X-treme Wrestling Federation
Dear Moonshine, you suck - Printable Version

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Dear Moonshine, you suck - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 07-15-2014

"Hello, Lover. How are you? Looks like we're going to face off in the ring. So fitting, because I've wanted to beat the shit out of you for a long time. Almost as long as I've known you. Why has it taken so long for me to beat you? Because you ran away like a bitch, and gave some bullshit answer. You were in Prison. Seriously? You last visited in April, and came back like 2 months later claiming to have been in Prison? What did you go to Prison for? And for such a small amount of time. You know Prison is for felonies, which earn more than a year, right? And it takes more than 2 months for the legal process to begin and end, usually. What's the deal with your disappearance for real?

Was it because everyone laughed at you, especially with that tard stutter you were rocking? What happened with that? We know I dicked you so hard you went full on Timmy, and then you pop back talking all normal like 2 weeks later. You should probably try and stop with the whole reinventing yourself every other day, maybe find one joke of a personality and stick with it. Trust me, the whole needy whiny bit worked best, even if it did cause Azrael to abandon you, and you make me cheat on you repeatedly. Also best if you would just stick to Ally, because I'm sure you and her can cry at each other like the useless bags of cunt you are.

Actually, maybe bring back the stuttering Stanley bitch boy. It was more fun to make fun of you. Not that we don't enjoy making fun of you anyway, but the stuttering was just piles of extra fun. Who doesn't enjoy making fun of a goth boy that stutters and thinks he's a vampire. Yeah, thinks, because we all know you're not good enough to be a vampire. Seriously, you're less than Edward Cullen, and we all know he's the weakest vampire to ever exist. Bitch, you constantly get your ass kicked. A vampire would have been able to beat NAZI, or Matt Ward, or Scott Charlotte. Come to think of it, when's the last time you won a match, Moon shine? You or that sister of yours?

I remember when I met your sister in the ring one time. It was pretty awesome.

Quote:Frodo runs into the ring, abandoning his normal theatrics! He makes it about halfway down the ring before APM hits the speakers. When it does so we see the King of Dwarves running quickly being followed by Mr. Smith. The pair make it into the ring and Frodo gestures to NAZI before sliding into the ring and catching Minx with a Shayouken that senders her flopping over the top rope. He then throws his hoodie right on top of Minx's face.

"Hold this shit for me."

Oddly, that was the last time she popped around as well. About 6 weeks after she supposedly got put on house arrest. What supposed crimes did she commit? Was it stealing the hearts of millions? Nah, no one besides Zeke really likes her. Was it perhaps for being a useless pile of monkey shit? I realize that's not a crime, but she should be locked away for it. I mean, how horrible is it when Radio's the one leaving you. Let's step back and let that sink in. I left you, Azrael left you, and Radio left your sister. Something tells me your family gets left a lot, like the fat chick at prom. Did you go to Prom, Zakky? Probably not, you were too busy crying over Anne Rice's husband dying or something.

Speaking of family, I have this question, there buckaroo. You're 21, but you got your MD, not possible unless you went to Med school at 13, it's 4 for your Pre-Med, then another 4 for med. Also, your grandfather lived 400 years ago. Right, which makes sense if you're a really old vampire. But that's the thing, you're not. So, either your grandfather did the impossible and had kids as a vamp, or you've got no understanding of Time. Is this like the Stigma thing? You just throw words around to sound impressive? Well, you fell short, there cupcake.

Speaking of falling short, your cock is tiny. Yeah, it's incredibly tiny. I know, I said otherwise, but I lied. Just like when I said I loved you. No one loves you, except maybe your sister. But she loves you in the wrong ways. It's not right for her to still be wiping your ass. And it's definitely wrong for her to be using her tongue to do it. That's just fucking weird. Don't deny it happening, we all know how fucked up you wannabe vampires are, so you probably even had her lactate in your cereal bowl for you when she was nursing. Speaking of that shit, isn't one of your nephews like 8? How a 21 year old have an 8 year old kid? And how do vampires have kids? They're dead. That means their bodies don't work like that, hence the lack of aging. Are we just making stuff up to sound impressive? Because I'm pretty sure you told me after you bit me I'd never get sick again. And the other day I had the flu. That's a sickness. I also had a bout of Botulism last week. That's a sickness, too. How you explain that?

Ain't you supposed to be able to like enchant me or something? How come I cheated on you so much, then? Oh yeah, you thought Jimmy Durance was the only time, didn't you? I fucked the ever loving shit out of Gwen when we were together. Hell, I hired prostitutes. I fucked like Caligula, and sometimes I wouldn't even shower afterwards. I once fucked Gwen up the ass, bareback, and didn't wash it. Then I let you give me head. Imagine that. You gonna cry about that? Fuck up your mascara? Have to draw on new eye brows? Fuck off. I'm out, ."

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