X-treme Wrestling Federation
Memories (Battle Royal RP) A Must Read to understand Sin - Printable Version

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Memories (Battle Royal RP) A Must Read to understand Sin - Sincere Lee Wild - 05-30-2013

Sin had remembered when she was younger, maybe about thirteen years old, she had found a pile of old Hustler magazines dumped in the trash just next door of her parents large two story colonial home. The magazines were disposed of by local law enforcement agents who had just a couple days prior to her discovery had raided and arrested a man for child pornography and who was a suspect in at least a dozen or more kidnappings and murders.

Almost everyone on her block was surprised when it had happened, he was an outstanding citizen always so happy and talkative with all of his neighbors, he was even on the town council and had started the local neighborhood watch with their housing community. He had reminded Sin of Mr. Rogers the old television show host, he always wore a button up cardigan, slacks and expensive looking dress shoes. His yard was immaculate, the roses and hedges trimmed to perfection, but like everyone he hid a dark secret, one that he paid for that day.

The smell from his house that day was horrific, Sin remembered it well and throughout the years she thought she would never smell that particular scent again, that was until the night she murdered Trisha Medinia and Sarah Saint James. That smell that had once given her nightmares as the police brought out stretcher after stretcher of decomposed corpses hidden under plastic covering as well as it could be was now one of her favorite smells. It reminded her of the night Sarah begged for her life as she tortured her for hours, and in all honesty Sin was saddened when it ended with a knife stuck deep inside of her stomach, with each twist and turn of the knife she could hear Sarah’s insides splitting apart. The most painful and horrific night of Sarah’s life was indeed the happiest of Sin’s.

Nearly ten years worth of the magazines was abandoned like so much garbage. She had carried them up the flight of stairs into her second story bedroom. Almost two hundred and forty issues, and she had carried them all. Afterwards she couldn’t even remember how many trips up and down the stairs it had taken. It was almost like running a marathon and it had been worth every step.

She loved those magazines, losing whole days staring at the pictures of both nude men and women, her hands and fingers erotically discovering every part of her body as she secretly touched herself underneath her blanket. Thanks to those magazines they had taught her about sex at a young age, her wild streak grew and grew throughout that next couple of years, her parents could barely control her, but that all changed after they had been taken away from her in the fire.

She looked to her left as the 1969 black Chevy Impala cruised down the road, Michelle her long time friend rode shotgun also looking out at the scenery. Her home was just a few miles away if she turned left at the next stoplight. For most people visiting home was a treat, but Sin had not been home for many years and found it almost somewhat ironic that her returning debut to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation was in her home town of St. Louis Missouri, possibly another cruel attempt to remind her of the past she had tried to bury for the last several years.

The light turned green and instead of turning left she continued straight down the road towards the Scottrade Center, which had been called the Kiel Center the last time she had visited the city. Brett Hull Way was one of the busiest streets in St. Louis and she had remembered that as she turned onto the road immediately stopping in traffic.

MICHELLE: “Busy tonight huh, just look at all these people.”

Sin looked out towards the sidewalk people walking past and bumping into one another due to the lack of space available to them. Everything had changed and the polluted city just didn’t feel like home anymore, as a matter of fact Sin couldn’t remember that last place she did consider home, she had bounced around from state to state after she had turned eighteen, using the money left to her by her parents after their and her younger sisters death to help support her drug and drinking addictions. She laid her head down at any place that would have her.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “I just want to get this match on Saturday over with so that we can get out of this god forsaken shit hole.”

Michelle didn’t acknowledge her, but instead kept looking out the window and into the passing crowds as the black impala picked up speed and pulled into the nearby parking garage of the Scottrade Center. Both women didn’t say much as they exited the vehicle and made their way to the service entrance of the arena. This was where a lot of the under cards entered, the XWF didn’t cater to them like they did the bigger names in the company. They didn’t have the luxury of a pimped out limousine stocked with the best champagnes, hell they even had to pay for their own wrestling gear if they didn’t like what the Xtreme Wrestling Federation provided them with. Unlike the under cards Sin had enough money to do what she wanted, and she was no doubt anything but an under card, she just didn’t like the attention or blinding lights in her face as the local media flashed cameras in her direction.

