X-treme Wrestling Federation
Rosemont is not a safe place. (RP5) - Printable Version

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Rosemont is not a safe place. (RP5) - Dusty Wyatt - 04-23-2014

Scene 1 - Out of Character interview with the wrestling channel.

Dusty Wyatt is taking a break from his manic character and joins the retired Dixie Carter, who now reports on various wrestling news from around the world. The cameras role and the interview begins.

•Dixie Carter•
Ladies and Gentleman welcome to another episode of Meet the Man behind the Star. Joining me today, an up and comer at XWF, Dusty Wyatt.

Dixie turns to Dusty.

•Dixie Carter•
Dusty, Welcome to the show.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Thankyou, it's great to be here.

•Dixie Carter•
You have been in XWF for less than a month, how are you finding it working for one of the biggest, if not, The biggest organisations in wrestling entertainment today.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Well Dixie, I am finding it a great place to work. The boss, as I'm sure you know, is brilliant. Looks after everyone who pulls their weight and has certainly invested in some of the most unique and exciting talents in the world today, people like Jon Plex, Kendall Sawyer, Romulus, Swagmire, Elisha, Mandii, Wyatt Reynolds and Tommy Gunn to name a few. Not only that, but the XWF board have managed to aquire talent from other companies such as Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar.

•Dixie Carter•
And that brings me onto my next question, what is it like working with proven personel such as Paul? I mean I've known Paul for years, he is a talented manager and his input is always respected. Have you had chance to speak with him yet?

•Dusty Wyatt•
To be honest we haven't really spoke. He acknowledged me when I was doing media and ring work before I made my XWF debut. He said hi and gave me some sound advice briefly, which I appreciated. But, the thing with Paul is, he is so busy. The guy is a workhorse, he never stops and I guess that's the passion and drive you need to be successful in this business. I'm sure I will have the chance to speak to him further down the line, at the moment I am focused on improving everyday and giving the fans the entertainment they deserve.

•Dixie Carter•
I see, well you definitely seem motivated. Now, as we all know, since World War X, the NWO have been causing Havoc in XWF, how as that affected your development and the choices you make kayfabe wise?

•Dusty Wyatt•
To be honest Dixie, it's been a blessing in disguise. I have all the respect in the world for the NWO, for what they have achieved in this business, and with them doing what their doing at the moment, it's allowed me to sneak in under the radar so to speak, I've had chance to sit back and take it all in. Learn from certain guys and I know when a chance prevents itself I will take it.

•Dixie Carter•
Of course, and speaking of chances, the Wednesday Warfare NWO Battle Royale is coming up. How do you see that panning out and can we expect much from your character?

•Dusty Wyatt•
Well, I think people will be surprised, I know creative are working around the clock, and things are changing every minute. I will be apart of it and I will give everything I have to put on a performance. I know the die hard fans are excited about this show, and the possibility of a new guy winning it, so who knows. All I can say is make sure you tune in when it goes live.

•Dixie Carter•
Thankyou for the time being, we are off to a commercial, there will be more from Dusty Wyatt after these ads.

The show goes off air for a few minutes, Dusty and Dixie can be hard on their mics having a private conversation.

•Dixie Carter•
Hey Dusty, I just heard Jon Plex has cut another promo, we have time to watch it if you like?

•Dusty Wyatt•
Sure, why not. I got to say, Jon is growing on me. Dude has talent, I remember hearing about him in my time at FCW. I am looking forward to putting on a show with on Warfare.

During the ads, Dusty watches the promo on Dixie's laptop. 2 long minutes later and the show is about to back onto air. Dixie has herself set and ready, but Dusty is laughing uncontrollably, his face becomes red with embarrassment as Dusty laughs so hard he FARTS.

•Dixie Carter•
Ladies and Gentleman welcome back, I am joined by Dusty Wyatt, twin brother of the WWE's Bray Wyatt. Before the break we got a little insight into Dusty's time in XWF so far, Now I am sorry to announce that due to unforeseen problems we have to go off air. To fill the time we have been authorised to show highlights from Mondays NWO battle royale. Thankyou for understanding and tune in next time for more from Meet the Man behind the Star.

The show goes off the air. On the sofa Dusty is still laughing hysterically, Dixie tries to calm him down but then decides to let Dusty snap out of it in his own time.
Minutes later Dusty wipes the tears of laughter from his eyes and calms down.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Ohhhhh Dixie, I apologise, I am so sorry. But this is your fault, if you hadn't have shown me that God awful promo then I wouldn't have nearly shit myself through laughing so hard, ohhh Dear Lord.

Yes Dusty?

•Dusty Wyatt•

•Dixie Carter•
What is it Dusty? What the hell is so funny?

