X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Petition - Printable Version

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The Petition - Kitt Kennedy - 10-02-2016

(Kitt Kennedy comes storming down the corridor and stops next to tables set up for catering. He turns and pushes all the food off the table onto the floor. Alex comes running up to Kitt who is fuming.)

Alex: (grabbing Kitt's face in her hands) Baby, baby, baby! Stop! Stop!

(Kitt looks into Alex's eyes, still fuming and breathing hard.)

Kitt: Did you see that!? Huh!? Did you see that!? I pinned Chaos and they said we were both down!? That's bullshit and you know it!

Alex: I know baby, I know, but soon you are going to be the greatest champion that the XWF has ever seen. Your time is coming.

(Kitt stops and a sadistic smile slowly crosses his face.)

Kitt: I have a plan. I figured something like this might happen so I made sure I had a backup plan.

(Alex looks confused and backs away.)

Alex: What?

Kitt: (laughs) Come here.

(Kitt opens the door to his dressing room, which is next to the catering area, and goes to his bag. He pulls out a clip board with a paper on it and hands it to Alex.)

Alex: (reading the paper) Petition for a rematch for the XWF Savage Championship?

Kitt: Yes, but it is now the Television Championship but the wording is all the same. I get the signatures, Vinnie will almost certainly have to give me a title shot.

(Kitt hands Alex a pen. Alex looks at the paper and signs it. Kitt then goes to his bag and pulls out a megaphone.)

Alex: What is that for?

Kitt: (smiles) I have to get everyone's attention so I can get signatures!

(Kitt takes the clipboard from Alex's hand and heads out into the corridor.)

Kitt: (on the megaphone) Come one, come all! Put your name on the dotted line for a good cause!

[Image: 3.-the-list-of-jericho-1474344828-800.jpg]

The Petition - Dolly Waters - 10-02-2016

I'll sign it for you, Kitt. I know you need all the help you can get.


The Petition - BenitoAngelo - 10-02-2016

Fine by me.


re:The Petition - Kitt Kennedy - 10-02-2016

(Kitt looks down at Dolly's name on his petition then back up at her.)

Kitt: (with a look of disdain) Thanks.

(As Dolly skips off Kitt calls after her.)

Kitt: Just so you know I'm going to have plenty of signatures without yours! You're lucky that that crooked ref counted us both out! I was going to kick your ass when I got done pinning Chaos!

(Kitt looks over at one of the stage hands that is looking at him like he's a lunatic.)

Kitt: What are you looking at? I would have too and you know it. By the way, I'm getting signatures for another title shot and I would love if you would take the time to sign right here....

re:The Petition - Kitt Kennedy - 10-02-2016

(Kitt takes the petition back from Benito Angelo after he signs it.)

Kitt: That's what I'm talking about!

(Kitt reaches out and smacks Benito on the shoulder and smiles as he continues on.)

re:The Petition - Equinox - 10-02-2016

Only if you admit Quizno's is bigger than life will I sign.

re:The Petition - Roxy Cotton - 10-02-2016

Roxy saunters by, checking out a clipboard of her own over a pair of sexy Lisa Loeb-style glasses.

When she overhears Kitt's situation, she decides to take a look for herself.

Oh, hi there Kitt.

She leans over and looks at the petition, her deep cleavage nearly spilling out of her tight dress.

Only two signatures? And ones from the champion? Doesn't seem like too many people have faith in you to win that title.

Here, let me add one that definitely has a little influence around here.

Without ever taking her eyes off of Kitt, Roxy leans down over the paper and plants a kiss on the petition, leaving a perfect set of lip prints on a signature line.

Good luck, Kitt.

Oh! And Alex? I LOVE your outfit. Snap me.

re:The Petition - Kitt Kennedy - 10-02-2016

(As Roxy walks away Kitt is mesmerized. Alex smacks him on the arm. Kitt snaps back to reality and looks at Alex who crosses her arms.)

Kitt: I uh...but she uh....did you not just see that!? I mean, come on, can you blame a guy!?

(Alex shakes her head and smiles.)

Alex: As long as you know where your bread is buttered baby.

(Kitt looks down at the lip outline on the signature line and takes it in one more time.)

Kitt: (trying to get his mind back on track) I'm gonna find that weirdo and let him know Quizno's is bigger than life.

(Kitt takes off after Equinox. Alex pulls out her phone.)

Alex: (searching) What's Roxy's Snap name....

re:The Petition - John_Black - 10-02-2016

JB bumps into Alex, and he noticed Kitt with a clipboard.

Kitt, I don't think have million signatures will help your case. Even if you achive 1,000 signatures, you STILL won't get a shot at that Televsion Championship.

If I was you, i'd come stompin my big black boots, kicking asses, and possibly JUST possibly give these GMs a reason to get one. But you want that paper torn in your face, then be my guest Kitt.

Then he snatches the clipbaord and signs his initials on the line, then shoves it right on Kitt chest. The he looks at Alex on her phone.

By the way Alex, Roxy is a whore who got the power, so if you decide to have your neden wet by her.. you better let Rockstar hit it first or else you'll be done with.

JB luaghs a little and pats the two on their shoulders.

Jokes aside, if you both somehow can walk away with these signatures, i'll personally invite you both to bar and shot will be provided by me.

re:The Petition - Kitt Kennedy - 10-02-2016

Kitt: (as Black is walking away, in a defensive tone) Hey, Roxy's not a whore and don't worry about what Alex does! You just get those shots ready!

(Black walks around the corner and out of sight.)

Kitt: You hear me.....playa? (turning to Alex) I'll get the signatures, he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Haters are motivators.

