X-treme Wrestling Federation
A brief message concerning the War. - Printable Version

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A brief message concerning the War. - Amos James Jr. - 03-05-2014

World War X...Man, ya'll boys just don't get it. Ya'll callin' this a war but "war" means they's some kinda' speculation on who's winnin'. Two equal sides goin' at each other's throats. Naw, man...This ain't no war. This ain't no war at all. See, this fight's done happened time and time again and it just keeps repeatin' itself. I guess I can see how ya'll could be so blind to what's happenin'. Heh, to all ya'll this looks like somethin' that ain't happened yet, but to The Almighty, and those that he set aside and deified such as myself...Man, we already see it. It's like one little toy in the palm of our hands and we see everything that ever was or ever will be and let me tell you boys somethin'...This war ends bad for you.

A brief message concerning the War. - Weapon:Ashen - 03-05-2014

[After staring for quite some time at the excellent make up job of Amos.]

Target:James #2 - When you speak of the almighty, are you referring to myself or to those who created me? Some clarification would be nice, and some understandable words would assist you in that matter but you'd need to discontinue the deep throating of those elongated reptiles in order to accomplish THAT! HA! Now go bake me a potato. This war as they call it is just a platform for me to reclaim my federation. Any blind waggle bagga can SEE that!!!

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Amos James Jr. - 03-05-2014

Heh...The Almighty ain't been created, boy. Almighty's always been and always will be and you ain't stoppin' the work he's done made.

A brief message concerning the War. - Weapon:Ashen - 03-05-2014

Prepare for your extermination. The almighty will have a front row seat of your failure to further his cause, Target:James#2. If your almighty was anything of omnipotence or even slightly talented in impersonating such, you'd already know this war doesn't exist. You're all victims to THE LIE, in truth. Lie with me, you smelly FUCK! LIIIEEEE WIIITH MEEEEEEEEEE!!!! HAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHA HA HAHAHA heh...HA! Ok, it's not really THAT funny, guys. You SHUT Weapon:Ashen's fucking mouth, Shane! YOU SHUT IT NOW!!!!

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Amos James Jr. - 03-05-2014

Hell, boy...You right. First damn thing I said was this ain't no war, boy. The end has already happened for an eternity. The Almighty stands tall with His Congregation when the dust settles.

A brief message concerning the War. - Weapon:Ashen - 03-05-2014

The war was already identified as just a play, yet you believe your side will stand tall after... dust settles. What will be raising this dust? A FUCKING PICNIC WITH FALLACIES OF THE PHALLUS YOUR ALMIGHTY WAGS AT YOUR MOUTH AND DEMANDS YOU TO STIMULATE? You see this as something different than what it is, just like all of them, TARGET...

Only I, Shane , win this dust picnic! ...with the aid of my instrument of destruction, and my LIE.

Now fall... FALL! The ROT is no LIE. Believe us... believe yourself. Oh yes most of all, you sexy little waggle bagga, believe your own words. It's never as satisfying if the lambs are already dead on arrival.
Have you enjoyed seeing what has happened each time your keeper has crossed my path? What's wrong? Has his tongue already been cut out before I could meet him a third time and do it myself?

I am cutting out Eli's tongue. Stop me, Amos. Stop me...

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Amos James Jr. - 03-05-2014

Papa Eli's tongue is fire and it can't be cut, boy. Unlike your neck. It's already done lit a fire in this place and soon it's all gone be ashes, son. Soon, ya'll gone see AGAIN that Papa Eli speaks Truth. You hear me? You hear me!? You best listen close...ALL ya'll heathens best listen...If you do...IF YOU DID...You'd be spared all the trials that have done passed and the tribulations that's comin'! Naw, son...You can play your little games all you like, but this has already happened. The Congregation owns this place. The Congregation owns all of creation! And they will FOREVER because that's the work The Almighty gave us.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Neonero - 03-05-2014

Interesting, it appears Amos is the Congregation's token clown. Does this comedy routine boost morale? Maybe we should elect a clown on our team. Swaggy?

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - John Samuels - 03-05-2014

"Well that's gotta be pretty embarrassing, eh Foghorn? Ol' Nero here can barely open his eyes and even he can see that you're just a joke."

