X-treme Wrestling Federation
"Kill Myself?" - Printable Version

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"Kill Myself?" - AerialKnight - 01-07-2015

"Do you hear the mocking laughter of the children? Hear how they can't take the former rising star seriously after his fall from grace? 'You smell like an asshole!', they yelled. 'Go fuck the dwarf in the broom closet some more!', they laughed. 'You can't wrestle!,' they chanted aloud. All of which can damage a man's ego to the point of career suicide."

"This man, however, has recently suffered a loss against a man claiming to be Jesus Christ, who happened to team with another young up and comer by the name of C.C. Hollywood. Even though he was not pinned, he couldn't help his partner, TJ Wallace, gain a victory with his assistance. Just goes to show you how much of a team player a man like him really is. Since one of the better members of his team lacks the balls to lead the team to a well deserved victory, it's up to the man I'm stuck with currently to pick up the win for them. Which, if you're not brain dead, means that no one on MacClay's side stands a chance at victory."

"Lovers will grow apart."

"Knights will be slain."

"The silence will be broken."

"And princes will be dethroned."

"None of these men after Madness will be able to reach their dreams again. Not when the man giving them all this success is gone and they're treated like everyone's bitch. Strange how life works, isn't it? But no need to fear, everyone that supports the incompetent douchebag, for I have a solution that will solve all our problems."

"The dwarf wants a man that won't bitch every time he loses to him. He also wants a submissive lover that will cater to his every need. MacClay wants a man that will keep him in power as well as show him a man that deserves a chance at glory as much as all of the present and former champions. The crowd? They want a man they can look up to with pride and not be embarrassed when he claims that he's fighting for them in their time of need. All he needs to do is put on the mask I've given him. That way, I can alter his mental status to the point where everyone will be happy."

"The only problem is that he's resisting the urge to become a better man. It's clear that something drastic has to be done in order for all parties to be successful. So I ask you all to worsen his ego. Just enough to the point where I can convince him to place the mask over his face. The rest is purely magic."

"...It appears that Johnathan is waking up, meaning that I don't have a lot of time left to speak with you all. Don't fret, however, I still have control over his unconscious mind when he sleeps, so we'll be chatting again quite soon. I'm only the voice he doesn't want you to hear, after all."

We fade in on the knight, Johnathan Heartsford, running away from a couple of angry thugs that bet on him and Wallace to win. He's fast, fast enough to the point where the Cambot can barely keep up with him, but they're catching up fast and he can only run for so long until he gets tired. The other men are yelling at him to slow down and pay off their bet since they wasted most of it on him and his teammate. As shown by how quickly he's running away from them, he doesn't have that kind of money, since most of his paycheck goes to refilling the bot's batteries.

"Where you runnin' esse? We just want your dinero!"

"And then we'll take your life for ruining ours!"

He tries to run faster, but he ends up hitting an intersection that goes either to his right or his left. The flying camera catches up to the knight as he panics, trying to figure out which way to run. In a panic, Johnathan grabs the Cambot and runs to his left. Fortunately, the outraged men didn't see him run in that direction, which means he successfully got away from them. Unfortunately, the left way turned out to be a dead end. He also doesn't know that he managed to outrun the men that tried to mug him, so he believes that they're still after him. Defeated, he walks over to the wall and sits down against it, waiting for the men to come back and finish the job that Jesus and C.C. started.

"Once again, the cowardly knight runs away from danger before he can suffer the consequences. You've been doing that quite a lot recently, haven't you?"

The knight groans at the voice, who just so happens to be right.

"Look, I was thrown out of the ring both times. Both of those times I was worn out to the point of exhaustion and I couldn't get up after they took me out."

A mock laugh can be heard.

"Excuses, excuses, it's always excuses with you. You couldn't break up Gator's pin because you were suplexed too hard. You couldn't save your partner because C.C. Hollywood was tougher than you thought he would be. You had sex with Frodo in the janitor's closet because you had stress that you needed to release. When will you admit it, Johnathan? When will you admit that you do these things because you're desperate to achieve some sort of fame?"

"That's bullshit. I've already achieved success here in the XWF, it's just a matter of being able to succeed once again in this federation."

"Oh, you mean how MacClay handed you a belt that wasn't even yours to begin with?"

"Hey shut up, I got close to winning both times in the matches with Gator, and I would've if the fucker hadn't tossed me aside both times."

"Close never cuts out in this world. It's either succeed or don't, and you didn't succeed in any of those situations, even though it was right there, right in front of your face. You can either train harder in order to make sure that never happens for a third time, or you can pull off the same shit that made you lose the first time and the same results will just keep happening and happening."