The XWF security guard threw his hand in the air in a stopping motion as he did every time Sin entered one of the arena’s, Sin wondered when he would ever learn and just let her pass, but remembered Michelle was following right behind her and was not on the active roster list.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “It‘s okay she‘s with me, just a friend who wanted to watch me prepare for my upcoming match.”

Sin explained looking back to make sure Michelle hadn’t fallen too far behind. The security guard looked at Sin confused for a moment and then shook his head motioning for her to go ahead. Sin didn’t mind going into the arena days before a match, she actually preferred it due to the lack of people and staff members around, the night before a show was the most hectic and she hated being around everyone of them.

As she turned at a nearby corner Sin ran into a man, the collision knocked him back against a nearby door which read “Supply Room”.

MAN: “Why don‘t you watch where the hell your go…..”

He began to say until he realized who he had run into. He swallowed his remaining words hard as he pressed against the Supply Room door. Sin was no stranger to the staff hands, she had verbally and physically abused nearly every single one of them the entire time she was employed with the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, and the night she started a fire during a Pay Per View event she almost killed at least a dozen of them from falling debris caused by the out of control flames.

MAN: “I….I‘m sorry miss Wild I….di…didn‘t realize it was you.”

The man said as his voice cracked in fear. The fear in his eyes reminded Sin of the fear in Sarah and Trisha’s eyes the night they drew their last breaths, and disturbingly enough it excited her. She said nothing, but instead smiled and threw her hands on the door behind him and leaned in. She took in a deep breath and sniffed his neck as if she was a lion sniffing it’s injured and helpless prey. The man’s body trembled in fear not knowing what to expect.

SIN: “You know it‘s been almost a year since a man has touched me, well at least with my permission…..”

Sin said as she stuck her tongue out licking the mans cheek with the end of her tongue. Michelle giggled in the background as she watched Sin terrify the poor man.

MAN: “Y…Yo….You don‘t say Mrs. W…Wild.”

SINCERE LEE WILD: “So how about it guy? Would you like to have some fun tonight while my friend watches?”

The mans head tilted to the side looking behind Sin, looking more confused than the security guard Sin and Michelle had just passed.

SIN: “No, no honey don‘t look at her, look at me. Like I said she is just going to watch baby.”

Sin said as her hand travled across her chest, down her stomach and to the outside of her tight pants caressing between her legs. In a different situation this would have been any mans fantasy, this was only something they read about in playboy articles. A woman with an attractive face, perfected breasts nearly as big as his head and a body that had clearly never missed a day in the gym even during her year locked up in Sunny Daze mental hospital. Unfortunately this particular man had never been more scared in his life and he at one point even thought he was going to piss himself until a voice called out from behind Sin and Michelle.

“Don‘t you have anything better to do than terrorize people Wild?”

Sin’s ears perked as the familiar voice echoed throughout the corridor.


Sin said turning around, the man behind her stayed pressed against the door to terrified to even move.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “I have to admit I didn‘t expect to see you here tonight, could the rumors be true, are you coming back to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation or are you here in hopes of seeing yours truly?”

Ursula Areano laughed throwing her head back.

URSULA AREANO: “Don‘t flatter yourself Wild, I was hear visiting with some old friends, but I‘m sure you wouldn‘t know anything about that would you since you don‘t really have any friends.”

SINCERE LEE WILD: “Speaking of friends have you heard from Sarah Saint James lately?”

Sin asked ignoring Ursulas attempt to get under her skin. A sick and sinister smile formed across Sins face as she saw Ursula tighten her hands into a ball. God Sin hoped she would throw the first punch so that she could end her right then and there, but Ursual contained herself.

URSULA AREANO: “You know what Wild, I don‘t have any proof, but I know you know something about Sarah and eventually I‘m going to find out and when I do you better hope to god that there is someone around to save your ass from me.”

Ursual walked passed Sin their shoulders slamming into one another as they glared at one another, Ursual with a look of hatred, and Sin with her commonly worn fake smile.

URSULA AREANO: “Are you okay Matty?”

She asked checking on the man still pressed against the door.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “You can have him Ursula he wouldn‘t have been able to handle me anyways.”

Sin said laughing as she walked away Michelle still following behind.

MAN: “Thank god you were in the building tonight Ursula I have no idea what that woman is capable of.”

URSULA AREANO: “What did she want Matty?”

MAN: “She said she wanted to get with me while some friend of hers named Michelle watched, I have no idea what the hell she was talking about, I was terrified Ursula.”