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 03-05-2014

Have you seen Death, Amos? Have you seen misery? Suffering? I'm a ghost, Amos. I died. The pole, it killed me. I felt the life leave me. And yet here I stand. Aren't you the Loa of Death? Tell me how I exist, then. How can I be? And Ashen. He's been brought back. He witnessed Jesus Christ fall. The fall of the King. He was there for, yet Ashen stands before you. Betrayal with a kiss. Shane stands before. Eli and your boys didn't stop him, and Death didn't stop me. I'm working on becoming corporeal, and if I do then that'll be another spit in the face of your god. Your little gang should cease their prattling and bow before Theo, Ashen, myself, and John Samuels.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Amos James Jr. - 03-05-2014

Have I seen death? Has Baron Samedi seen death? I am the Lord of the Rot and Resurrection. The fact you all still here in any capacity is testament to my will and the will of He who sent me. Ya'll go on mockin' and jokin' and playin' ya' games, though. Keep playin' same as always 'n' same as I knowed you would.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Miranda Tigris - 03-05-2014

(03-05-2014, 03:28 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: Your little gang should cease their prattling and bow before the little gang I just how happen to try to claim membership to.

There, Frodo. Doesn't it feel so much better when you say what you actually mean?

You're pathetic. Both sides are.

This "war" or whatever you want to call it is nothing. Nothing, at all. Do you really think that things will be settled in this manner? Worse yet; that whatever you think will be resolved will have a permanent, lasting effect?

Allow me to spoil the ending for you: it won't.

But keep on acting like you're making a difference. All of your motivation is admirable, if misplaced.

You'd all make excellent sheep. Oh, wait.

You're already proving that.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 03-05-2014

I know you killed that woman, but have you felt death take you? Have you felt the final beat of your heart? Have you watched you blood fall from your body knowing you can't stop it? I have. I have seen the afterlife, and I have seen the truth to whether or not god exists. I will not share that knowledge with you, but I can promise you that it is not something you want to know. You don't want to see the end times, you do not wish to see what awaits you when they close your eyes for good.

Trust me boy, and I have no beef with you to say this. I'm a ghost I'm not involved in your human fights, this is not a path you want to follow. Amos, and Eli, there is no peace in the next world. Not for people like us. I'm sorry to shatter the worlds for you, we were made to suffer, and suffer you will if you ever join me. There will be no heaven for us. If it's real, we'll never see it.

(03-05-2014, 07:20 PM)Miranda Tigris Said:
(03-05-2014, 03:28 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: Your little gang should cease their prattling and bow before the little gang I just how happen to try to claim membership to.

There, Frodo. Doesn't it feel so much better when you say what you actually mean?

You're pathetic. Both sides are.

This "war" or whatever you want to call it is nothing. Nothing, at all. Do you really think that things will be settled in this manner? Worse yet; that whatever you think will be resolved will have a permanent, lasting effect?

Allow me to spoil the ending for you: it won't.

But keep on acting like you're making a difference. All of your motivation is admirable, if misplaced.

You'd all make excellent sheep. Oh, wait.

You're already proving that.

Sorry, Miranda. I'm dead. I don't belong in any crew. I'm a ghost, doll. As a ghost I have no sides in this war. I'll keep haunting until you call Bill Murray to get rid of me.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Miranda Tigris - 03-05-2014

(03-05-2014, 07:22 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: I know you killed that woman, but have you felt death take you? Have you felt the final beat of your heart? Have you watched you blood fall from your body knowing you can't stop it? I have. I have seen the afterlife, and I have seen the truth to whether or not god exists. I will not share that knowledge with you, but I can promise you that it is not something you want to know. You don't want to see the end times, you do not wish to see what awaits you when they close your eyes for good.

Trust me boy, and I have no beef with you to say this. I'm a ghost I'm not involved in your human fights, this is not a path you want to follow. Amos, and Eli, there is no peace in the next world. Not for people like us. I'm sorry to shatter the worlds for you, we were made to suffer, and suffer you will if you ever join me. There will be no heaven for us. If it's real, we'll never see it.

