X-treme Wrestling Federation
Preach It - Printable Version

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Preach It - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 08-04-2014

The camera cuts to a dimly lit room which is surrounded by the coldest yet calmest of winds from what seemed like nowhere. Amongst the shadows I stood, only my eyes could be seen, staring at the camera with frozen flames.

A dim light dropped down from the ceiling to reveal a singular wooden chair in the centre of the room. I took my place on the seat, obviously and I continued to stare down the camera lens. I wore a black suit, and had my hair up in bun above my head. My beard was as rugged as ever.

I spoke with a soft ferocity.

“Cainie, I want you to listen to me and listen good because I have never been more serious about anything in my life. There is absolutely no chance that I will be losing this Television Championship on Monday and the only way in which a thing would happen is if somehow you get me to the mat and the less than useless Ozymandias actually manages to hit the mat with his incompetent hand three times in that split second that I am on the mat. If such a thing WERE to happen then I would cash in my briefcase in a heartbeat to win that precious belt back. Speaking of Ozymandias, I warn you Ozy, if you screw me over in this match, I will make you pay. Paul Heyman has my back and he created Madness. He is the reason you’ve got a job, so maybe, just maybe, you should be thanking him rather than fighting, or are you too stupid to see what is right in front of you?

Oh and isn’t that cute, Cainie, that’s what your gal calls you is it? Well isn’t that just the most adorable thing ever? It seems that the first killer isn’t the monster he would have us believe he is. You want to be called a god? You want to be a demon? Well then, it’s time that you stepped up. What have you done so far? You’ve won a championship for a show that no longer exists?”

I clap my hands together, with a grin on my face. Then I pick up my briefcase in my left hand, and my championship in my right, placing it over my shoulder.

“You see Cain, I achieved more two weeks ago then you have in your entire career. You wanted to start something with Steve Davids? Well I have got news for you, demon. When you start a fight with The Psycho Sensation, there’s only one person that’s going to end it and you are looking right at him…”

Then a television emerges in the shadows, it lights up to see part of Cain’s second promo of the week.

Quote:"Because I know that he may not be to keen on speaking with me. Agter all, I have defeated him before. That can be embarassing to a warrior like him. Perhaps he holds a grudge."

“Agter all, that’s an interesting phrase isn’t it? It’s one I have not heard before, do you care to explain, Cainie? The word agter is a new one to my vast vocabulary, I just need the definition. Also, try not to get too caught up in this other ‘warrior’. Whilst I have been particularly busy myself and have spent much less time in the training room than I usually do I am not sure that it will matter because I am just that much better than you. I am more sadistic, strong, passionate and demonic than you could ever imagine. The reason why people tend to fear me is because I do not usually mention the fact that I am more sadistic than one person or another. I do not need to. I let my actions talk for me, Cain. What have you done? Murdered a doctor a few weeks ago because he wouldn’t call you god? Even for me, that’s nuts man. And I hate to be the one to tell you, but unless there is an ancient greek god of irrelevance then you really aren’t anything close to being a god,”

The words came with force. I was angry at Cain. I was angry because despite Cain having so much potential, his ignorance will not allow him to unlock that hidden potential. He refuses to see reality because he is so caught up in his own web of lies. How are we supposed to believe that Cain is truly who he says he is? Cain even says himself that the bible is not entirely true. That doesn’t take a genius to work out. It is renowned for being filled with lies. The bible does, after all (not agter all), claim that the world is merely 6000 years old when in fact, the world is over 4 billion years old and we know this because of facts, not mere myth.

Saying that, it’s an interesting myth, I will give him that. Someone who lacks charisma needs to surround himself with an interesting myth, otherwise there’s no reason to invest in him.

“I respect your desire to face me though, Cain. I must admit that it is awfully brave of you to want to face me again, brave or merely stupid. Especially considering that most people who feel the wrath of the Game Over, don’t usually want to feel it again. I suppose that’s your job though isn’t it? To avoid getting hit by that maneuver because we both know that once I do hit it, then it’s all but over. I have to be careful, because although i have beaten you once before, it would be foolish of me to overlook you. It’s like I said, once you unlock that potential, then maybe, just maybe, you might be able to give me a decent match. That day is yet to come, I fear. Or don’t, depends which way you look at it,”

I rarely allowed my sense of humour to shine through, but I must admit, the thought of Cain expecting us to believe that he is a biblical being does make me laugh. I had enough enemies though, would it be wise to mock religion yet again?

“You see Cain, as a man who claims that he is Adam’s son, I assume that you do believe in a large amount of the bible and you see, I have a problem with that. I am not sure this battle need to be made anymore personal but religion is for the weak. You see, many people are brought up on religion and therefore accept it as fact or a way of life. They are weak because they do not wake up and look at the facts. The facts that show that the things that they read are simply impossible and it is proven so. There are also some that believe in religion because they want something to cling on to. They refuse to believe that once they die they merely become worm’s meat. That IS what happens. Yet it seems to be so difficult for so many to understand and I am not sure why that is, perhaps it is fear? Naivety? Or as I say, simply… weakness. It is a rather horrid thought to think that once we die, we are dead, forever. There’s nothing more. It almost makes you feel numb about the life you live now, what really is the point? To create history, that’s the point, and that’s exactly what i am doing. What are you doing? Attacking the innocent and the weak because they refuse to lie to your face? You are a joke of a human being… you are that by the way, a human being. I will prove it because I will rip you open from limb to limb and see what Cainie wainie is made of.

Best of luck Cain, I am looking forward to defeating you, again. Maybe, just maybe, this little feud of ours will finally be over. Game Over.”

I smirked and looked at the Television Championship on my shoulder as the shot faded.