URSULA AREANO: “Now, now it‘s okay Matty she‘s gone now, why don’t you just head home for the night and say hi to April and the kids for me okay…….”

That was all of the conversation Sin could hear as she stepped farther away down the hall until finally coming to a stop in front of the women’s locker room. She wasted no time as she opened the door and stepped in, the motion sensor lights as usual flickered on one after the other. Amazing Sin thought to herself, those fucking morons actually did it again. Once more they were able to duplicate the women’s locker room to a tee.

MICHELLE: “You know that woman Sin?”

Michelle asked as she looked around the locker room.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “Ursula Areano, Sarah Saint James best friend, and I have a feeling that she will be putting her nose into my business in an attempt to find out what happened to Sarah.”

Sin glanced at herself in the mirror as her fist curled up into a ball almost as tight as Ursula’s. Without warning she lifted her left hand up and drove it into the mirror, the glass shattering and falling to the ground into a thousand pieces, Michelle jumped in fear as she looked over at Sin’s bleeding hand.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “Fuck…..the last thing I need is someone like Ursula sniffing around, if she gets too close to the truth I‘m going to have to take care of her like I took care of Sarah.”

Michelle put her head in her hand.

MICHELLE: “I‘m sure if and when it comes down to it you will know how to take care of her and anyone else who stands in your way.”

Sin lifted her hand up to her face and wiped her long black hair out of her face smearing the blood running from her knuckles across her forehead. She sat down staring at herself in the broken mirror as she picked up a piece of the glass pressing it against her forearm. Even with the glass broken and her image distorted she was beautiful…..she drug the glass towards the inside of her elbow, blood pouring out around the edges of the glass. No one was as beautiful or talented as her…….she dropped the glass back down on the ground as the blood trickled down her fingertips staining the carpet beneath her.

MICHELLE: “Sophia Sanchez…”

Michelle said out loud as she watched the blood continue to pour from Sins self inflicted wound.


MICHELLE: “Sophia Sanchez.”

SINCERE LEE WILD: “What about her?”

Sin asked as she looked over her shoulder hearing the locker room door open behind her. One of the night crew members tasked to clean the building entered pushing a card littered with bottles filled with cleaning compounds and chemicals, a broom and dustpan. Convenient she thought as she looked down at the shattered glass below her feet. The maid looked at Sin then down at her bleeding arm.

MAID: I come back another time, yes?”

The woman asked in a thick Spanish accent.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “Why would you come back at another time isn‘t it your job to clean shit like this up? Clean it up now senora.”

Sin said snapping at the woman and surprising her with the attitude she had lashed at her.

MICHELLE: “She thinks she is better than you, haven‘t you noticed.”

Sin looked back at Michelle forgetting what they were talking about as the maid knelt down and started picking up pieces of the broken glass covered with Sin’s blood.

‘God it would be so easy to slit this woman’s throat, no one would ever know, and hell no one would probably care either.’

Sin thought to herself as she disgustfully looked down at the overweight woman.


Sin asked as the maid looked up at her and then over her shoulder towards the bench Michelle was sitting on. She looked back at Sin with a puzzled look as she held a piece of the blood soaked glass in the palm of her hand.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “Problem lady?”

Sin snapped again rearing her fist back causing the woman to flinch. Sin laughed standing up from the chair she was sitting in and made her way over to the bench taking a seat next to Michelle.

MICHELLE: “Sophia Sanchez, haven‘t you noticed how cocky she is? She walks around like she is better than everyone else, it‘s annoying.”

SINCERE LEE WILD: “I never noticed, besides how would you know.”

MICHELLE: “I‘ve watched a few of her matches, hell I know as much as you do about probably any Superstar on the roster Sin.”

Sin’s mind wandered back to when she was a kid. Michelle although it seems as if they had just met was actually a childhood friend of hers. After her parents and sisters death the state was awarded custody of her and she bounced around from foster home to foster home. She was in and out of trouble and nearly every family she had been sent to live with threw her out and before she knew it she was taken to an orphanage. She remembered her first day no one welcomed her as she had hoped, instead they threw rocks at her, pushed her, called her names…you know the way every fucked up kid with problems picked on someone else in order to forget about their own issues.

