X-treme Wrestling Federation
A dead spot along the way... - Printable Version

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A dead spot along the way... - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 08-30-2014

"Some of us prefer illusion to despair."
-Nelson Mundst

Somewhere in Missouri

The Doctor and his patient continue their journey to Ohio. Ben, the patient, driving the red Honda Accord. Doctor Louis D'Ville, the guide for this trip. They sit quietly as the whip through a cornfield at fifty miles per hour. They recently went off the road a few miles back and never bothered turning around. Ben, with the pedal to the floor, had one thing on his mind. Getting the Doctor to his next appointment. At the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio, the Doctor will once again join eleven others in a battle royal. This time for the number one contendership to the Television Title, belonging to Gator. After Monday night the Doctor plans to have two title shots line up in the near future.

The little red car bursts out of the cornfield onto a small dirt road. Without losing speed, the car follows the road creating a large cloud of dust behind it.

Doctor D'Ville- So where do you suppose we're heading, Benjamin?

Ben doesn't answer.

Doctor D'Ville- Well. I suppose I'll start off by saying; hello, my friends. It would seem we've gotten a bit side tracked for the moment, but fear not. The Doctor will be on time for this very important session. You see, when I first arrived here at this company. I never desired titles, awards, belts, or priizes. I never wanted to be risen above anyone else here. But with titles, I would have the recognition and the presence in the XWF to treat any patient I desired. With one title shot along the way and a Television Title shot to be earned this Monday, two titles would be a generous way to show how much time I wish to spend with my patients. Two titles and twice as many patients to myself.

The little red car finally finds a paved road and turns onto it. It approaches a small town and continues along it's merry way. Ben stares ahead through the windshield. Breathing heavily, he turns towards the Doctor.

Doctor D'Ville- And what, I say, seems to be the problem, Benjamin?

Just as the Doctor could finish his sentence the little red car is forced to a stop by a utility pole on the side of the road. The car is nearly split in half and the driver flies out of the car into the air. Ben lands many feet away and rolls on the ground for several more.

About two hours later...

Doctor Louis D'Ville is walking along an abandoned road after his ride wrecked into a a utility pole several miles back.

Doctor D'Ville- I'm sorry about the conditions again, my friends. It seems my travel may be delayed onces again. No worries, though. I plan to follow through with this new plan of mine. Two titles to defend and more patients to examine. But that is in the near future, not now. As for now, I must survive another eleven competitors. I'd like to welcome back Miss Silver. Have you considered what I had said, my dear? Are you still singing and dancing? Are you still still angry? Are you still wondering why you must continue to prove yourself? Prove yourself to who, my dear? Yourself? As your doctor I'm not quite sure I understand. You see, you and I were winners in our previous match, my dear Miss Silver. So as you and Mr. Gunnar continue to dwell about what happened to you well afer that match, you will continue to lose focus on your future endeavors. Yes, you have been placed in another match very similar to your previous one. I did as well! Take the best in this opportunity, Miss Silver. And it is good I see you continue to keep your thoughts on record, my dear. They could perhaps come in handy in any of our later sessions. Although remember, those inner demons you share your thoughts aloud with on paper aren't always there to help you. Take one of our opponents for example.

The Doctor walks along the highway, pulls a flask from his jacket and pulls a drink from it. The rain has finally began to let up. He lights a large cigar and continues his way.

Doctor D'Ville- LH Harrison just cannot seem to get ahold of himself. Voices in your head? Trouble sleeping at night? I do believe I have a card for this...

The Doctor searches his pockets a moment.

Doctor D'Ville- Hm. No time for this. Mister Harrison it seems you are far troubled than I would have guessed. The personality change, rage, the hallucinations, and the blackouts are very serious... You cannot blame your previous encounters with other opponents, my friend. The demons that live inside your head were put there by you and you alone. And it is time to recognize that. Perhaps this inspirational lifestyle you have chosen was such a burden on you that it was breaking your back to continue? Was the pressure to much that it forced something to snap? Let's hope something snaps again come Monday, I'm curious to see first hand what you can really do, my friend. Just do not let that rage get the best of you in there. As you may look at me as the biggest threat for the moment, that could change very quickly, could it not?