•Dusty Wyatt•
Ohhhhh shit. Nothing, I was just thinking back to that promo and something funny popped into my head, hahaha. I can't take this shit, I'm going to have a Hernia.
Dixie, thank you for the opportunity, but I must get back to work. I appreciate your time and thank you once again.

•Dixie Carter•
No problem, it was...different to say the least. Good luck in the Battle Royale and the rest of your XWF career. Bye.

Dusty shakes Dixie's hand and leaves hehe building, still trying to suppress the laughter brought on by Jon Plex.

End Scene 1


Scene 2 - Rosemont, I'm here.

Dusty Wyatt is in Rosemont, illinois, walking the streets late at night. He spots an African prostitute I'm the distance and observes her for a few moments while singing to himself quietly.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Catching flies in his mouth
Tasting Freedom
While He dares
Then Crawling Back
Back to the top
Top of the stairs, The staires
He wont see the sun again for years to come
"He's Broken Out In Love"
Like a Cow
Without a care
Roaming freely, Through the streets.
You could find him in amongst the pigeons in the street.
But you'll wont see the sun again for years to come
"He's Broken Out In Love"

Dusty then becomes silent. Making his way towards the prostitute, she notices him approaching and starts giving him lip.

Da fuq you want hillbilly? You ain't getting a piece of this for cheap yano.

She said as she clicked her fingers and then put her hands on her hips.

•Dusty Wyatt•
My, My, My dear. You have a little attitude don't you. Where did you get that from? One of the many yeast infected dicks that you try to suck?

Say what? Da fuq this nigga on? You know i'll fuq you up right? Eh, try to suck? Fuq you mayne, I suck like a pro i'll have you know, I give the best bee jays on the planet nigga, so don't you be all up in my grill saying shit, fucking cracker.

•Dusty Wyatt•
You knowwww, I think I've met your mother before, yeah, definitely. My daddy went to school with her. I'm sure he told me the bitch was the only African to run track meets bare footed, and that for some gorilla meat and a toothpick, she would suck on a pee pee.

Say what nigga? I'm gonna fuq you up.

The prostitute starts looking around for help, she calls out for anyone to aid her.

Somebody blast this fool.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Sorry ma'am, but there ain't nobody around to save you tonight.

The prostitute, looking worried, toe punts Dusty Wyatt straight between his legs in his junk. Dusty drops to the floor, holding his man parts with both hands, his eyes crossed and face red from the pain.

Dat's right cracker, nobody fux wit Latisha.

The prozzy walks off with her hips swiveling with each step. Wyatt looks on bemused, trying to catch his breath. He eventually rolls onto his back, looking up at the stars, laughing as he just lays there with his arms spread.
In a squeaky tone, Dusty utters a few words.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Rosemont....I'm Here.

The scene ends with Dusty closing his eyes as he is lay in a puddle. Will he recover in time for the upcoming Battle Royale?

End Scene 2


Scene 3 - Who is Jon Plex?

This scene opens up with Dusty in disguise, he has a XWF camera crew following him. Dusty is taking to the streets of Illinois, asking people if who there favourite Stars are in XWF. Dusty approaches a group of around eight people who are listening to music on a boombox outside a college.
Dusty changes his accent slightly and is unrecognisable.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Guys, GUYS, you'ver heard of XWF right?

Various speech can be heard from the group. "Fuck Yeah", "I'm a Paul Heyman Guy" and "I would fuck Mandii within an inch of her life" are a few chosen words said as they respond.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Right, you in the pink T. Who is your favourite superstar at the moment?

The man responds with "Theo Pryce is the man" all of a sudden they woman next to him says "uh uh, Hogan rules bitch"

•Dusty Wyatt•
That's great, and what do you guys think of, oh I don't know...let's say, Jon Plex...

Everyone goes silent, the only noise is provided by a slight whistling of sorts as a hay barrel rolls by. After a few moments someone responds with "Who", to which Dusty tries not to smirk.

•Dusty Wyatt•
You know? JON PLEX? TOP SHELF? C'mon on guys, surely you have heard of him?

Everyone looks at each other confused, they honestly have no fucking idea who Jon Plex is. They start to ROFL and one individual says "You fuckin' wit us right?". Dusty can barely hold back himself, but he manages to compose himself.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Guys, you have been great, thanks for your time.

Dusty walks on and turns to the camera, as he finishes up the group he just spoke can be seen laughing still in the backround. One seems to have wet themselves.

•Dusty Wyatt•
Well that's all we have time for. It's unanimous. No one actually knows who in the hell Jon "I like men licking my pecs" Plex is. Top Shelf? Nope, that guy has been in the stock room all this time and that is exactly where he will stay. Jon, you're out of time, you're out of luck and in the Battle Royale, you will suck.

The scene ends, and for now. So odes Dusty Wyatt's hate campaign against Jon Plex. Stay tuned folks.