X-treme Wrestling Federation
There'll be peace when you are done {Part 3} - Printable Version

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There'll be peace when you are done {Part 3} - AlexandraCallaway - 03-23-2014

Alexandra and Marcus made their way back upstairs, he led her to a room, where she could rest, while he, being a vampire, must feed. She smiled and walked onto the balcony with him, still carrying the book.. The two shared another kiss, and before she could open her eyes, he was gone in a flash, leaving her standing on the balcony, her hand, holding the book, pressed to her chest. She looked up to the moon, her bright blue eyes searching it. She made her way back inside, sitting down at the antique desk placed in the room. Everything in the room was very Roman in nature, and she had to wonder if this was Marcus's room. She placed the book on the desk and took out a few sheets of parchment she saw sitting there. She grabbed a calligraphy pen that was sitting on the desk and dipped it in the ink, open the book she began to read it, strange how the words were easy for her to understand. She took all the notes she could, trying to find out more about the stigma. She had promised to help, and she didn't plan on waiting for daylight to come. She poured all that she had left in her to read over every single page and pull out the information she would need. She would find out exactly what caused it and try to save everyone. This was a lot for one person, but then again.. she wasn't exactly normal was she? No.. not in the slightest. She was stronger than most, and could see things.. things no one else could.. and if they could... they wouldn't admit it. When it came down to it, she made a promise to a man. A man she knew she could trust to keep his word. If she should fall in this war, he would watch over her children, and raise them, in the family, as if they were his own. She knew Marcus would keep his word, at least, if this should all go pear shaped, they would be safe. Safe in the home of some of the oldest vampire clans in the world. Safe in the arms of the immortals.

Knock Knock

A rapping on the door told her that someone had come to her, for what she couldn't be sure, until the bright lights of day shone in through the window. It shook her from her silent study of the journal in front of her. She looked around, and still didn't see Marcus. She stood and rose to the door, knowing that no one here would harm her. She opened the door a little and her eyes fell upon a young man, obviously a vampire, his pale skin giving him away.

"Ms, I am Tobias, I was told to inform you that your children would be arriving shortly. Their car was just at the gate."

"Thank you Tobias..thank you very much." Alexandra took a deep breath and made a happy smile. She was. It had been weeks since she had seen her children. "I shall be right down."

Alexandra places the journal back into the drawer, locking it and placing the key around her necklace. She smiled and walked out the door and walked down the staircase as the door opened. Her children ran through the door and Alexandra dropped to her knees, holding out her arms for them. She holds them all close, closing her eyes softly. She could feel eyes on her, and it caused her to look up. Marcus was looking down at her smiling. She let go of her children and stood.

"Jackson and Ashlynn, this is Marcus, he knows Zak and Micah. And your momma."

They turned around and smiled at him, before he lead them into the other room. Alexandra sat in the middle of the floor, her children sitting around her. They had managed to find the board games, that Marcus had sat out. They smiled at him and started to play. Alexandra watched her children play. Her eyes left them for a few moments, to look over at Marcus. She mouthed Thank you and he smiled back. Hours passed while they played and got to know Marcus. He watched them from across the room, still keeping his smile. She turned to look at her kids and spoke.

"Momma has to run an errand. I will be back in more than enough time to tell you all goodnight." She looks to Marcus, as her kids hugged her and were escorted from the room. "I am going to get something that we need to help save Zak."

"You tell his sister anything...and Circenn will follow through with his threat."

She looks at him, cocking her head to the side. She rested her hands on his chest, wanting to be close to him.

"I'm not going to tell her anything. Look, if I am going to go back, I'm going to need the right kind of clothes. She said she found some old books and stuff... those things could help right? I promise you, I wont betray your trust. I'm just going to get this information, and I'll be right back."

Marcuse nodded and kissed her forehead, his hands shaking softly.

"Marcus.. your shaking like a leaf. What's wrong love? Is there something you need to say before I go?"

She leaned against him, pressing their foreheads together. She captures his lips in a kiss for a few moments. Then she looked into his eyes, wanting to know everything that he was thinking.

"Nothing, still coming down from the high. Now go."