Doctor D'Ville- As for the few others involved in my match this, Monday. James Shelby, continue to share your past with us, friend. Tell us about this gangster lifestyle you have inherited that has been passed down through the generations of Shelby and landed you Godfather of the Shelby's. "Peaky Blinders" as you're called. Well, my friend, continue to share these thoughts of your fathers and history of your organization, as it will be important pieces to finding you a cure.

The Doctor throws his cigar to the ground.

Doctor D'Ville- Now before I catch another ride to Columbus here, I say, before I forget. Let me address one last person here. Mister Christopher Fame your confidence coming into this match is astonishing. The men and women you've merely thought nothing of are some of the fiercest competition to date. You're lack of concern, as you will find out, will be your downfall. I am not blowing my own whistle though friend, you have experience in opposite sides in this match. I would be happy to fill you in, but perhaps you may just want to watch Relentless. Then maybe seeing would be believing. It is not my first rodeo, my friend.

Upon turning around, the Doctor sees emergency lights coming his way. It seems to be an ambulance. No sirens coming from it, just the lights flashing.

The ambulance speeds along after recently responding to a single vehicle accident down the road. A young kid hit a utility pole head on, was dead on sight. It didn't take long to finish at the sight. The boy was pronounced dead shortly after they arrived on the scene, nothing they could've done anway. He flew about fifty feet from the vehicle and they guessed he was going about seventy miles per hour. They found him mangled and twisted in a ditch along side of the road.

Paramedic- That guy looked like he's been dead for days, didn't he?

Driver- I don't know, he looked really dead. That's all I can say.

Paramedic- But there was barely any blood. He looked skeleton-like...

Driver- D'you always put this much thought in when you pick up a corpse? 'Cuz if you do, this is the last time your riding with me.

Paramedic- Sorry. I was just saying...

Driver- Well, don't.

The two sit in silence for a moment before an older looking man steps out from nowhere into the middle of the road.

Driver- Woah! Woah! Woah!

Paramedic- Where did he come from?!

The driver pulls the wheel to the left trying to avoid the man and takes the ambulance off of the road. After gaining control of the vehicle again the driver brings it to a stop. The paramedic flew to the back of the ambulance after they went off-road. The driver's face slammed off the steering wheel a few times as well. Getting their wits back, they climb out.

Driver- What the hell was that?

Paramedic- I dunno. Looked like some old guy... I don't konw.

Voice- Hello? Hello, my friends!

The two look up to the road and see a man in white standing. He's carrying a briefcase and is waving to them. None other than our doctor.

Driver- Hey, what the fuck guy?! You stepped right out in front of us driving! You could've been killed! We could've been killed!

Doctor D'Ville- Now, dear sir. Do not fret! You are safe, are you not?

The driver feels around his chest and head.

Driver- Well, I guess I am okay.

Doctor D'Ville- ... And your friend?

The Doctor peers into the soul of the driver and looks to the paramedic standing beside him. The driver shoves the paramedic down and begins choking him with his bare hands. As they wrestle along the ground the Doctor steps over them and walks the the ambulance. The Doctor pulls open the doors and steps inside. The body bag containing the body of what the Doctor presumed was Ben laid inside. He unzips the black body bag and pulls it apart.

Doctor D'Ville- Benjamin?

The Doctor pulls it further apart revealing Ben's face inside.

Doctor D'Ville- Oh, Benjamin??

The Doctor cradles Ben's head in his hands.

Doctor D'Ville- Benjamin!

Ben's eyes fly open and he takes in a huge deep breath.

Doctor D'Ville- My boy, I thought I had lost you.

Ben looks around for a moment and begins sobbing.

Ben- Oh, God... Why, God? Why?!

Doctor D'Ville- Now, Benjamin. This is no time for praying. We still have many, many miles ahead of us. Now, get up.

Ben crawls out of the body bag and jumps out of the back of the ambulance. He looks over and sees the two paramedics killing each other along the road. The Doctor shuts the back doors of the ambulances and the two climb into the cab. Ben drives the vehicle back onto the road and the two continue their journey through Missouri.

[Image: KRtlHry.jpg]