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Colt of Tomfuckery - Printable Version

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Colt of Tomfuckery - "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves - 03-01-2017

Both of my parents worked when I was little. For me, that meant days spent in daycare. I didn’t go to a real daycare, that was too expensive. Instead, there was this old woman, her name escapes me, but she watched a small ground of kids out of her house. I’m sure she was charging a good rate, much lower than the real places. Why else would my parents take a chase dropping me off at a stranger's house that was located on the wrong side of town? There were a lot of things that I disliked about spending my days with this woman. For one, she was as mean as they came. She was always yelling and cussing at us kids. She would threaten to spank us with this old thick leather barber's razor strop strap. For those who don’t remember, those were like a half inch thick leather belt that used to hang on the walls of barber shops, used to sharpen their straight razors. Anyway, as far as I can recall, she never actually hit anyone with it. Still, not a fun place to be.

One day, I had decided to take my lego blocks to daycare with me. Another boy, whose name was Billy, spent the entire day sitting with me in that woman's living room, building houses, robots, space ships. Ok, we were both four, so I’m sure that our imagination was doing a lot of the work for us, but point being, it was fun. That afternoon when my mother came to pick me up I tried to gather up my legos, but that Billy cried out that the blocks that I had brought that day were actually his. We argued, my mom chimed in on my side, knowing that I had brought them. Then the woman that watched us through the days took Billy’s side, and she refused to budge on the fact that those were not my blocks. My mom quickly dropped the issue, and my blocks became Billy’s blocks.

When I was fourteen, my Grandmother, knowing how much I hated riding the bus, told me that I would start walking home from school in the afternoons. My mother didn’t like the idea of me walking home. She was afraid of what might happen as I trekked across town on foot. My grandmother, on the other hand, she trusted me. She told me to go ahead and walk across town, just don’t tell your mother. I feared my mom when she would get angry so I couldn’t help but ask, what if she finds out? MY grandmother assured me that if my mother was to find out, she would take care of it. So for the next few weeks, I walked home from school every day. It was great, it gave me a sense of freedom, and sense of growing up. Every day I would walk straight from the school to my house. No pit stops, no dilly dallying. I couldn’t betray my grandmother's trust. Little did I know that she would be so quick to betray mine.

One day I came home from school to find my mother waiting for me at the end of the driveway. She had come home early from work. I could see it in her face before she ever spoke a word, she had caught me, and she was pissed off. She questioned me, I answered honestly. She snatched me up and dragged me inside, all the while telling me how red she planned to tan my hide. I begged for mercy, I begged for her to give me a chance to explain. Once inside she did give me an opportunity to explain myself, and I used it to explain how grandma had said that I could walk home. My mom called me a liar and I begged her to just ask my grandmother, knowing that she would back up my story. After all, she did tell me that she would handle this situation if it arose. My Mom turned around and looked to her mother who was sitting in the dining room watching television.

[white]“Mama, did you tell MY son that he could walk home!?”[white]

”My grandmother turned her head to face my mother, and without any expression, any show of remorse at all, she said.”

“Janet, I swear to the good lord above, I never said any such thing.”

The beating that would come next couldn’t ever compare to the pain I felt when my grandmother broke my heart. She taught me a valuable lesson though, never trust anyone.

Those are two examples of how I’ve been betrayed by authority figures in the past. There are countless more. The first time that I won a world title, it was stripped away a couple of weeks later. A new owner had bought the company, and he didn’t like my “character”. So he quickly booked me in a match, screwed me out of it as quick as he could. That didn’t phase me much, though, just like Jefferson Jackson interfering in my Hart Title match a few weeks ago didn’t really phase me. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve really trusted anyone. JJ coming down and trying to cost me the match had just become a part of my life. It’s pretty much how I EXPECT people to act at this point. Did it annoy me? Sure, but it didn’t surprise me.

