X-treme Wrestling Federation
Debut (Classic '80s Jobber Squash) - Printable Version

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Debut (Classic '80s Jobber Squash) - SpineTwister - 12-14-2014

Place: XWF Feeder System House Show, Anywhere

RING ANNOUNCER: Currently in the ring, weighing in at 235 pounds, TIM VICK!

COMMENTATOR 1: This is a solid test for the rookie’s debut -- VICK is a seasoned pro. Excellent mat technician -- trained in the catch-as-catch-can style at Wigan.

COMMENTATOR 2: VICK’s modest win-loss record belies his considerable mat game. Underestimate him at your peril.

RING ANNOUNCER: And his opponent...

Eerie music permeates the arena:

SIMON LYSTER enters. He is a big, powerful man -- massively muscled upper body. Dense, solid build – only 6’2” or so, but a brick. Caucasian, maybe mid to late 20s. Plain white trunks and boots. Cropped blond hair. Ice-blue eyes locked in thousand-yard stare. Cauliflower ears.

Only one tattoo, but it’s a doozy – his entire spine, from nape of neck to coccyx, has been decorated in an H.R. Giger-style biomechanical design – as though LYSTER’s real spine has been replaced by that of an alien beast.

RING ANNOUNCER: …from Shepperton, London, United Kingdom… weighing in at 265 pounds… SIMON LYSTER!!!

COMMENTATOR 1: There's nothing overtly abnormal about LYSTER... except for that weird tattoo, his look is completely nondescript... and yet... something just feels wrong....

COMMENTATOR 2: Look at the crowd. They're not jeering or cheering – they're recoiling. Like LYSTER’s a poisonous snake or something.

COMMENTATOR 2: I've heard of this guy. There are stories from the British underground fight circuit.


COMMENTATOR 2 (somber tone): Yeah. Some – what I guess you'd call dark stories.

LYSTER slowly lumbers into the ring. His stare swivels to focus on VICK – cold, unblinking, a high-powered microscope taking in everything. VICK tries to hold the stare but looks away after a few seconds.

They lock up and begin the feeling-out process. Both are grapplers, not strikers.

COMMENTATOR 1: It's clear LYSTER has a strength advantage.

COMMENTATOR 2: He's not enormously tall but he's so – dense. Not fat, just thick and blocky. Like a wolverine.

COMMENTATOR 1: The perfect physique for a mat wrestler.

The combatants launch into a sequence of mounts, go-behinds, and reversals. While it's clear that VICK is a very skilled mat wrestler, it's also clear that LYSTER is at least as good on the mat and is stronger to boot.

COMMENTATOR 1: He's keeping up with VICK despite greater size.

COMMENTATOR 2: I don't think LYSTER’s just keeping up. I think he's playing with VICK, he’s–

COMMENTATOR 2: Suddenly, LYSTER explodes! Hits the double-leg into – high-angle spinebuster!

COMMENTATOR 1: My God, the power! VICK is not a small man but he was hoisted and dropped like a doll!

COMMENTATOR 2: VICK is stunned. And LYSTER is right on him like a bulldog – bending him back.

COMMENTATOR 1: Look at that camel clutch variation – a knee right in the back! VICK's arms are actually free but it's irrelevant – LYSTER's strength and leverage are keeping him locked down.

COMMENTATOR 2: The knee is technically legal, but this is above and beyond – you're not trying to win, you're trying to hurt someone with that!

COMMENTATOR 1: VICK gets to the ropes.

COMMENTATOR 2: VICK nothing. LYSTER let him get to the ropes.

COMMENTATOR 1: And right back on VICK.

LYSTER, now dominant, executes a series of increasingly more punishing blows to the back, jiu-jitsu-style neck cranks, and slams.

COMMENTATOR 1: Notice that LYSTER doesn’t go for the limbs. He doesn’t go for chokes. He seems to be targeting VICK's neck and back with surgical precision.

COMMENTATOR 2: They say in the British fight circuit he earned the moniker "Spine Twister” because—whoa!

LYSTER suddenly hoists VICK into the air – throws the 235-pound man into position for a gorilla press drop and – slams him spine first onto LYSTER's extended knee!!!!

COMMENTATOR 1: What a backbreaker – gorilla press eight feet into a backbreaker!!!!

COMMENTATOR 2: It's like Bane breaking the Bat!


COMMENTATOR 2: Never mind.

LYSTER drops down. Like a python, he wraps his writhing opponent in a body vise and clutches the man’s neck with both hands. Using sheer torso and leg strength, he TWISTS the spine in one direction while cranking the neck the opposite way – wringing the opponent's entire body like the neck of a chicken!

COMMENTATOR 2: Oh, God! (instinctively flinching from the sick-looking hold)

COMMENTATOR 1: VICK screams – ref calls for the bell!

COMMENTATOR 2: LYSTER’s not letting go! Ref is counting – got to get this guy off before VICK is seriously hurt!

At 4 and 9/10ths, LYSTER breaks the hold.

RING ANNOUNCER: Your winner, by submission, SIMON LYSTER!!!!

COMMENTATOR 2: Well, I guess we know how he got the name "Spine Twister."

COMMENTATOR 1: God, that was vicious, but at least VICK will–

LYSTER looks down at his agonized victim.

He stares out at the crowd.

Then, savagely, he drops down and reapplies the hold!

COMMENTATOR 2: No! This is uncalled for!

COMMENTATOR 1: Get some people out here!

The referee is trying to pull off LYSTER. LYSTER ignores him, squeezing tighter and tighter…

COMMENTATOR 1: Oh, God, did I hear a snap?


Four referees finally wrench LYSTER off the flopping invertebrate that had been TIM VICK. LYSTER shoves them aside and rises to his feet, smiling at his handiwork.

EMTs bring in a stretcher, stabilizing the torqued-out neck as best they can.

ANNOUNCER: The decision has been reversed. Your winner, by disqualification, TIM VICK.

VICK, spasming on the stretcher, looks anything but a winner.


SIMON LYSTER, “THE SPINE TWISTER” stands by, still in ring gear, wearing hooded warmup jacket.

INTERVIEWER: "You had the match won. TIM VICK submitted. And then, after the bell, you reapplied that vicious spine lock to your helpless opponent – not only turning your win into a loss, but sending your opponent to the hospital. Explain yourself!"

LYSTER says nothing for several seconds, fixing INTERVIEWER with an uncomfortable, unblinking stare that causes INTERVIEWER to squirm. Finally, he speaks.

LYSTER: I'm not here because I care about some weakling's tally of wins and losses. I'm here to break men. To show them for the spineless worms they are.

LYSTER steps in closer – INTERVIEWER visibly gulps. LYSTER turns back, looks directly into camera.

LYSTER: Come one, come all. Step up if you have the spine to face me. I promise you…

…you won’t have it for much longer.

LYSTER walks off camera.