X-treme Wrestling Federation
Bear Pajamas and awkward conversations (2) - Printable Version

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Bear Pajamas and awkward conversations (2) - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 07-02-2014

"I am not gay, Fred. You know that. Why would you think that?"

Frodo looks around the room.

"Cause Katie's standing here in a pirate costume when there's a Victoria's Secret bag on the bed. Either you're gay, you asked her to model and she did the pirate, which makes you a shit friend, or you're being too respectful of me to try anything with my stripper daughter. And we're not good enough friends for you to be that respectful to me. So, it's either that you tried to see my daughter in a way you shouldn't, or you're gay. Which one do you think would appease me?"

He finishes the can of Fancy Feast, throws it on the ground, and pulls another one out of his pocket. Crack looks confused.

"Mother fucker! You know I'm not gay. And yes, I find Katie attractive, but no I would not ask her to do anything like that. And why the fuck are you eating Cat Food? The fuck is wrong with you?"

"Yeah, Crack would never ask that, and if he did I'd tell you or Smith. Anyway, yeah, the Fancy Feast is a little odd."

She began to jiggle her fake hook hand at Frodo.

"I like it. It calms me down. How do you people not know this, and Sarah does? I only met her two friggen weeks ago. You, Katie, I've known for like 4 times that. And you, Crack. I've known you since we day one at Google. Come on, man. You guys should know me better than this."

Crack and Katie just looked at each other. Neither had seen him eat Fancy Feast, but they had seen the empty cans. Katie just assumed he had a cat that never left his room or something. Crack knew better than to ask.

They continued to stare at each other and just shrugged.

"Who cares, what is important is that Sarah and I are going to up to Grayling for a bit. We will we back after my match on Monday. I've pre-ordered your flight tickets. I expect to see you at the Airport. We're leaving in the morning, good night."

The next morning

Frodo was up and ready with a suitcase packed full of stuff. He was standing in the living room looking impatient. Katie came out of her room wearing some footie pajamas with a bear's head hood on them. They even had little gloves that were paws. Frodo stared at her for a second, the jealousy filling him. He had to know where she got her pajamas so he could get something like them. They were awesome. Sarah came scurrying out of Frodo's room with a bag in one hand her blow dryer hanging out of her mouth by the cord.

She ran into the sofa, tripped and fell onto it. She rolled onto the floor and dropped the blow dryer on her stomach as she sat up and caught a glimpse of Katie's pajamas, even noticed there was a little tail on the butt.

"Nice tail you got there, Katie. I'm sure it's quite the story. Bwahahaha. Get it, tail, story. As in tale. Come on, I am funny."

Frodo just shook his head.

"It's a good think you're cute, Sarah. Anyway, where'd you get the Jammies, sweetie? I want a set."

Katie looked up from the Coffee she was pouring.

"Not sure. Mom got them for me for Christmas. They're pretty awesome, right? I wonder if Flynn would like it. Daddy, do boys like girls who wear animal clothing?"

"Who cares. No man will see what you wear in the morning until I see 2 rings on that finger of yours. And Ringpops do not count. I'll kill a mother fucker for getting you a ring pop."

She stared at him in utter confusion. He just burst up laughing.

"Wouldn't it be odd if I was a father like that? Listen, sweetie. A guy is going to like you no matter what you wear in the mornings. Because you're a fun girl, and you're very pretty. Honestly, I've seen your mom, and I've seen me. I don't know where you got your looks, but you did, so good on you. Just remember these rules. You and whoever you sleep with wear pants in public areas, I don't want to hear sex noises, I don't want to see you getting a cock in any hole, or anything going into said holes, if he tells me about your prowess in bed I will pull a Ramsay Snow on his ass, and lastly, if you fuck any of my friends I will murder them and sew your shit shut. Good deal?"

Katie took a sip from her coffee and nodded her head in agreement. Sarah just looked at Frodo like he stabbed a child.

"What the fuck was that? That's some kind of weird father conversation thing you've got going on."

"What? She knows all she needs to know about the other stuff. She fucked a weird Time Lord thing. I just have to give out my house rules. Also, Katie, find out from your mother where she got those pajamas. I want a set."

"You had her shot. I don't think she'll be so forthright with that information for you."

"She survived, and don't tell her it's for me. Tell her you want another set. Anyway, we're leaving."

Frodo grabbed Sarah's bag and the pair headed off down to take her car off towards the wonderous woods of Grayling, for some fishing, relaxing, and no internet. Katie finished her coffee after they left, then grabbed a banana and peeled it. She didn't take a bite, just walked into Crack's room holding it, where she caught him masturbating.

"Thinking of me, are you?"

He stopped and just looked at her, hand still posed for combat.

"You just gonna watch, or offer some help?"

She put her mouth around the banana and sliding it most of the way down the fruit, while maintaining eye contact with Crack. She pulled back some, to a normal sized bite, and bit it like normal. After chewing and swallowing she finally spoke.

"Nah, I'm gonna go. Just wanted to make this a little more awkward for you. Gonna shower, though. Think of that."

She walked off towards the bathroom and left her pajamas outside in the hallway, and locked the door. Just to keep messing with Crack.