X-treme Wrestling Federation
Committed - Printable Version

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Committed - Jenny Myst - 03-30-2018


The gun sounded, hitting something in the air, and an alarm went off. Dust from the ceiling stumbled down as she stood there breathing hard. Panting.

Her finger was still on the trigger. Her fingers still felt weak, but she felt confident enough to be able to pull it if needed.

They were trying to talk her down, trying to get her to drop it. Fuck that. "It will all be okay", not it won't. They always tell you that before they stuck the knife in your back. False sense of security. The motioned for them to back up. Her eyes still burned but at least they were able to get a little moist now. She swore she felt a tear run down. She backed continuously towards what she hoped was the door. This was all she had left. Her entire body hurt, her head felt like it was behind crushed in, and her bones felt like they were splintering.

But even that couldn't match the pain in her heart.

As she felt the door approaching ever closer behind her

--she just had to get out of this place, wherever it was--

she heard it open.

Turning to look, she saw a figure rapidly approaching her from behind. She spun around with the gun and when she did there was a shooting sensation in her lower back, by her kidneys.


Just then she lost her ability to control her body.....her hands shook, her fingers instantly loosened and the gun hit the ground. Her knees felt like butter as she fell to the floor, flopping like a fish out of water. Her eyes were rolling back but the last thing she noticed was three white blurs coming towards her.



Whats the difference?

Was she dead?

She hoped.

[Image: OpGWnsR.gif]

"Oh Finn, you're so adorable when you're angry. You get your Spongebob panties all up in a bunch and start talking reckless......it is like, the greatest thing ever! I think it is just amazing that your head is so far up your own ass that you don't see the facts. You just think it is fine-and-fucking-dandy to be an arrogant prick when all anyone knows you for here is being almost good enough. You talk down to competitors around you, but what have you really done? Hell, Finn, Micheal Graves is now Top 50, its not that hard. I am well on my way. Time and time again it is the same story with you Finn. You win a relatively competitive match, get some buzz around you, then you choke on it like a prom night blow job. You find a way to squander every major opportunity to be something that you're given, and you have the audacity to call others on this roster, and in this match, underwhelming? The most undeserving and underwhelming superstar isn't them, Finn, it is you. You got lucky against Chaos and now that is your shining star, your saving grace. Chris beat Doctor D'ville way back in October 2016 and he let everyone know about it every single time he promo'd. He held it high over his head like a trophy, and told everyone that he must be that good because he beat the Doctor. People didn't look at him as the beast he was for just beating Doc, Finn. They looked at his entire body of work. He was nearly unstoppable for months. You, you beat Chris Chaos, you hang it over our heads, but you have done nothing else. You bring up the Hart Title match--you lost by the way--and about how you had all of these accomplishments before Chris and I tried to save your floundering career. What accomplishments? Name them. All I remember Finn Kuhn doing is losing when the lights came on. You hang on your victory of Chaos like he did Doc, but you have done nothing since to prove that it wasn't a fluke. Your people have started and lost two of the biggest wars on this planet, and you're following in those footsteps. You want a war you just aren't ready to finish. Germany dominated World War Two until 1944, there was NO WAY they should have pissed away that war. 'Merica stepped in and showed them that they weren't as smart as they thought they were. So consider me 'Merica here, because I am going to show Finn Kuhn that this in fact is HIS empire......another failed one.

That being said, let me keep the Finn Kuhn gravy train rolling because there isn't anyone else worth mentioning in this weak ass event and Finn makes it just too easy. Finn let me tell you something you probably have never heard before. It is a little phrase called "knowledge is power." I learned from my mistakes, and I am not going to repeat them. If you had paid attention back when I said 'the secret to victory.....is defeat', then maybe this would make a bit more sense to you. This divsion that was created just for me, tailored as you say, got away from me because I couldn't bring myself to respect the people in it. I kicked the shit out of EVERYONE, including Madison, but then she caught me sleeping. A belt I thought I would never lose, and suddenly I was on the outside looking in. Madison may be prehistoric, but damnit she's talented. And Mandii, as much as I hate that screamo band groupie.....she is as good as advertised. Finn, truth is, your arrogance shows through again because BOTH of these women would kick your head off your shoulders. Both of those women, when on their game, are among the best we have. And the division that was tailored for me? More like TAYLORED. She made my life as a champion that much harder Finn, but you wouldn't know what that is like, would you? No. Because you've never been one of substance and you never will be. All you do is piggy back off Taylor's attacks with cowardly cheap shots then pat yourself on the back and look in your mirror with rose colored lenses. Finn, you aren't shit, and everyone is beginning to see it.

I've only done what Chris has wanted me to do? Wow, ignorance really is bliss, isn't it? THE REASON CHRIS CHAOS STILL MATTERS HERE IS BECAUSE OF ME YOU SELF-RIGHTEOUS VAT OF REDUNDANT PROTOPLASM! I have branched off, become my own competitor, and have transcended women's wrestling. I put him on the shelf to fix his inner workings like a rusted out robot, and then put him back on the rack, in the clearance section, hoping someone would buy into him again. They did, and look at him now. He is TV Champion and will be for a long time. You, Finn, still suck and have no momentum despite all of the opporunities you've been handed like welfare. Thanks Obama.

I make more individual thoughts for myself than you have hairs in your stupid combover. Good God Finn, do you listen to yourself when you speak?! You have got to be the most air-headed mega twat I've ever had to share air space with, and I had to fight Ezariaha.........TWICE!

But it is fine Finn-man, because I almost feel bad for you. I almost feel like a bad person for beating on someone who clearly has special needs. You want to attack me with a pipe, fine, maybe I deserved it, but don't think there won't be backlash. You come out an insult me the same way these vapid, powerwashed cunts have in the division and you expect me to get agitated? You expect to get under my skin? Come up with something creative over there Mein Kampf, because right now you're not even close to Schindler's list....hell you're barely the boy in the striped pajamas. You're a waste of time, to be honest. Honey, say what you want about my appearance, its been said before, but the hair is real, the tits are real, the ass real....the only thing that isn't real, is Finn Kuhn being something other than second best. Finn Kuhn has done nothing but be named Finn Kuhn, and after Shove It he won't be able to show his face in Germany again.

*clears throat*

Now that that's out of the way, I feel there is something else I need to address. Nobody is giving me a snowballs chance in hell in this match. I am coming in arguably the most accomplished in this match, with the least amount of respect. I relish that. I want to be the underdeog because I want to prove that I am worth all the shit I talk. I have fought too hard and too long to be shit on, and I am going to come out and win this Shove It event and put my name in the history books. I've never been anything in life and this company has given me a chance to make something of myself. As much as I think Engy is a closet pedo and Madison looks like a well done steak, I want to be the one to emerge from this and step to them. Empire was my idea, and it is about time I start living up to the name. This is my kingdom and I haven't been a very good Queen to date. I'll admit it. But like Harry Truman said before we dropped the bomb on all those noodle eaters.....'The Buck Stops Here.' I AM going to win Shove It. Prove me wrong.


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