to do, and that was to change things. John, your number one job should be to tell your children that dont worry..Daddy will protect you from the big bad storm..nothing to worry about...to tell your wife, I got your back baby...to tell your sister to mind her own damn business and worry about her own unproven career. You see John, I am no longer worried about going after your wife and kids..they have seen the storm..and it is scarred into their minds forever..the damage is done..damage YOU could have prevented before it even began, but your ignorance and your stupidity is what put them in my path in the first place, and come Monday, your sister can be front row firsthand when I finish what I started...yes John I won the battle last Monday and the war has already been won..I am driving you out of your mind and it is only a matter of time before the storm consumes you and leaves you in pieces among the barren wasteland...I am not coming to Montreal to worry about individual grudges, I come to leave all 9 of you in my dust, thrown all across the arena in shambles, as I stand victorious...but now John..I will make sure I take my sweet time finishing you..you want me John, come and get me...I will destroy you as I did last Monday and then maybe you will learn that it is best not to fight fate...


and now to other business at hand..hm it seems that I was mentioned by Shawn Steele..

Shawn..you mentioned me crossing a line as well, perhaps for a mere man, it was crossing the line, but as I said, I am a force and I do not give a damn about lines or morals..if you leave yourself vunerable, I will send you a message...I have warned all of you what I will do and yet people still wish to be ignorant and foolish...it seems you have at least a little more sense than SOME people I am facing Monday...you ARE right, I am a step above these idiots that will be surrounding me..and I am willing to do what it takes to accomplish what I am set out to do and that is to destroy everything in my path and change the XWF as we know it...a "monster in the closet" am I? Well Shawn there are no such things as monsters, but there are such things as storms


and you are in my path as well Shawn...you say it will come down to me and you huh? I will admit Shawn, you are brave..then again so was Johnny-boy and look what it has done to him...dont be a fool Shawn..you say that I cant fly? Hm, thats where you are wrong Shawn..I can fly..I will fly off that top rope and hammer you into bits just as I will everyone else in this match...

Fitch, Malichi, Robertson? They send a bunch of kids to a man's world, into the eye of the storm, and expect them to come out in one piece...

(brief evil laugh)

I will send them a message that they are not worthy to stand in the path of the storm..that they have a lot more to prove before they think they can even stand up to me...which either way, is a fool's game...

I must say, I am looking even more forward to this upcoming Monday than I was prior...at first, I was just hoping to send a message to the XWF in general..but now..it seems that some people need messages re-inforced..

(holds up the picture of JTC and his sister and rips it)

some people need to know when its time to stop being arrogant and start being smart..

(holds up the Swift Ion DVD and slams it into the ground)

...then again, you all can try and run..try and hide..even try and fight..but come Monday, my path is set, and I am coming to take each and every one of you out...a storm is coming and it is coming to wipe you all off the face of the XWF Monday evening until it is only one standing in the middle of that ring..

I am Andrew Morrison..and you all have been warned..

(camera feed off)