It was that very same day that she met Michelle, of course being young and in a new place surrounded by total strangers Sin was timid. It wasn’t until that next day that Sin knew she could trust her more than anyone else. Sin remembered it as if it had happened yesterday, Janelle the house bully as other dubbed her had approached the shy Sin. She had tortured her the whole morning and afternoon spouting off abusive names that were shocking to hear a young teenage girl say. Her fist had connected with Sin’s abdomen at least a dozen times within the few short hours that seemed like days to her. She remembered that night laying in bed and lifting up her shirt, the bruises and marks already showing.

She always had the option to go tell one of the nuns who were in charge of protecting the children and helping groom them into young women, but Sin knew the consequences for being a snitch would only progress her problems within the orphanage.

“Hey……hey you.”

She heard the younger Michelle whisper from the bed across from her. Sin rolled over and saw her knelt down at the edge of her bed.

YOUNGERSINCERE LEE WILD: “Please I can‘t take anymore I will do anything, just don‘t hit me.”

The younger and weaker Sin pleaded with tears in her eyes as she hugged her musky pillow for protection, thinking it would soften the blow from Michelle.

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “I‘m not going to hit you, I just want to know why you didn‘t stand up for yourself with Janelle.”

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “She‘s bigger and stronger than me what am I suppose to do?”

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “That‘s true she might be, but that doesn‘t mean you can‘t teach her not to mess with you.”

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “And how am I suppose to do that, I‘m not particularly scary now am I, just look at me.”

Sin said with tears still in her eyes as she embarrassingly wiped them away.

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “Then you have to learn to be scary, come on I will teach you.”

Michelle stood up from the edge of the bed and motioned for Sin to follow her. Sin nervously looked around afraid of breaking the rules back then and with hesitation followed. They snuck down the stairs and into the kitchen where Michelle opened one of the drawers. She motioned with her head for Sin to come closer and take a look, which she did. Inside were about two dozen different types of knives used for preparing the children’s meals, Sin looked at her confused.

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “Well don‘t just stand there looking at me like some kind of goober, grab one.”

SINCERE LEE WILD: “I can‘t, I‘m going to get into trouble.”

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “Kid if you don‘t take one of these trouble is what you are going to have everyday, Janelle isn‘t going to stop until you teach her that you aren‘t to be messed with, it‘s worked for me no one even acknowledges that I‘m here anymore.”

Sin reached for the knife her conscious telling her not to, but Michelle stood by eagerly persuading her to do it. Finally she grabbed one and the two girls went back upstairs and stood at the foot of Janelle’s bed, Sin terrified as she awkwardly held the knife in her hand. Michelle reached over and adjusted it for her, the grip now feeling more secure.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “Now what am I suppose to do?”

Sin asked as her heart sped not wanting to hear the answer to her question, only imagining the worst.

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “Put it against her throat, tell her that if she fucks with you again your going to slice it from ear to ear.”

Sin looked down and Janelle’s sleeping body and then back at Michelle, she was shocked hearing Michelle say her first curse word, and even more shocked by what she had just told her to do.

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “Well don‘t just stand there do it kid!”

She said nudging Sin towards the front of Janelle’s bed as she stood at the foot with a blank expression. Sin lifted the knife up, but then dropped it back down to her side.


She whispered.

YOUNGER MICHELLE: “Then your going to just have to deal with her the rest of the time you are here, pushing you around, beating you while the nuns aren‘t watching she is just going to make your life a living hell, and when you leave this place you are going to realize that there are people like her no matter where you go. Is that what you want is to be weak the rest of your life, if you were strong maybe your parents wouldn‘t have died in that fire, maybe you could have done something about it.”

Sin looked as Michelle wondering how she had known about the fire, but realized that just like anywhere else rumors and peoples past spread like wild fire and everyone knew everyone’s business. Sin felt a rush of rage over come her, she thought about the night her parents and sister were killed, she crawled out of the flaming building and laid covered in ash and dirt as the screams from her family echoed in her ears.

Without hesitation she lifted the knife to Janelles throat and used her free hand to cover her mouth. Janelles eyes opened wide with fear as she looked into Sin’s eyes and then down at the knife careful not to move her head. Janelle mumbled, probably pleading with Sin, but she didn’t care what she was trying to say she pushed on her mouth harder letting Janelle know she was in control of the situation.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “Look Janelle I can‘t do this anymore….”