(03-05-2014, 07:20 PM)Miranda Tigris Said:
(03-05-2014, 03:28 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: Your little gang should cease their prattling and bow before the little gang I just how happen to try to claim membership to.

There, Frodo. Doesn't it feel so much better when you say what you actually mean?

You're pathetic. Both sides are.

This "war" or whatever you want to call it is nothing. Nothing, at all. Do you really think that things will be settled in this manner? Worse yet; that whatever you think will be resolved will have a permanent, lasting effect?

Allow me to spoil the ending for you: it won't.

But keep on acting like you're making a difference. All of your motivation is admirable, if misplaced.

You'd all make excellent sheep. Oh, wait.

You're already proving that.

Sorry, Miranda. I'm dead. I don't belong in any crew. I'm a ghost, doll. As a ghost I have no sides in this war. I'll keep haunting until you call Bill Murray to get rid of me.

Hmm, a ghost sheep? Not too terribly shocking.

It matters not whether you're alive or dead, for although you claim independence in this conflict, you've shown a rather partisan approach in claiming who the sheep named Amos should be following: a group made up of people on the side opposite his, and then yourself.

Even in death, you bought into everything both sides put forward.

The only difference between you and the rest of the sheep: you aren't on the payroll so I like you a little bit more.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 03-05-2014

I just don't think the following around some guy in the sky is a good idea, especially not for someone who's supposed to run this business. Why not just drop their games and bow to Theo. He's a better businessman and thus can run the company. Also, Ashen spits in the face of god, same as me. Samuels is just awesome.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Miranda Tigris - 03-05-2014

(03-05-2014, 07:50 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: I just don't think the following around some guy in the sky is a good idea, especially not for someone who's supposed to run this business. Why not just drop their games and bow to Theo. He's a better businessman and thus can run the company. Also, Ashen spits in the face of god, same as me. Samuels is just awesome.

Makes you as much of a sheep, no matter who you pledge loyalty to. Which, you just did.

Also, you're promoting a false dichotomy. Is it truly
One side or the other? Answer: false. The third option isn't too obvious, but it's there. It's been there, waiting to rule out the sheep with their vendettas, or who feel as if the "Lesser of two evils" is right for them.

Your assessment of Theo Pryce reeks of blind faith. Not unlike the blind faith you've accused the Congregation of doing.

Weapon:Ashen is far from this defiant, one man (more or less) wrecking crew that people seem to be making him out to be. Need I rewind back to Warfare, where he lost to Cheat Lucena? Far from impressive, so for you to compare your ghostly presence to him is a quick way to destroy your own credibility, though you didn't have much anyway.

As for Samuels being "just awesome," I don't see it. Not in the slightest bit.

A brief message concerning the War. - Weapon:Ashen - 03-05-2014

Shut your scabbed DICKOTOMY, Tigris... Who the FFFFFFFFFF(spit flying everywhere from his lips)FFFFFFFFFUCK uses that word in a wrestling company? Oh, that's right! The same underling who thinks my goal here is to win matches in that same wrestling company?

Go easy on Miranda... she is, after all, one of the ones who took orders from "The Administrator" not too long ago. Of course she would think that I, Shane , has gone through the trouble of having my brain revived within the body of another for the sole purpose of ... heh... winning matches.

But, didn't Delicious:Tigris already just refer to the one who defeated us as a cheat? While also using that same example to somehow shoot down that lowly imp she can't stop arguing with as if his comparison to us was self deprecating? Why yes, Ashen! You're right! I guess I'm so accustom to LIES and raw forging of truth beyond truth beyond truth beyond truth SHUT UP! that I didn't see her mountainous pile of freshly shaven pubic hairs exposing her bare ass.

I do not believe a human sheds pubic hairs from their buttocks, Judas... that makes no sense just as much sense as the elephant shit she just blasted at that dead, former mouth breather she's trying to look smarter than for all of the ghosts!

Hey, bag of cunts! Over here! Snap Snap! Pay attention, hound! Do you want this piece of your HEAD back???

[Ashen pulls something into view that looks like... oh holy shitballs... it's a rotting CHUNK of Miranda's flesh that he bit off last Warfare!]