(Alex nods approvingly and continues to search for Roxy's Snap username as they continue on their mission.)

re:The Petition - Vincent Lane - 10-02-2016

Vincent comes out of a hallway bathroom grumbling and clearly annoyed.

Did John Black show up for his first of the month check or something? That fuckin' toilet is clogged to hell. If I find that man I'm going to slam my new boot right up his Blackest Hole.

He sees Kitt and Alex, and decides to take a closer look at the festivities.

What's this? A rematch? Already? Dude, I can definitely respect the desire to get to the top sooner than la... what the fuck is that?

Vincent's finger is tapping the clipboard right over the set of lip prints. He scrutinizes the prints, then steps back, pulls the front of his pants away from his body, looks down inside them then back to the paper, then back again, before letting the waistband settle back against his waist.

Yeah that's definitely a match. Why in the hell is my woman's lipstick on your petition, Kitt?

re:The Petition - Nico LaVey - 10-02-2016

Nico grabs the petition, reads it, audibly laughs, and looks at Kitt Kennedy.

You're such a whiny brat it's hilarious. This is wrestling. You want a rematch, you beat a guy up for it.

Nico takes the permanent market from Kitt and scribbles all over the petition, making it illegible. He then forcefully shoves it towards Kitt and walks out

re:The Petition - Kitt Kennedy - 10-03-2016

(Kitt looks at the scribbled marks across his petition in disgust.)

Kitt: Nico! You better take your lanky black ass back to whatever ghetto you crawled out of you piece of shit! This is wrestling and maybe I'll kick your ass again for it! It would just prove again that you can't hang with me and embarass you!

(Kitt turns back to Vinnie and holds the petition out to him.)

Kitt: (calmly) Vinnie, it's evident that Roxy believes I deserve to have this opportunity. Hell, even the champ herself is aligned. If the ref knew how to do their job properly we wouldn't be in this situation now. You know this is the right thing to do my friend. You can make it happen, your the man with a plan baby!

The Petition - The Monster of Htaed - 10-03-2016

Bearded War Pig still hot headed and grumpy, walks over to Kitt and yanks the clipboard from his hand and smears some dirt and mud on a line for a signature. B.W.P then just nods in silence and begins to walk away.

The Petition - Guppy Parsh - 10-03-2016

I'll sign! I like to write my name!

Batman signs the petition with a crayon as black as the night.

The Petition - Lyianna Properchev - 10-03-2016

Give me that petition.......
(exactly what is this petition for any how?

re:The Petition - Kitt Kennedy - 10-03-2016

Kitt: Well you see Ms....uh....it is Ms....right? Um....Lyianna. Anyways, this is for me to show Vinnie that I deserve a rematch for the XWF Television Championship since, clearly, I wasn't pinned on Savage, the dumbass ref counted my pin on Chaos but the idiot said I was down too. Hard to find good help these days. Just sign here below.....Bearded War Pig's mud smudge and.....Batman....I promise this is legit, just sign away.

re:The Petition - Prof. Bobby Bourbon - 10-03-2016

Robbie Bourbon walks up, ice cold Coca-Cola in hand, followed by the assembled Bourbon Men; Cyberjaw, the man with the cybernetic jaw, Diamondback, the man who can blend into any crowd, Robo-Rob, the robot from Rocky IV painted to look like it's wearing a Robbie Bourbon mask, Ash, Robbie's personal hair stylist, Joe Biden, Vice King of the Jobbers, and Smashdyface McFace, Islamic terrorist who had his face wrecked with an axe and wearing an orangutan mask.

Oh, hey there bud. You want an autograph?

Robbie looks at the clip board. He looks back up at Kitt.

Oh. You're Kitt Kennedy. Dude, we have a match at Warfare. Welp, hard to ignore a man who's asking of the people. My guys here will sign too!

Robbie pulls out a pen and writes "Let's be pals!" in letter large enough to take up five lines. He then goes to sign, and gets his first name and the letters B O U R B O on the sheet of paper when the pen goes dry. Robbie shakes the pen a few times, tries again, and furrows his brow.

Damn. Pen is broke. Welp, guys, let's go find a working pen.

As Kitt holds up the working pen that he's been holding the entire time, Robbie and his Bourbon Men turn and start to walk away.

See you ringside, Kitt! Nice meeting you!

re:The Petition - Hunter Payne - 10-03-2016

Hunter and Joy walk onto the scene. Hunter grabs the clipboard and begins reading it, as Joy just jumps to conclusions.

No, we don't support your Prop LalalaWhatever. Please let us shop for our groceries in peace. Thank you!

No. It says here he is collecting signatures for a television title shot. I'm not gonna sign this, but I'l do you one better. When I win the the Television championship next week, and yes, I said WHEN I win the television championship next week, I will gladly give you and anyone else a title shot! Something you need to know about Hunter Payne is that I welcome all challengers and that I fear nobody! But I especially fear no man with the first name Kitt. You can't be hard when your first name is Kitt nigga! What's that short for? Kitten? You need to change that shit ASAP! Embarrassing yourself out here.

Aww, now I feel bad! Poor kitty.

Joy signs the petition and adds a smiley face at the end like she does with all of her signatures. After Joy signs, her and Hunter walk inside to buy their groceries or whatever. Joy yells in the distance.

Good luck with your signatures! Hopefully we'll see you at Savage in 2 weeks!

The Petition - Lyianna Properchev - 10-04-2016

One kitt honey you can call me Lilly and two.......

(Lyianna signs the petition)

Here's my name on it as well