Alexandra looked at him.

"Honestly.. a high.. come on.. please.. don't close up on me now Marcus."

"I shake with a high. Just make sure you come back. Your kids don't trust me as is."

"Yes they will." She looked at him. "I promise I will." She backed away biting her lip. "Marcus.."

Marcus kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly. "You'll be late, you better go and get your ride. Just hurry back."

She watched him as he walked back into the room as the kids came downstairs. Ally hugged and kissed them both, before heading to the door.

"Hey." They turned around to look at her. "I love you both, so much. Do me a favor, trust Marcus. He'll keep you safe when mommas not home."

They smiled at her at her and nodded as they spoke.

"We will momma. We'll listen to him. I love you momma." Ashlynn spoke.

She watched the two of them go back into the room and Ashlynn walked over to look up at him, offering her hand. He pulled away and shook his head. Alexandra headed out the door into the waiting car. They drove her to Micah's manor house, and Alexandra slipped out of the car. She smiled and straightened her shirt, thanking Marcus's driver, who slipped back into the car and drove off. Alexandra made her way up the steps and rang the front door bell. Micah answered the door, dressed in black sweat pants, a fitted black tank top, and her hair was in a ponytail, dust hung from the ends of her hair.

"Ally? What.. when did you get here?"

She opened the door to let Ally into the house. She followed her behind her, watching as Micah almost skipped along. A strange sensation hung in the air. She didn't know how to describe it, it was different. Micah was different. She moved into a room and the two women looked around.

"I'm just doing some cleaning. I want to air out these rooms, to get things cleaned up."

She smiled at Alexandra and looked around. She started going through the boxes in the room and Alexandra found a box to go through too.

"Wow, these things are beautiful. So many old things."

"Family heirlooms. Some books go back hundreds of years so make sure your very careful. Some are so old that the pages are brittle and sharp."

Micah smiled and she looked over at the single long, stemmed rose that sat in a crystal vase in the window. Alexandra looked at her and smiled. She didn't want that to happen. To bleed in front of a vampire, not a smart thing. She smiled again and turned back to the boxes she was going through.

"I'll be as careful as possible. I did promise to return to the manor house tonight." She turned back into the box she was going through. She ran her hand down a book, pulling it out. "Oh this is beautiful, so.. Ouch." Alexandra instantly dropped the book, pulling her hand into her chest. "Oh God.. Micah.. I'm sorry.. I got to go..."

She turned away from her cupping her hand to her chest, trying to stop the bleeding as she headed for the door. The smell of blood reached Micah's nose and she tensed. Her eyes darkened and within an instant, she stood in front of Alexandra. A deep growl escaped her throat as she grabbed Alexandra's arm, throwing her back into the room.

"Micah please... please stop.. Micah..."

Another growl was all Alexandra got as Micah rushed forward, her hand tangling in Alexandra's hair. They fought and struggled with each other for a few minutes before Alexandra managed to get away. Micah's black tank top had been shredded to bits and some still hung in Ally's hand.


The vampire snarled and stood, her eyes filled with hunger and rage as she attacked again. Alexandra tried to run, refusing to kill her best friend. That was Alexandra's mistake. She turned her back again, lunging for the door. Micah caught her from behind and threw her against the wall. Before Alexandra could move again, she had been trapped against the wall, Micah pressed against her, sniffing at her neck. Micah took a hand full of her hair, wrapping it tightly in her hand. She slipped her leg between Alexandra's and pressed against her. With one swift moment, Micah's mouth was on Alexandra's neck. She dug her teeth into the soft flesh located there. Alexandra pushed at her with all that she had, fighting for her children's sake, for Marcus.. for her life. But it was to no avail, Micah had her. She grew weaker and weaker. Micah grabbed her hands, holding her against the wall, as the sweet blood of the fallen angel, flowed into her mouth.


She managed to get out, in her last dying breath. Alexandra slumped to the floor, Micah moving with her as she drained the last bit of life from her. Alexandra looked up into Micah's eyes as the light left hers. Alexandra took her last breath, her death, brought on by the hands of her best friend.