That's disgusting... What!? WHY DO YOU SAY THAT, SHANE??? You seemed to enjoy the taste when this was fresh! Apologize to our meal, Shane! Before she calls us a shitty DICKotomy! WE CAN'T HAVE THAT! NO! AAAH! SHE'LL SOUND TOO WHITE!
Calm down, Judas... she's far from white meat - it actually tastes GOOD. We need to be on our way anyway. Let the poor girl have her moment in the sun. She looks good talking down to people as long as you close your ears, and that's all that matters; it's why Admin kept her around. Plus, she has really nice hair, or at least she did before it were filled with her own dried up blood and bits of flesh that she still hasn't washed out.

What if she puts us in another match against a cheater and then tries using it as another example to shoot down another incompetency riddled tree monkey who flings warm defecate at her unclosable mouth? Then we abduct her and rape the fucking shit out of her!

Guys, guys... you can't rape someone that never tries to close their holes. That would be like saying you're going to rob the bank that has no doors, no security, and a broken vault. Her mouth and vagina share that trait; they WANT more than they can handle. It's why even with all of her muscles being used, and all her concentration harnessed, she still cannot squeeze either set of lips tight. Oooooh, alright. Makes sense then. What a fucking whore.



[shifty eyes, a quick nibble of that chunk, and a dry heave]

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Sid Feder - 03-05-2014

(03-05-2014, 03:12 PM)John Samuels Said: "Well that's gotta be pretty embarrassing, eh Foghorn? Ol' Nero here can barely open his eyes and even he can see that you're just a joke."

Funny, kid -- I once saw a picture of you holding up $1 bills in front of you with a big dick-eating grin on your face and a cowboy hat on. I forget where I saw that? Funny thing is, rookie, that your eyes ain't much rounder than ol' gook boy's over there. Aren't you supposed to be white? You look like you need to take some of that money of yours and invest in some toothpicks to hold those eyes of yours open.

NeoNero has an excuse -- he's a filthy ass, stupid fucking chink.

What's your excuse, cockblower? Got too many loads to the face that your eyes got crusted over and can't even fully be pried open any longer?

You ain't the boy to be hounding others about their looks, ya blind horse's ass. Now lay down and spread your legs so I can kick you in your gaping vagina. Oh, and take the big brown dildo out of your mouth when ya talk, ok bucko? It's a tad bit hard to decipher the mumblings.

Cockblower -- even NeoNero can see what a you are and she ain't even knowin' her own sexuality from the looks of her.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Amos James Jr. - 03-06-2014

Have I ever felt death? Not the way any of you have or will. I told you, dipshit, I am a god. I'm above you, boy.

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - John Austin - 03-06-2014

(03-06-2014, 02:14 AM)Amos James Jr. Said: Have I ever felt death? Not the way any of you have or will. I told you, dipshit, I am a god. I'm above you, boy.

What kind of god paints their face like a stripper with a bad case of neuropathy in their left hand? The Road Warriors you are not Amos, so quit playing make up parties and calling yourself a god.

You speak of a rot, well its finally time the rot consumes you and Eli once and for all

RE: A brief message concerning the War. - Jessie-ica Diaz - 03-06-2014

(03-06-2014, 11:17 AM)John Austin Said:
(03-06-2014, 02:14 AM)Amos James Jr. Said: Have I ever felt death? Not the way any of you have or will. I told you, dipshit, I am a god. I'm above you, boy.

What kind of god paints their face like a stripper with a bad case of neuropathy in their left hand? The Road Warriors you are not Amos, so quit playing make up parties and calling yourself a god.

What are you even supposed to be again? A servant of the "Devil"? A slack jawed husk attempting to be snarky and/or witty without the wit required to pull it off well? A walking professional wrestling encyclopedia? All of the above?

It's your very own indecisiveness that proves just how truly weak you are.

In before ya know, he tries pulling the same card on us!

If he does, he'll prove his own ignorance.

Most people are ignorant. As a matter of fact, I'd reckon they all are. Also, Austin: you're a fucking moron. Go back to your adult daycare.