X-treme Wrestling Federation
Peanut Butter // Dean admitted to hospital last night and released this afternoon - Printable Version

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Peanut Butter // Dean admitted to hospital last night and released this afternoon - Dean Moxley McGovern - 06-06-2013

Luck Ain't The Lady For Me

Time: 1:45 PM
Date: June 06 2013

Word is getting around that XWF wrestler Dean Moxley McGovern has been released from an Orange County hospital after suffering a near fatal reaction to peanut butter.

It was said that he had somewhere between 4 and 6 very young friends, males and females, helping him leave the hospital. Some of them had been there for hours, keeping him company and waiting for him to be released. Dean's bother and sister, EZ-PZ and Dar Dar, also showed up at one point but were said to be mortified by the conditions of the hospital and left without even seeing their brother.

Dean was not available for comment but we're hearing reports that McGovern will be heard from very soon.

EZ-PZ (the brother) and Dar Dar (the sister) were spotted by TMZ cameras and have gone on record as saying they wouldn't put their dead maid's corpse in a building so revolting as that hospital. They said they'll wait it out and just catch Dean later before they hit the clubs for the night.

Dean's father, Ralphus, was reached for comment and had only one thing to say: I wish that fuck would've dropped dead in that hospital!

Rumor has it that we're going to see actual footage of Dean ingesting the peanut butter and see how it all happened. With him having a known peanut allergy, one must wonder if this was intentional or if there was some kind of mix up. Maybe somebody switched the ketchup with the peanut butter and he didn't notice peanut butter on his hamburger instead of ketchup? We will see...

How will all of this play into Saturday Night's XWF Shove It, when Dean McGovern takes on Zayne Vyper in a handicap match? Dean is slated to have a special surprise partner but with the looks of things between the recent child molestation charges, being locked up over night, and now the peanut allergy mishap; it may be Dean who still suffers from the handicap this weekend. Will his surprise partner be enough to even up the odds, even with Dean going through emotional and physical turmoil this week?

Speaking of going through turmoil, Zayne Vyper is going to be coming to this match looking for a much needed win after coming up short against Peter Gilmour this week. Zayne's frequent performances and underwhelming deliveries might be getting the best of him as he continues to go full throttle in a wrestling ring that he seems only marginally comfortable with. Murmurs going around would indicate that Dean McGovern sees right through Zayne's act and is prepared to comment on Zayne directly.

Zayne Vyper
A man looking for redemption; struggling desperately to pull the wheel in the right direction and regain control of that lost traction before he flies right through the barrier and into the abyss of the forgotten failures. Attempting such a feat while also maintaining that appearance of a smug, confident, egotistical man isn't so easy when the road gets a little bumpy.

Dean McGovern
A man drowning in problems but reaching his hand out in hopes that his surprise partner will come through. Dean's head is already sinking below water level. Will his outstretched hand be grabbed in time, or is it already too late for Dean?

The Surprise Partner
A person who could very easily end up being a woman for all we know. This is likely the factor that's going to determine the outcome of 'McGovern-Vyper II' and you can't help but wonder just who would voluntarily team with somebody who has Dean McGovern's history.

Join us next time when we finally hear directly from Dean himself as well as his brother and sister.