"Like I haven't been trying to prevent that from happening again? You know me. I want to prove to this company that even the most normal of men can pick up a win in a place as bizarre as this."

Once again, the mysterious voice laughs.

"And you're truly proving that by losing to the higher ups of the federation."

"I had my share of wins! I'm competent in the ring and I can hold my own against a tough challenge! You've seen my matches against the likes of top fighters, I was decent enough to be considered a threat!"

"Decent isn't good enough. I offered you a chance at being great, a chance to become something greater than the likes of Eli James and Justin Sane. And yet, you turned it down because you believed that you stood a chance if you believed in your natural abilities. Tell me, do you still believe in them now that you lost to the false Christ?"

Johnathan doesn't say a word to the voice. There's a brief pause of pure silence that is broken by the laughter of the voice in his head.

"I will give you as many chances as I feel necessary to prove to me that you can be successful without the help of this mask. I will give you the same amount of chances to put it on."

"Yeah, like it's anywhere nearby here."

Just then, Johnathan notices a light being reflected off something shiny. The reflective surface looks like it's hidden behind a trash can surrounded by filled trash bags. Wondering just what it might be, he stands up and walks over to the source. He proceeds to pick up a trash bag and violently throw it aside like it was a dead baby. He proceeds to do the same thing with the other two trash bags before finding out just what was reflecting the light from the street lamp. He looks at the item in disbelief as he picks it up and shows it to the Cambot. Sure enough, it was the mask that he was shown earlier on in the month.

"But...how did it get here? It doesn't make sense, I threw that thing away back at the hotel and I made sure the garbage truck collected it!"

"I have my methods."

He stares at the mask for a while, wondering just what happened that made him find the mask again and place it right at this specific spot.

"Keep it for now, I won't force you to put it on like last time. However, I will make a suggestion. Go back to the hotel. You have a long week ahead of you, so take this time to rest and slack off, because that's all you're good at."

"Oh, shut the fuck up."


"It's funny what happens once the starting gun's fired and we're free to say whatever we please. Case in point, we have Frodo jumping the gun and talking shit about us, even though he has no fucking clue what he's talking about. He says that I was handed the TV title as if that was supposed to make me feel like garbage, even though I flat out admitted that I was, and how I'd be willing to fight against the real champion to truly claim it as mine. I gave him a hell of a fight and I would've won if he hadn't pulled the same trick he used on me to retain the damn belt to begin with. Hell, Gator couldn't pin me if he tried, so he knew he had to take the easy way out. He let me do the dirty work and pushed me aside to take the credit. What a great champion."

"You also think that I have some sort of involvement in the booking department, which I don't. Only MacClay does, and I don't even try to convince him to give me weak men that don't deserve the belt. I can't 'pick' opponents for me to fight, if I did, I'd be laughed at by the manager himself, and that would just be sad."

"Oh, now that you mention Tank, there's a funny story about how you say he would've beaten me. You know that finish of his? His triple powerbomb? Yeah, kicked out before the referee could wake up and notice what was going on. With the amount of time it took the referee to stand the fuck up, he would've had to do it again. And guess what, I still would've kicked out. Just goes to show you how much you pay attention, huh?"

"My mistake, you seem to have done your research on your teammates, well then I have to be hung for my hearsay. Burn the liar at the stake! Oh wait, this isn't the eighteen hundreds. Well since you want us to kill ourselves, I can do the hanging portion of it for you as long as you go first. I'm not killing myself if no one else follows. Hell, I'm not going to kill myself at all because you told me to. The only one asinine enough to actually go through with it is you, which you have proven time and time again that intelligence isn't your strongest aspect. Hell, in your first video, you called Maverick weak and said he couldn't win because he was so weak and insignificant. And then, in your next video, you said that Maverick beat Samuels, but what you failed to mention was that he beat him by count out. I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty weak to me."

"Can you fight? Yes, but you seem to be better at taking a cock up your ass than fighting. You may have beaten me twice, oh wait, scratch that, you beat me once and your doppelganger beat me once thanks to that stupid butter sock of yours. But the third time's the charm, right? The one where I actually beat you and make you kill yourself like the pathetic bitch you really are? Hell, maybe after we beat you, our team can all go out to eat Papa John's, and then we'll throw up on your person because it's the second worst pizza chain in the States, behind Pizza Hut. Seriously, fuck that place, it's all grease and no flavor."

"I'd love to talk about you more, really, I do, but I just don't feel like hogging you for myself. I have to be part of a team and let everyone else show you just how garbage you are. Go ahead guys, take it away. Cambot."


"Turn off."

The scene cuts to black.