When Colten Kato jumped me towards the end of my match with Chris Chaos, that surprised me. Colten was supposed to bring change, he was supposed to bring improvements to Savage, make it a better show, make us a better company. I liked the song he was singing, and I bought into the ideas that he was trying to sell. I believed in Colten Kato. For the first time in a long time, I decided to put my trust in someone. Of course, I should have seen it coming. I should have known that placing that by placing that trust in Kato, it would blow up in my face.

”On February 25th I was primed and ready for the biggest match of my night. I had Chris Chaos right where I wanted him, and I was sure that I was walking out of Savage the Universal Champion! I gave up my advantage in the match early on. It was a foolish move sure, but not only did I not want Chris Chaos using the stipulations as an excuse for losing, but I REALLY wanted to blast him with that Chair. I think everyone will agree that Chaos had those chair shots coming after the last couple of weeks. Even after I gave up the advantage, I had Chris Chaos beaten. That night was my night, that match mine to win. Then this happened…

Quote:Kato is in THE RING behind Graves. He inches, no, he hits a COLT FOLLOWING sickening Reverse backbreaker over his own back. Graves crumbles.

Colten Kato, the new GM of Savage. For reasons that I first didn’t understand, he decided to involve himself in what can only be described as the hardest fought Universal Title match that the XWF has seen for quite some time. Why, though? What could Colten Kato possibly have to gain by costing me the Universal Title? Well the obvious answer is that he was trying to get back on Chris Chaos’s good side. Afte Chaos spent the entire night interrupting matches and causing… well, chaos. It wasn’t doing Kato any favors that on his first night running Savage, he was completely incapable of maintaining order. It probably seemed like a good idea to do what he did. A sign of good faith for Chaos, maybe he’ll ease up now?

That in and of itself, sure I could buy it, but then that wasn’t Kato’s only interaction with me that night, was it? Roll the footage!

Quote:Colton Kato takes off the headset and grabs Graves by the hair backward. He says a few discouraging remarks, then free fall elbow drops onto Graves' windpipe on the rubble left from the table below.

That looks bad on my part. Why was I out there in the first place? It looks as though I deserved everything that Kato gave me. What you don’t know is that Colten Kato asked me to come out during the match. I was hesitant at first, but he assured me that it was a good idea, it’d help liven up the show. So I did as he asked, and helped liven up the show, liven up the match. This is the new Savage, after all, we need to pull all of the stops, get some butts in seats and all eyes turning in. Little did I know at the time that this was all a guise for Kato to try and put himself over at my expense. Kato is obsessed with making Savage a bigger and grander spectacle than Warfare. Kato thinks that he can turn Savage into the “main show” in the XWF, and he seems himself as the star of that show. Chris Chaos, Doc D’Ville, Thaddeus Duke, or Micheal Graves. The name doesn’t matter, they all pale in comparison to the Colt of Controversy. This is his show, and he’s the star. A fact that he plans on proving this Saturday when he faces off against me in the main event of Savage.

How big of a star you’ll be when you pin my shoulders to the mat. I mean, I did just take the Universal Champion to the limit, had him on the ropes, and beaten squarely in the middle of the ring. That fact alone makes beating me mean something, doesn’t it? Then you look at that record. 3-3-0 before Warfare and I sure look like an easy target, don’t I? I look like the right balance between name value and skill level for you to try to make your name off of.

Well, Kato, Chris Chaos is another man who thought that I was going to be an easy win. He gladly accepted a match with me because he KNEW that he could easily put away Graves, and add another notch to his belt. Turns out he got more than he bargained for. I put a hurtin’ on that man that nobody else on the roster has been able to. I had him mentally psyched out, and physically defeated in that ring. Screw the interference, screw the final pin, watch that match, watch the final moments leading into you, Kato, interfering. What you will see is that without a doubt, Chris Chaos was mine, putty in my hands, and I had molded him into a loser. That drive, that fire, that fight that I brought to Chris Chaos, I'm bringing it to you next Colten! I’m bringing the same desire and heart into this match that I did against Chris Chaos. Do you really think that you can handle that? Do you really think that you’re a tougher challenge that Chris Chaos?

Prepare yourself to be let down!