She looked at Michelle who was still standing at the foot of the bed her blank expression had changed into a frown as she looked at Sin with disapointment. Sin knew why Michelle’s expression explained it all, she wasn’t being assertive enough.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “I mean I can‘t fucking take this anymore….”

She looked at Michelle again who was now smiling with approval.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “So this is how it‘s going to be from now on you fucking cunt. See my friend down there?”

Sin asked as Janelle tried to shake her head looking at the foot of her bed towards Michelle’s direction.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “Well from now on, you aren‘t going to fucking lay a hand on us, as a matter of fact I don‘t want to see you swat a fucking fly when we are around, because if you don‘t one night when your sleeping I am going to take this fucking knife and push it into your throat and remove your larynx, do you understand bitch!”

One of the other children had woken up and looked over in Sin’s direction her eyes also widened with fear as she began to move out of her bed.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “You might want to rethink getting out of that fucking bed or you‘re going to be next understood.”

The girl nodded her head and laid back down throwing the cover over her head. Sin turned her attention back to Janelle the corner of her eye catching a wet spot just below her pelvis. Sin smiled knowing she had just pissed herself with fear.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “Do we have an agreement, you leave me alone and you get to keep breathing?”

Janelle shook her head and Sin removed the knife from her throat and her hand from her mouth.

YOUNGER SINCERE LEE WILD: “And if you mention this to anyone, it‘s going to be the last God damn thing you will do, so I wouldn‘t even think about telling any of the nuns.”

Janelle didn’t respond, but the expression on her face let Sin know she understood completely. The next day was different, people stayed away from Sin and Michelle they actually walked around them always sure to never make eye contact. That’s when Sin knew that Michelle was the only friend she needed, the one who had taught her how to stand up for herself and instead of being afraid showed her how to be the one to spread fear.

MICHELLE: “Are you even listening to me Sin?”

Michelle asked snapping Sin back into the present. Sin looked over at her.


Michelle had been going on for at least five minutes about her upcoming four way battle royal match and Sin’s opponents, but she hadn’t heard a word of what she had been saying.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “You know, I was thinking Michelle, you have always been there for me ever since we were kids, why didn‘t you come see me at Sunny Daze?”

Michelle looked at Sin frowning at her, the same frown she had given her when they were kids.

MICHELLE: “I tried to Sin, but the doctors kept me away, they said I was a bad influence after you told them everything about me.”

Mentioning her time in Sunny Daze let Sin remember that she hadn’t taken one of her prescriptions in several hours. She reached into her pocket and pulled them out of her pocket and began twisting the cap off, until Michelle’s hand rested on top of hers.

MICHELLE: “You don‘t need those Sin, they only confuse you and you don‘t want to be confused before your first match back do you, you want to be focused and alert right?”

Sin nodded her head and set the prescription down. Michelle was right every time she took one of those pills it was like living her day in bit’s and pieces only remembering certain things, they were a distraction one that Sin didn’t need right before her big match, she had to remain focused not on one, but three other opponents all with the same goal to come out of the match with the win.

SINCERE LEE WILD: “You‘re right I don‘t need this shit, I mean what did Sunny Daze ever really do for me besides keep me locked up and away from everything I love.”

MICHELLE: “That‘s my girl, if you just listen to me like you always have everything‘s going to be just fine. Now lets go out to that ring and practice what do you say?”

Sin stood up and followed Michelle out the door passing a janitor as he made his way into the locker room. Sin toyed with the idea in her mind that he was the maids husband and they were about to do filthy, nasty, disgusting things with each other in the locker room, she wanted to stay and watch, but knew that there were more pressing issues to deal with at the time.

Sin smiled at the janitor as she closed the door behind her and made her way towards the ring.

Inside the locker room the janitor made his way over to the maid and knelt down kissing her on the cheek before he began helping her pick up the broken glass. He paused knowing something was wrong as he kept looking at his wife.

JANITOR: “Maria, what‘s the problem mommy?”

He asked placing a warming hand on her shoulder.

MAID: “Carlos there is something wrong with that lady.”

She said with a concerned tone.

CARLOS: “That is Sincere Lee Wild mommy, there is a lot wrong with her.”

MAID: “Well does she always talk to herself poppy?”

Carlos looked at his wife confused and shook his head as he went back to cleaning up the glass, his wife looking over at the bench that Sin had been sitting at talking to herself.